<p>Cake is a structure of libraries, classes and run-time infrastructure for PHP programmers. It's also what It's original author, Michal uses at work. It's based on certain conventions, so you may find it rigid at first. The directory structure is already laid out, and it's different from what most people use. From what We've experienced, a great many PHP programmers start as web- or graphic-designers, i.e. they are not university-educated programmers as many in C++ and Java-land. They invent their own, peculiar ways of solving problems and stick to them. Perhaps that's why so few people use <?=$html->linkOut('PEAR', 'http://pear.php.net')?> and <?=$html->linkOut('PECL', 'http://pecl.php.net')?> libraries – they don't usually re-use their code.</p>
<p>Cake PHP builds on a concept introduced in <?=$html->linkOut('Ruby on Rails', 'http://rubyonrails.com')?> – it enables rapid developement of feature-rich websites.</p>
<p>Cake is still in its early infancy, but we are proceeding in good direction – table joins will most probably get added in 0.9.3 release, and better support for user-defined settings is also underway.</p>
<p>Soon there will be oficial <?=$html->linkOut('Cake PHP website','http://cakphp.org/')?>, so stay tuned.</p>
<p>Also see Cake PHP's original authors <?=$html->linkOut('Amazon wishlish','http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/registry.html?id=NODP8QT6LFTO')?> if you want to show appreciation for his work on the project.</p>