Moving tearDown et al. to the top of each test class.
Adding short descriptions to docblocks.
Adding missing docblocks.
Removing unnecessary blank lines and whitespaces.
Updating labels of test groups.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Example singular usage: !__d('plugin_name', $string, true); returns translated singular string from pluginsPath/plugin_name/locale/"language"/LC_MESSAGE/plugin_name.(po/mo).
Example plural usage: sprintf(!__dn('plugin_name', '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', $number, true), $number ); returns translated plural strings from pluginsPath/plugin_name/locale/"language"/LC_MESSAGE/plugin_name.(po/mo).
Closes#5007, Support for multiple additional locale paths. Configure::write('localePaths', $paths); accepts an array of $paths. $localePaths = array(); can also be used in bootstrap.php
Added Configure::$shellPaths; additional paths can be set in bootstrap.php $shellPaths = array();
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Adding ability to change translations on the fly
Example: Configure::write('Config.language', 'locale');
Same setting can be used to define you own locale
Example: Configure::write('Config.language', 'somename');
Added ability to set additional directory paths for locale directory
Example: Configure::write('Locale.path', DS . 'directory'. DS . 'locale');
Fixed merging of core translations, if present."
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Implemented Validation::extension(); and Vaidation::range();
Updated copyright notices in all files"
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Added test for changes to Dispatcher.
Updating Model::_ _saveMulti(), moved the insert statement to DboSource::insertMulti() this will allow database that do not support multiple inserts in one statement to save data.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0