<?php /** * base include file for SimpleTest * @package SimpleTest * @version $Id$ */ /** * Static global directives and options. * @package SimpleTest */ class SimpleTestOptions { /** * Reads the SimpleTest version from the release file. * @return string Version string. * @static * @access public */ function getVersion() { $content = file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/VERSION'); return trim($content[0]); } /** * Sets the name of a test case to ignore, usually * because the class is an abstract case that should * not be run. * @param string $class Add a class to ignore. * @static * @access public */ function ignore($class) { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); $registry['IgnoreList'][] = strtolower($class); } /** * Test to see if a test case is in the ignore * list. * @param string $class Class name to test. * @return boolean True if should not be run. * @access public * @static */ function isIgnored($class) { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); return in_array(strtolower($class), $registry['IgnoreList']); } /** * The base class name is settable here. This is the * class that a new stub will inherited from. * To modify the generated stubs simply extend the * SimpleStub class and set it's name * with this method before any stubs are generated. * @param string $stub_base Server stub class to use. * @static * @access public */ function setStubBaseClass($stub_base) { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); $registry['StubBaseClass'] = $stub_base; } /** * Accessor for the currently set stub base class. * @return string Class name to inherit from. * @static * @access public */ function getStubBaseClass() { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); return $registry['StubBaseClass']; } /** * The base class name is settable here. This is the * class that a new mock will inherited from. * To modify the generated mocks simply extend the * SimpleMock class and set it's name * with this method before any mocks are generated. * @param string $mock_base Mock base class to use. * @static * @access public */ function setMockBaseClass($mock_base) { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); $registry['MockBaseClass'] = $mock_base; } /** * Accessor for the currently set mock base class. * @return string Class name to inherit from. * @static * @access public */ function getMockBaseClass() { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); return $registry['MockBaseClass']; } /** * @deprecated */ function addPartialMockCode($code = '') { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); $registry['AdditionalPartialMockCode'] = $code; } /** * @deprecated */ function getPartialMockCode() { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); return $registry['AdditionalPartialMockCode']; } /** * Sets proxy to use on all requests for when * testing from behind a firewall. Set host * to false to disable. This will take effect * if there are no other proxy settings. * @param string $proxy Proxy host as URL. * @param string $username Proxy username for authentication. * @param string $password Proxy password for authentication. * @access public */ function useProxy($proxy, $username = false, $password = false) { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); $registry['DefaultProxy'] = $proxy; $registry['DefaultProxyUsername'] = $username; $registry['DefaultProxyPassword'] = $password; } /** * Accessor for default proxy host. * @return string Proxy URL. * @access public */ function getDefaultProxy() { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); return $registry['DefaultProxy']; } /** * Accessor for default proxy username. * @return string Proxy username for authentication. * @access public */ function getDefaultProxyUsername() { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); return $registry['DefaultProxyUsername']; } /** * Accessor for default proxy password. * @return string Proxy password for authentication. * @access public */ function getDefaultProxyPassword() { $registry = &SimpleTestOptions::_getRegistry(); return $registry['DefaultProxyPassword']; } /** * Accessor for global registry of options. * @return hash All stored values. * @access private * @static */ function &_getRegistry() { static $registry = false; if (! $registry) { $registry = SimpleTestOptions::_getDefaults(); } return $registry; } /** * Constant default values. * @return hash All registry defaults. * @access private * @static */ function _getDefaults() { return array( 'StubBaseClass' => 'SimpleStub', 'MockBaseClass' => 'SimpleMock', 'IgnoreList' => array(), 'AdditionalPartialMockCode' => '', 'DefaultProxy' => false, 'DefaultProxyUsername' => false, 'DefaultProxyPassword' => false); } } /** * Static methods for compatibility between different * PHP versions. * @package SimpleTest */ class SimpleTestCompatibility { /** * Creates a copy whether in PHP5 or PHP4. * @param object $object Thing to copy. * @return object A copy. * @access public * @static */ function copy($object) { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5') >= 0) { eval('$copy = clone $object;'); return $copy; } return $object; } /** * Identity test. Drops back to equality + types for PHP5 * objects as the === operator counts as the * stronger reference constraint. * @param mixed $first Test subject. * @param mixed $second Comparison object. * @return boolean True if identical. * @access public * @static */ function isIdentical($first, $second) { if ($first != $second) { return false; } if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5') >= 0) { return SimpleTestCompatibility::_isIdenticalType($first, $second); } return ($first === $second); } /** * Recursive type test. * @param mixed $first Test subject. * @param mixed $second Comparison object. * @return boolean True if same type. * @access private * @static */ function _isIdenticalType($first, $second) { if (gettype($first) != gettype($second)) { return false; } if (is_object($first) && is_object($second)) { if (get_class($first) != get_class($second)) { return false; } return SimpleTestCompatibility::_isArrayOfIdenticalTypes( get_object_vars($first), get_object_vars($second)); } if (is_array($first) && is_array($second)) { return SimpleTestCompatibility::_isArrayOfIdenticalTypes($first, $second); } return true; } /** * Recursive type test for each element of an array. * @param mixed $first Test subject. * @param mixed $second Comparison object. * @return boolean True if identical. * @access private * @static */ function _isArrayOfIdenticalTypes($first, $second) { if (array_keys($first) != array_keys($second)) { return false; } foreach (array_keys($first) as $key) { $is_identical = SimpleTestCompatibility::_isIdenticalType( $first[$key], $second[$key]); if (! $is_identical) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Test for two variables being aliases. * @param mixed $first Test subject. * @param mixed $second Comparison object. * @return boolean True if same. * @access public * @static */ function isReference(&$first, &$second) { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=') && is_object($first)) { return ($first === $second); } if (is_object($first) && is_object($second)) { $id = uniqid("test"); $first->$id = true; $is_ref = isset($second->$id); unset($first->$id); return $is_ref; } $temp = $first; $first = uniqid("test"); $is_ref = ($first === $second); $first = $temp; return $is_ref; } /** * Test to see if an object is a member of a * class hiearchy. * @param object $object Object to test. * @param string $class Root name of hiearchy. * @return boolean True if class in hiearchy. * @access public * @static */ function isA($object, $class) { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5') >= 0) { if (! class_exists($class, false)) { return false; } eval("\$is_a = \$object instanceof $class;"); return $is_a; } if (function_exists('is_a')) { return is_a($object, $class); } return ((strtolower($class) == get_class($object)) or (is_subclass_of($object, $class))); } /** * Sets a socket timeout for each chunk. * @param resource $handle Socket handle. * @param integer $timeout Limit in seconds. * @access public * @static */ function setTimeout($handle, $timeout) { if (function_exists('stream_set_timeout')) { stream_set_timeout($handle, $timeout, 0); } elseif (function_exists('socket_set_timeout')) { socket_set_timeout($handle, $timeout, 0); } elseif (function_exists('set_socket_timeout')) { set_socket_timeout($handle, $timeout, 0); } } /** * Gets the current stack trace topmost first. * @return array List of stack frames. * @access public * @static */ function getStackTrace() { if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { return array_reverse(debug_backtrace()); } return array(); } } ?>