<?php /** * ConfigureTest file * * Holds several tests * * CakePHP(tm) Tests <http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html> * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice * * @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package Cake.Test.Case.Core * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ App::uses('PhpReader', 'Configure'); /** * ConfigureTest * * @package Cake.Test.Case.Core */ class ConfigureTest extends CakeTestCase { /** * setUp method * * @return void */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); Configure::write('Cache.disable', true); App::build(); App::objects('plugin', null, true); } /** * tearDown method * * @return void */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); if (file_exists(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_core_paths')) { unlink(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_core_paths'); } if (file_exists(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_dir_map')) { unlink(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_dir_map'); } if (file_exists(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_file_map')) { unlink(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_file_map'); } if (file_exists(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_object_map')) { unlink(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'cake_core_object_map'); } if (file_exists(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'test.config.php')) { unlink(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'test.config.php'); } if (file_exists(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'test.php')) { unlink(TMP . 'cache' . DS . 'persistent' . DS . 'test.php'); } Configure::drop('test'); } /** * Test to ensure bootrapping doesn't overwrite prior configs set under 'App' key * * @return void */ public function testBootstrap() { $expected = array( 'foo' => 'bar' ); Configure::write('App', $expected); Configure::bootstrap(true); $result = Configure::read('App'); $this->assertEquals($expected['foo'], $result['foo']); $this->assertFalse($result['base']); } /** * testRead method * * @return void */ public function testRead() { $expected = 'ok'; Configure::write('level1.level2.level3_1', $expected); Configure::write('level1.level2.level3_2', 'something_else'); $result = Configure::read('level1.level2.level3_1'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $result = Configure::read('level1.level2.level3_2'); $this->assertEquals('something_else', $result); $result = Configure::read('debug'); $this->assertTrue($result >= 0); $result = Configure::read(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($result)); $this->assertTrue(isset($result['debug'])); $this->assertTrue(isset($result['level1'])); $result = Configure::read('something_I_just_made_up_now'); $this->assertEquals(null, $result, 'Missing key should return null.'); } /** * testWrite method * * @return void */ public function testWrite() { $writeResult = Configure::write('SomeName.someKey', 'myvalue'); $this->assertTrue($writeResult); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.someKey'); $this->assertEquals('myvalue', $result); $writeResult = Configure::write('SomeName.someKey', null); $this->assertTrue($writeResult); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.someKey'); $this->assertEquals(null, $result); $expected = array('One' => array('Two' => array('Three' => array('Four' => array('Five' => 'cool'))))); $writeResult = Configure::write('Key', $expected); $this->assertTrue($writeResult); $result = Configure::read('Key'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $result = Configure::read('Key.One'); $this->assertEquals($expected['One'], $result); $result = Configure::read('Key.One.Two'); $this->assertEquals($expected['One']['Two'], $result); $result = Configure::read('Key.One.Two.Three.Four.Five'); $this->assertEquals('cool', $result); Configure::write('one.two.three.four', '4'); $result = Configure::read('one.two.three.four'); $this->assertEquals('4', $result); } /** * Test the consume method. * * @return void */ public function testConsume() { $this->assertNull(Configure::consume('DoesNotExist'), 'Should be null on empty value'); Configure::write('Test', array('key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2')); $result = Configure::consume('Test.key'); $this->assertEquals('value', $result); $result = Configure::read('Test.key2'); $this->assertEquals('value2', $result, 'Other values should remain.'); $result = Configure::consume('Test'); $expected = array('key2' => 'value2'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } /** * testConsumeEmpty * * @return void */ public function testConsumeEmpty() { Configure::write('Test', array('key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2')); $result = Configure::consume(''); $this->assertNull($result); $result = Configure::consume(null); $this->assertNull($result); } /** * test setting display_errors with debug. * * @return void */ public function testDebugSettingDisplayErrors() { Configure::write('debug', 0); $result = ini_get('display_errors'); $this->assertEquals(0, $result); Configure::write('debug', 2); $result = ini_get('display_errors'); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); } /** * testDelete method * * @return void */ public function testDelete() { Configure::write('SomeName.someKey', 'myvalue'); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.someKey'); $this->assertEquals('myvalue', $result); Configure::delete('SomeName.someKey'); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.someKey'); $this->assertNull($result); Configure::write('SomeName', array('someKey' => 'myvalue', 'otherKey' => 'otherValue')); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.someKey'); $this->assertEquals('myvalue', $result); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.otherKey'); $this->assertEquals('otherValue', $result); Configure::delete('SomeName'); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.someKey'); $this->assertNull($result); $result = Configure::read('SomeName.otherKey'); $this->assertNull($result); } /** * testCheck method * * @return void */ public function testCheck() { Configure::write('ConfigureTestCase', 'value'); $this->assertTrue(Configure::check('ConfigureTestCase')); $this->assertFalse(Configure::check('NotExistingConfigureTestCase')); } /** * testCheckingSavedEmpty method * * @return void */ public function testCheckingSavedEmpty() { $this->assertTrue(Configure::write('ConfigureTestCase', 0)); $this->assertTrue(Configure::check('ConfigureTestCase')); $this->assertTrue(Configure::write('ConfigureTestCase', '0')); $this->assertTrue(Configure::check('ConfigureTestCase')); $this->assertTrue(Configure::write('ConfigureTestCase', false)); $this->assertTrue(Configure::check('ConfigureTestCase')); $this->assertTrue(Configure::write('ConfigureTestCase', null)); $this->assertFalse(Configure::check('ConfigureTestCase')); } /** * testCheckKeyWithSpaces method * * @return void */ public function testCheckKeyWithSpaces() { $this->assertTrue(Configure::write('Configure Test', "test")); $this->assertTrue(Configure::check('Configure Test')); Configure::delete('Configure Test'); $this->assertTrue(Configure::write('Configure Test.Test Case', "test")); $this->assertTrue(Configure::check('Configure Test.Test Case')); } /** * testCheckEmpty * * @return void */ public function testCheckEmpty() { $this->assertFalse(Configure::check('')); $this->assertFalse(Configure::check(null)); } /** * testLoad method * * @expectedException RuntimeException * @return void */ public function testLoadExceptionOnNonExistantFile() { Configure::config('test', new PhpReader()); Configure::load('non_existing_configuration_file', 'test'); } /** * test load method for default config creation * * @return void */ public function testLoadDefaultConfig() { try { Configure::load('non_existing_configuration_file'); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = Configure::configured('default'); $this->assertTrue($result); } } /** * test load with merging * * @return void */ public function testLoadWithMerge() { Configure::config('test', new PhpReader(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Config' . DS)); $result = Configure::load('var_test', 'test'); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->assertEquals('value', Configure::read('Read')); $result = Configure::load('var_test2', 'test', true); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->assertEquals('value2', Configure::read('Read')); $this->assertEquals('buried2', Configure::read('Deep.Second.SecondDeepest')); $this->assertEquals('buried', Configure::read('Deep.Deeper.Deepest')); $this->assertEquals('Overwrite', Configure::read('TestAcl.classname')); $this->assertEquals('one', Configure::read('TestAcl.custom')); } /** * test loading with overwrite * * @return void */ public function testLoadNoMerge() { Configure::config('test', new PhpReader(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Config' . DS)); $result = Configure::load('var_test', 'test'); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->assertEquals('value', Configure::read('Read')); $result = Configure::load('var_test2', 'test', false); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->assertEquals('value2', Configure::read('Read')); $this->assertEquals('buried2', Configure::read('Deep.Second.SecondDeepest')); $this->assertNull(Configure::read('Deep.Deeper.Deepest')); } /** * testLoad method * * @return void */ public function testLoadPlugin() { App::build(array( 'Plugin' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS) ), App::RESET); Configure::config('test', new PhpReader()); CakePlugin::load('TestPlugin'); $result = Configure::load('TestPlugin.load', 'test'); $this->assertTrue($result); $expected = '/test_app/plugins/test_plugin/config/load.php'; $config = Configure::read('plugin_load'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $config); $result = Configure::load('TestPlugin.more.load', 'test'); $this->assertTrue($result); $expected = '/test_app/plugins/test_plugin/config/more.load.php'; $config = Configure::read('plugin_more_load'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $config); CakePlugin::unload(); } /** * testStore method * * @return void */ public function testStoreAndRestore() { Configure::write('Cache.disable', false); Configure::write('Testing', 'yummy'); $this->assertTrue(Configure::store('store_test', 'default')); Configure::delete('Testing'); $this->assertNull(Configure::read('Testing')); Configure::restore('store_test', 'default'); $this->assertEquals('yummy', Configure::read('Testing')); Cache::delete('store_test', 'default'); } /** * test that store and restore only store/restore the provided data. * * @return void */ public function testStoreAndRestoreWithData() { Configure::write('Cache.disable', false); Configure::write('testing', 'value'); Configure::store('store_test', 'default', array('store_test' => 'one')); Configure::delete('testing'); $this->assertNull(Configure::read('store_test'), 'Calling store with data shouldn\'t modify runtime.'); Configure::restore('store_test', 'default'); $this->assertEquals('one', Configure::read('store_test')); $this->assertNull(Configure::read('testing'), 'Values that were not stored are not restored.'); Cache::delete('store_test', 'default'); } /** * testVersion method * * @return void */ public function testVersion() { $result = Configure::version(); $this->assertTrue(version_compare($result, '1.2', '>=')); } /** * test adding new readers. * * @return void */ public function testReaderSetup() { $reader = new PhpReader(); Configure::config('test', $reader); $configured = Configure::configured(); $this->assertTrue(in_array('test', $configured)); $this->assertTrue(Configure::configured('test')); $this->assertFalse(Configure::configured('fake_garbage')); $this->assertTrue(Configure::drop('test')); $this->assertFalse(Configure::drop('test'), 'dropping things that do not exist should return false.'); } /** * test reader() throwing exceptions on missing interface. * * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error * @return void * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_Error */ public function testReaderExceptionOnIncorrectClass() { $reader = new StdClass(); try { Configure::config('test', $reader); } catch (TypeError $e) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_Error('Raised an error', 100, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } /** * Test that clear wipes all values. * * @return void */ public function testClear() { Configure::write('test', 'value'); $this->assertTrue(Configure::clear()); $this->assertNull(Configure::read('debug')); $this->assertNull(Configure::read('test')); } /** * testDumpNoAdapter * * @expectedException ConfigureException * @return void */ public function testDumpNoAdapter() { Configure::dump(TMP . 'test.php', 'does_not_exist'); } /** * test dump integrated with the PhpReader. * * @return void */ public function testDump() { Configure::config('test_reader', new PhpReader(TMP)); $result = Configure::dump('config_test.php', 'test_reader'); $this->assertTrue($result > 0); $result = file_get_contents(TMP . 'config_test.php'); $this->assertContains('<?php', $result); $this->assertContains('$config = ', $result); if (file_exists(TMP . 'config_test.php')) { unlink(TMP . 'config_test.php'); } } /** * Test dumping only some of the data. * * @return void */ public function testDumpPartial() { Configure::config('test_reader', new PhpReader(TMP)); $result = Configure::dump('config_test.php', 'test_reader', array('Error')); $this->assertTrue($result > 0); $result = file_get_contents(TMP . 'config_test.php'); $this->assertContains('<?php', $result); $this->assertContains('$config = ', $result); $this->assertContains('Error', $result); $this->assertNotContains('debug', $result); if (file_exists(TMP . 'config_test.php')) { unlink(TMP . 'config_test.php'); } } }