#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ /** * Command-line code generation utility to automate programmer chores. * * CLI dispatcher class * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework <http://www.cakephp.org/> * Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP(tm) Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.scripts.bake * @since CakePHP(tm) v 1.2 * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ if (!defined('DISABLE_AUTO_DISPATCH')) { $dispatcher = new ConsoleDispatcher($argv); } class ConsoleDispatcher { /** * Standard input stream. * * @var filehandle */ var $stdin; /** * Standard output stream. * * @var filehandle */ var $stdout; /** * Standard error stream. * * @var filehandle */ var $stderr; /** * Contains command switches parsed from the command line. * * @var array */ var $params = array(); /** * Contains arguments parsed from the command line. * * @var array */ var $args = array(); /** * The file name of the script that was invoked. * * @var string */ var $script = null; /** * The class name of the script that was invoked. * * @var string */ var $scriptClass = null; function ConsoleDispatcher($args = array()) { $this->__construct($args); } function initConstants() { define('PHP5', (phpversion() >= 5)); define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); define('ROOT', dirname($this->params['working'])); define('APP_DIR', basename($this->params['working'])); define('APP_PATH', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS); define('CORE_PATH', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS); define('THE_CORE', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS . 'cake' . DS); define('DISABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLING', true); } function initEnvironment() { if (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('max_execution_time', 60 * 5); } $this->stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $this->stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w'); $this->stderr = fopen('php://stderr', 'w'); if (!isset($this->args[0]) || !isset($this->params['working'])) { $this->stdout('This file has been loaded incorrectly and cannot continue.'); $this->stdout('Please make sure that ' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cake' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'scripts is in your system path,'); $this->stdout('and check the manual for the correct usage of this command.'); $this->stdout('(http://manual.cakephp.org/)'); exit(); } if (__FILE__ != $this->args[0]) { $this->stdout('Warning: this file may have been loaded incorrectly, which could lead to unexpected results...'); if ($this->getInput('Continue anyway?', array('y', 'n'), 'y') == 'n') { exit(); } } $this->shiftArgs(); } function __construct($args = array()) { $this->parseParams($args); $this->initEnvironment(); $this->initConstants(); if (!$this->bootstrap()) { $this->stdout("\nUnable to load Cake core:"); $this->stdout("\tMake sure " . DS . 'cake' . DS . 'libs exists in ' . CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH); exit(); } $this->stdout("\nWelcome to CakePHP v" . Configure::version() . " Console"); if (!isset($this->args[0]) || $this->args[0] != 'help') { $this->stdout("Type 'cake help' for help\n"); } $this->dispatch(); die("\n"); } /** * Dispatches a CLI request * * @return void */ function dispatch() { if (isset($this->args[0])) { // Load requested script $script = $this->args[0]; $this->script = SCRIPTS . $script . ".php"; $this->scriptClass = Inflector::camelize($script); $this->shiftArgs(); if (method_exists($this, $script)) { $this->{$script}(); } elseif (!file_exists($this->script)) { $this->stdout('Unable to dispatch to requested script: ', false); $this->stdout("'{$script}.php' does not exist in " . SCRIPTS); exit(); } else { require SCRIPTS . 'console_script.php'; require $this->script; $Script = $this->scriptClass; $cli = new $Script($this); $cli->main(); } } else { $this->stdout('Available commands:'); foreach (listClasses(THE_CORE . 'scripts') as $script) { if ($script != 'dispatch.php' && $script != 'console_script.php') { $this->stdout("\t - " . r('.php', '', $script)); } } $this->stdout("\nTo run a command, type 'cake script_name [args]'"); $this->stdout("To get help on a specific command, type 'cake script_name help'"); } } /** * Initializes the environment and loads the Cake core. * * @return boolean Returns false if loading failed. */ function bootstrap() { $includes = array( THE_CORE . 'basics.php', THE_CORE . 'config'.DS.'paths.php', THE_CORE . 'dispatcher.php', THE_CORE . 'scripts'.DS.'templates'.DS.'skel'.DS.'config'.DS.'core.php' ); foreach ($includes as $inc) { if (!@include_once($inc)) { $this->stdout("Failed to load Cake core file {$inc}"); return false; } } $libraries = array('session', 'configure', 'inflector', 'model'.DS.'connection_manager', 'debugger', 'security', 'controller' . DS . 'controller'); foreach ($libraries as $inc) { if (!file_exists(LIBS.$inc.'.php')) { $this->stdout("Failed to load Cake core class " . ucwords($inc)); $this->stdout("(" . LIBS.$inc.".php)"); return false; } uses($inc); } Configure::getInstance(file_exists(CONFIGS . 'bootstrap.php')); Configure::write('debug', 1); return true; } /** * Prompts the user for input, and returns it. * * @param string $prompt Prompt text. * @param mixed $options Array or string of options. * @param string $default Default input value. * @return Either the default value, or the user-provided input. */ function getInput($prompt, $options = null, $default = null) { if (!is_array($options)) { $print_options = ''; } else { $print_options = '(' . implode('/', $options) . ')'; } if($default == null) { $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout($prompt . " $print_options \n" . '> ', false); } else { $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout($prompt . " $print_options \n" . "[$default] > ", false); } $result = trim(fgets($this->stdin)); if($default != null && empty($result)) { return $default; } else { return $result; } } /** * Outputs to the stdout filehandle. * * @param string $string String to output. * @param boolean $newline If true, the outputs gets an added newline. */ function stdout($string, $newline = true) { if ($newline) { fwrite($this->stdout, $string . "\n"); } else { fwrite($this->stdout, $string); } } /** * Outputs to the stderr filehandle. * * @param string $string Error text to output. */ function stderr($string) { fwrite($this->stderr, $string, true); } /** * Parses command line options * * @param array $params * @return void */ function parseParams($params) { $out = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) { if (strpos($params[$i], '-') === 0) { $this->params[substr($params[$i], 1)] = str_replace('"', '', $params[++$i]); } else { $this->args[] = $params[$i]; } } } /** * Removes first argument and shifts other arguments up * * @return boolean False if there are no arguments */ function shiftArgs() { if (empty($this->args)) { return false; } unset($this->args[0]); $this->args = array_values($this->args); return true; } /** * Shows console help * * @return void */ function help() { $this->stdout("\nConsole Help:"); $this->stdout('-------------'); print_r($this->args); print_r($this->params); } } $app = 'app'; $root = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $core = null; $here = $argv[0]; $help = null; $project = null; switch ($argv[$i]) { case '-a': case '-app': $app = $argv[$i + 1]; break; case '-c': case '-core': $core = $argv[$i + 1]; break; case '-r': case '-root': $root = $argv[$i + 1]; break; case '-p': case '-project': $project = true; $projectPath = $argv[$i + 1]; $app = $argv[$i + 1]; break; } if(!is_dir($app)) { $project = true; $projectPath = $app; } if($project) { $app = $projectPath; } $shortPath = str_replace($root, '', $app); $shortPath = str_replace('..'.DS, '', $shortPath); $shortPath = str_replace(DS.DS, DS, $shortPath); $pathArray = explode(DS, $shortPath); if(end($pathArray) != '') { $appDir = array_pop($pathArray); } else { array_pop($pathArray); $appDir = array_pop($pathArray); } $rootDir = implode(DS, $pathArray); $rootDir = str_replace(DS.DS, DS, $rootDir); if(!$rootDir) { $rootDir = $root; $projectPath = $root.DS.$appDir; } define ('ROOT', $rootDir); define ('APP_DIR', $appDir); define ('DEBUG', 1); /** * Base class for command-line utilities for automating programmer chores. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.scripts */ class CakeConsoleScript extends Object { /** * CakeConsoleDispatcher object * * @var object An instance of the ConsoleDispatcher object that loaded this script */ var $dispatch = null; /** * If true, the script will ask for permission to perform actions. * * @var boolean */ var $interactive = true; /** * Holds the DATABASE_CONFIG object for the app. Null if database.php could not be found, * or the app does not exist. * * @var object */ var $dbConfig = null; /** * Contains command switches parsed from the command line. * * @var array */ var $params = array(); /** * Contains arguments parsed from the command line. * * @var array */ var $args = array(); /** * Initializes this CakeConsoleScript instance. * */ function __construct(&$dispatch) { $this->dispatch =& $dispatch; $this->params = $this->dispatch->params; $this->args = $this->dispatch->args; if(file_exists(CONFIGS.'database.php')) { require_once (CONFIGS . 'database.php'); $this->dbConfig = new DATABASE_CONFIG(); } } /** * Main-loop method. * */ function main() { $this->out(''); $this->out(''); $this->out('Baking...'); $this->hr(); $this->out('Name: '. APP_DIR); $this->out('Path: '. ROOT.DS.APP_DIR); $this->hr(); if(empty($this->dbConfig)) { $this->out(''); $this->out('Your database configuration was not found. Take a moment to create one:'); } require_once (CONFIGS . 'database.php'); $this->stdout('[M]odel'); $this->stdout('[C]ontroller'); $this->stdout('[V]iew'); $invalidSelection = true; while ($invalidSelection) { $classToBake = strtoupper($this->in('What would you like to Bake?', array('M', 'V', 'C'))); switch($classToBake) { case 'M': $invalidSelection = false; $this->doModel(); break; case 'V': $invalidSelection = false; $this->doView(); break; case 'C': $invalidSelection = false; $this->doController(); break; default: $this->stdout('You have made an invalid selection. Please choose a type of class to Bake by entering M, V, or C.'); } } } /** * Prompts the user for input, and returns it. * * @param string $prompt Prompt text. * @param mixed $options Array or string of options. * @param string $default Default input value. * @return Either the default value, or the user-provided input. */ function in($prompt, $options = null, $default = null) { return $this->dispatch->getInput($prompt, $options, $default); } /** * Outputs to the stdout filehandle. * * @param string $string String to output. * @param boolean $newline If true, the outputs gets an added newline. */ function out($string, $newline = true) { return $this->dispatch->stdout($string, $newline); } /** * Outputs to the stderr filehandle. * * @param string $string Error text to output. */ function err($string) { return $this->dispatch->stderr($string); } /** * Outputs a series of minus characters to the standard output, acts as a visual separator. * */ function hr() { $this->out('---------------------------------------------------------------'); } /** * Creates a file at given path. * * @param string $path Where to put the file. * @param string $contents Content to put in the file. * @return Success */ function createFile ($path, $contents) { $path = str_replace(DS . DS, DS, $path); echo "\nCreating file $path\n"; if (is_file($path) && $this->interactive === true) { fwrite($this->stdout, __("File exists, overwrite?", true). " {$path} (y/n/q):"); $key = trim(fgets($this->stdin)); if ($key == 'q') { fwrite($this->stdout, __("Quitting.", true) ."\n"); exit; } elseif ($key == 'a') { $this->dont_ask = true; } elseif ($key == 'y') { } else { fwrite($this->stdout, __("Skip", true) ." {$path}\n"); return false; } } if ($f = fopen($path, 'w')) { fwrite($f, $contents); fclose($f); fwrite($this->stdout, __("Wrote", true) ."{$path}\n"); return true; } else { fwrite($this->stderr, __("Error! Could not write to", true)." {$path}.\n"); return false; } } /** * Outputs usage text on the standard output. * */ function help() { $this->stdout('CakePHP Console:'); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('The Bake script generates controllers, views and models for your application.'); $this->stdout('If run with no command line arguments, Bake guides the user through the class'); $this->stdout('creation process. You can customize the generation process by telling Bake'); $this->stdout('where different parts of your application are using command line arguments.'); $this->stdout(''); $this->hr(''); $this->stdout('usage: php bake.php [command] [path...]'); $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout('commands:'); $this->stdout(' -app [path...] Absolute path to Cake\'s app Folder.'); $this->stdout(' -core [path...] Absolute path to Cake\'s cake Folder.'); $this->stdout(' -help Shows this help message.'); $this->stdout(' -project [path...] Generates a new app folder in the path supplied.'); $this->stdout(' -root [path...] Absolute path to Cake\'s \app\webroot Folder.'); $this->stdout(''); } /** * Returns true if given path is a directory. * * @param string $path * @return True if given path is a directory. */ function isDir($path) { if(is_dir($path)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Recursive directory copy. * * @param string $fromDir * @param string $toDir * @param octal $chmod * @param boolean $verbose * @return Success. */ function copyDir($fromDir, $toDir, $chmod = 0755, $verbose = false) { $errors = array(); $messages = array(); if (!is_dir($toDir)) { uses('folder'); $folder = new Folder(); $folder->mkdirr($toDir, 0755); } if (!is_writable($toDir)) { $errors[] = 'target '.$toDir.' is not writable'; } if (!is_dir($fromDir)) { $errors[] = 'source '.$fromDir.' is not a directory'; } if (!empty($errors)) { if ($verbose) { foreach($errors as $err) { $this->stdout('Error: '.$err); } } return false; } $exceptions = array('.','..','.svn'); $handle = opendir($fromDir); while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if (!in_array($item,$exceptions)) { $from = str_replace('//','/',$fromDir.'/'.$item); $to = str_replace('//','/',$toDir.'/'.$item); if (is_file($from)) { if (@copy($from, $to)) { chmod($to, $chmod); touch($to, filemtime($from)); $messages[] = 'File copied from '.$from.' to '.$to; } else { $errors[] = 'cannot copy file from '.$from.' to '.$to; } } if (is_dir($from)) { if (@mkdir($to)) { chmod($to, $chmod); $messages[] = 'Directory created: '.$to; } else { $errors[] = 'cannot create directory '.$to; } $this->copyDir($from,$to,$chmod,$verbose); } } } closedir($handle); if ($verbose) { foreach($errors as $err) { $this->stdout('Error: '.$err); } foreach($messages as $msg) { $this->stdout($msg); } } return true; } function __addAdminRoute($name){ $file = file_get_contents(CONFIGS.'core.php'); if (preg_match('%([/\\t\\x20]*define\\(\'CAKE_ADMIN\',[\\t\\x20\'a-z]*\\);)%', $file, $match)) { $result = str_replace($match[0], 'define(\'CAKE_ADMIN\', \''.$name.'\');', $file); if(file_put_contents(CONFIGS.'core.php', $result)){ return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } } ?>