Added ability to turn off HTTP_USER_AGENT check in a Controller::beforeFilter(),
Added id() to Session helper and component to return current Session id, the component accepts a $id parameter to force setting the Session id which must be called in a Controller::beforeFilter().
Sessions id are not longer renewed if a request is from Ajax, or from requestAction();
When Security.level (1.2) or CAKE_SECURITY (1.1) is set the 'high' renewing of Session id only happens if request is 2 seconds after the last request.
Added $_Session[Config][timeout] which forces renewing Session if request are within the 2 second limit and over 10 request.
If an application is expected to make multiple request (more than 10) to the server in a single proccess, Configure::write('Security.level', 'medium'); (1.2) or $this->Session->security = 'medium'; (1.1) should be used in a beforeFilter for the specific methods.
1.2 Sessions allow using CacheEngines to store Sessions, be aware that using memory caching as the only storage of Sessions is not reliable. Further work will be done to allow using the CacheEngines with database Sessions, etc.
git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0