<?php /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ /** * Javascript Helper class file. * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework <http://www.cakephp.org/> * Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP(tm) Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.view.helpers * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ /** * Javascript Helper class for easy use of JavaScript. * * JavascriptHelper encloses all methods needed while working with JavaScript. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.view.helpers */ class JavascriptHelper extends AppHelper { var $__scriptBuffer = null; var $_cachedEvents = array(); var $_cacheEvents = false; var $_cacheToFile = false; var $_cacheAll = false; var $_rules = array(); var $enabled = true; var $safe = false; /** * html tags used by this helper. * * @var array */ var $tags = array( 'javascriptblock' => '<script type="text/javascript">%s</script>', 'javascriptstart' => '<script type="text/javascript">', 'javascriptlink' => '<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>', 'javascriptend' => '</script>', ); /** * Returns a JavaScript script tag. * * @param string $script The JavaScript to be wrapped in SCRIPT tags. * @param boolean $allowCache Allows the script to be cached if non-event caching is active * @param boolean $safe Wraps the script in an HTML comment and a CDATA block * @return string The full SCRIPT element, with the JavaScript inside it. */ function codeBlock($script = null, $allowCache = true, $safe = false) { if ($this->_cacheEvents && $this->_cacheAll && $allowCache && $script !== null) { $this->_cachedEvents[] = $script; } else { $block = ($script !== null); if (($safe || $this->safe) && !($this->_cacheAll && $allowCache)) { $script = "\n" . '<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--' . "\n" . $script; if ($block) { $script .= "\n" . '//--><!]]>' . "\n"; } } if ($script === null && $this->_cacheAll && $allowCache) { $this->__scriptBuffer = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); return null; } if ($block) { return sprintf($this->tags['javascriptblock'], $script); } else { return sprintf($this->tags['javascriptstart'], $script); } } } /** * Ends a block of cached JavaScript code * * @return mixed */ function blockEnd() { $script = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); echo $this->__scriptBuffer; $this->__scriptBuffer = null; if (!empty($script)) { $this->_cachedEvents[] = $script; return null; } return $this->tags['javascriptend']; } /** * Returns a JavaScript include tag (SCRIPT element) * * @param mixed $url String URL to JavaScript file, or an array of URLs. * @param boolean $inline If true, the <script /> tag will be printed inline, * otherwise it will be printed in the <head /> * @return string */ function link($url, $inline = true) { if (is_array($url)) { $out = ''; foreach ($url as $i) { $out .= "\n\t" . $this->link($i, $inline); } if ($inline) { return $out . "\n"; } return; } if (strpos($url, '.js') === false && strpos($url, '?') === false) { $url .= '.js'; } if (strpos($url, '://') === false) { $url = $this->webroot(JS_URL . $url); } $out = $this->output(sprintf($this->tags['javascriptlink'], $url)); if ($inline) { return $out; } else { $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view'); $view->addScript($out); } } /** * Escape carriage returns and single and double quotes for JavaScript segments. * * @param string $script string that might have javascript elements * @return string escaped string */ function escapeScript($script) { $script = r(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '\n', $script); $script = r(array('"', "'"), array('\"', "\\'"), $script); return $script; } /** * Escape a string to be JavaScript friendly. * * List of escaped ellements: * + "\r\n" => '\n' * + "\r" => '\n' * + "\n" => '\n' * + '"' => '\"' * + "'" => "\\'" * * @param string $script String that needs to get escaped. * @return string Escaped string. */ function escapeString($string) { $escape = array("\r\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\n', "\n" => '\n', '"' => '\"', "'" => "\\'"); return r(array_keys($escape), array_values($escape), $string); } /** * Attach an event to an element. Used with the Prototype library. * * @param string $object Object to be observed * @param string $event event to observe * @param string $observer function to call * @param boolean $useCapture default true * @return boolean true on success */ function event($object, $event, $observer = null, $useCapture = false) { if ($useCapture == true) { $useCapture = 'true'; } else { $useCapture = 'false'; } if (strpos($object, 'window') !== false || strpos($object, 'document') !== false || strpos($object, '$(') !== false || strpos($object, '"') !== false || strpos($object, '\'') !== false) { $b = "Event.observe({$object}, '{$event}', function(event) { {$observer} }, {$useCapture});"; } elseif (strpos($object, '\'') === 0) { $b = "Event.observe(" . substr($object, 1) . ", '{$event}', function(event) { {$observer} }, {$useCapture});"; } else { $chars = array('#', ' ', ', ', '.', ':'); $found = false; foreach ($chars as $char) { if (strpos($object, $char) !== false) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found) { $this->_rules[$object] = $event; } else { $b = "Event.observe(\$('{$object}'), '{$event}', function(event) { {$observer} }, {$useCapture});"; } } if (isset($b) && !empty($b)) { if ($this->_cacheEvents === true) { $this->_cachedEvents[] = $b; return; } else { return $this->codeBlock($b); } } } /** * Cache JavaScript events created with event() * * @param boolean $file If true, code will be written to a file * @param boolean $all If true, all code written with JavascriptHelper will be sent to a file * @return null */ function cacheEvents($file = false, $all = false) { $this->_cacheEvents = true; $this->_cacheToFile = $file; $this->_cacheAll = $all; } /** * Gets (and clears) the current JavaScript event cache * * @param boolean $clear * @return string */ function getCache($clear = true) { $out = ''; $rules = array(); if (!empty($this->_rules)) { foreach ($this->_rules as $sel => $event) { $rules[] = "\t'{$sel}': function(element, event) {\n\t\t{$event}\n\t}"; } } $data = implode("\n", $this->_cachedEvents); if (!empty($rules)) { $data .= "\nvar Rules = {\n" . implode(",\n\n", $rules) . "\n}"; $data .= "\nEventSelectors.start(Rules);\n"; } if ($clear) { $this->_rules = array(); $this->_cacheEvents = false; $this->_cachedEvents = array(); } return $data; } /** * Write cached JavaScript events * * @param boolean $inline If true, returns JavaScript event code. Otherwise it is added to the * output of $scripts_for_layout in the layout. * @return string */ function writeEvents($inline = true) { $out = ''; $rules = array(); if ($this->_cacheEvents) { $data = $this->getCache(); if (!empty($data)) { if ($this->_cacheToFile) { $filename = md5($data); if (!file_exists(JS . $filename . '.js')) { cache(r(WWW_ROOT, '', JS) . $filename . '.js', $data, '+999 days', 'public'); } $out = $this->link($filename); } else { $out = $this->codeBlock("\n" . $data . "\n", false); } if ($inline) { return $out; } else { $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view'); $view->addScript($out); } } } } /** * Includes the Prototype Javascript library (and anything else) inside a single script tag. * * Note: The recommended approach is to copy the contents of * javascripts into your application's * public/javascripts/ directory, and use @see javascriptIncludeTag() to * create remote script links. * @return string script with all javascript in/javascripts folder */ function includeScript($script = "") { if ($script == "") { $files = scandir(JS); $javascript = ''; foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file, -3) == '.js') { $javascript .= file_get_contents(JS . "{$file}") . "\n\n"; } } } else { $javascript = file_get_contents(JS . "$script.js") . "\n\n"; } return $this->codeBlock("\n\n" . $javascript); } /** * Generates a JavaScript object in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) * from an array * * @param array $data Data to be converted * @param boolean $block Wraps return value in a <script/> block if true * @param string $prefix Prepends the string to the returned data * @param string $postfix Appends the string to the returned data * @param array $stringKeys A list of array keys to be treated as a string * @param boolean $quoteKeys If false, treats $stringKey as a list of keys *not* to be quoted * @param string $q The type of quote to use * @return string A JSON code block */ function object($data = array(), $block = false, $prefix = '', $postfix = '', $stringKeys = array(), $quoteKeys = true, $q = "\"") { if (is_object($data)) { $data = get_object_vars($data); } $out = array(); $keys = array(); if (is_array($data)) { $keys = array_keys($data); } $numeric = true; if (!empty($keys)) { $numeric = (array_values($keys) === array_keys(array_values($keys))); } foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) { $val = $this->object($val, false, '', '', $stringKeys, $quoteKeys, $q); } else { if ((!count($stringKeys) && !is_numeric($val) && !is_bool($val)) || ($quoteKeys && in_array($key, $stringKeys, true)) || (!$quoteKeys && !in_array($key, $stringKeys, true))) { $val = $q . $this->escapeString($val) . $q; } if ($val === null) { $val = 'null'; } if (is_bool($val)) { $val = ife($val, 'true', 'false'); } } if (!$numeric) { $val = $q . $key . $q . ':' . $val; } $out[] = $val; } if (!$numeric) { $rt = '{' . join(', ', $out) . '}'; } else { $rt = '[' . join(', ', $out) . ']'; } $rt = $prefix . $rt . $postfix; if ($block) { $rt = $this->codeBlock($rt); } return $rt; } /** * AfterRender callback. Writes any cached events to the view, or to a temp file. * * @return null */ function afterRender() { if (!$this->enabled) { return; } echo $this->writeEvents(true); } } ?>