<?php /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ /** * TestTaskTest file * * Test Case for test generation shell task * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP : Rapid Development Framework (http://www.cakephp.org) * Copyright 2006-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2006-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.console.libs.tasks * @since CakePHP v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ App::import('Core', 'Shell'); App::import('Core', array('Controller', 'Model')); if (!defined('DISABLE_AUTO_DISPATCH')) { define('DISABLE_AUTO_DISPATCH', true); } if (!class_exists('ShellDispatcher')) { ob_start(); $argv = false; require CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'cake.php'; ob_end_clean(); } if (!class_exists('TestTask')) { require CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'test.php'; require CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'template.php'; } Mock::generatePartial( 'ShellDispatcher', 'TestTestTaskMockShellDispatcher', array('getInput', 'stdout', 'stderr', '_stop', '_initEnvironment') ); Mock::generatePartial( 'TestTask', 'MockTestTask', array('in', '_stop', 'err', 'out', 'createFile', 'isLoadableClass') ); /** * Test subject models for fixture generation **/ class TestTaskArticle extends Model { var $name = 'TestTaskArticle'; var $useTable = 'articles'; var $hasMany = array( 'Comment' => array( 'className' => 'TestTask.TestTaskComment', 'foreignKey' => 'article_id', ) ); var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array( 'Tag' => array( 'className' => 'TestTaskTag', 'joinTable' => 'articles_tags', 'foreignKey' => 'article_id', 'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id' ) ); function doSomething() { } function doSomethingElse() { } function _innerMethod() { } } class TestTaskTag extends Model { var $name = 'TestTaskTag'; var $useTable = 'tags'; var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array( 'Article' => array( 'className' => 'TestTaskArticle', 'joinTable' => 'articles_tags', 'foreignKey' => 'tag_id', 'associationForeignKey' => 'article_id' ) ); } /** * Simulated Plugin **/ class TestTaskAppModel extends Model { } class TestTaskComment extends TestTaskAppModel { var $name = 'TestTaskComment'; var $useTable = 'comments'; var $belongsTo = array( 'Article' => array( 'className' => 'TestTaskArticle', 'foreignKey' => 'article_id', ) ); } class TestTaskCommentsController extends Controller { var $name = 'TestTaskComments'; var $uses = array('TestTaskComment', 'TestTaskTag'); } /** * TestTaskTest class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.console.libs.tasks */ class TestTaskTest extends CakeTestCase { var $fixtures = array('core.article', 'core.comment', 'core.articles_tag', 'core.tag'); /** * setUp method * * @return void * @access public */ function startTest() { $this->Dispatcher =& new TestTestTaskMockShellDispatcher(); $this->Dispatcher->shellPaths = App::path('shells'); $this->Task =& new MockTestTask($this->Dispatcher); $this->Task->Dispatch =& $this->Dispatcher; $this->Task->Template =& new TemplateTask($this->Dispatcher); } /** * tearDown method * * @return void * @access public */ function endTest() { ClassRegistry::flush(); } /** * Test that file path generation doesn't continuously append paths. * * @access public * @return void */ function testFilePathGeneration () { $file = TESTS . 'cases' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'my_class.test.php'; $this->Task->Dispatch->expectNever('stderr'); $this->Task->Dispatch->expectNever('_stop'); $this->Task->setReturnValue('in', 'y'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'createFile', array($file, '*')); $this->Task->bake('Model', 'MyClass'); $this->Task->expectAt(1, 'createFile', array($file, '*')); $this->Task->bake('Model', 'MyClass'); $file = TESTS . 'cases' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'comments_controller.test.php'; $this->Task->expectAt(2, 'createFile', array($file, '*')); $this->Task->bake('Controller', 'Comments'); } /** * Test that method introspection pulls all relevant non parent class * methods into the test case. * * @return void **/ function testMethodIntrospection() { $result = $this->Task->getTestableMethods('TestTaskArticle'); $expected = array('doSomething', 'doSomethingElse'); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * test that the generation of fixtures works correctly. * * @return void **/ function testFixtureArrayGenerationFromModel() { $subject = ClassRegistry::init('TestTaskArticle'); $result = $this->Task->generateFixtureList($subject); $expected = array('plugin.test_task.test_task_comment', 'app.articles_tags', 'app.test_task_article', 'app.test_task_tag'); $this->assertEqual(sort($result), sort($expected)); } /** * test that the generation of fixtures works correctly. * * @return void **/ function testFixtureArrayGenerationFromController() { $subject = new TestTaskCommentsController(); $result = $this->Task->generateFixtureList($subject); $expected = array('plugin.test_task.test_task_comment', 'app.articles_tags', 'app.test_task_article', 'app.test_task_tag'); $this->assertEqual(sort($result), sort($expected)); } /** * test user interaction to get object type * * @return void **/ function testGetObjectType() { $this->Task->expectOnce('_stop'); $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(0, 'in', 'q'); $this->Task->getObjectType(); $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(1, 'in', 2); $result = $this->Task->getObjectType(); $this->assertEqual($result, $this->Task->classTypes[1]); } /** * creating test subjects should clear the registry so the registry is always fresh * * @return void **/ function testRegistryClearWhenBuildingTestObjects() { ClassRegistry::flush(); $model = ClassRegistry::init('TestTaskComment'); $model->bindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array( 'Random' => array( 'className' => 'TestTaskArticle', 'foreignKey' => 'article_id', ) ) )); $keys = ClassRegistry::keys(); $this->assertTrue(in_array('random', $keys)); $object =& $this->Task->buildTestSubject('Model', 'TestTaskComment'); $keys = ClassRegistry::keys(); $this->assertFalse(in_array('random', $keys)); } /** * test that getClassName returns the user choice as a classname. * * @return void **/ function testGetClassName() { $objects = Configure::listObjects('model'); $skip = $this->skipIf(empty($objects), 'No models in app, this test will fail. %s'); if ($skip) { return; } $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(0, 'in', 'MyCustomClass'); $result = $this->Task->getClassName('Model'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'MyCustomClass'); $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(1, 'in', 1); $result = $this->Task->getClassName('Model'); $options = Configure::listObjects('model'); $this->assertEqual($result, $options[0]); } /** * Test the user interaction for defining additional fixtures. * * @return void **/ function testGetUserFixtures() { $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(0, 'in', 'y'); $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(1, 'in', 'app.pizza, app.topping, app.side_dish'); $result = $this->Task->getUserFixtures(); $expected = array('app.pizza', 'app.topping', 'app.side_dish'); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * test that resolving classnames works * * @return void **/ function testGetRealClassname() { $result = $this->Task->getRealClassname('Model', 'Post'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'Post'); $result = $this->Task->getRealClassname('Controller', 'Posts'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'PostsController'); $result = $this->Task->getRealClassname('Helper', 'Form'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'FormHelper'); $result = $this->Task->getRealClassname('Behavior', 'Containable'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'ContainableBehavior'); $result = $this->Task->getRealClassname('Component', 'Auth'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'AuthComponent'); } /** * test baking files. * * @return void **/ function testBakeModelTest() { $this->Task->setReturnValue('createFile', true); $this->Task->setReturnValue('isLoadableClass', true); $result = $this->Task->bake('Model', 'TestTaskArticle'); $this->assertPattern('/App::import\(\'Model\', \'TestTaskArticle\'\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/class TestTaskArticleTestCase extends CakeTestCase/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/function startTest\(\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern("/\\\$this->TestTaskArticle \=\& ClassRegistry::init\('TestTaskArticle'\)/", $result); $this->assertPattern('/function endTest\(\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/unset\(\$this->TestTaskArticle\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/function testDoSomething\(\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/function testDoSomethingElse\(\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern("/'app\.test_task_article'/", $result); $this->assertPattern("/'plugin\.test_task\.test_task_comment'/", $result); $this->assertPattern("/'app\.test_task_tag'/", $result); $this->assertPattern("/'app\.articles_tag'/", $result); } /** * test baking controller test files, ensure that the stub class is generated. * * @return void **/ function testBakeControllerTest() { $this->Task->setReturnValue('createFile', true); $this->Task->setReturnValue('isLoadableClass', true); $result = $this->Task->bake('Controller', 'TestTaskComments'); $this->assertPattern('/App::import\(\'Controller\', \'TestTaskComments\'\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/class TestTaskCommentsControllerTestCase extends CakeTestCase/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/class TestTestTaskCommentsController extends TestTaskCommentsController/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/var \$autoRender = false/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/function redirect\(\$url, \$status = null, \$exit = true\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/function startTest\(\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern("/\\\$this->TestTaskComments \=\& new TestTestTaskCommentsController()/", $result); $this->assertPattern('/function endTest\(\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/unset\(\$this->TestTaskComments\)/', $result); $this->assertPattern("/'app\.test_task_article'/", $result); $this->assertPattern("/'plugin\.test_task\.test_task_comment'/", $result); $this->assertPattern("/'app\.test_task_tag'/", $result); $this->assertPattern("/'app\.articles_tag'/", $result); } /** * test Constructor generation ensure that constructClasses is called for controllers * * @return void **/ function testGenerateContsructor() { $result = $this->Task->generateConstructor('controller', 'PostsController'); $expected = "new TestPostsController();\n\t\t\$this->PostsController->constructClasses();\n"; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->Task->generateConstructor('model', 'Post'); $expected = "ClassRegistry::init('Post');\n"; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->Task->generateConstructor('helper', 'FormHelper'); $expected = "new FormHelper()\n"; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * Test that mock class generation works for the appropriate classes * * @return void **/ function testMockClassGeneration() { $result = $this->Task->hasMockClass('controller'); $this->assertTrue($result); } /** * test bake() with a -plugin param * * @return void **/ function testBakeWithPlugin() { $this->Task->plugin = 'TestTest'; $path = APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'test_test' . DS . 'tests' . DS . 'cases' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'form.test.php'; $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'createFile', array($path, '*')); $this->Task->bake('Helper', 'Form'); } /** * Test filename generation for each type + plugins * * @return void **/ function testTestCaseFileName() { $this->Task->path = '/my/path/tests/'; $result = $this->Task->testCaseFileName('Model', 'Post'); $expected = $this->Task->path . 'cases' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'post.test.php'; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->Task->testCaseFileName('Helper', 'Form'); $expected = $this->Task->path . 'cases' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'form.test.php'; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->Task->testCaseFileName('Controller', 'Posts'); $expected = $this->Task->path . 'cases' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'posts_controller.test.php'; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->Task->testCaseFileName('Behavior', 'Containable'); $expected = $this->Task->path . 'cases' . DS . 'behaviors' . DS . 'containable.test.php'; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->Task->testCaseFileName('Component', 'Auth'); $expected = $this->Task->path . 'cases' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'auth.test.php'; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->Task->plugin = 'TestTest'; $result = $this->Task->testCaseFileName('Model', 'Post'); $expected = APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'test_test' . DS . 'tests' . DS . 'cases' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'post.test.php'; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * test execute with a type defined * * @return void **/ function testExecuteWithOneArg() { $this->Task->args[0] = 'Model'; $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(0, 'in', 'TestTaskTag'); $this->Task->setReturnValue('isLoadableClass', true); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'createFile', array('*', new PatternExpectation('/class TestTaskTagTestCase extends CakeTestCase/'))); $this->Task->execute(); } /** * test execute with type and class name defined * * @return void **/ function testExecuteWithTwoArgs() { $this->Task->args = array('Model', 'TestTaskTag'); $this->Task->setReturnValueAt(0, 'in', 'TestTaskTag'); $this->Task->setReturnValue('isLoadableClass', true); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'createFile', array('*', new PatternExpectation('/class TestTaskTagTestCase extends CakeTestCase/'))); $this->Task->execute(); } } ?>