<?php /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ /** * String handling methods. * * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework <http://www.cakephp.org/> * Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP(tm) Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ /** * String handling methods. * * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs */ class String extends Object { /** * Holds the decimal value of a multi-byte character * * @var array * @access private */ var $__utf8Map = array(); /** * Holds the case folding values * * @var array * @access private */ var $__caseFold = array(); /** * Holds an array of Unicode code point ranges * * @var array * @access private */ var $__codeRange = array(); /** * Holds the current code point range * * @var string * @access private */ var $__table = null; /** * Gets a reference to the String object instance * * @return object String instance * @access public * @static */ function &getInstance() { static $instance = array(); if (!isset($instance[0]) || !$instance[0]) { $instance[0] =& new String(); } return $instance[0]; } /** * Generate a random UUID * * @see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt * @return RFC 4122 UUID * @static */ function uuid() { $node = env('SERVER_ADDR'); if(empty($node)) { $host = env('HOSTNAME'); if (empty($host)) { $host = env('HOST'); } if (empty($host)) { $node = ip2long(''); } else { $ip = gethostbyname($host); if ($ip === $host) { $node = crc32($host); } else { $node = ip2long($ip); } } } else { $node = ip2long($node); } if (function_exists('zend_thread_id')) { $pid = zend_thread_id(); } else { $pid = getmypid(); } list($timeMid, $timeLow) = explode(' ', microtime()); $uuid = sprintf("%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%04x%08x", (int)$timeLow, (int)substr($timeMid, 2) & 0xffff, mt_rand(0, 0xfff) | 0x4000, mt_rand(0, 0x3f) | 0x80, mt_rand(0, 0xff), $pid, $node); return $uuid; } /** * Converts a multi-byte character string * to the decimal value of the character * * @param multi-byte string $string * @return array * @access public * @static */ function utf8($string) { $_this =& String::getInstance(); $_this->__reset(); $values = array(); $find = 1; $length = strlen($string); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) { $value = ord(($string[$i])); if ($value < 128) { $_this->__utf8Map[] = $value; } else { if (count($values) == 0) { $find = ife($value < 224, 2, 3); } $values[] = $value; if (count($values) === $find) { if ($find == 3) { $_this->__utf8Map[] = (($values[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($values[1] % 64) * 64) + ($values[2] % 64); } else { $_this->__utf8Map[] = (($values[0] % 32) * 64) + ($values[1] % 64); } $values = array(); $find = 1; } } } return $_this->__utf8Map; } /** * Converts the decimal value of a multi-byte character string * to a string * * @param array $array * @return string * @access public * @static */ function ascii($array) { $ascii = ''; foreach($array as $utf8) { if ($utf8 < 128) { $ascii .= chr($utf8); } elseif ($utf8 < 2048) { $ascii .= chr(192 + (($utf8 - ($utf8 % 64)) / 64)); $ascii .= chr(128 + ($utf8 % 64)); } else { $ascii .= chr(224 + (($utf8 - ($utf8 % 4096)) / 4096)); $ascii .= chr(128 + ((($utf8 % 4096) - ($utf8 % 64)) / 64)); $ascii .= chr(128 + ($utf8 % 64)); } } return $ascii; } /** * Find position of first occurrence of a string * * Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack string. * * @param multi-byte string $haystack * @param multi-byte string $needle * @param integer $offset * @return int|boolean * @access public * @static */ function strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { $_this =& String::getInstance(); $haystack = $_this->utf8($haystack); $needle = $_this->utf8($needle); $position = $offset; $found = false; $haystackCount = count($haystack); $needleCount = count($needle); while (($found === false) && ($position < $haystackCount)) { if (isset($needle[0]) && $needle[0] === $haystack[$position]) { for ($i = 1; $i < $needleCount; $i++) { if ($needle[$i] !== $haystack[$position + $i]) { break; } } if ($i === $needleCount) { $found = true; $position--; } } $position++; } $return = ife($found, $position, false); return $return; } /** * Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string * * Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack * * @param multi-byte string $haystack * @param multi-byte string $needle * @param integer $offset * @return int|boolean * @access public * @static */ function stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { $_this =& String::getInstance(); $haystack = $_this->strtoupper($haystack); $needle = $_this->strtoupper($needle); return $_this->strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } /** * Make a multi-byte string uppercase * * Returns string with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase. * * @param multi-byte string $string * @return string * @access public * @static */ function strtoupper($string) { $_this =& String::getInstance(); $_this->utf8($string); $length = count($_this->__utf8Map); $upperCase = array(); $replaced = array(); $matched = false; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $length; $i++) { $char = $_this->__utf8Map[$i]; if ($char < 128) { $str = strtoupper(chr($char)); $strlen = strlen($str); for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $strlen; $ii++) { $upper = ord(substr($str, $ii, 1)); } $upperCase[] = $upper; $matched = true; } else { $matched = false; $keys = $_this->__find($char); $keyCount = count($keys); if (!empty($keys)) { foreach ($keys as $key => $value) { $matched = false; $replace = 0; if ($length > 1 && count($keys[$key]['lower']) > 1) { $j = 0; for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($keys[$key]['lower']) ; $ii++) { $nextChar = $_this->__utf8Map[$i + $ii]; if (isset($nextChar) && ($nextChar == $keys[$key]['lower'][$j + $ii])) { $replace++; } } if ($replace == count($keys[$key]['lower'])) { $upperCase[] = $keys[$key]['upper']; $replaced = array_merge($replaced, array_values($keys[$key]['lower'])); $matched = true; break 1; } } elseif ($length > 1 && $keyCount > 1) { $j = 0; for ($ii = 1; $ii < $keyCount; $ii++) { $nextChar = $_this->__utf8Map[$i + $ii - 1]; if (in_array($nextChar, $keys[$ii]['lower'])) { for ($jj = 0 ; $jj < count($keys[$ii]['lower']) ; $jj++) { $nextChar = $_this->__utf8Map[$i + $jj]; if (isset($nextChar) && ($nextChar == $keys[$ii]['lower'][$j + $jj])) { $replace++; } } if ($replace == count($keys[$ii]['lower'])) { $upperCase[] = $keys[$ii]['upper']; $replaced = array_merge($replaced, array_values($keys[$ii]['lower'])); $matched = true; break 2; } } } } if ($keys[$key]['lower'][0] == $char) { $upperCase[] = $keys[$key]['upper']; $matched = true; break 1; } } } } if ($matched === false && !in_array($char, $replaced, true)) { $upperCase[] = $char; } } if (empty($upperCase)) { return $string; } return $_this->ascii($upperCase); } /** * Return the Code points range for Unicode characters * * @param interger $decimal * @return string * @access private */ function __codepoint ($decimal) { $_this =& String::getInstance(); if ($decimal < 128) { $return = '0000_007f'; // Basic Latin } elseif ($decimal < 256) { $return = '0080_00ff'; // Latin-1 Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 384) { $return = '0100_017f'; // Latin Extended-A } elseif ($decimal < 592) { $return = '0180_024F'; // Latin Extended-B } elseif ($decimal < 688) { $return = '0250_02af'; // IPA Extensions } elseif ($decimal < 768) { $return = '02b0_02ff'; // Spacing Modifier Letters } elseif ($decimal < 880) { $return = '0300_036f'; // Combining Diacritical Marks } elseif ($decimal < 1024) { $return = '0370_03ff'; // Greek and Coptic } elseif ($decimal < 1280) { $return = '0400_04ff'; // Cyrillic } elseif ($decimal < 1328) { $return = '0500_052f'; // Cyrillic Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 1424) { $return = '0530_058f'; // Armenian } elseif ($decimal < 1536) { $return = '0590_05ff'; // Hebrew } elseif ($decimal < 1792) { $return = '0600_06ff'; // Arabic } elseif ($decimal < 1872) { $return = '0700_074f'; // Syriac } elseif ($decimal < 1920) { $return = '0750_077f'; // Arabic Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 1984) { $return = '0780_07bf'; // Thaana } elseif ($decimal < 2304) { $return = '07c0_07ff'; // NKo } elseif ($decimal < 2432) { $return = '0900_097f'; // Devanagari } elseif ($decimal < 2560) { $return = '0980_09ff'; // Bengali } elseif ($decimal < 2688) { $return = '0a00_0a7f'; // Gurmukhi } elseif ($decimal < 2816) { $return = '0a80_0aff'; // Gujarati } elseif ($decimal < 2944) { $return = '0b00_0b7f'; // Oriya } elseif ($decimal < 3072) { $return = '0b80_0bff'; // Tamil } elseif ($decimal < 3200) { $return = '0c00_0c7f'; // Telugu } elseif ($decimal < 3328) { $return = '0c80_0cff'; // Kannada } elseif ($decimal < 3456) { $return = '0d00_0d7f'; // Malayalam } elseif ($decimal < 3584) { $return = '0d80_0dff'; // Sinhala } elseif ($decimal < 3712) { $return = '0e00_0e7f'; // Thai } elseif ($decimal < 3840) { $return = '0e80_0eff'; // Lao } elseif ($decimal < 4096) { $return = '0f00_0fff'; // Tibetan } elseif ($decimal < 4256) { $return = '1000_109f'; // Myanmar } elseif ($decimal < 4352) { $return = '10a0_10ff'; // Georgian } elseif ($decimal < 4608) { $return = '1100_11ff'; // Hangul Jamo } elseif ($decimal < 4992) { $return = '1200_137f'; // Ethiopic } elseif ($decimal < 5024) { $return = '1380_139f'; // Ethiopic Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 5120) { $return = '13a0_13ff'; // Cherokee } elseif ($decimal < 5760) { $return = '1400_167f'; // Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics } elseif ($decimal < 5792) { $return = '1680_169f'; // Ogham } elseif ($decimal < 5888) { $return = '16a0_16ff'; // Runic } elseif ($decimal < 5920) { $return = '1700_171f'; // Tagalog } elseif ($decimal < 5952) { $return = '1720_173f'; // Hanunoo } elseif ($decimal < 5984) { $return = '1740_175f'; // Buhid } elseif ($decimal < 6016) { $return = '1760_177f'; // Tagbanwa } elseif ($decimal < 6144) { $return = '1780_17ff'; // Khmer } elseif ($decimal < 6400) { $return = '1800_18af'; // Mongolian } elseif ($decimal < 6480) { $return = '1900_194f'; // Limbu } elseif ($decimal < 6528) { $return = '1950_197f'; // Tai Le } elseif ($decimal < 6624) { $return = '1980_19df'; // New Tai Lue } elseif ($decimal < 6656) { $return = '19e0_19ff'; // Khmer Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 6912) { $return = '1a00_1a1f'; // Buginese } elseif ($decimal < 7424) { $return = '1b00_1b7f'; // Balinese } elseif ($decimal < 7552) { $return = '1d00_1d7f'; // Phonetic Extensions } elseif ($decimal < 7616) { $return = '1d80_1dbf'; // Phonetic Extensions Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 7680) { $return = '1dc0_1dff'; // Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 7936) { $return = '1e00_1eff'; // Latin Extended Additional } elseif ($decimal < 8192) { $return = '1f00_1fff'; // Greek Extended } elseif ($decimal < 8304) { $return = '2000_206f'; // General Punctuation } elseif ($decimal < 8352) { $return = '2070_209f'; // Superscripts and Subscripts } elseif ($decimal < 8400) { $return = '20a0_20cf'; // Currency Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 8448) { $return = '20d0_20ff'; // Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 8528) { $return = '2100_214f'; // Letterlike Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 8592) { $return = '2150_218f'; // Number Forms } elseif ($decimal < 8704) { $return = '2190_21ff'; // Arrows } elseif ($decimal < 8960) { $return = '2200_22ff'; // Mathematical Operators } elseif ($decimal < 9216) { $return = '2300_23ff'; // Miscellaneous Technical } elseif ($decimal < 9280) { $return = '2400_243f'; // Control Pictures } elseif ($decimal < 9312) { $return = '2440_245f'; // Optical Character Recognition } elseif ($decimal < 9472) { $return = '2460_24ff'; // Enclosed Alphanumerics } elseif ($decimal < 9600) { $return = '2500_257f'; // Box Drawing } elseif ($decimal < 9632) { $return = '2580_259f'; // Block Elements } elseif ($decimal < 9728) { $return = '25a0_25ff'; // Geometric Shapes } elseif ($decimal < 9984) { $return = '2600_26ff'; // Miscellaneous Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 10176) { $return = '2700_27bf'; // Dingbats } elseif ($decimal < 10224) { $return = '27c0_27ef'; // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A } elseif ($decimal < 10240) { $return = '27f0_27ff'; // Supplemental Arrows-A } elseif ($decimal < 10496) { $return = '2800_28ff'; // Braille Patterns } elseif ($decimal < 10624) { $return = '2900_297f'; // Supplemental Arrows-B } elseif ($decimal < 10752) { $return = '2980_29ff'; // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B } elseif ($decimal < 11008) { $return = '2a00_2aff'; // Supplemental Mathematical Operators } elseif ($decimal < 11264) { $return = '2b00_2bff'; // Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows } elseif ($decimal < 11360) { $return = '2c00_2c5f'; // Glagolitic } elseif ($decimal < 11392) { $return = '2c60_2c7f'; // Latin Extended-C } elseif ($decimal < 11520) { $return = '2c80_2cff'; // Coptic } elseif ($decimal < 11568) { $return = '2d00_2d2f'; // Georgian Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 11648) { $return = '2d30_2d7f'; // Tifinagh } elseif ($decimal < 11776) { $return = '2d80_2ddf'; // Ethiopic Extended } elseif ($decimal < 11904) { $return = '2e00_2e7f'; // Supplemental Punctuation } elseif ($decimal < 12032) { $return = '2e80_2eff'; // CJK Radicals Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 12272) { $return = '2f00_2fdf'; // Kangxi Radicals } elseif ($decimal < 12288) { $return = '2ff0_2fff'; // Ideographic Description Characters } elseif ($decimal < 12352) { $return = '3000_303f'; // CJK Symbols and Punctuation } elseif ($decimal < 12448) { $return = '3040_309f'; // Hiragana } elseif ($decimal < 12544) { $return = '30a0_30ff'; // Katakana } elseif ($decimal < 12592) { $return = '3100_312f'; // Bopomofo } elseif ($decimal < 12688) { $return = '3130_318f'; // Hangul Compatibility Jamo } elseif ($decimal < 12704) { $return = '3190_319f'; // Kanbun } elseif ($decimal < 12736) { $return = '31a0_31bf'; // Bopomofo Extended } elseif ($decimal < 12784) { $return = '31c0_31ef'; // CJK Strokes } elseif ($decimal < 12800) { $return = '31f0_31ff'; // Katakana Phonetic Extensions } elseif ($decimal < 13056) { $return = '3200_32ff'; // Enclosed CJK Letters and Months } elseif ($decimal < 13312) { $return = '3300_33ff'; // CJK Compatibility } elseif ($decimal < 19904) { $return = '3400_4dbf'; // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A } elseif ($decimal < 19968) { $return = '4dc0_4dff'; // Yijing Hexagram Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 40960) { $return = '4e00_9fff'; // CJK Unified Ideographs } elseif ($decimal < 42128) { $return = 'a000_a48f'; // Yi Syllables } elseif ($decimal < 42752) { $return = 'a490_a4cf'; // Yi Radicals } elseif ($decimal < 42784) { $return = 'a700_a71f'; // Modifier Tone Letters } elseif ($decimal < 43008) { $return = 'a720_a7ff'; // Latin Extended-D } elseif ($decimal < 43072) { $return = 'a800_a82f'; // Syloti Nagri } elseif ($decimal < 44032) { $return = 'a840_a87f'; // Phags-pa } elseif ($decimal < 55296) { $return = 'ac00_d7af'; // Hangul Syllables } elseif ($decimal < 56192) { $return = 'd800_db7f'; // High Surrogates } elseif ($decimal < 56320) { $return = 'db80_dbff'; // High Private Use Surrogates } elseif ($decimal < 57344) { $return = 'dc00_dfff'; // Low Surrogates } elseif ($decimal < 63744) { $return = 'e000_f8ff'; // Private Use Area } elseif ($decimal < 64256) { $return = 'f900_faff'; // CJK Compatibility Ideographs } elseif ($decimal < 64336) { $return = 'fb00_fb4f'; // Alphabetic Presentation Forms } elseif ($decimal < 65024) { $return = 'fb50_fdff'; // Arabic Presentation Forms-A } elseif ($decimal < 65040) { $return = 'fe00_fe0f'; // Variation Selectors } elseif ($decimal < 65056) { $return = 'fe10_fe1f'; // Vertical Forms } elseif ($decimal < 65072) { $return = 'fe20_fe2f'; // Combining Half Marks } elseif ($decimal < 65104) { $return = 'fe30_fe4f'; // CJK Compatibility Forms } elseif ($decimal < 65136) { $return = 'fe50_fe6f'; // Small Form Variants } elseif ($decimal < 65280) { $return = 'fe70_feff'; // Arabic Presentation Forms-B } elseif ($decimal < 65520) { $return = 'ff00_ffef'; // Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms } elseif ($decimal < 65536) { $return = 'fff0_ffff'; // Specials } elseif ($decimal < 65664) { $return = '10000_1007f'; // Linear B Syllabary } elseif ($decimal < 65792) { $return = '10080_100ff'; // Linear B Ideograms } elseif ($decimal < 65856) { $return = '10100_1013f'; // Aegean Numbers } elseif ($decimal < 66304) { $return = '10140_1018f'; // Ancient Greek Numbers } elseif ($decimal < 66352) { $return = '10300_1032f'; // Old Italic } elseif ($decimal < 66432) { $return = '10330_1034f'; // Gothic } elseif ($decimal < 66464) { $return = '10380_1039f'; // Ugaritic } elseif ($decimal < 66560) { $return = '103a0_103df'; // Old Persian } elseif ($decimal < 66640) { $return = '10400_1044f'; // Deseret } elseif ($decimal < 66688) { $return = '10450_1047f'; // Shavian } elseif ($decimal < 67584) { $return = '10480_104af'; // Osmanya } elseif ($decimal < 67840) { $return = '10800_1083f'; // Cypriot Syllabary } elseif ($decimal < 68096) { $return = '10900_1091f'; // Phoenician } elseif ($decimal < 73728) { $return = '10a00_10a5f'; // Kharoshthi } elseif ($decimal < 74752) { $return = '12000_123ff'; // Cuneiform } elseif ($decimal < 118784) { $return = '12400_1247f'; // Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation } elseif ($decimal < 119040) { $return = '1d000_1d0ff'; // Byzantine Musical Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 119296) { $return = '1d100_1d1ff'; // Musical Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 119552) { $return = '1d200_1d24f'; // Ancient Greek Musical Notation } elseif ($decimal < 119648) { $return = '1d300_1d35f'; // Tai Xuan Jing Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 119808) { $return = '1d360_1d37f'; // Counting Rod Numerals } elseif ($decimal < 131072) { $return = '1d400_1d7ff'; // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols } elseif ($decimal < 194560) { $return = '20000_2a6df'; // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B } elseif ($decimal < 917504) { $return = '2f800_2fa1f'; // CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 917760) { $return = 'e0000_e007f'; // Tags } elseif ($decimal < 983040) { $return = 'e0100_e01ef'; // Variation Selectors Supplement } elseif ($decimal < 1048576) { $return = 'f0000_fffff'; // Supplementary Private Use Area-A } elseif ($decimal > 1048575) { $return = '100000_10ffff'; // Supplementary Private Use Area-B } else { $return = false; } $_this->__codeRange[$decimal] = $return; return $return; } /** * Find the related code folding values for $char * * @param integer $char decimal value of character * @param string $type * @return array * @access private */ function __find($char, $type = 'lower'){ $_this =& String::getInstance(); $value = false; $found = array(); if(!isset($_this->__codeRange[$char])) { $range = $_this->__codepoint($char); if ($range === false) { } Configure::load('unicode' . DS . 'casefolding' . DS . $range); $_this->__caseFold[$range] = Configure::read($range); Configure::delete($range); } $_this->__table = $_this->__codeRange[$char]; $count = count($_this->__caseFold[$_this->__table]); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($_this->__caseFold[$_this->__table][$i][$type][0] === $char) { $found[] = $_this->__caseFold[$_this->__table][$i]; } } return $found; } /** * resets the utf8 map array * * @access private */ function __reset() { $_this =& String::getInstance(); $_this->__utf8Map = array(); } } ?>