mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 15:39:53 +00:00
Merge remote branch 'origin/2.0' into 2.0-class-loading
Conflicts: cake/libs/view/helpers/js.php lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/FixtureTask.php
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 281 additions and 68 deletions
@ -186,7 +186,9 @@ class FixtureTask extends BakeTask {
public function bake($model, $useTable = false, $importOptions = array()) {
App::uses('CakeSchema', 'Model');
$table = $schema = $records = $import = $modelImport = $recordImport = null;
$table = $schema = $records = $import = $modelImport = null;
$importBits = array();
if (!$useTable) {
$useTable = Inflector::tableize($model);
} elseif ($useTable != Inflector::tableize($model)) {
@ -195,16 +197,17 @@ class FixtureTask extends BakeTask {
if (!empty($importOptions)) {
if (isset($importOptions['schema'])) {
$modelImport = "'model' => '{$importOptions['schema']}'";
$modelImport = true;
$importBits[] = "'model' => '{$importOptions['schema']}'";
if (isset($importOptions['records'])) {
$recordImport = "'records' => true";
$importBits[] = "'records' => true";
if ($modelImport && $recordImport) {
$modelImport .= ', ';
if ($this->connection != 'default') {
$importBits[] .= "'connection' => '{$this->connection}'";
if (!empty($modelImport) || !empty($recordImport)) {
$import = sprintf("array(%s%s)", $modelImport, $recordImport);
if (!empty($importBits)) {
$import = sprintf("array(%s)", implode(', ', $importBits));
@ -177,7 +177,20 @@ class TestTask extends BakeTask {
* @return string Class name the user chose.
public function getClassName($objectType) {
$options = App::objects(strtolower($objectType));
$type = strtolower($objectType);
if ($this->plugin) {
$path = Inflector::pluralize($type);
if ($type === 'helper') {
$path = 'views' . DS . $path;
} elseif ($type === 'component') {
$path = 'controllers' . DS . $path;
} elseif ($type === 'behavior') {
$path = 'models' . DS . $path;
$options = App::objects($type, App::pluginPath($this->plugin) . $path, false);
} else {
$options = App::objects($type);
$this->out(__('Choose a %s class', $objectType));
$keys = array();
foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ class EmailComponent extends Component {
App::uses($viewClass, $plugin . 'View');
$View = new $viewClass($this->Controller, false);
$View = new $viewClass($this->Controller);
$View->layout = $this->layout;
$msg = array();
@ -499,6 +499,7 @@ class EmailComponent extends Component {
$msg[] = '--alt-' . $this->_boundary . '--';
$msg[] = '';
return $msg;
@ -528,6 +529,7 @@ class EmailComponent extends Component {
$msg = array_merge($msg, $content);
return $msg;
@ -777,14 +779,15 @@ class EmailComponent extends Component {
* @access private
function _formatAddress($string, $smtp = false) {
$hasAlias = preg_match('/((.*)\s)?<(.+)>/', $string, $matches);
$hasAlias = preg_match('/((.*))?\s?<(.+)>/', $string, $matches);
if ($smtp && $hasAlias) {
return $this->_strip('<' . $matches[3] . '>');
} elseif ($smtp) {
return $this->_strip('<' . $string . '>');
if ($hasAlias && !empty($matches[2])) {
return $this->_strip($matches[2] . ' <' . $matches[3] . '>');
return $this->_encode($matches[2]) . $this->_strip(' <' . $matches[3] . '>');
return $this->_strip($string);
@ -837,6 +840,18 @@ class EmailComponent extends Component {
return @mail($to, $this->_encode($this->subject), $message, $header, $this->additionalParams);
* Helper method to get socket, overridden in tests
* @param array $config Config data for the socket.
* @return void
* @access protected
function _getSocket($config) {
$this->_smtpConnection = new CakeSocket($config);
* Sends out email via SMTP
@ -853,7 +868,7 @@ class EmailComponent extends Component {
'timeout' => 30
$this->smtpOptions = array_merge($defaults, $this->smtpOptions);
$this->_smtpConnection = new CakeSocket($this->smtpOptions);
if (!$this->_smtpConnection->connect()) {
$this->smtpError = $this->_smtpConnection->lastError();
@ -867,7 +882,7 @@ class EmailComponent extends Component {
if (isset($this->smtpOptions['client'])) {
$host = $this->smtpOptions['client'];
} elseif (!empty($httpHost)) {
$host = $httpHost;
list($host) = explode(':', $httpHost);
} else {
$host = 'localhost';
@ -484,6 +484,7 @@ class DataSource extends Object {
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$val = null;
$type = null;
if (strpos($query, $key) !== false) {
switch ($key) {
@ -507,6 +508,7 @@ class DataSource extends Object {
$val = '';
$type = $model->getColumnType($model->primaryKey);
case '{$__cakeForeignKey__$}':
foreach ($model->associations() as $id => $name) {
@ -514,6 +516,8 @@ class DataSource extends Object {
if ($assocName === $association) {
if (isset($assoc['foreignKey'])) {
$foreignKey = $assoc['foreignKey'];
$assocModel = $model->$assocName;
$type = $assocModel->getColumnType($assocModel->primaryKey);
if (isset($data[$model->alias][$foreignKey])) {
$val = $data[$model->alias][$foreignKey];
@ -542,7 +546,7 @@ class DataSource extends Object {
if (empty($val) && $val !== '0') {
return false;
$query = str_replace($key, $this->value($val, $model->getColumnType($model->primaryKey)), $query);
$query = str_replace($key, $this->value($val, $type), $query);
return $query;
@ -64,9 +64,21 @@ class Set {
* @return mixed Either filtered array, or true/false when in callback
public static function filter($var, $isArray = false) {
if (is_array($var) && (!empty($var) || $isArray)) {
return array_filter($var, array('Set', 'filter'));
foreach ((array)$var as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v) && is_array($v)) {
$var[$k] = array_filter($v, array('Set', '_filter'));
return array_filter($var, array('Set', '_filter'));
* Set::filter callback function
* @param array $var Array to filter.
* @return boolean
protected static function _filter($var) {
if ($var === 0 || $var === '0' || !empty($var)) {
return true;
@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ class CacheHelper extends AppHelper {
$controller->layout = $this->layout = \'' . $this->_View->layout. '\';
$controller->request = $this->request = unserialize(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", serialize($this->request)) . '\');
$controller->theme = $this->theme = \'' . $this->_View->theme . '\';
$controller->viewVars = $this->viewVars = ' . var_export($this->_View->viewVars, true) . ';
if ($useCallbacks == true) {
@ -253,6 +254,7 @@ class CacheHelper extends AppHelper {
$file .= '
extract($this->viewVars, EXTR_SKIP);
$content = preg_replace("/(<\\?xml)/", "<?php echo '$1';?>",$content);
$file .= $content;
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ abstract class JsBaseEngineHelper extends AppHelper {
* Constructor.
* @return void
function __construct() {
parent::__construct($View, $settings);
$this->useNative = function_exists('json_encode');
@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class JsHelper extends AppHelper {
* @param View $View the view object the helper is attached to.
* @param array $settings Settings array contains name of engine helper.
* @return void
public function __construct(View $View, $settings = array()) {
$className = 'Jquery';
@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ class TimeHelper extends AppHelper {
$y = $this->isThisYear($date) ? '' : ' %Y';
if ($this->isToday($date)) {
if ($this->isToday($dateString, $userOffset)) {
$ret = __('Today, %s', strftime("%H:%M", $date));
} elseif ($this->wasYesterday($date)) {
} elseif ($this->wasYesterday($dateString, $userOffset)) {
$ret = __('Yesterday, %s', strftime("%H:%M", $date));
} else {
$format = $this->convertSpecifiers("%b %eS{$y}, %H:%M", $date);
@ -152,6 +152,17 @@ class FixtureTaskTest extends CakeTestCase {
$this->assertPattern('/Third Article/', $result, 'Missing import data %s');
* test that connection gets set to the import options when a different connection is used.
* @return void
function testImportOptionsAlternateConnection() {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$result = $this->Task->bake('Article', false, array('schema' => 'Article'));
$this->assertPattern("/'connection' => 'test'/", $result);
* test that execute passes runs bake depending with named model.
@ -291,15 +302,15 @@ class FixtureTaskTest extends CakeTestCase {
$this->assertPattern('/public \$fields = array\(/', $result);
$result = $this->Task->bake('Article', 'comments', array('records' => true));
$this->assertPattern("/public \\\$import \= array\('records' \=\> true\);/", $result);
$this->assertPattern("/public \\\$import \= array\('records' \=\> true, 'connection' => 'test'\);/", $result);
$this->assertNoPattern('/public \$records/', $result);
$result = $this->Task->bake('Article', 'comments', array('schema' => 'Article'));
$this->assertPattern("/public \\\$import \= array\('model' \=\> 'Article'\);/", $result);
$this->assertPattern("/public \\\$import \= array\('model' \=\> 'Article'\, 'connection' => 'test'\);/", $result);
$this->assertNoPattern('/public \$fields/', $result);
$result = $this->Task->bake('Article', 'comments', array('schema' => 'Article', 'records' => true));
$this->assertPattern("/public \\\$import \= array\('model' \=\> 'Article'\, 'records' \=\> true\);/", $result);
$this->assertPattern("/public \\\$import \= array\('model' \=\> 'Article'\, 'records' \=\> true\, 'connection' => 'test'\);/", $result);
$this->assertNoPattern('/public \$fields/', $result);
$this->assertNoPattern('/public \$records/', $result);
@ -357,4 +368,5 @@ class FixtureTaskTest extends CakeTestCase {
$result = $this->Task->generateFixtureFile('Article', array());
@ -530,6 +530,37 @@ class TestTaskTest extends CakeTestCase {
$this->Task->bake('Helper', 'Form');
* test interactive with plugins lists from the plugin
* @return void
function testInteractiveWithPlugin() {
$testApp = TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . 'tests' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'plugins' . DS;
'plugins' => array($testApp)
), true);
$this->Task->plugin = 'TestPlugin';
$path = $testApp . 'test_plugin' . DS . 'tests' . DS . 'cases' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'other_helper.test.php';
5, //helper
1 //OtherHelper
->with($path, $this->anything());
->with('1. OtherHelper');
* Test filename generation for each type + plugins
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ App::uses('CakeSocket', 'Network');
class EmailTestComponent extends EmailComponent {
var $smtpSend = '';
* smtpSend method override for testing
@ -39,6 +40,19 @@ class EmailTestComponent extends EmailComponent {
return parent::_smtpSend($data, $code);
* undocumented function
* @return void
function _smtpSend($data, $code = '250') {
if ($this->_debug) {
$this->smtpSend .= $data . "\n";
return true;
return parent::_smtpSend($data, $code);
* Convenience setter method for testing.
@ -49,6 +63,18 @@ class EmailTestComponent extends EmailComponent {
$this->_smtpConnection = $socket;
* Allows mocks to be used with tests.
* @param array $config
* @return void
function _getSocket($config) {
if (empty($this->_smtpConnection)) {
* Convenience getter method for testing.
@ -412,46 +438,64 @@ TEMPDOC;
* @return void
function testSmtpSendMultipleTo() {
if ($this->skipIf(!@fsockopen('localhost', 25, $err, $errstr, .01), '%s No SMTP server running on localhost')) {
$this->Controller->EmailTest->to = array('postmaster@localhost', 'root@localhost');
$this->Controller->EmailTest->from = 'noreply@example.com';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->subject = 'Cake SMTP multiple To test';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->replyTo = 'noreply@example.com';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->template = null;
$this->Controller->EmailTest->delivery = 'smtp';
$this->assertTrue($this->Controller->EmailTest->send('This is the body of the message'));
$this->Controller->EmailTest->_debug = true;
$this->Controller->EmailTest->sendAs = 'text';
$expect = <<<TEMPDOC
<pre>Host: localhost
Port: 25
Timeout: 30
To: postmaster@localhost, root@localhost
From: noreply@example.com
Subject: Cake SMTP multiple To test
$this->Controller->EmailTest->delivery = 'smtp';
To: postmaster@localhost, root@localhost
From: noreply@example.com
Reply-To: noreply@example.com
Subject: Cake SMTP multiple To test
X-Mailer: CakePHP Email Component
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitParameters:
$socket = $this->getMock('CakeSocket');
This is the body of the message
$this->assertTrue($this->Controller->EmailTest->send('This is the body of the message'));
$this->assertEqual($this->Controller->Session->read('Message.email.message'), $this->__osFix($expect));
$this->assertPattern('/EHLO localhost\n/', $this->Controller->EmailTest->smtpSend);
$this->assertPattern('/MAIL FROM: <noreply@example\.com>\n/', $this->Controller->EmailTest->smtpSend);
$this->assertPattern('/RCPT TO: <postmaster@localhost>\n/', $this->Controller->EmailTest->smtpSend);
$this->assertPattern('/RCPT TO: <root@localhost>\n/', $this->Controller->EmailTest->smtpSend);
'/To: postmaster@localhost, root@localhost[\n\r]/',
* test sending smtp from a host using a port.
* @return void
function testSmtpSendHostWithPort() {
$bkp = env('HTTP_HOST');
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost:8080';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->to = array('root@localhost');
$this->Controller->EmailTest->from = 'noreply@example.com';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->subject = 'Cake SMTP host test';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->replyTo = 'noreply@example.com';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->template = null;
$this->Controller->EmailTest->delivery = 'smtp';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->sendAs = 'text';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->_debug = true;
$socket = $this->getMock('CakeSocket');
$this->assertTrue($this->Controller->EmailTest->send('This is the body of the message'));
$this->assertPattern('/EHLO localhost\n/', $this->Controller->EmailTest->smtpSend);
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $bkp;
@ -542,6 +586,8 @@ MSGBLOC;
* @return void
function testTemplates() {
$this->Controller->EmailTest->to = 'postmaster@localhost';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->from = 'noreply@example.com';
$this->Controller->EmailTest->subject = 'Cake SMTP test';
@ -633,6 +679,9 @@ HTMLBLOC;
$expect = '<pre>' . str_replace('{CONTENTTYPE}', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', $header) . $html . '</pre>';
$this->assertTrue($this->Controller->EmailTest->send('This is the body of the message', 'default', 'thin'));
$this->assertEqual($this->Controller->Session->read('Message.email.message'), $this->__osFix($expect));
$result = ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
@ -1226,6 +1275,9 @@ HTMLBLOC;
$result = $this->Controller->EmailTest->formatAddress('alias <email@example.com>');
$this->assertEqual($result, 'alias <email@example.com>');
$result = $this->Controller->EmailTest->formatAddress('alias<email@example.com>');
$this->assertEqual($result, 'alias <email@example.com>');
$result = $this->Controller->EmailTest->formatAddress('email@example.com');
$this->assertEqual($result, 'email@example.com');
@ -1241,4 +1293,21 @@ HTMLBLOC;
$result = $this->Controller->EmailTest->formatAddress('alias name <email@example.com>', true);
$this->assertEqual($result, '<email@example.com>');
* test formatting addresses with multibyte chars
* @return void
function testFormatAddressMultibyte() {
$this->Controller->EmailTest->charset = 'UTF-8';
$result = $this->Controller->EmailTest->formatAddress('ÄÖÜTest <email@domain.de>');
$this->assertEqual($result, '=?UTF-8?B?w4TDlsOcVGVzdCA=?= <email@domain.de>');
$result = $this->Controller->EmailTest->formatAddress('ÄÖÜTest<email@domain.de>');
$this->assertEqual($result, '=?UTF-8?B?w4TDlsOcVGVzdA==?= <email@domain.de>');
$result = $this->Controller->EmailTest->formatAddress('ÄÖÜTest <email@domain.de>', true);
$this->assertEqual($result, '<email@domain.de>');
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class DbAroUserTest extends CakeTestModel {
* @access public
public $useTable = 'auth_users';
* bindNode method
* @param mixed $ref
@ -87,8 +87,20 @@ class SetTest extends CakeTestCase {
function testFilter() {
$result = Set::filter(array('0', false, true, 0, array('one thing', 'I can tell you', 'is you got to be', false)));
$expected = array('0', 2 => true, 3 => 0, 4 => array('one thing', 'I can tell you', 'is you got to be', false));
$this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
$expected = array('0', 2 => true, 3 => 0, 4 => array('one thing', 'I can tell you', 'is you got to be'));
$this->assertSame($result, $expected);
$result = Set::filter(array(1, array(false)));
$expected = array(1);
$this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
$result = Set::filter(array(1, array(false, false)));
$expected = array(1);
$this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
$result = Set::filter(array(1, array('empty', false)));
$expected = array(1, array('empty'));
$this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
@ -290,6 +290,42 @@ class CacheHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
$this->assertPattern('/7\. layout after content and after element with no cache tags/', $contents);
* test cache of view vars
* @access public
* @return void
function testCacheViewVars() {
$this->Controller->params = array(
'controller' => 'cache_test',
'action' => 'cache_parsing',
'url' => array(),
'pass' => array(),
'named' => array()
$this->Controller->cacheAction = 21600;
$this->Controller->here = '/cacheTest/cache_parsing';
$this->Controller->action = 'cache_parsing';
$View = new View($this->Controller);
$result = $View->render('index');
$this->assertNoPattern('/cake:nocache/', $result);
$this->assertNoPattern('/php echo/', $result);
$filename = CACHE . 'views' . DS . 'cachetest_cache_parsing.php';
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);
$this->assertPattern('/\$this\-\>viewVars/', $contents);
$this->assertPattern('/extract\(\$this\-\>viewVars, EXTR_SKIP\);/', $contents);
$this->assertPattern('/php echo \$variable/', $contents);
$this->assertPattern('/variableValue/', $contents);
* test cacheAction set to a boolean
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ class JqueryEngineHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
function setUp() {
$controller = null;
$View = new View($controller);
$this->Jquery = new JqueryEngineHelper($View);
$this->View = $this->getMock('View', array('addScript'), array(&$controller));
$this->Jquery = new JqueryEngineHelper($this->View);
@ -106,9 +106,7 @@ class JsHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
$this->Js->Form->request = $request;
$this->Js->Form->Html = $this->Js->Html;
$this->Js->OptionEngine = new OptionEngineHelper();
ClassRegistry::addObject('view', $this->View);
$this->Js->OptionEngine = new OptionEngineHelper($this->View);
@ -119,7 +117,6 @@ class JsHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
function tearDown() {
Configure::write('Asset.timestamp', $this->_asset);
@ -132,7 +129,7 @@ class JsHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
$request = new CakeRequest(null, false);
if (!class_exists('TestJsEngineHelper', false)) {
$this->getMock('JsBaseEngineHelper', array(), array(), 'TestJsEngineHelper');
$this->getMock('JsBaseEngineHelper', array(), array($this->View), 'TestJsEngineHelper');
$this->Js = new JsHelper($this->View, array('TestJs'));
@ -316,7 +313,7 @@ class JsHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
$this->Js->request->webroot = '/';
$this->Js->JsBaseEngine = new TestJsEngineHelper();
$this->Js->JsBaseEngine = new TestJsEngineHelper($this->View);
$this->Js->buffer('one = 1;');
$this->Js->buffer('two = 2;');
$result = $this->Js->writeBuffer(array('onDomReady' => false, 'cache' => true));
@ -694,7 +691,7 @@ class JsBaseEngineTest extends CakeTestCase {
function setUp() {
$controller = null;
$this->View = new View($controller);
$this->View = $this->getMock('View', array('addScript'), array(&$controller));
$this->JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper($this->View);
@ -915,7 +912,7 @@ class JsBaseEngineTest extends CakeTestCase {
* @return void
function testOptionMapping() {
$JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper();
$JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper($this->View);
$result = $JsEngine->testMap();
$this->assertEqual($result, array());
@ -935,7 +932,7 @@ class JsBaseEngineTest extends CakeTestCase {
* @return void
function testOptionParsing() {
$JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper();
$JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper($this->View);
$result = $JsEngine->testParseOptions(array('url' => '/posts/view/1', 'key' => 1));
$expected = 'key:1, url:"\\/posts\\/view\\/1"';
@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ class MooEngineHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
function setUp() {
$this->Moo = new MootoolsEngineHelper();
$controller = null;
$this->View = $this->getMock('View', array('addScript'), array(&$controller));
$this->Moo = new MootoolsEngineHelper($this->View);
@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ class PrototypeEngineHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
function setUp() {
$this->Proto = new PrototypeEngineHelper();
$controller = null;
$this->View = $this->getMock('View', array('addScript'), array(&$controller));
$this->Proto = new PrototypeEngineHelper($this->View);
@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ class SessionHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
$this->Session = new SessionHelper($this->View);
if (!CakeSession::started()) {
$_SESSION = array(
'test' => 'info',
'Message' => array(
Add table
Reference in a new issue