Changing calls from date to strftime in TimeHelper
Implementing TimeHelper::converSpecifiers() to conver format strings to be windows safe and I18n friendly
Implementing TimeHelper::i18nFormat() to format dates with preferred locale date format
Changing TimeHelper::format() to handle inversion of first two parameters, while being backwards compatible. If called with the first parameter as a time string it will call TimeHelper::i18nFormat()
Adding ability to change translations on the fly
Example: Configure::write('Config.language', 'locale');
Same setting can be used to define you own locale
Example: Configure::write('Config.language', 'somename');
Added ability to set additional directory paths for locale directory
Example: Configure::write('Locale.path', DS . 'directory'. DS . 'locale');
Fixed merging of core translations, if present."
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0