This allows callers to request that the basepath *not* be stripped off
when normalizing string URL's. This is important in AuthComponent when
handling redirect URL's as the redirect location could point to
a controller that shares a name with the base path.
Refs #3897
Refs #3916
Correctly handle ranges that don't terminate at the end of the file.
Also reject invalid ranges as described in RFC-2616.
Thanks to Kim Biesbjerg for the initial patch.
Trim off webroot/index.php when determining base and url.
Trimming off index.php from url and webroot/index.php from base url allows the correct values to be created when a path contains index.php in it.
It seems fixing this in the htaccess file(s) isn't going to work even though a url rewriting based solution was more clean. On the plus side this works for any web server.
If a url is called with "index.php" in it then the CakeRequest swallows this part and fixes the path. Any linked url from the requested page will have a clean url. Thus after following one of these urls this problem is gone anyway.
Some code docblock improvements to CakeRequestTest.php
Added test case for fix
Also now you can call just index.php even if you have url rewriting enabled
When the first path segment matches the base path an incorrect URL was
generated. Trimming slashes off makes Router normalize the URL correctly
as the leading / implies that the base is already prepended.
The Return-Path header should not be present on the SMTP transaction, this header is set by the time of final delivery.
Quote RFC2821:
> When the delivery SMTP server makes the "final delivery" of a message, it inserts a return-path line at the beginning of the mail data. This use of return-path is required; mail systems MUST support it. The return-path line preserves the information in the from the MAIL command.