_host = self::DEFAULT_HOST;
$this->_port = self::DEFAULT_PORT;
$this->_documentRoot = WWW_ROOT;
* Starts up the Shell and displays the welcome message.
* Allows for checking and configuring prior to command or main execution
* Override this method if you want to remove the welcome information,
* or otherwise modify the pre-command flow.
* @return void
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/console-and-shells.html#Shell::startup
public function startup() {
if (!empty($this->params['host'])) {
$this->_host = $this->params['host'];
if (!empty($this->params['port'])) {
$this->_port = $this->params['port'];
if (!empty($this->params['document_root'])) {
$this->_documentRoot = $this->params['document_root'];
// for windows
if (substr($this->_documentRoot, -1, 1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
$this->_documentRoot = substr($this->_documentRoot, 0, strlen($this->_documentRoot) - 1);
if (preg_match("/^([a-z]:)[\\\]+(.+)$/i", $this->_documentRoot, $m)) {
$this->_documentRoot = $m[1] . '\\' . $m[2];
* Displays a header for the shell
* @return void
protected function _welcome() {
$this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Welcome to CakePHP %s Console', 'v' . Configure::version()));
$this->out(__d('cake_console', 'App : %s', APP_DIR));
$this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Path: %s', APP));
$this->out(__d('cake_console', 'DocumentRoot: %s', $this->_documentRoot));
* Override main() to handle action
* @return void
public function main() {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') < 0) {
$this->out(__d('cake_console', 'This command is available on PHP5.4 or above'));
$command = sprintf("php -S %s:%d -t %s %s",
$this->_documentRoot . '/index.php'
$port = ($this->_port == self::DEFAULT_PORT) ? '' : ':' . $this->_port;
$this->out(__d('cake_console', 'built-in server is running in http://%s%s/', $this->_host, $port));
* Get and configure the optionparser.
* @return ConsoleOptionParser
public function getOptionParser() {
$parser = parent::getOptionParser();
$parser->addOption('host', array(
'short' => 'H',
'help' => __d('cake_console', 'ServerHost')
$parser->addOption('port', array(
'short' => 'p',
'help' => __d('cake_console', 'ListenPort')
$parser->addOption('document_root', array(
'short' => 'd',
'help' => __d('cake_console', 'DocumentRoot')
__d('cake_console', 'PHP Built-in Server for CakePHP'),
__d('cake_console', '[WARN] Don\'t use this at the production environment'),
return $parser;