Removing php5 only keywords from test cases.
Updating memcache tests, to correctly skip multiple server test when multiple memcached servers cannot be found.
Inflector::rules() now has an optional 3rd parameter, $reset, which can
be set to true if you desire to remove the default inflections defined
in Inflector.
Note that the reset will only affect those inflection types which you
have explicitly re-defined in the $rules parameter.
When passing a $map to Inflector::slug(), the $map values will now
overwrite any default mappings that Inflector::slug defines.
Modified pre-existing test-case for Inflector::slug() when using a $map.
Model::exists() now makes no check whatsoever on the value of
Model::$useTable. This means that, as with a database-backed dbo,
Model::exists() will call Model::find('count') (which in turn calls
DataSource::read()) to determine if the record identified by Model::$id
already exists in the datasource.
Model::exists() no longer monkeys with the internal state of
Model::$__exists. The optional $reset parameter has also been removed,
as it is no longer needed.
Changing calls from date to strftime in TimeHelper
Implementing TimeHelper::converSpecifiers() to conver format strings to be windows safe and I18n friendly
Implementing TimeHelper::i18nFormat() to format dates with preferred locale date format
Changing TimeHelper::format() to handle inversion of first two parameters, while being backwards compatible. If called with the first parameter as a time string it will call TimeHelper::i18nFormat()
* 1.3: (137 commits)
Updating tests to reflect SessionHelper's loss of magic inclusion.
Removing SessionHelper's magical inclusion into the helpers array. Use of SessionHelper must now be explicitly done. Tests updated.
Fixing merge var test case for non magic session component.
Fixing Pagescontroller test and removal of pageTitle from controller.
Fixing component and controller test cases to work with less magical session component.
Removing the magical addition of SessionComponent to components array. This makes components more declarative, and removes magic that cannot be undone by the end developer.
Fixing failing tests due to deleted assets.
Removing use of subclass method 'fullTableName()' in Datasource superclass. Fixes#100.
Updating CakeTestSuiteDispatcher parsing of .
Adding missing </p> to Html test reporter template.
Updating css file in skel dir.
Fixing alignment issues in tables.
Removing orphaned method.
Adding 'id' attribute to hidden field generated for multiple select and multiple checkboxes. Fixes issue where invalid markup was generated in case to multiple checkboxes
Adding php5 check to avoid errors when using __get() or __isset() methods in models
Fixing include in test of CodeCoverageManager. Fixes#196
Fixing var name when not have SimpleTest or XDebug installed.
Moving skel/config/sql to skel/config/schema
Fixing output of 'Actions' in bake templates. Now outputs a __() call.
Updating scaffolds to match new bake design.