Revision: [2193]
Adding fix for Ticket #471
Revision: [2192]
Adding fix from Ticket #464.
Revision: [2191]
Adding fix for Ticket #461
Revision: [2190]
Adding fix for array_merge_recursive() error when unbindModelis used
Revision: [2189]
merging changes made in model_php5.php
Revision: [2188]
Fixing controller so $viewPath can be set as a var
Revision: [2186]
Adding Security component
Revision: [2185]
Adding additional RequestHandler detection, form security authentication, and automagic view variable $data
Revision: [2183]
Fixing Ticket #473
Revision: [2182]
Adding fix for Ticket #261
Revision: [2181]
Changing MySQL column defs from 12 hour times to 24 (#465)
Revision: [2180]
Fixing Tickets #463 and #462, and an error in Controller::setAction()
Revision: [2179]
Fixing a bug I found in AjaxHelper::link(), and changing the stopwatch time to 4 decimals
Revision: [2177]
Added patch from Ticket #459
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2175]
Merging changes made to model_php5.php
Revision: [2174]
Adding fix for empty values being set for an update.
Fixed problem with view paths being set wrong on Windows.
Revision: [2173]
Adding additional condition operators
Revision: [2172]
Adding fix for Ticket #455
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2158]
Changing vendors() to user require_once().
Revision: [2157]
Fixed missing directory separator.
Revision: [2156]
Added a few more fixes for Ticket #447
Revision: [2155]
Reverting changes in [2153]
Adding fix for Ticket #447
Revision: [2154]
Adding patch from Ticket #448
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2151]
Merging changes made to model_php5.php into model_php4.php.
Revision: [2150]
Cleaning up code, removing in line comments
Revision: [2149]
Fixed wrong params passed to SessionComponent::setFlash() in Scaffold class.
Changed View::_render() to only suppress errors in the view when DEBUG is set to 0.
Revision: [2148]
Adding suggestion from Ticket #446.
Revision: [2147]
Added fix for Ticket #443
Revision: [2146]
Added fix for Ticket #444.
Added table.field in the CakeSession class database methods
Revision: [2145]
Renamed _new to _blank in default.thtml.
Starting to refactor changes that broke self joined associations.
Revision: [2144]
Adding fix for Ticket #202
Revision: [2143]
Adding support for nested array-based conditions
Revision: [2141]
Updating View for Session flash changes
Revision: [2140]
Adding Session flash enhancements for a ticket that I took but can't find because someone else closed it
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2120]
Added fix for error in Controller::cleanUpFields().
Fixed typo in Scaffold::__scaffoldUpdate().
Revision: [2119]
Added fix for missing view error.
Added changes to allow SessionComponent::flash() to return similar to what was suggested in Ticket #430.
Changed delimiter to -! in the arrays used in DboSource::conditions().
Fixed single quotes being added when value was empty
Revision: [2118]
Corrected some bugs found in DboSource::conditions();
Added loading of app/config/bootstrap.php to index.php after the core bootstrap.php loads.
Changed doc block comment in app/config/bootstrap.php
Revision: [2117]
"Adding app/config/bootstrap.php.
Used for application wide settings"
Revision: [2116]
"Added better regex to the DboSource::fields()"
Revision: [2115]
Moving the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR to top section of the file
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2104]
Correct changes of names in scaffold.
Revision: [2103]
Changed methods to protected methods
Revision: [2102]
Added 2 methods to Controller class that must be overridden in child classes if you place to use Scaffold in production applications.
This will allow you to perform checks before displaying the forms, and also before performing any Scaffold methods.
Each of these methods are passed the name of the method they represent in Scaffold.
These 3 name are passed to the methods above, but are not view related
'create' when creating a new record in the database
'update' when updating a record in the database.
'delete' name says what it does
These are view related names passed to the methods above
'index' the list of all records shown in scaffold.
'edit' the edit record form.
'show' when displaying a specific record.
'add' add record form.
Scaffold can now be used to generate forms and customize these on a per app or per controller basis.
Scaffold will first look:
Example: app/views/posts/
Then: app/views/scaffold/
There are also specific naming used for these views each related to a scaffold method.
Added scaffold_error.thtml that is used if a controller does not implement Controller::scaffoldError() when using scaffold and Controller::beforeScaffold() is implemented and returns false
Revision: [2101]
Corrected some bugs found in View that would cause errors when using scaffold.
Revision: [2100]
Added fix for Ticket #427
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2098]
Removed check for database class to load model classes from the models directory.
Fixed missing views not being found.
Revision: [2097]
Fixed the WWW_ROOT setting
Revision: [2096]
Changed the way Sessions component is added to the components array
Revision: [2095]
Moved the WWW_ROOT define.
Revision: [2094]
Components/Helpers etc. in AppController are now automatically added to all controllers
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2087]
Removed array setting that is not needed
Revision: [2086]
Added unbindModel to turn off associations on the fly.
These are reset after a call to a find<*> method.
Added one more level key to isset check in DboSource::conditions.
Previous check would always return true.
Revision: [2085]
Refactored DboSource::fields()
Revision: [2084]
Added fix for Ticket #419
Revision: [2083]
Refactoring DboSource::conditions.
Revision: [2082]
Deleted a few methods by accident adding them back
Revision: [2081]
Added fix for Ticket #420
Added $startQuote and $endQuote vars to the MySql class, these must be added to each Dbo<database> if the database uses
a quote char around fields. Example MySql uses this ` MSSQL uses [ and ].
Revision: [2080]
Added delete() alias for del() in Model and SessionComponent classes.
This is suggestion from Ticket #421
Revision: [2079]
Added fix for Ticket #106.
This was added before but lost in a merge.
This fix allows adding a custom tags.ini.php file to app/config.
This file will be merged with the core, overwriting any keys that match, and adding those that do not.
Revision: [2078]
Refactoring DboSource::conditions().
This method will now return the Model.field properly when passed a string.
You can also set you own clause.
If one of these in not the first characters in the string, WHERE will be added by deafult.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2056]
Corrected typo in a variable name
Revision: [2055]
Added regex to remove ORDER BY if it is passed in the string
Revision: [2054]
A little refactoring to changes made in [2053]
Revision: [2053]
Adding fix for Ticket #413
Revision: [2052]
Reverting changes made in [2050]
Revision: [2051]
Fixing Ticket #410
Revision: [2050]
Fixing Ticket #409, and adding additional column functions
Revision: [2049]
Removing old DBO class. Fixes Ticket #408
Updated all Dbo* database classes to extent DboSource.
Corrected formatting of code in CakeSession
Revision: [2048]
Adding fix for Ticket #411.
Updating variables and method to use coding standards.
Updated CakeSession doc blocks
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2025]
A little more work on plugin to set some default routing.
Revision: [2024]
Changed DboSource::field() so the name() is not called for some field variables.
Revision: [2023]
Changes made in [2022] should only check if the $conditions is not empty.
Revision: [2022]
Changed DboSource::conditions() so it will add the "ticks" needed around the Model.field names.
The Model.field name conventions must be used for this to work.
Revision: [2021]
Adding fix for Ticket #405
Revision: [2020]
Added fix for Ticket #403
Revision: [2019]
Added patch from Ticket #404.
Fixing formatting of files.
Revision: [2018]
Fixing formatting of files
Revision: [2017]
Fixed bad search and replace
Revision: [2016]
Fixing formatting of files
Revision: [2015]
Replaced all 3 space indents with 4 space indents
Revision: [2014]
Updating variables to use the naming proper conventions
Revision: [2013]
Added patch from Ticket #406
Revision: [2012]
Adding fix for Ticket #407.
Fix variables that where not formatted per the coding conventions
Revision: [2011]
Adding patch from Ticket #401
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [2009]
Adding fixes for session errors posted in the google group.
Changed the header for PHP version in the model classes.
Change uses() back to require_once
Revision: [2008]
Adding reference back to the PHP 4 model
Revision: [2007]
Merging changes from model_php5
Revision: [2006]
Fixing recursive associations, adding whitelist to Model::save
Revision: [2005]
Added fix for error in CakeSession class.
Updated home.thtml
Revision: [2004]
Rearranged some of the defines moving the most often changed ones to the top of the script
Revision: [2003]
Moved SQL files distributed with the core to app/config/sql/
Removed app/config/routes.php.default
Fixed class_exists check in TextHelper
Revision: [2002]
adding sql directory
Revision: [2001]
Fixed error when cake distribution is installed inside of the DOCUMENT ROOT
Revision: [2000]
Adding checks for classes that are already loaded so the require() calls will not error
Revision: [1999]
Replacing all require_once() with require()
Revision: [1998]
Moved creation of the Dispatcher object to app/webroot/index.php
Revision: [1997]
Adding session sql file
Revision: [1996]
Revision: [1995]
Fixing session db queries
Revision: [1994]
Change the require_once in bootstrap to require.
Merged changes John made to the CakeSession database methods
Revision: [1993]
Removing some constants that are not needed
Revision: [1992]
Adding fix for Ticket #400
Revision: [1991]
Fixing Ticket #348
Revision: [1990]
Fixing Tickets #397 and #399
Revision: [1989]
Fixed callbacks in JavaScript events and Ajax, fixed Controller::beforeRender so you can set view variables, and fixed Ticket #394
Revision: [1988]
Renamed the $dir param to $direction.
Added default value to the DboSource::order() $direction param.
Revision: [1987]
Adding changes back to the sessions class I reverted in [1984]
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1985]
Changed DboSource?::order() to allow passing an array in the order param
Revision: [1984]
Reverting changes from [1983]
Revision: [1983]
Merging change from [1966] and [1967]
Revision: [1982]
Adding fix for DboSource::order().
This allows setting the order in the find methods.
Revision: [1981]
cleaned up code
Revision: [1980]
Corrected the array keys in the regex I added
Revision: [1979]
Added check to DboMysql::value() that does not add quotes around a numerical value.
Refactored DboSource::conditions() adding better regex.
Revision: [1978]
Added check for LIKE in a condition array this fixes the = being added.
Revision: [1977]
Added fix for Ticket #392
Revision: [1976]
Adding changes suggested in Ticket #381.
These have not been fully tested.
Revision: [1975]
Added fix for Ticket #391
Revision: [1974]
Added patch from Ticket #390
Revision: [1973]
Adding patch from Ticket #386
Revision: [1972]
Added patch from Ticket #385.
Changed wording of a comment.
Revision: [1971]
Added patch from Ticket #383
Revision: [1970]
Adding fix for Ticket #395
Revision: [1969]
Adding more detailed comment to path defines
Revision: [1968]
Making a few more changes to the path settings
Revision: [1965]
fixing path issue with loading PagesController
Revision: [1964]
Added model method for getting column types by field
Revision: [1963]
Corrected paths to the tmp directory.
Making a few more changes to the defines in index.php
Revision: [1962]
Moving tmp directory to app
Revision: [1961]
Starting separation of core from the application.
Revision: [1960]
Adding vendors directory to app directory
Revision: [1959]
Finished support for recursive associations. Still needs some testing...
Revision: [1958]
Adding fix for Ticket #387, and automagic id's for form inputs
Revision: [1957]
Revision: [1956]
Adding fix for error reported in Google Group:
Revision: [1955]
Adding fix for Controller::referer()
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1953]
Added @ before session_destroy() in CakeSession::_destroyInvalid() to suppress warning
Revision: [1952]
Fixing Ticket #380, and adding JSON object generator to JavascriptHelper
Revision: [1951]
Removing code that is not used in Inflector class
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1948]
Added fix for Ticket #376
Revision: [1947]
Renamed log.php to cake_log.php
Revision: [1946]
Added fix for Ticket #371;
Moved LogError to bascis.php from log.php
Renaming Log class to CakeLog to avoid conflicts with Pear Log class or any other Log class.
Added check to File class to load Folder class if it is not in memory already
Moved LOG_ERROR define to app/config/core.php
Revision: [1945]
Updated Inflector::pluralize(); and Inflector::singularize(); to use some code that is in the new Inflector class from version 1.x.x.x
Added fix for Ticket #373
Added fix for Ticket #357
Added patch from Ticket #363
Revision: [1944]
Added fix for Ticket #349 PHP 5 version
Revision: [1943]
Added fix for Ticket #349
Revision: [1942]
Adding patches from Ticket #377
Revision: [1941]
Quick URL fix for AjaxHelper::editor
Revision: [1940]
Fixing Ticket #375
Revision: [1939]
Adding fix for Ticket #369, plus slider control and Ajax In-Place editor
Revision: [1938]
diff patched applied from gwoo
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1936]
Adding fix for Ticket #364
Revision: [1935]
Adding slider control and fixing Ticket #188 for real this time
Revision: [1934] [1933] [1932] [1931] [1930]
Docstrings, and some inconsistency fixed. Wrong parameters in one case. Moved them into the signature. Also some code standards fiddling.
Some outdated parameters. Added a todo in docstrings.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1917]
Adding fix to pass args when using plugins.
Adding fix to allow plugin elements to be rendered properly
Revision: [1916]
Adding plugin layouts to search path if a plugin is being accessed.
If no layout is found then the app/views/layouts/*.thtml will be used.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1901]
More work on deeper associations.
Seems to work now, but going to test more.
Revision: [1900]
Getting closer with deeper joins.
Revision: [1899]
Committing changes made to recursive associations.
Revision: [1898]
Adding fixes for Tickets #188 and #195
Revision: [1896]
Adding controller callbacks
Revision: [1895]
A little more refactoring for Controller::redirect()
Revision: [1894]
Removed :// from Controller::redirect()
Revision: [1893]
Adding fix for Ticket #308.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1891]
Added patch from Ticket #278
Revision: [1890]
Adding patch from Ticket #227
Revision: [1889]
Adding fix from Changeset [1631].
This fixes Ticket #319
Revision: [1888]
Added fix for Ticket #315
Revision: [1887]
Adding patch from Ticket #312
Revision: [1886]
Adding fix that was committed in [1304] back.
Closing Ticket #77 again
Revision: [1885]
Fix added for Ticket #306
Added patch from Ticket #318
Added patch from Ticket #322
Revision: [1884]
Adding fix to Ticket #332
Revision: [1883]
Adding patch from Ticket #330
Revision: [1882]
Adding fix for Ticket #170 back to HtmlHelper::selectTag().
Was lost in a previous merge
Revision: [1881]
Adding fix for Ticket #336
Revision: [1880]
Adding fix from Ticket #307
Revision: [1879]
Plugins will use their own helpers and components if present
Revision: [1878]
Basic implementation of plugins within app/plugins working.
Revision: [1877]
Starting plugin code for multiple apps within one app.
Revision: [1876]
Added Ticket #345.
Revision: [1875]
Added check to AcoAction class that would not attempt to load AppModel Class if it is already defined in memory
Added fixes for Ticket #317, Ticket #333, Ticket #343, Ticket #337
Revision: [1874]
Adding fix for Ticket #340
Revision: [1873]
Added themeWeb var to helpers that will be used if a theme class overrides the view class
Revision: [1872]
Adding $format to timeAgo and relativeTime, for gwoo
Revision: [1871]
Docstrings changes. One char at a time we map out Cake.
Revision: [1870]
Docstrings for Session, and corrections to tabbing on datasource.
Revision: [1869]
Docstrings for the core database classes.
Revision: [1868]
Adding patch for Ticket #131
Revision: [1867]
Allowing ajax link titles to not be escaped
Revision: [1866]
Changed error class so calls to ErrorHandler::error() in production setting will work.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1855]
Forgot to merge changes between the PHP 5 and PHP 4 model classes
Revision: [1854]
Added fix to Model class so that setting var $useTable = false; will not try to create a datasource connection.
Added fix to basics.php in the file_put_contents function that would give a Warning :failed to open stream: File exists.
This fix allows the file to be wrote to if it already exists.
Added fix for undefined notice in DboSource::generateAssociationQuery();
Added Model::$keyToTable to map foreign keys to thier proper tables so scaffold could work with them properly.
Fixed Controller::__generateAssociation() to use Model::$keyToTable.
Fixed layout issue with show view in scaffold.
Revision: [1853]
Added DataSource::buildSchemaQuery() which must be implemented in the child classes.
This will be used to import a table schema.
Added DboMysql::buildSchemaQuery()
Added fix for Ticket #304 by reverting change made in [1825].
Reopened Ticket #286
Added fix for Ticket #310
Revision: [1852]
Added fix for PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in... Controller::generateFieldNames() in PHP 4
when using a HABTM association.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1848]
Fixing references.
Revision: [1847]
Adding fix for errors when using scaffold.
On some version of PHP 4 some people where getting Call to member function on non-object...
in Controller::generateFieldNames() at line 494.
Fixed call to get_class_methods that was using the name of the class and not the instance of the class,
this would cause a Wrong datatype for second argument...
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1841]
Merging changes made in model_php5.php to model_php4.php
Revision: [1840]
Adding fix for PHP 5 when using mysql_connect setting.
Commented out the call to Dbo*::disconnect(). This was closing connections early.
Adding fixe for Ticket #302.
Adding Enhancement for Ticket #300.
Adding fix for Ticket #299
Adding Enhancement for Ticket #298
Adding fix for Ticket #297
Adding Enhancement/Patch from Ticket #296
Revision: [1838]
working on deeper recursive joins
Revision: [1837]
Updating copyright information in all files
Revision: [1836]
Adding fix when setting a field value to 0.
Before it would set this to NULL, which was not expected result.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1829]
Fixing AjaxHelper::form()
Revision: [1828]
Added check to return false is passing an empty string to requestAction(),
method would seg fault if param was empty.
Fixing another problem found when passing fields to the model methods.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1819]
Added fix for undefined index in Form::generateFields()
Adding missing doc blocks.
Adding fix for Ticket #290.
Added fix to allow setting fields for models.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1809]
Fixed self join code, may refactor after looking at it more. Currently it is working as expected.
Fixed errors in scaffold view caused by the changes I made.
Removed adding Child_ prefix to self joined associations.
Revision: [1808]
Adding changes I started on the self join code.
Revision: [1807]
Adding patch from Ticket #283.
Changed doc comment in SessionComponent class.
Added fix for Ticket #285
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1805]
Adding fix for Ticket #238
Revision: [1804]
Fixing associations queries.
Adding fix from Ticket #275
Revision: [1803]
Removing the auto generating of a new session id when CAKE_SECURITY set to high.
Adding renew() to the session component, this can be used to regenerate a new session id.
Revision: [1802]
Adding fix for Ticket #280.
Need to decide if we should set the 2 vars mentioned in the ticket automatically,
I changed the 2 method to call the dbo.
Revision: [1801]
Fixing errors in AclCLI class
Revision: [1800]
Made change to fields name setting, * will no longer be used, query will be built using the tables meta data
Revision: [1799]
Revision: [1798]
Adding fix for Ticket #269
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1796]
Adding missing layout error messages.
Changed more errors in View class to use the ErrorHandler class
Revision: [1795]
Added the missing error messages I found after RC 1 was built.
Corrected errors in the View class when helpers where not found.
Added error views for missing component classes and files.
Updated views for missing view classes and files
Revision: [1794]
Adding fix for Ticket #273
Revision: [1793]
Correcting loading order of required files in bake.php
Revision: [1792]
Added fix for Ticket #271
Revision: [1791]
Fix for Ticket #268 and Ticket #272
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1786]
Little more cleaning up of the code
Revision: [1785]
Deleting old dbo files
Revision: [1784]
Adding [1780] fix lost in [1782]
Revision: [1783]
Added patch from Ticket #267.
Removed all debug output in the error views, this is moved to one error element that is loaded in View::renderLayout() if DEBUG > 2.
Added fix to Ajax::dropRemote().
Revision: [1782]
Added controller dump view when DEBUG is set greater than 2
Revision: [1781]
Adding elements directory to the core
Revision: [1780]
Adding this to close Ticket #265
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1773]
adding fixes to PHP 5 model class
Revision: [1772]
Fixed errors in PHP model.
Fixed parse error in CakeSession Class.
Added stripslashes_deep function to basics.php
Fixed errors in Dispatcher class.
Revision: [1771]
reverting changes in last commit
Revision: [1770]
Fixing save() in model
Revision: [1769]
correcting more errors that we are finding
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1767]
Fixed error if database.php is not present in app/config/
Revision: [1766]
Moved ajax helper from bundt to beta
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1764]
Changed var $ds back to $db and var $source back to $table in beta.
Moved last error message out of the object class.
Fixed PHP 4 error in home.thtml.
Revision: [1763]
Added changes made in model error handling lost in merge
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1761]
Removing old db_acl.sql
Revision: [1759]
Removed unneeded calls to uses().
Changed basics.php listClasses() no longer using folder class.
Starting corrections in DboPostgres class.
Adding missing DboPostgres::query().
Added missing doc blocks to AjaxHelper.
Fixed undefined keys in FormHelper::generateFields()
Reformatted FormHelper::generateFields() adding open and close brackets where needed
Revision: [1758]
Fixed typo
Revision: [1757]
Fixed errors found when using PHP 4.
Fixed a scaffold error
Revision: [1756]
Merging changes to model_php4.php
Revision: [1755]
Fixed scaffolding for the changes made to the model.
Fixed Model::isForeignKey(), replaced array_key_exists with in_array, other function was failing
Revision: [1754]
Committing changes from bundt model to beta.
DataSources will not be in the beta release
Revision: [1751]
Cleaning up a little more in the code.
Removing loading of log.php unless it is really needed.
Refactored dispatcher to speed up the stripslashes code if it is called
Revision: [1748]
removing all references to error_messages and deleting the file
Revision: [1747]
updated more error messages
Revision: [1746]
removing all error message defines
Revision: [1745]
added _() method from 1.0 to basics.php only used to return string right now
Revision: [1744]
Adding fix for ticket #220
Revision: [1743]
More work on ErrorHandler class
Revision: [1742]
Renaming error view for missing database connection
Revision: [1741]
More work on ErrorHandler class
Revision: [1740]
More work on error class
Revision: [1739]
Replacing all $_SERVER variable check with env() in basics.php
Revision: [1738]
Adding env() to basic
Revision: [1737]
Updated session to use env()
Revision: [1736]
Removing ternary operators from Dispatcher
Revision: [1735]
Per nates request I am rolling back ACL to [1373]
Revision: [1734]
Removed the IP in the session class this was not very reliable.
Added a time setting that generates current time adding the Security::inactiveMins() to the session
Removed code that was added to basics.php to replace gethostbyaddr().
Added CAKE_SESSION_STRING define to core.php which is used in the by the Session class to generate a hashed key.
Revision: [1733]
Moving errors messages to ErrorHandler class.
Updating errors view for use with new class.
Updating Scaffold to use new class.
Updated Dispatcher to use new class.
Removing methods from Object class
Revision: [1732]
Adding ErrorHandler class
Revision: [1731]
Adding fix for Ticket #223
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1729]
Fixed loading - added model, cakesession, security.
Now loads properly.
Revision: [1728]
Fixing problems found in the way Cake handles sessions.
These updates seem to work properly now.
Added gethost() to basics.php to replace using gethostbyaddr which can be very slow.
Added session_write_close(); in Controller::redirect();
Revision: [1719]
Fix scaffold show.thtml undefined index error
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1700]
Fixed loadController() to return true if the controller is already loaded.
Fixed validation errors messages that where not showing.
Revision: [1699]
Fixed missingView error
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1647]
Commit to fix auto render using requestAction()
Revision: [1646]
Added fix for the date select forms in scaffold when using date field type in the database.
Added fix for Ticket #132.
Added @ to stop warning in php if a call to gethostbyaddr fails with a bad ip sent.
Performance increased more with changes the View::_loadHelpers.
Each helper would load the config file whan an instance was created and parse, change now reads it once.
Fixed previous fix I added to only load helpers once, this time it works.
Change the constructor in View to use __construct() like other classes in the core.
Added $this->autoRender = false; in PagesController::display() after $this->render() is called.
PHP 5 would work fine without it, PHP 4 would display a view under the rendered layout.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1644]
Bad merge last commit had second param in the class_exists() call
Revision: [1643]
Fixed errors introduced in last changes:
Variable that was passed the loadController function was not expected controller class name,
It was the name fo the class without Controller. This would cause the loading to fail, since
it was possible that a class was already loaded with the name that was passed.
Example NewsController and a model called News.
Revision: [1642]
Added patch for MySql 5
Revision: [1641]
removing second parameter in the class_exists function calls.
closes Ticket #209
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Revision: [1638]
removing php short tags
Revision: [1637]
Remove renderElememnts loading of helpers also, forgot it in the last commit
Revision: [1636]
Refactoring after profiling code.
Session was creating a new instance of Dispatcher removed the need for it.
Added a check to the Component class to pass the base to the SessionComponent class, will refactor that at a later time.
Changed View class so it would not load helpers when rending a layout, no need for that.
A great performance boost after the change.
Change the loadModels method call in app/webroot/index.php.
Will only attempt the loadModels call if the AppModel class is not in memory, and the Database class is in memory.
Removed all unnecessary calls to basics uses(). Again another big performance increase.
Added fix to the Html::guiListTree() after discussing the output that is expected.
A ticket was closed on this already.
Revision: [1635]
Removing calls to basic uses()
Revision: [1634]
Removing calls to basics uses() that are not needed.
Revision: [1633]
Removing calls to basics uses() that are not needed.
Moved Object class further up in the loading order
Revision: [1632]
adding fix for Ticket #132
Revision: [1631]
Added fix from Ticket #122
Revision: [1630]
Scaffold views can now be placed in a view directory.
These will override the core.
Example (Must have the scaffold dot name):
Revision: [1629]
Think I fixed the issue with scaffold showing proper dates prior to January 1 1970 00:00:00.
Revision: [1628]
Added a few more change to allow saving dates prior to January 1 1970 00:00:00.
Still a few issues with this, but will get them figured out soon.
Changed scaffold to use only one form view.
Revision: [1627]
Added fix for Ticket #189
Revision: [1626]
Added fix for Ticket #120.
Revision: [1625]
left justified doc blocks
Revision: [1624]
remove files from uses() that are loaded by default in app/webroot/index.php no reason to attempt to load them again in the classes
Revision: [1623]
adding check to the loadModels and loadController that will only attempt to load files if the classes are not already in memory
Revision: [1622]
Adding fix to time helper that was lost in a previous merge
Removing all tabs from code
Revision: [1621]
Addtional model validation fixes
Revision: [1620]
fixed parse error
Revision: [1619]
Fixing ticket #102
Revision: [1618]
correcting mime types and keywords
Revision: [1617]
correcting mime types and keywords
Revision: [1616]
fixed link in footer
Revision: [1615]
Fixing ticket #207
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Fixing Bake (Ticket #5)
Adding new file header
Starting to fix Bake (Ticket #5)
Adding patch for Ticket #63
Fixing ticket #13
Fix so only sub classes that have a __destruct() implemented will have it registered
Fixing ticket #130
Fix for Ticket #190
Fixing ticket #136
Fixed would throw error if a action was camelCased in the url or in requestAction()
fixed a few typos in home view
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Updated headers.
beginning to clean up files that are not used in this version of Cake
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Author: phpnut
Date: 2:11:57 PM, Saturday, November 05, 2005
Fixing Controller::generateFieldNames() to work with changes to Model
Author: phpnut
Date: 1:18:02 PM, Saturday, November 05, 2005
More work on changes made in the model to allow association names to be used as an alias.
These changes are being made to update scaffold to work with changes in [1330].
Added var $alias that holds an array with the key value pair of the table name and the association name.
Author: phpnut
Date: 10:25:16 PM, Friday, November 04, 2005
Adding fix for Ticket #127. The query returns properly now but, this breaks scaffold which I will be fixing soon.
Also the save methods for the model have not been tested but I am sure these need to be corrected also.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
Author: phpnut
Date: 10:02:08 PM, Friday, November 04, 2005
Merging new ACL
Author: phpnut
Date: 8:20:15 AM, Wednesday, November 02, 2005
More coding on the Security class.
Added cipher method provided by Nate to the class.
Added hash method that will be used to generate a authentication key
Added method to the CakeSession class to return all session vars if the session components read method is called with empty params.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0