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Raw Normal View History

2009-03-06 19:51:13 -05:00
* JsHelper Test Case
2009-03-06 19:51:13 -05:00
* TestCase for the JsHelper
* PHP versions 4 and 5
2010-05-18 22:15:13 -03:00
* CakePHP(tm) Tests <>
2010-01-26 14:18:20 -05:00
* Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
2010-01-26 14:18:20 -05:00
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
2010-05-18 22:15:13 -03:00
* @link CakePHP(tm) Tests
2009-03-19 14:10:13 -07:00
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.view.helpers
* @since CakePHP(tm) v 1.3
* @license MIT License (
App::import('Helper', array('Js', 'Html', 'Form'));
2009-03-07 19:34:05 -05:00
App::import('Core', array('View', 'ClassRegistry'));
class OptionEngineHelper extends JsBaseEngineHelper {
protected $_optionMap = array(
'request' => array(
'complete' => 'success',
'request' => 'beforeSend',
'type' => 'dataType'
* test method for testing option mapping
* @return array
function testMap($options = array()) {
return $this->_mapOptions('request', $options);
* test method for option parsing
* @return void
function testParseOptions($options, $safe = array()) {
return $this->_parseOptions($options, $safe);
function get($selector) {}
function event($type, $callback, $options = array()) {}
function domReady($functionBody) {}
function each($callback) {}
function effect($name, $options = array()) {}
function request($url, $options = array()) {}
function drag($options = array()) {}
function drop($options = array()) {}
function sortable($options = array()) {}
function slider($options = array()) {}
function serializeForm($options = array()) {}
2009-03-06 19:51:13 -05:00
* JsHelper TestCase.
2009-03-19 14:10:13 -07:00
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.view.helpers
class JsHelperTest extends CakeTestCase {
* Regexp for CDATA start block
* @var string
public $cDataStart = 'preg:/^\/\/<!\[CDATA\[[\n\r]*/';
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* Regexp for CDATA end block
* @var string
public $cDataEnd = 'preg:/[^\]]*\]\]\>[\s\r\n]*/';
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* setUp method
* @access public
* @return void
function setUp() {
$this->_asset = Configure::read('Asset.timestamp');
Configure::write('Asset.timestamp', false);
$controller = null;
$this->View = $this->getMock('View', array('addScript'), array(&$controller));
$this->Js = new JsHelper($this->View, 'Option');
$request = new CakeRequest(null, false);
$this->Js->request = $request;
$this->Js->Html = new HtmlHelper($this->View);
$this->Js->Html->request = $request;
$this->Js->Form = new FormHelper($this->View);
$this->Js->Form->request = $request;
$this->Js->Form->Html = $this->Js->Html;
$this->Js->OptionEngine = new OptionEngineHelper();
ClassRegistry::addObject('view', $this->View);
* tearDown method
* @access public
* @return void
function tearDown() {
Configure::write('Asset.timestamp', $this->_asset);
2009-03-07 19:34:05 -05:00
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* Switches $this->Js to a mocked engine.
* @return void
function _useMock() {
$request = new CakeRequest(null, false);
if (!class_exists('TestJsEngineHelper', false)) {
$this->getMock('JsBaseEngineHelper', array(), array(), 'TestJsEngineHelper');
$this->Js = new JsHelper($this->View, array('TestJs'));
$this->Js->TestJsEngine = new TestJsEngineHelper($this->View);
$this->mockObjects[] = $this->Js->TestJsEngine;
$this->Js->request = $request;
$this->Js->Html = new HtmlHelper($this->View);
$this->Js->Html->request = $request;
$this->Js->Form = new FormHelper($this->View);
$this->Js->Form->request = $request;
$this->Js->Form->Html = new HtmlHelper($this->View);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test object construction
* @return void
function testConstruction() {
$js = new JsHelper($this->View);
$this->assertEqual($js->helpers, array('Html', 'Form', 'JqueryEngine'));
$js = new JsHelper($this->View, array('mootools'));
$this->assertEqual($js->helpers, array('Html', 'Form', 'mootoolsEngine'));
$js = new JsHelper($this->View, 'prototype');
$this->assertEqual($js->helpers, array('Html', 'Form', 'prototypeEngine'));
$js = new JsHelper($this->View, 'MyPlugin.Dojo');
$this->assertEqual($js->helpers, array('Html', 'Form', 'MyPlugin.DojoEngine'));
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test that methods dispatch internally and to the engine class
* @return void
function testMethodDispatching() {
->with('click', 'callback');
$this->Js->event('click', 'callback');
$this->Js->TestJsEngine = new StdClass();
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* Test that method dispatching for events respects buffer parameters and bufferedMethods Lists.
* @return void
function testEventDispatchWithBuffering() {
$this->Js->TestJsEngine->bufferedMethods = array('event', 'sortables');
->will($this->returnValue('This is an event call'));
$this->Js->event('click', 'foo');
$result = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$this->assertEqual(count($result), 1);
$this->assertEqual($result[0], 'This is an event call');
$result = $this->Js->event('click', 'foo', array('buffer' => false));
$buffer = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$this->assertEqual($result, 'This is an event call');
$result = $this->Js->event('click', 'foo', false);
$buffer = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$this->assertEqual($result, 'This is an event call');
* Test that method dispatching for effects respects buffer parameters and bufferedMethods Lists.
* @return void
function testEffectDispatchWithBuffering() {
->will($this->returnValue('I am not buffered.'));
$result = $this->Js->effect('slideIn');
$buffer = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$this->assertEqual($result, 'I am not buffered.');
$result = $this->Js->effect('slideIn', true);
$buffer = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$this->assertEqual(count($buffer), 1);
$this->assertEqual($buffer[0], 'I am not buffered.');
$result = $this->Js->effect('slideIn', array('speed' => 'slow'), true);
$buffer = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$this->assertEqual(count($buffer), 1);
$this->assertEqual($buffer[0], 'I am not buffered.');
$result = $this->Js->effect('slideIn', array('speed' => 'slow', 'buffer' => true));
$buffer = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$this->assertEqual(count($buffer), 1);
$this->assertEqual($buffer[0], 'I am not buffered.');
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test that writeScripts generates scripts inline.
* @return void
function testWriteScriptsNoFile() {
$this->Js->buffer('one = 1;');
$this->Js->buffer('two = 2;');
$result = $this->Js->writeBuffer(array('onDomReady' => false, 'cache' => false, 'clear' => false));
$expected = array(
'script' => array('type' => 'text/javascript'),
"one = 1;\ntwo = 2;",
$this->assertTags($result, $expected, true);
2009-03-07 19:34:05 -05:00
$result = $this->Js->writeBuffer(array('onDomReady' => true, 'cache' => false, 'clear' => false));
2009-03-07 19:34:05 -05:00
$result = $this->Js->writeBuffer(array('onDomReady' => false, 'inline' => false, 'cache' => false));
* test that writing the buffer with inline = false includes a script tag.
* @return void
function testWriteBufferNotInline() {
$this->Js->set('foo', 1);
->with($this->matchesRegularExpression('#<script type="text\/javascript"> \= \{"foo"\:1\}\;<\/script>#'));
$result = $this->Js->writeBuffer(array('onDomReady' => false, 'inline' => false, 'safe' => false));
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test that writeBuffer() sets domReady = false when the request is done by XHR.
* Including a domReady() when in XHR can cause issues as events aren't triggered by some libraries
* @return void
function testWriteBufferAndXhr() {
$this->Js->params['isAjax'] = true;
$result = $this->Js->writeBuffer();
* test that writeScripts makes files, and puts the events into them.
* @return void
function testWriteScriptsInFile() {
if ($this->skipIf(!is_writable(JS), 'webroot/js is not Writable, script caching test has been skipped')) {
$this->Js->request->webroot = '/';
$this->Js->JsBaseEngine = new TestJsEngineHelper();
$this->Js->buffer('one = 1;');
$this->Js->buffer('two = 2;');
$result = $this->Js->writeBuffer(array('onDomReady' => false, 'cache' => true));
$expected = array(
'script' => array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => 'preg:/(.)*\.js/'),
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
preg_match('/src="(.*\.js)"/', $result, $filename);
$this->assertTrue(file_exists(WWW_ROOT . $filename[1]));
$contents = file_get_contents(WWW_ROOT . $filename[1]);
$this->assertPattern('/one\s=\s1;\ntwo\s=\s2;/', $contents);
@unlink(WWW_ROOT . $filename[1]);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
2009-07-12 17:30:41 -04:00
* test link()
* @return void
function testLinkWithMock() {
$options = array('update' => '#content');
->with('/posts/view/1', $options)
->will($this->returnValue('--ajax code--'));
->with('click', '--ajax code--', $options + array('buffer' => null));
$result = $this->Js->link('test link', '/posts/view/1', $options);
2009-07-12 17:30:41 -04:00
$expected = array(
'a' => array('id' => 'preg:/link-\d+/', 'href' => '/posts/view/1'),
'test link',
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
* test link with a mock and confirmation
* @return void
function testLinkWithMockAndConfirm() {
$options = array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure?',
'update' => '#content',
'class' => 'my-class',
'id' => 'custom-id',
'escape' => false
->will($this->returnValue('--confirm script--'));
->with('click', '--confirm script--');
$result = $this->Js->link('test link »', '/posts/view/1', $options);
$expected = array(
'a' => array('id' => $options['id'], 'class' => $options['class'], 'href' => '/posts/view/1'),
'test link »',
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
* test link passing on htmlAttributes
* @return void
function testLinkWithAribtraryAttributes() {
$options = array('id' => 'something', 'htmlAttributes' => array('arbitrary' => 'value', 'batman' => 'robin'));
$result = $this->Js->link('test link', '/posts/view/1', $options);
$expected = array(
'a' => array('id' => $options['id'], 'href' => '/posts/view/1', 'arbitrary' => 'value',
'batman' => 'robin'),
'test link',
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test that link() and no buffering returns an <a> and <script> tags.
* @return void
function testLinkWithNoBuffering() {
->with('/posts/view/1', array('update' => '#content'))
->will($this->returnValue('ajax code'));
->will($this->returnValue('-event handler-'));
$options = array('update' => '#content', 'buffer' => false);
$result = $this->Js->link('test link', '/posts/view/1', $options);
$expected = array(
'a' => array('id' => 'preg:/link-\d+/', 'href' => '/posts/view/1'),
'test link',
'script' => array('type' => 'text/javascript'),
'-event handler-',
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
* test link with buffering off and safe on.
* @return void
function testLinkWithNoBufferingAndSafe() {
->with('/posts/view/1', array('update' => '#content'))
->will($this->returnValue('ajax code'));
->will($this->returnValue('-event handler-'));
$options = array('update' => '#content', 'buffer' => false, 'safe' => false);
$result = $this->Js->link('test link', '/posts/view/1', $options);
$expected = array(
'a' => array('id' => 'preg:/link-\d+/', 'href' => '/posts/view/1'),
'test link',
'script' => array('type' => 'text/javascript'),
'-event handler-',
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
2009-07-12 17:30:41 -04:00
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
2009-07-21 00:24:58 -04:00
* test submit() with a Mock to check Engine method calls
* @return void
2009-07-21 00:24:58 -04:00
function testSubmitWithMock() {
$options = array('update' => '#content', 'id' => 'test-submit');
2009-07-21 00:24:58 -04:00
2009-07-21 00:24:58 -04:00
$params = array(
'update' => $options['update'], 'data' => 'serialize-code',
'method' => 'post', 'dataExpression' => true, 'buffer' => null
->with('click', "ajax-code", $params);
2009-07-21 00:24:58 -04:00
$result = $this->Js->submit('Save', $options);
$expected = array(
'div' => array('class' => 'submit'),
2009-07-21 00:24:58 -04:00
'input' => array('type' => 'submit', 'id' => $options['id'], 'value' => 'Save'),
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
* test submit() with a mock
* @return void
function testSubmitWithMockRequestParams() {
$requestParams = array(
'update' => '#content',
'data' => 'serialize-code',
'method' => 'post',
'dataExpression' => true
->with('/custom/url', $requestParams)
$params = array(
'update' => '#content', 'data' => 'serialize-code',
'method' => 'post', 'dataExpression' => true, 'buffer' => null
->with('click', "ajax-code", $params);
$options = array('update' => '#content', 'id' => 'test-submit', 'url' => '/custom/url');
$result = $this->Js->submit('Save', $options);
$expected = array(
'div' => array('class' => 'submit'),
'input' => array('type' => 'submit', 'id' => $options['id'], 'value' => 'Save'),
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
2009-07-21 00:24:58 -04:00
* test that no buffer works with submit() and that parameters are leaking into the script tag.
* @return void
function testSubmitWithNoBuffer() {
$options = array('update' => '#content', 'id' => 'test-submit', 'buffer' => false, 'safe' => false);
$params = array(
'update' => $options['update'], 'data' => 'serialize-code',
'method' => 'post', 'dataExpression' => true, 'buffer' => false
->with('click', "ajax-code", $params);
$result = $this->Js->submit('Save', $options);
$expected = array(
'div' => array('class' => 'submit'),
'input' => array('type' => 'submit', 'id' => $options['id'], 'value' => 'Save'),
'script' => array('type' => 'text/javascript'),
$this->assertTags($result, $expected);
* Test that Object::Object() is not breaking json output in JsHelper
* @return void
function testObjectPassThrough() {
$result = $this->Js->object(array('one' => 'first', 'two' => 'second'));
$expected = '{"one":"first","two":"second"}';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-10-14 21:26:43 -04:00
* Test that inherited Helper::value() is overwritten in JsHelper::value()
* and calls JsBaseEngineHelper::value().
* @return void
function testValuePassThrough() {
$result = $this->Js->value('string "quote"', true);
$expected = '"string \"quote\""';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-10-14 21:26:43 -04:00
* test set()'ing variables to the Javascript buffer and controlling the output var name.
* @return void
2009-10-14 21:26:43 -04:00
function testSet() {
$this->Js->set('loggedIn', true);
$this->Js->set(array('height' => 'tall', 'color' => 'purple'));
$result = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$expected = ' = {"loggedIn":true,"height":"tall","color":"purple"};';
2009-10-14 21:26:43 -04:00
$this->assertEqual($result[0], $expected);
2009-10-14 21:26:43 -04:00
$this->Js->set('loggedIn', true);
$this->Js->set(array('height' => 'tall', 'color' => 'purple'));
$this->Js->setVariable = 'WICKED';
$result = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$expected = 'window.WICKED = {"loggedIn":true,"height":"tall","color":"purple"};';
2009-10-14 21:26:43 -04:00
$this->assertEqual($result[0], $expected);
$this->Js->set('loggedIn', true);
$this->Js->set(array('height' => 'tall', 'color' => 'purple'));
$this->Js->setVariable = 'Application.variables';
$result = $this->Js->getBuffer();
$expected = 'Application.variables = {"loggedIn":true,"height":"tall","color":"purple"};';
$this->assertEqual($result[0], $expected);
2009-10-14 21:26:43 -04:00
* test that vars set with Js->set() go to the top of the buffered scripts list.
* @return void
function testSetVarsAtTopOfBufferedScripts() {
$this->Js->set(array('height' => 'tall', 'color' => 'purple'));
$this->Js->alert('hey you!', array('buffer' => true));
$this->Js->confirm('Are you sure?', array('buffer' => true));
$result = $this->Js->getBuffer(false);
$expected = ' = {"height":"tall","color":"purple"};';
$this->assertEqual($result[0], $expected);
$this->assertEqual($result[1], 'alert("hey you!");');
$this->assertEqual($result[2], 'confirm("Are you sure?");');
* JsBaseEngine Class Test case
* @package cake.tests.view.helpers
class JsBaseEngineTest extends CakeTestCase {
* setUp method
* @return void
function setUp() {
$controller = null;
$this->View = new View($controller);
$this->JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper($this->View);
* tearDown method
* @return void
function tearDown() {
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test escape string skills
* @return void
function testEscaping() {
$result = $this->JsEngine->escape('');
$expected = '';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->escape('CakePHP' . "\n" . 'Rapid Development Framework');
$expected = 'CakePHP\\nRapid Development Framework';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->escape('CakePHP' . "\r\n" . 'Rapid Development Framework' . "\r" . 'For PHP');
$expected = 'CakePHP\\r\\nRapid Development Framework\\rFor PHP';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->escape('CakePHP: "Rapid Development Framework"');
$expected = 'CakePHP: \\"Rapid Development Framework\\"';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->escape("CakePHP: 'Rapid Development Framework'");
$expected = "CakePHP: 'Rapid Development Framework'";
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->escape('my \\"string\\"');
$expected = 'my \\\\\\"string\\\\\\"';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test prompt() creation
* @return void
function testPrompt() {
$result = $this->JsEngine->prompt('Hey, hey you', 'hi!');
$expected = 'prompt("Hey, hey you", "hi!");';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->prompt('"Hey"', '"hi"');
$expected = 'prompt("\"Hey\"", "\"hi\"");';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test alert generation
* @return void
function testAlert() {
$result = $this->JsEngine->alert('Hey there');
$expected = 'alert("Hey there");';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->alert('"Hey"');
$expected = 'alert("\"Hey\"");';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test confirm generation
* @return void
function testConfirm() {
$result = $this->JsEngine->confirm('Are you sure?');
$expected = 'confirm("Are you sure?");';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->confirm('"Are you sure?"');
$expected = 'confirm("\"Are you sure?\"");';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test Redirect
* @return void
function testRedirect() {
$result = $this->JsEngine->redirect(array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view', 1));
$expected = 'window.location = "/posts/view/1";';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* testObject encoding with non-native methods.
* @return void
function testObject() {
$this->JsEngine->useNative = false;
$object = array('title' => 'New thing', 'indexes' => array(5, 6, 7, 8));
$result = $this->JsEngine->object($object);
$expected = '{"title":"New thing","indexes":[5,6,7,8]}';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->object(array('default' => 0));
$expected = '{"default":0}';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->JsEngine->object(array(
'2007' => array(
'Spring' => array(
'1' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Josh'), '2' => array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Becky')
'Fall' => array(
'1' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Josh'), '2' => array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Becky')
'2006' => array(
'Spring' => array(
'1' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Josh'), '2' => array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Becky')
'Fall' => array(
'1' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Josh'), '2' => array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Becky')
$expected = '{"2007":{"Spring":{"1":{"id":1,"name":"Josh"},"2":{"id":2,"name":"Becky"}},"Fall":{"1":{"id":1,"name":"Josh"},"2":{"id":2,"name":"Becky"}}},"2006":{"Spring":{"1":{"id":1,"name":"Josh"},"2":{"id":2,"name":"Becky"}},"Fall":{"1":{"id":1,"name":"Josh"},"2":{"id":2,"name":"Becky"}}}}';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
foreach (array('true' => true, 'false' => false, 'null' => null) as $expected => $data) {
$result = $this->JsEngine->object($data);
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$object = array('title' => 'New thing', 'indexes' => array(5, 6, 7, 8), 'object' => array('inner' => array('value' => 1)));
$result = $this->JsEngine->object($object, array('prefix' => 'PREFIX', 'postfix' => 'POSTFIX'));
$this->assertPattern('/^PREFIX/', $result);
$this->assertPattern('/POSTFIX$/', $result);
$this->assertNoPattern('/.PREFIX./', $result);
$this->assertNoPattern('/.POSTFIX./', $result);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test compatibility of JsBaseEngineHelper::object() vs. json_encode()
* @return void
function testObjectAgainstJsonEncode() {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!function_exists('json_encode'), 'json_encode() not found, comparison tests skipped. %s');
if ($skip) {
$this->JsEngine->useNative = false;
$data = array();
$data['mystring'] = "simple string";
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
$data['mystring'] = "strïng with spécial chârs";
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
$data['mystring'] = "a two lines\nstring";
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
$data['mystring'] = "a \t tabbed \t string";
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
$data['mystring'] = "a \"double-quoted\" string";
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
$data['mystring'] = 'a \\"double-quoted\\" string';
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
$data[3] = array(1, 2, 3);
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
$data = array('mystring' => null, 'bool' => false, 'array' => array(1, 44, 66));
$this->assertEqual(json_encode($data), $this->JsEngine->object($data));
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test that JSON made with JsBaseEngineHelper::object() against json_decode()
* @return void
function testObjectAgainstJsonDecode() {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!function_exists('json_encode'), 'json_encode() not found, comparison tests skipped. %s');
if ($skip) {
$this->JsEngine->useNative = false;
$data = array("simple string");
$result = $this->JsEngine->object($data);
$this->assertEqual(json_decode($result), $data);
$data = array('my "string"');
$result = $this->JsEngine->object($data);
$this->assertEqual(json_decode($result), $data);
$data = array('my \\"string\\"');
$result = $this->JsEngine->object($data);
$this->assertEqual(json_decode($result), $data);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test Mapping of options.
* @return void
function testOptionMapping() {
$JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper();
$result = $JsEngine->testMap();
$this->assertEqual($result, array());
$result = $JsEngine->testMap(array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'sho'));
$this->assertEqual($result, array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'sho'));
$result = $JsEngine->testMap(array('complete' => 'myFunc', 'type' => 'json', 'update' => '#element'));
$this->assertEqual($result, array('success' => 'myFunc', 'dataType' => 'json', 'update' => '#element'));
$result = $JsEngine->testMap(array('success' => 'myFunc', 'dataType' => 'json', 'update' => '#element'));
$this->assertEqual($result, array('success' => 'myFunc', 'dataType' => 'json', 'update' => '#element'));
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00
* test that option parsing escapes strings and saves what is supposed to be saved.
* @return void
function testOptionParsing() {
$JsEngine = new OptionEngineHelper();
$result = $JsEngine->testParseOptions(array('url' => '/posts/view/1', 'key' => 1));
$expected = 'key:1, url:"\\/posts\\/view\\/1"';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $JsEngine->testParseOptions(array('url' => '/posts/view/1', 'success' => 'doSuccess'), array('success'));
$expected = 'success:doSuccess, url:"\\/posts\\/view\\/1"';
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-08-03 14:47:36 -04:00