<?php /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ /** * Short description for file. * * Long description for file * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP(tm) Tests <https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite> * Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.cakefoundation.org) * @link https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.libs * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License */ set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit','128M'); ini_set('display_errors', 1); /** * Use the DS to separate the directories in other defines */ if (!defined('DS')) { define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } /** * These defines should only be edited if you have cake installed in * a directory layout other than the way it is distributed. * When using custom settings be sure to use the DS and do not add a trailing DS. */ /** * The full path to the directory which holds "app", WITHOUT a trailing DS. * */ if (!defined('ROOT')) { define('ROOT', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); } /** * The actual directory name for the "app". * */ if (!defined('APP_DIR')) { define('APP_DIR', basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); } /** * The absolute path to the "cake" directory, WITHOUT a trailing DS. * */ if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) { define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', ROOT); } /** * Editing below this line should not be necessary. * Change at your own risk. * */ if (!defined('WEBROOT_DIR')) { define('WEBROOT_DIR', basename(dirname(__FILE__))); } if (!defined('WWW_ROOT')) { define('WWW_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . DS); } if (!defined('CORE_PATH')) { if (function_exists('ini_set') && ini_set('include_path', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'))) { define('APP_PATH', null); define('CORE_PATH', null); } else { define('APP_PATH', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS); define('CORE_PATH', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS); } } if (!include(CORE_PATH . 'cake' . DS . 'bootstrap.php')) { trigger_error("CakePHP core could not be found. Check the value of CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in APP/webroot/index.php. It should point to the directory containing your " . DS . "cake core directory and your " . DS . "vendors root directory.", E_USER_ERROR); } $corePath = Configure::corePaths('cake'); if (isset($corePath[0])) { define('TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', rtrim($corePath[0], DS) . DS); } else { define('TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH); } require_once CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'test_manager.php'; if (Configure::read('debug') < 1) { exit(__('Debug setting does not allow access to this url.', true)); } if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = ''; } if (empty( $_GET['output'])) { $_GET['output'] = 'html'; } /** * * Used to determine output to display */ define('CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML', 1); define('CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_TEXT', 2); if (isset($_GET['output']) && $_GET['output'] == 'html') { define('CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT', CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML); } else { Debugger::output('txt'); define('CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT', CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_TEXT); } if (!App::import('Vendor', 'simpletest' . DS . 'reporter')) { CakePHPTestHeader(); include CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'simpletest.php'; CakePHPTestSuiteFooter(); exit(); } $analyzeCodeCoverage = false; if (isset($_GET['code_coverage'])) { $analyzeCodeCoverage = true; require_once CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'code_coverage_manager.php'; if (!extension_loaded('xdebug')) { CakePHPTestHeader(); include CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'xdebug.php'; CakePHPTestSuiteFooter(); exit(); } } CakePHPTestHeader(); CakePHPTestSuiteHeader(); define('RUN_TEST_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if (isset($_GET['group'])) { if ('all' == $_GET['group']) { TestManager::runAllTests(CakeTestsGetReporter()); } else { if ($analyzeCodeCoverage) { CodeCoverageManager::start($_GET['group'], CakeTestsGetReporter()); } TestManager::runGroupTest(ucfirst($_GET['group']), CakeTestsGetReporter()); if ($analyzeCodeCoverage) { CodeCoverageManager::report(); } } CakePHPTestRunMore(); CakePHPTestAnalyzeCodeCoverage(); } elseif (isset($_GET['case'])) { if ($analyzeCodeCoverage) { CodeCoverageManager::start($_GET['case'], CakeTestsGetReporter()); } TestManager::runTestCase($_GET['case'], CakeTestsGetReporter()); if ($analyzeCodeCoverage) { CodeCoverageManager::report(); } CakePHPTestRunMore(); CakePHPTestAnalyzeCodeCoverage(); } elseif (isset($_GET['show']) && $_GET['show'] == 'cases') { CakePHPTestCaseList(); } else { CakePHPTestGroupTestList(); } CakePHPTestSuiteFooter(); $output = ob_get_clean(); echo $output; ?>