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/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */
* Object-relational mapper.
* DBO-backed object data model, for mapping database tables to Cake objects.
* PHP versions 5
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework <>
* Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
* 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204
* Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
Merging: Revision: [1638] removing php short tags Revision: [1637] Remove renderElememnts loading of helpers also, forgot it in the last commit Revision: [1636] Refactoring after profiling code. Session was creating a new instance of Dispatcher removed the need for it. Added a check to the Component class to pass the base to the SessionComponent class, will refactor that at a later time. Changed View class so it would not load helpers when rending a layout, no need for that. A great performance boost after the change. Change the loadModels method call in app/webroot/index.php. Will only attempt the loadModels call if the AppModel class is not in memory, and the Database class is in memory. Removed all unnecessary calls to basics uses(). Again another big performance increase. Added fix to the Html::guiListTree() after discussing the output that is expected. A ticket was closed on this already. Revision: [1635] Removing calls to basic uses() Revision: [1634] Removing calls to basics uses() that are not needed. Revision: [1633] Removing calls to basics uses() that are not needed. Moved Object class further up in the loading order Revision: [1632] adding fix for Ticket #132 Revision: [1631] Added fix from Ticket #122 Revision: [1630] Scaffold views can now be placed in a view directory. These will override the core. Example (Must have the scaffold dot name): app/views/posts/scaffold.list.thtml app/views/posts/ app/views/posts/scaffold.edit.thtml app/views/posts/ Revision: [1629] Think I fixed the issue with scaffold showing proper dates prior to January 1 1970 00:00:00. Revision: [1628] Added a few more change to allow saving dates prior to January 1 1970 00:00:00. Still a few issues with this, but will get them figured out soon. Changed scaffold to use only one form view. Revision: [1627] Added fix for Ticket #189 Revision: [1626] Added fix for Ticket #120. Revision: [1625] left justified doc blocks Revision: [1624] remove files from uses() that are loaded by default in app/webroot/index.php no reason to attempt to load them again in the classes Revision: [1623] adding check to the loadModels and loadController that will only attempt to load files if the classes are not already in memory Revision: [1622] Adding fix to time helper that was lost in a previous merge Removing all tabs from code Revision: [1621] Addtional model validation fixes Revision: [1620] fixed parse error Revision: [1619] Fixing ticket #102 Revision: [1618] correcting mime types and keywords Revision: [1617] correcting mime types and keywords Revision: [1616] fixed link in footer Revision: [1615] Fixing ticket #207 git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2005-12-27 03:33:44 +00:00
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @filesource
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model
* @since CakePHP(tm) v
* @version $Revision$
* @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* @license The MIT License
* Included libs
App::import('Core', array('ClassRegistry', 'Overloadable', 'Validation', 'Behavior', 'ConnectionManager', 'Set'));
* Object-relational mapper.
* DBO-backed object data model.
* Automatically selects a database table name based on a pluralized lowercase object class name
* (i.e. class 'User' => table 'users'; class 'Man' => table 'men')
* The table is required to have at least 'id auto_increment', 'created datetime',
* and 'modified datetime' fields.
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model
class Model extends Overloadable {
* The name of the DataSource connection that this Model uses
* @var string
* @access public
var $useDbConfig = 'default';
* Custom database table name.
* @var string
* @access public
var $useTable = null;
* Custom display field name. Display fields are used by Scaffold, in SELECT boxes' OPTION elements.
* @var string
* @access public
var $displayField = null;
* Value of the primary key ID of the record that this model is currently pointing to
* @var mixed
* @access public
var $id = false;
* Container for the data that this model gets from persistent storage (the database).
* @var array
* @access public
var $data = array();
* Table name for this Model.
* @var string
* @access public
var $table = false;
* The name of the ID field for this Model.
* @var string
* @access public
var $primaryKey = null;
* Table metadata
* @var array
* @access protected
var $_schema = null;
* List of validation rules. Append entries for validation as ('field_name' => '/^perl_compat_regexp$/')
* that have to match with preg_match(). Use these rules with Model::validate()
* @var array
* @access public
var $validate = array();
* Errors in validation
* @var array
* @access public
var $validationErrors = array();
* Database table prefix for tables in model.
* @var string
* @access public
var $tablePrefix = null;
* Name of the model.
* @var string
* @access public
var $name = null;
* Alias name for model.
* @var string
* @access public
var $alias = null;
* List of table names included in the Model description. Used for associations.
* @var array
* @access public
var $tableToModel = array();
* Whether or not transactions for this model should be logged
* @var boolean
* @access public
var $logTransactions = false;
* Whether or not to enable transactions for this model (i.e. BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK)
* @var boolean
* @access public
var $transactional = false;
* Whether or not to cache queries for this model. This enables in-memory
* caching only, the results are not stored beyond this execution.
* @var boolean
* @access public
var $cacheQueries = false;
* belongsTo association
* @var array
* @access public
var $belongsTo = array();
* hasOne association
* @var array
* @access public
var $hasOne = array();
* hasMany association
* @var array
* @access public
var $hasMany = array();
* hasAndBelongsToMany association
* @var array
* @access public
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array();
* List of behaviors to use. Settings can be passed to behaviors
* by using the behavior name as index. Eg:
* array('Translate', 'MyBehavior' => array('setting1' => 'value1'))
* @var array
* @access public
var $actsAs = null;
* Behavior objects
* @var array
* @access public
var $behaviors = array();
* Whitelist of fields allowed to be saved
* @var array
* @access public
var $whitelist = array();
* Should sources for this model be cached.
* @var boolean
* @access public
var $cacheSources = true;
* Type of find query currently executing
* @var string
* @access public
var $findQueryType = null;
* Mapped behavior methods
* @var array
* @access private
var $__behaviorMethods = array();
* Depth of recursive association
* @var integer
* @access public
var $recursive = 1;
* Default ordering of model records
* @var string
* @access public
var $order = null;
* Whether or not the model record exists, set by Model::exists()
* @var bool
* @access private
var $__exists = null;
* Default association keys
* @var array
* @access private
var $__associationKeys = array(
'belongsTo' => array('className', 'foreignKey', 'conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'counterCache'),
'hasOne' => array('className', 'foreignKey','conditions', 'fields','order', 'dependent'),
'hasMany' => array('className', 'foreignKey', 'conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'limit', 'offset', 'dependent', 'exclusive', 'finderQuery', 'counterQuery'),
'hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('className', 'joinTable', 'with', 'foreignKey', 'associationForeignKey', 'conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'limit', 'offset', 'unique', 'finderQuery', 'deleteQuery', 'insertQuery'));
* Holds provided/generated association key names and other data for all associations
* @var array
* @access private
var $__associations = array('belongsTo', 'hasOne', 'hasMany', 'hasAndBelongsToMany');
* Holds model associations temporarily to allow for dynamic (un)binding
* @var array
* @access private
var $__backAssociation = array();
* The last inserted ID of the data that this model created
* @var integer
* @access private
var $__insertID = null;
* The number of records returned by the last query
* @var integer
* @access private
var $__numRows = null;
* The number of records affected by the last query
* @var integer
* @access private
var $__affectedRows = null;
* List of valid finder method options
* @var array
* @access private
var $__findMethods = array('all' => true, 'first' => true, 'count' => true, 'neighbors' => true, 'list' => true);
* Constructor. Binds the Model's database table to the object.
* @param integer $id Set this ID for this model on startup
* @param string $table Name of database table to use.
* @param object $ds DataSource connection object.
function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null) {
if (is_array($id) && isset($id['name'])) {
$options = array_merge(array('id' => false, 'table' => null, 'ds' => null, 'alias' => null), $id);
list($id, $table, $ds) = array($options['id'], $options['table'], $options['ds']);
$this->name = $options['name'];
if ($this->name === null) {
$this->name = get_class($this);
if ($this->primaryKey === null) {
$this->primaryKey = 'id';
if (isset($options['alias']) || !empty($options['alias'])) {
$this->alias = $options['alias'];
} else {
$this->alias = $this->name;
ClassRegistry::addObject($this->alias, $this);
$this->id = $id;
if ($table === false) {
$this->useTable = false;
} elseif ($table) {
$this->useTable = $table;
if ($this->useTable !== false) {
if ($this->useTable === null) {
$this->useTable = Inflector::tableize($this->name);
if (in_array('settableprefix', get_class_methods($this))) {
if ($this->displayField == null) {
if ($this->hasField('title')) {
$this->displayField = 'title';
if ($this->hasField('name')) {
$this->displayField = 'name';
if ($this->displayField == null) {
$this->displayField = $this->primaryKey;
if (is_subclass_of($this, 'AppModel')) {
$appVars = get_class_vars('AppModel');
$merge = array();
if ($this->actsAs !== null || $this->actsAs !== false) {
$merge[] = 'actsAs';
foreach ($merge as $var) {
if (isset($appVars[$var]) && !empty($appVars[$var]) && is_array($this->{$var})) {
$this->{$var} = Set::merge($appVars[$var], $this->{$var});
if ($this->actsAs !== null && empty($this->behaviors)) {
$callbacks = array('setup', 'beforeFind', 'afterFind', 'beforeSave', 'afterSave', 'beforeDelete', 'afterDelete', 'afterError');
$this->actsAs = Set::normalize($this->actsAs);
foreach ($this->actsAs as $behavior => $config) {
$className = $behavior . 'Behavior';
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
if (!App::import('Behavior', $behavior)) {
// Raise an error
} else {
if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($className)) {
if (PHP5) {
$this->behaviors[$behavior] = ClassRegistry::getObject($className);
} else {
$this->behaviors[$behavior] =& ClassRegistry::getObject($className);
} else {
if (PHP5) {
$this->behaviors[$behavior] = new $className;
} else {
$this->behaviors[$behavior] =& new $className;
ClassRegistry::addObject($className, $this->behaviors[$behavior]);
$this->behaviors[$behavior]->setup($this, $config);
$methods = $this->behaviors[$behavior]->mapMethods;
foreach ($methods as $method => $alias) {
if (!array_key_exists($method, $this->__behaviorMethods)) {
$this->__behaviorMethods[$method] = array($alias, $behavior);
$methods = get_class_methods($this->behaviors[$behavior]);
$parentMethods = get_class_methods('ModelBehavior');
foreach ($methods as $m) {
if (!in_array($m, $parentMethods)) {
if (strpos($m, '_') !== 0 && !array_key_exists($m, $this->__behaviorMethods) && !in_array($m, $callbacks)) {
$this->__behaviorMethods[$m] = array($m, $behavior);
* Handles custom method calls, like findBy<field> for DB models,
* and custom RPC calls for remote data sources.
* @param string $method Name of method to call.
* @param array $params Parameters for the method.
* @return mixed Whatever is returned by called method
* @access protected
function call__($method, $params) {
$methods = array_map('strtolower', array_keys($this->__behaviorMethods));
$call = array_values($this->__behaviorMethods);
$map = array();
if (!empty($methods) && !empty($call)) {
$map = array_combine($methods, $call);
$count = count($call);
$pass = array(&$this);
if (!in_array(strtolower($method), $methods)) {
$pass[] = $method;
foreach ($params as $param) {
$pass[] = $param;
if (in_array(strtolower($method), $methods)) {
$it = $map[strtolower($method)];
return call_user_func_array(array(&$this->behaviors[$it[1]], $it[0]), $pass);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (strpos($methods[$i], '/') === 0 && preg_match($methods[$i] . 'i', $method)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->behaviors[$call[$i][1]], $call[$i][0]), $pass);
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$return = $db->query($method, $params, $this);
if (!PHP5) {
return $return;
* Bind model associations on the fly.
* If $permanent is true, association will not be reset
* to the originals defined in the model.
* @param mixed $model A model or association name (string) or set of binding options (indexed by model name type)
* @param array $options If $model is a string, this is the list of association properties with which $model will
* be bound
* @param boolean $permanent Set to true to make the binding permanent
* @access public
* @todo
function bind($model, $options = array(), $permanent = true) {
if (!is_array($model)) {
$model = array($model => $options);
foreach ($model as $name => $options) {
if (isset($options['type'])) {
$assoc = $options['type'];
} elseif (isset($options[0])) {
$assoc = $options[0];
} else {
$assoc = 'belongsTo';
if (!$permanent) {
$this->__backAssociation[$assoc] = $this->{$assoc};
foreach ($model as $key => $value) {
$assocName = $modelName = $key;
if (isset($this->{$assoc}[$assocName])) {
$this->{$assoc}[$assocName] = array_merge($this->{$assoc}[$assocName], $options);
} else {
if (isset($value['className'])) {
$modelName = $value['className'];
$this->__constructLinkedModel($assocName, $modelName);
$this->{$assoc}[$assocName] = $model[$assocName];
unset($this->{$assoc}[$assocName]['type'], $this->{$assoc}[$assocName][0]);
* Bind model associations on the fly.
* If $reset is false, association will not be reset
* to the originals defined in the model
* Example: Add a new hasOne binding to the Profile model not
* defined in the model source code:
* <code>
* $this->User->bindModel( array('hasOne' => array('Profile')) );
* </code>
* @param array $params Set of bindings (indexed by binding type)
* @param boolean $reset Set to false to make the binding permanent
* @return boolean Success
* @access public
function bindModel($params, $reset = true) {
foreach ($params as $assoc => $model) {
if ($reset === true) {
$this->__backAssociation[$assoc] = $this->{$assoc};
foreach ($model as $key => $value) {
$assocName = $key;
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$assocName = $value;
$value = array();
$modelName = $assocName;
$this->{$assoc}[$assocName] = $value;
return true;
* Turn off associations on the fly.
* If $reset is false, association will not be reset
* to the originals defined in the model
* Example: Turn off the associated Model Support request,
* to temporarily lighten the User model:
* <code>
* $this->User->unbindModel( array('hasMany' => array('Supportrequest')) );
* </code>
* @param array $params Set of bindings to unbind (indexed by binding type)
* @param boolean $reset Set to false to make the unbinding permanent
* @return boolean Success
* @access public
function unbindModel($params, $reset = true) {
foreach ($params as $assoc => $models) {
if ($reset === true) {
$this->__backAssociation[$assoc] = $this->{$assoc};
foreach ($models as $model) {
$this->__backAssociation = array_merge($this->__backAssociation, $this->{$assoc});
unset ($this->__backAssociation[$model]);
unset ($this->{$assoc}[$model]);
return true;
* Create a set of associations
* @access private
function __createLinks() {
foreach ($this->__associations as $type) {
if (!is_array($this->{$type})) {
$this->{$type} = explode(',', $this->{$type});
foreach ($this->{$type} as $i => $className) {
$className = trim($className);
unset ($this->{$type}[$i]);
$this->{$type}[$className] = array();
foreach ($this->{$type} as $assoc => $value) {
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
$plugin = null;
if (is_numeric($assoc)) {
unset ($this->{$type}[$assoc]);
$assoc = $value;
$value = array();
$this->{$type}[$assoc] = $value;
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
if (strpos($assoc, '.') !== false) {
$value = $this->{$type}[$assoc];
list($plugin, $assoc) = explode('.', $assoc);
$this->{$type}[$assoc] = $value;
$plugin = $plugin . '.';
$className = $assoc;
if (isset($value['className']) && !empty($value['className'])) {
$className = $value['className'];
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
if (strpos($className, '.') !== false) {
list($plugin, $className) = explode('.', $className);
$plugin = $plugin . '.';
$this->{$type}[$assoc]['className'] = $className;
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
$this->__constructLinkedModel($assoc, $plugin . $className);
* Private helper method to create associated models of given class.
* @param string $assoc Association name
* @param string $className Class name
* @deprecated $this->$className use $this->$assoc instead. $assoc is the 'key' in the associations array;
* examples: var $hasMany = array('Assoc' => array('className' => 'ModelName'));
* usage: $this->Assoc->modelMethods();
* var $hasMany = array('ModelName');
* usage: $this->ModelName->modelMethods();
* @access private
function __constructLinkedModel($assoc, $className = null) {
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
if(empty($className)) {
$className = $assoc;
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
$model = array('class' => $className, 'alias' => $assoc);
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
if (PHP5) {
$this->{$assoc} = ClassRegistry::init($model);
} else {
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
$this->{$assoc} =& ClassRegistry::init($model);
if ($assoc) {
$this->tableToModel[$this->{$assoc}->table] = $assoc;
* Build array-based association from string.
* @param string $type 'belongsTo', 'hasOne', 'hasMany', 'hasAndBelongsToMany'
* @access private
function __generateAssociation($type) {
foreach ($this->{$type} as $assocKey => $assocData) {
$class = $assocKey;
foreach ($this->__associationKeys[$type] as $key) {
if (!isset($this->{$type}[$assocKey][$key]) || $this->{$type}[$assocKey][$key] === null) {
$data = '';
switch($key) {
case 'fields':
$data = '';
case 'foreignKey':
$data = ife($type == 'belongsTo', Inflector::underscore($assocKey) . '_id', Inflector::singularize($this->table) . '_id');
case 'associationForeignKey':
$data = Inflector::singularize($this->{$class}->table) . '_id';
case 'with':
$data = Inflector::camelize(Inflector::singularize($this->{$type}[$assocKey]['joinTable']));
case 'joinTable':
$tables = array($this->table, $this->{$class}->table);
sort ($tables);
$data = $tables[0] . '_' . $tables[1];
case 'className':
$data = $class;
case 'unique':
$data = true;
$this->{$type}[$assocKey][$key] = $data;
if (isset($this->{$type}[$assocKey]['with']) && !empty($this->{$type}[$assocKey]['with'])) {
$joinClass = $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['with'];
if (is_array($joinClass)) {
$joinClass = key($joinClass);
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
$plugin = null;
if (strpos($joinClass, '.') !== false) {
list($plugin, $joinClass) = explode('.', $joinClass);
$plugin = $plugin . '.';
$this->{$type}[$assocKey]['with'] = $joinClass;
if (!App::import('Model', $plugin . $joinClass)) {
$this->{$joinClass} = new AppModel(array(
'name' => $joinClass,
'table' => $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['joinTable'],
'ds' => $this->useDbConfig
$this->{$joinClass}->primaryKey = $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['foreignKey'];
} else {
Closes #2119 Only define clone() in PHP4 when it hasn't been already defined. Closes #2213, Support multiple plugin paths. Closes #2234, filepaths to behavior classes should be cached in class.paths.php also Closes #2345, ability to group components into subfolders Closes #2645, Improvement to basic.php for class loading. Fixes #3526, Cache::write, when using just the config name, it fails. Fixes #3559, loading plugin model as assoc don't work. Closes #3567 Controller Folders (Note this does not need routing to work, but controller names can not conflict with others in the same application so naming must still be unique) Fixes #3579, email.php component: Parse error with php 4. Adding new class and file importer. Updated most of the core to use the importer. Added ClassRegsitry::init() that will create and instance of an object and store it in the registry. Deprecated most of the load functions in basics.php Plugin model loading now forces using the dot notation, to use models within a plugin, all the model associations must be in the PluginName.Model syntax, if this is not used, the plugin will look for the models in the main app/models directory first, if not found then it will search the plugin directories recursively until it finds a model. var $belongsTo = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $belongsTo = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php The controllers of the plugin will still look for the default models inside the plugin if var $uses is not set: var $uses = array('SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in the app/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.SomeModel'); will look for some_model.php in my_plugin/models var $uses = array('MyPlugin.MyPlugin', 'SomeModel'); will used my_plugin/models/my_plugin.php and app/models/some_model.php All of the above will work between plugins and main app These changes also allow placing model and controllers is sub directories Removed old class.paths.php file generation git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2007-11-16 09:35:19 +00:00
$this->__constructLinkedModel($plugin . $joinClass);
$this->{$joinClass}->primaryKey = $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['foreignKey'];
$this->{$type}[$assocKey]['joinTable'] = $this->{$joinClass}->table;
if (count($this->{$joinClass}->_schema) > 2) {
if (isset($this->{$joinClass}->_schema['id'])) {
$this->{$joinClass}->primaryKey = 'id';
* Sets a custom table for your controller class. Used by your controller to select a database table.
* @param string $tableName Name of the custom table
* @access public
function setSource($tableName) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$db->cacheSources = $this->cacheSources;
if ($db->isInterfaceSupported('listSources')) {
$sources = $db->listSources();
if (is_array($sources) && !in_array(strtolower($this->tablePrefix . $tableName), array_map('strtolower', $sources))) {
return $this->cakeError('missingTable', array(array(
'className' => $this->alias,
'table' => $this->tablePrefix . $tableName
$this->_schema = null;
$this->table = $this->useTable = $tableName;
$this->tableToModel[$this->table] = $this->alias;
* This function does two things: 1) it scans the array $one for the primary key,
* and if that's found, it sets the current id to the value of $one[id].
* For all other keys than 'id' the keys and values of $one are copied to the 'data' property of this object.
* 2) Returns an array with all of $one's keys and values.
* (Alternative indata: two strings, which are mangled to
* a one-item, two-dimensional array using $one for a key and $two as its value.)
* @param mixed $one Array or string of data
* @param string $two Value string for the alternative indata method
* @return array Data with all of $one's keys and values
* @access public
function set($one, $two = null) {
if (!$one) {
if (is_object($one)) {
$one = Set::reverse($one);
if (is_array($one)) {
if (Set::countDim($one) == 1) {
$data = array($this->alias => $one);
} else {
$data = $one;
} else {
$data = array($this->alias => array($one => $two));
foreach ($data as $n => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
foreach ($v as $x => $y) {
if (isset($this->validationErrors[$x])) {
unset ($this->validationErrors[$x]);
if ($n === $this->alias) {
if ($x === $this->primaryKey) {
$this->id = $y;
if (is_array($y) || is_object($y)) {
$y = $this->deconstruct($x, $y);
$this->data[$n][$x] = $y;
return $data;
* Deconstructs a complex data type (array or object) into a single field value
* @param string $field The name of the field to be deconstructed
* @param mixed $data An array or object to be deconstructed into a field
* @return mixed The resulting data that should be assigned to a field
* @access public
function deconstruct($field, $data) {
$copy = $data;
$type = $this->getColumnType($field);
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
if (in_array($type, array('datetime', 'timestamp', 'date', 'time'))) {
$useNewDate = (isset($data['year']) || isset($data['month']) || isset($data['day']) || isset($data['hour']) || isset($data['minute']));
$dateFields = array('Y' => 'year', 'm' => 'month', 'd' => 'day', 'H' => 'hour', 'i' => 'min', 's' => 'sec');
$format = $db->columns[$type]['format'];
$date = array();
if (isset($data['hour']) && isset($data['meridian']) && $data['hour'] != 12 && 'pm' == $data['meridian']) {
$data['hour'] = $data['hour'] + 12;
if (isset($data['hour']) && isset($data['meridian']) && $data['hour'] == 12 && 'am' == $data['meridian']) {
$data['hour'] = '00';
foreach ($dateFields as $key => $val) {
if (in_array($val, array('hour', 'min', 'sec'))) {
if (!isset($data[$val]) || $data[$val] === '0' || empty($data[$val])) {
$data[$val] = '00';
} else {
$data[$val] = sprintf('%02d', $data[$val]);
if (in_array($type, array('datetime', 'timestamp', 'date')) && !isset($data[$val]) || isset($data[$val]) && (empty($data[$val]) || $data[$val][0] === '-')) {
return null;
} elseif (isset($data[$val]) && !empty($data[$val])) {
$date[$key] = $data[$val];
$date = str_replace(array_keys($date), array_values($date), $format);
if ($useNewDate && (!empty($date))) {
return $date;
return $data;
* Returns an array of table metadata (column names and types) from the database.
* $field => keys(type, null, default, key, length, extra)
* @param boolean $clear Set to true to reload schema
* @return array Array of table metadata
* @access public
function schema($clear = false) {
if (!is_array($this->_schema) || $clear) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$db->cacheSources = $this->cacheSources;
if ($db->isInterfaceSupported('describe') && $this->useTable !== false) {
$this->_schema = $db->describe($this, $clear);
} elseif ($this->useTable === false) {
$this->_schema = array();
return $this->_schema;
* See Model::schema
* @deprecated
* @see Model::schema()
function loadInfo($clear = false) {
$info = $this->schema($clear);
if (is_array($info)) {
$fields = array();
foreach($info as $field => $value) {
$fields[] = array_merge(array('name'=> $field), $value);
return new Set($fields);
* Returns an associative array of field names and column types.
* @return array Field types indexed by field name
* @access public
function getColumnTypes() {
$columns = $this->schema();
if (empty($columns)) {
trigger_error(__('(Model::getColumnTypes) Unable to build model field data. If you are using a model without a database table, try implementing schema()', true), E_USER_WARNING);
$cols = array();
foreach ($columns as $field => $values) {
$cols[$field] = $values['type'];
return $cols;
* Returns the column type of a column in the model
* @param string $column The name of the model column
* @return string Column type
* @access public
function getColumnType($column) {
$cols = $this->schema();
if (empty($cols)) {
trigger_error(__('(Model::getColumnType) Unable to locate model field data. If you are using a model without a database table, try implementing schema()', true), E_USER_WARNING);
if (isset($cols[$column]['type'])) {
return $cols[$column]['type'];
return null;
* Returns true if this Model has given field in its database table.
* @param string $name Name of field to look for
* @return bool Success
* @access public
function hasField($name) {
if (is_array($name)) {
foreach ($name as $n) {
if ($this->hasField($n)) {
return $n;
return false;
if (empty($this->_schema)) {
if ($this->_schema != null) {
return isset($this->_schema[$name]);
return false;
* Initializes the model for writing a new record, loading the default values
* for those fields that are not defined in $data.
* @param mixed $data Optional data array to assign to the model after it is created. If null or false,
* schema data defaults are not merged.
* @return mixed The current data of the model, or true if $data is empty
* @access public
function create($data = array()) {
$defaults = array();
$this->id = false;
$this->data = array();
$this->validationErrors = array();
if ($data !== null && $data !== false) {
foreach ($this->schema() as $field => $properties) {
if ($this->primaryKey !== $field && isset($properties['default'])) {
$defaults[$field] = $properties['default'];
if (empty($this->data)) {
return true;
return $this->data;
* Returns a list of fields from the database, and sets the current model
* data (Model::$data) with the record found.
* @param mixed $fields String of single fieldname, or an array of fieldnames.
* @param mixed $id The ID of the record to read
* @return array Array of database fields, or false if not found
* @access public
function read($fields = null, $id = null) {
$this->validationErrors = array();
if ($id != null) {
$this->id = $id;
$id = $this->id;
if (is_array($this->id)) {
$id = $this->id[0];
if ($id !== null && $id !== false) {
$this->data = $this->find(array($this->alias . '.' . $this->primaryKey => $id), $fields);
return $this->data;
} else {
return false;
* Returns contents of a field in a query matching given conditions.
* @param string $name Name of field to get
* @param array $conditions SQL conditions (defaults to NULL)
* @param string $order SQL ORDER BY fragment
* @return string field contents, or false if not found
* @access public
function field($name, $conditions = null, $order = null) {
if ($conditions === null && $this->id !== false) {
$conditions = array($this->alias . '.' . $this->primaryKey => $this->id);
if ($this->recursive >= 1) {
$recursive = -1;
} else {
$recursive = $this->recursive;
if ($data = $this->find($conditions, $name, $order, $recursive)) {
if (strpos($name, '.') === false) {
if (isset($data[$this->alias][$name])) {
return $data[$this->alias][$name];
} else {
$name = explode('.', $name);
if (isset($data[$name[0]][$name[1]])) {
return $data[$name[0]][$name[1]];
if (isset($data[0]) && count($data[0]) > 0) {
$name = key($data[0]);
return $data[0][$name];
} else {
return false;
* Saves a single field to the database.
* @param string $name Name of the table field
* @param mixed $value Value of the field
* @param boolean $validate Whether or not this model should validate before saving (defaults to false)
* @return boolean True on success save
* @access public
* @see Model::save()
function saveField($name, $value, $validate = false) {
return $this->save(array($this->alias => array($name => $value)), $validate, array($name));
* Saves model data to the database. By default, validation occurs before save.
* @param array $data Data to save.
* @param boolean $validate If set, validation will be done before the save
* @param array $fieldList List of fields to allow to be written
* @return mixed On success Model::$data if its not empty or true, false on failure
* @access public
function save($data = null, $validate = true, $fieldList = array()) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$_whitelist = $this->whitelist;
$fields = array();
if (!empty($fieldList)) {
$this->whitelist = $fieldList;
} elseif ($fieldList === null) {
$this->whitelist = array();
if (empty($this->data) && !$this->hasField(array('created', 'updated', 'modified'))) {
return false;
foreach (array('created', 'updated', 'modified') as $field) {
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]) && array_key_exists($field, $this->data[$this->alias]) && $this->data[$this->alias][$field] === null) {
$exists = $this->exists();
$dateFields = array('modified', 'updated');
if (!$exists) {
$dateFields[] = 'created';
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias])) {
$fields = array_keys($this->data[$this->alias]);
if ($validate && !$this->validates()) {
$this->whitelist = $_whitelist;
return false;
foreach ($dateFields as $updateCol) {
if ($this->hasField($updateCol) && !in_array($updateCol, $fields)) {
$colType = array_merge(array('formatter' => 'date'), $db->columns[$this->getColumnType($updateCol)]);
if (!array_key_exists('formatter', $colType) || !array_key_exists('format', $colType)) {
$time = strtotime('now');
} else {
$time = $colType['formatter']($colType['format']);
if (!empty($this->whitelist)) {
$this->whitelist[] = $updateCol;
$this->set($updateCol, $time);
if (!empty($this->behaviors)) {
$behaviors = array_keys($this->behaviors);
$ct = count($behaviors);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
if ($this->behaviors[$behaviors[$i]]->beforeSave($this) === false) {
$this->whitelist = $_whitelist;
return false;
if (!$this->beforeSave()) {
$this->whitelist = $_whitelist;
return false;
$fields = $values = array();
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey]) && empty($this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey])) {
foreach ($this->data as $n => $v) {
if (isset($this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$n])) {
if (isset($v[$n])) {
$v = $v[$n];
$joined[$n] = $v;
} else {
if ($n === $this->alias) {
foreach (array('created', 'updated', 'modified') as $field) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $v) && empty($v[$field])) {
foreach ($v as $x => $y) {
if ($this->hasField($x) && (empty($this->whitelist) || in_array($x, $this->whitelist))) {
list($fields[], $values[]) = array($x, $y);
$count = count($fields);
if (!$exists && $count > 0) {
$this->id = false;
$success = true;
$created = false;
if ($count > 0) {
if (!empty($this->id)) {
if (!$db->update($this, $fields, $values)) {
$success = false;
} else {
foreach ($this->_schema as $field => $properties) {
if ($this->primaryKey === $field) {
if (empty($this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey]) && $this->_schema[$field]['type'] === 'string' && $this->_schema[$field]['length'] === 36) {
list($fields[], $values[]) = array($this->primaryKey, String::uuid());
if (!$db->create($this, $fields, $values)) {
$success = $created = false;
} else {
$created = true;
if (!empty($this->belongsTo)) {
$this->updateCounterCache(array(), $created);
if (!empty($joined) && $success === true) {
$this->__saveMulti($joined, $this->id);
if ($success && $count > 0) {
if (!empty($this->data)) {
$success = $this->data;
if (!empty($this->behaviors)) {
$behaviors = array_keys($this->behaviors);
$ct = count($behaviors);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
$this->behaviors[$behaviors[$i]]->afterSave($this, $created);
if (!empty($this->data)) {
$success = Set::pushDiff($success, $this->data);
$this->data = false;
$this->__exists = null;
$this->validationErrors = array();
$this->whitelist = $_whitelist;
return $success;
* Saves model hasAndBelongsToMany data to the database.
* @param array $joined Data to save
* @param mixed $id ID of record in this model
* @access private
function __saveMulti($joined, $id) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
foreach ($joined as $assoc => $value) {
$newValues = array();
if (isset($this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {
list($join) = $this->joinModel($this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['with']);
$conditions = array($this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['foreignKey'] => $id);
$links = array();
if ($this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['unique']) {
} else {
list($recursive, $fields) = array(-1, $this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['associationForeignKey']);
$links = Set::extract(
$this->{$join}->find('all', compact('conditions', 'recursive', 'fields')),
"{n}.{$join}." . $this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['associationForeignKey']
foreach ($value as $update) {
if (!empty($update)) {
if (is_array($update)) {
$update[$this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['foreignKey']] = $id;
} elseif (!in_array($update, $links)) {
$values = join(',', array(
$db->value($id, $this->getColumnType($this->primaryKey)),
$newValues[] = "({$values})";
if (!empty($newValues)) {
$fields = join(',', array(
$db->insertMulti($this->{$join}, $fields, $newValues);
* Updates the counter cache of belongsTo associations after a save or delete operation
* @param array $keys Optional foreign key data, defaults to the information $this->data
* @param boolean $created True if a new record was created, otherwise only associations with
* 'counterScope' defined get updated
* @return void
* @access public
function updateCounterCache($keys = array(), $created = false) {
if (empty($keys)) {
$keys = $this->data[$this->alias];
foreach ($this->belongsTo as $parent => $assoc) {
if (!empty($assoc['counterCache'])) {
if ($assoc['counterCache'] === true) {
$assoc['counterCache'] = Inflector::underscore($this->alias) . '_count';
if ($this->{$parent}->hasField($assoc['counterCache'])) {
$conditions = array($this->escapeField($assoc['foreignKey']) => $keys[$assoc['foreignKey']]);
if (isset($assoc['counterScope'])) {
$conditions = array_merge($conditions, (array)$assoc['counterScope']);
array($assoc['counterCache'] => intval($this->find('count', compact('conditions')))),
array($this->{$parent}->escapeField() => $keys[$assoc['foreignKey']])
* Saves (a) multiple individual records for a single model or (b) this record, as well as
* all associated records
* @param array $data Record data to save
* @param array $options
* @return mixed True on success, or an array of validation errors on failure
* @access public
function saveAll($data = null, $options = array()) {
if (empty($data)) {
return false;
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$options = array_merge(
array('validate' => true, 'fieldList' => array(), 'atomic' => true),
if ($options['atomic']) {
if (Set::numeric(array_keys($data))) {
foreach ($data as $record) {
if (!($this->create($record) && $this->save(null, $options['validate'], $options['fieldList'])) && $options['atomic']) {
return false;
} else {
$associations = $this->getAssociated();
foreach ($data as $association => $values) {
if (isset($associations[$association]) && ($type = $associations[$association]) == 'belongsTo') {
$alias = $this->{$association}->alias;
$foreignKey = $this->{$type}[$association]['foreignKey'];
if (!$result = $this->{$association}->save($values, $options['validate'], $options['fieldList'])) {
return false;
} elseif (!isset($data[$foreignKey]) || empty($data[$foreignKey])) {
$data[$this->alias][$foreignKey] = $this->{$association}->id;
if (!$this->save($data[$this->alias], $options['validate'], $options['fieldList'])) {
return false;
foreach ($data as $association => $values) {
if (isset($associations[$association])) {
switch ($associations[$association]) {
case 'hasMany':
if ($options['atomic']) {
return true;
* Allows model records to be updated based on a set of conditions
* @param array $fields Set of fields and values, indexed by fields
* @param mixed $conditions Conditions to match, true for all records
* @return boolean True on success, false on failure
* @access public
function updateAll($fields, $conditions = true) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
return $db->update($this, $fields, null, $conditions);
* Synonym for del().
* @param mixed $id ID of record to delete
* @param boolean $cascade Set to true to delete records that depend on this record
* @return boolean True on success
* @access public
* @see Model::del()
function remove($id = null, $cascade = true) {
return $this->del($id, $cascade);
* Removes record for given id. If no id is given, the current id is used. Returns true on success.
* @param mixed $id ID of record to delete
* @param boolean $cascade Set to true to delete records that depend on this record
* @return boolean True on success
* @access public
function del($id = null, $cascade = true) {
if (!empty($id)) {
$this->id = $id;
$id = $this->id;
if ($this->exists() && $this->beforeDelete($cascade)) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
if (!empty($this->behaviors)) {
$behaviors = array_keys($this->behaviors);
$ct = count($behaviors);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
if ($this->behaviors[$behaviors[$i]]->beforeDelete($this, $cascade) === false) {
return false;
$this->_deleteDependent($id, $cascade);
$this->id = $id;
if (!empty($this->belongsTo)) {
$keys = $this->find('first', array('fields', $this->__collectForeignKeys()));
if ($db->delete($this)) {
if (!empty($this->belongsTo)) {
if (!empty($this->behaviors)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
$this->id = false;
$this->__exists = null;
return true;
return false;
* Synonym for del().
* @param mixed $id ID of record to delete
* @param boolean $cascade Set to true to delete records that depend on this record
* @return boolean True on success
* @access public
* @see Model::del()
function delete($id = null, $cascade = true) {
return $this->del($id, $cascade);
* Cascades model deletes to hasMany and hasOne relationships.
* @param string $id ID of record that was deleted
* @param boolean $cascade Set to true to delete records that depend on this record
* @access protected
function _deleteDependent($id, $cascade) {
if (!empty($this->__backAssociation)) {
$savedAssociatons = $this->__backAssociation;
$this->__backAssociation = array();
foreach (array_merge($this->hasMany, $this->hasOne) as $assoc => $data) {
if ($data['dependent'] === true && $cascade === true) {
$model =& $this->{$assoc};
$field = $model->escapeField($data['foreignKey']);
$model->recursive = -1;
if (isset($data['exclusive']) && $data['exclusive']) {
$model->deleteAll(array($field => $id));
} else {
$records = $model->findAll(array($field => $id), $model->primaryKey);
if (!empty($records)) {
foreach ($records as $record) {
if (isset($savedAssociatons)) {
$this->__backAssociation = $savedAssociatons;
* Cascades model deletes to HABTM join keys.
* @param string $id ID of record that was deleted
* @access protected
function _deleteLinks($id) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
foreach ($this->hasAndBelongsToMany as $assoc => $data) {
if (isset($data['with'])) {
$model =& $this->{$data['with']};
$records = $model->findAll(array($data['foreignKey'] => $id), $model->primaryKey, null, null, null, -1);
if (!empty($records)) {
foreach ($records as $record) {
} else {
$table = $db->name($db->fullTableName($data['joinTable']));
$conditions = $db->name($data['foreignKey']) . ' = ' . $db->value($id);
$db->query("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE {$conditions}");
* Allows model records to be deleted based on a set of conditions
* @param mixed $conditions Conditions to match
* @param boolean $cascade Set to true to delete records that depend on this record
* @param boolean $callbacks Run callbacks (not being used)
* @return boolean True on success, false on failure
* @access public
function deleteAll($conditions, $cascade = true, $callbacks = false) {
if (empty($conditions)) {
return false;
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
if (!$cascade && !$callbacks) {
return $db->delete($this, $conditions);
} else {
$ids = Set::extract(
$this->find('all', array_merge(array('fields' => "{$this->alias}.{$this->primaryKey}", 'recursive' => 0), compact('conditions'))),
if (empty($ids)) {
return false;
if ($callbacks) {
$_id = $this->id;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$this->delete($id, $cascade);
$this->id = $_id;
} else {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if ($cascade) {
$this->_deleteDependent($id, $cascade);
return $db->delete($this, array($this->alias . '.' . $this->primaryKey => $ids));
* Collects foreign keys from associations
* @access private
function __collectForeignKeys($type = 'belongsTo') {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->{$type} as $assoc => $data) {
if (isset($data['foreignKey']) && is_string($data['foreignKey'])) {
$result[$assoc] = $data['foreignKey'];
return $result;
* Returns true if a record with set id exists.
* @param boolean $reset if true will force database query
* @return boolean True if such a record exists
* @access public
function exists($reset = false) {
if ($this->getID() === false) {
return false;
if ($this->__exists !== null && $reset !== true) {
return $this->__exists;
return $this->__exists = ($this->findCount(array($this->alias . '.' . $this->primaryKey => $this->getID()), -1) > 0);
* Returns true if a record that meets given conditions exists
* @param array $conditions SQL conditions array
* @return boolean True if such a record exists
* @access public
function hasAny($conditions = null) {
return ($this->find('count', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => -1)) != false);
* Return a single row as a resultset array.
* By using the $recursive parameter, the call can access further "levels of association" than
* the ones this model is directly associated to.
* Eg: find(array('name' => 'Thomas Anderson'), array('name', 'email'), 'field3 DESC', 2);
* Also used to perform new-notation finds, where the first argument is type of find operation to perform
* (all / first / count), second parameter options for finding (indexed array, including: 'conditions', 'limit',
* 'recursive', 'page', 'fields', 'offset', 'order')
* Eg: find('all', array(
* 'conditions' => array('name' => 'Thomas Anderson'),
* 'fields' => array('name', 'email'),
* 'order' => 'field3 DESC',
* 'recursive' => 2));
* Specifying 'fields' for new-notation 'list':
* - If no fields are specified, then 'id' is used for key and 'model->displayField' is used for value.
* - If a single field is specified, 'id' is used for key and specified field is used for value.
* - If three fields are specified, they are used (in order) for key, value and group.
* - Otherwise, first and second fields are used for key and value.
* @param array $conditions SQL conditions array, or type of find operation (all / first / count)
* @param mixed $fields Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names, or options for matching
* @param string $order SQL ORDER BY conditions (e.g. "price DESC" or "name ASC")
* @param integer $recursive The number of levels deep to fetch associated records
* @return array Array of records
* @access public
function find($conditions = null, $fields = array(), $order = null, $recursive = null) {
if (!is_string($conditions) || (is_string($conditions) && !array_key_exists($conditions, $this->__findMethods))) {
$type = 'first';
$query = array_merge(compact('conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'recursive'), array('limit' => 1));
} else {
$type = $conditions;
$query = $fields;
$this->findQueryType = $type;
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$this->id = $this->getID();
$query = array_merge(
'conditions' => null, 'fields' => null, 'joins' => array(),
'limit' => null, 'offset' => null, 'order' => null, 'page' => null
switch ($type) {
case 'count' :
if (empty($query['fields'])) {
$query['fields'] = 'COUNT(*) AS ' . $db->name('count');
$query['order'] = false;
case 'first' :
$query['limit'] = 1;
if (empty($query['conditions']) && !empty($this->id)) {
$query['conditions'] = array($this->escapeField() => $this->id);
case 'list' :
if (empty($query['fields'])) {
$query['fields'] = array("{$this->alias}.{$this->primaryKey}", "{$this->alias}.{$this->displayField}");
$keyPath = "{n}.{$this->alias}.{$this->primaryKey}";
$valuePath = "{n}.{$this->alias}.{$this->displayField}";
$groupPath = null;
} else {
if (!is_array($query['fields']) ) {
$query['fields'] = String::tokenize($query['fields']);
if (count($query['fields']) == 1 ) {
$keyPath = "{n}.{$this->alias}.{$this->primaryKey}";
$valuePath = '{n}.' . $query['fields'][0];
$groupPath = null;
$query['fields'] = array("{$this->alias}.{$this->primaryKey}", $query['fields'][0]);
} elseif (count($query['fields']) == 3 ) {
$keyPath = '{n}.' . $query['fields'][0];
$valuePath = '{n}.' . $query['fields'][1];
$groupPath = '{n}.' . $query['fields'][2];
} else {
$keyPath = '{n}.' . $query['fields'][0];
$valuePath = '{n}.' . $query['fields'][1];
$groupPath = null;
if (!isset($query['recursive']) || $query['recursive'] === null) {
$query['recursive'] = -1;
if (!is_numeric($query['page']) || intval($query['page']) < 1) {
$query['page'] = 1;
if ($query['page'] > 1 && $query['limit'] != null) {
$query['offset'] = ($query['page'] - 1) * $query['limit'];
if ($query['order'] == null && $query['order'] !== false) {
if ($this->order == null) {
$query['order'] = array();
} else {
$query['order'] = array($this->order);
} else {
$query['order'] = array($query['order']);
if (!empty($this->behaviors)) {
$behaviors = array_keys($this->behaviors);
$ct = count($behaviors);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
$return = $this->behaviors[$behaviors[$i]]->beforeFind($this, $query);
if (is_array($return)) {
$query = $return;
} elseif ($return === false) {
return null;
$return = $this->beforeFind($query);
if (is_array($return)) {
$query = $return;
} elseif ($return === false) {
return null;
$results = $db->read($this, $query);
$this->findQueryType = null;
switch ($type) {
case 'all':
return $this->__filterResults($results, true);
case 'first':
$results = $this->__filterResults($results, true);
if (empty($results[0])) {
return false;
return $results[0];
case 'count':
if (isset($results[0][0]['count'])) {
return intval($results[0][0]['count']);
} elseif (isset($results[0][$this->alias]['count'])) {
return intval($results[0][$this->alias]['count']);
return false;
case 'list':
if (empty($results)) {
return array();
return Set::combine($this->__filterResults($results, true), $keyPath, $valuePath, $groupPath);
* Returns a resultset array with specified fields from database matching given conditions.
* By using the $recursive parameter, the call can access further "levels of association" than
* the ones this model is directly associated to.
* @param mixed $conditions SQL conditions as a string or as an array('field' =>'value',...)
* @param mixed $fields Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names
* @param string $order SQL ORDER BY conditions (e.g. "price DESC" or "name ASC")
* @param integer $limit SQL LIMIT clause, for calculating items per page.
* @param integer $page Page number, for accessing paged data
* @param integer $recursive The number of levels deep to fetch associated records
* @return array Array of records
* @access public
* @see Model::find()
function findAll($conditions = null, $fields = null, $order = null, $limit = null, $page = 1, $recursive = null) {
return $this->find('all', compact('conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'limit', 'page', 'recursive'));
* Passes query results through model and behavior afterFilter() methods
* @param array Results to filter
* @param boolean $primary If this is the primary model results (results from model where the find operation was performed)
* @return array Set of filtered results
* @access private
function __filterResults($results, $primary = true) {
if (!empty($this->behaviors)) {
$b = array_keys($this->behaviors);
$c = count($b);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$return = $this->behaviors[$b[$i]]->afterFind($this, $results, $primary);
if (is_array($return)) {
$results = $return;
return $this->afterFind($results, $primary);
* Method is called only when bindTo<ModelName>() is used.
* This resets the association arrays for the model back
* to the original as set in the model.
* @return boolean Success
* @access private
function __resetAssociations() {
if (!empty($this->__backAssociation)) {
foreach ($this->__associations as $type) {
if (isset($this->__backAssociation[$type])) {
$this->{$type} = $this->__backAssociation[$type];
$this->__backAssociation = array();
foreach ($this->__associations as $type) {
foreach ($this->{$type} as $key => $name) {
if (!empty($this->{$key}->__backAssociation)) {
$this->__backAssociation = array();
return true;
* Runs a direct query against the bound DataSource, and returns the result.
* @param string $data Query data
* @return array Result of the query
* @access public
function execute($data) {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$data = $db->fetchAll($data, $this->cacheQueries);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
foreach ($this->tableToModel as $key1 => $value1) {
if (isset($data[$key][$key1])) {
$newData[$key][$value1] = $data[$key][$key1];
if (!empty($newData)) {
return $newData;
return $data;
* Returns number of rows matching given SQL condition.
* @param array $conditions SQL conditions array for findAll
* @param integer $recursive The number of levels deep to fetch associated records
* @return integer Number of matching rows
* @access public
* @see Model::find()
function findCount($conditions = null, $recursive = 0) {
return $this->find('count', compact('conditions', 'recursive'));
* False if any fields passed match any (by default, all if $or = false) of their matching values.
* @param array $fields Field/value pairs to search (if no values specified, they are pulled from $this->data)
* @param boolean $or If false, all fields specified must match in order for a false return value
* @return boolean False if any records matching any fields are found
* @access public
function isUnique($fields, $or = true) {
if (!is_array($fields)) {
$fields = func_get_args();
if (is_bool($fields[count($fields) - 1])) {
$or = $fields[count($fields) - 1];
unset($fields[count($fields) - 1]);
foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
if (is_numeric($field)) {
$field = $value;
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias][$field])) {
$value = $this->data[$this->alias][$field];
} else {
$value = null;
if (strpos($field, '.') === false) {
$fields[$this->alias . '.' . $field] = $value;
if ($or) {
$fields = array('or' => $fields);
if (!empty($this->id)) {
$fields[$this->alias . '.' . $this->primaryKey] = '!= ' . $this->id;
return ($this->find('count', array('conditions' => $fields)) == 0);
* Special findAll variation for tables joined to themselves.
* The table needs the fields id and parent_id to work.
* @param array $conditions Conditions for the findAll() call
* @param array $fields Fields for the findAll() call
* @param string $sort SQL ORDER BY statement
* @return array Threaded results
* @access public
* @todo Perhaps create a Component with this logic
function findAllThreaded($conditions = null, $fields = null, $sort = null) {
return $this->__doThread(Model::findAll($conditions, $fields, $sort), null);
* Private, recursive helper method for findAllThreaded.
* @param array $data Results of find operation
* @param string $root NULL or id for root node of operation
* @return array Threaded results
* @access private
* @see Model::findAllThreaded()
function __doThread($data, $root) {
$out = array();
$sizeOf = sizeof($data);
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $sizeOf; $ii++) {
if (($data[$ii][$this->alias]['parent_id'] == $root) || (($root === null) && ($data[$ii][$this->alias]['parent_id'] == '0'))) {
$tmp = $data[$ii];
if (isset($data[$ii][$this->alias][$this->primaryKey])) {
$tmp['children'] = $this->__doThread($data, $data[$ii][$this->alias][$this->primaryKey]);
} else {
$tmp['children'] = null;
$out[] = $tmp;
return $out;
* Returns an array with keys "prev" and "next" that holds the id's of neighbouring data,
* which is useful when creating paged lists.
* @param string $conditions SQL conditions for matching rows
* @param string $field Field name (parameter for findAll)
* @param integer $value Value from where to find neighbours
* @return array Array with keys "prev" and "next" that holds the id's
* @access public
function findNeighbours($conditions = null, $field, $value) {
$conditions = (array)$conditions;
if (is_array($field)) {
$fields = $field;
$field = $fields[0];
} else {
$fields = $field;
$prev = $next = null;
@list($prev) = $this->findAll(array_filter(array_merge($conditions, array($field => '< ' . $value))), $fields, $field . ' DESC', 1, null, 0);
@list($next) = $this->findAll(array_filter(array_merge($conditions, array($field => '> ' . $value))), $fields, $field . ' ASC', 1, null, 0);
return compact('prev', 'next');
* Returns a resultset for given SQL statement. Generic SQL queries should be made with this method.
* @param string $sql SQL statement
* @return array Resultset
* @access public
function query() {
$params = func_get_args();
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
return call_user_func_array(array(&$db, 'query'), $params);
* Returns true if all fields pass validation, otherwise false.
* @param array $data Parameter usage is deprecated, set Model::$data instead
* @return boolean True if there are no errors
* @access public
function validates($data = array()) {
if (!empty($data)) {
trigger_error(__('(Model::validates) Parameter usage is deprecated, use Model::set() to update your fields first', true), E_USER_WARNING);
$errors = $this->invalidFields($data);
if (is_array($errors)) {
return count($errors) === 0;
return $errors;
* Returns an array of fields that do not meet validation.
* @param array $data Parameter usage is deprecated, set Model::$data instead
* @return array Array of invalid fields
* @access public
function invalidFields($data = array()) {
if (!empty($this->behaviors)) {
$behaviors = array_keys($this->behaviors);
$ct = count($behaviors);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
if ($this->behaviors[$behaviors[$i]]->beforeValidate($this) === false) {
return $this->validationErrors;
if (!$this->beforeValidate()) {
return $this->validationErrors;
if (empty($data)) {
$data = $this->data;
} else {
trigger_error(__('(Model::invalidFields) Parameter usage is deprecated, set the $data property instead', true), E_USER_WARNING);
if (!isset($this->validate) || empty($this->validate)) {
return $this->validationErrors;
if (isset($data[$this->alias])) {
$data = $data[$this->alias];
$Validation =& Validation::getInstance();
$exists = $this->exists();
foreach ($this->validate as $fieldName => $ruleSet) {
if (!is_array($ruleSet) || (is_array($ruleSet) && isset($ruleSet['rule']))) {
$ruleSet = array($ruleSet);
foreach ($ruleSet as $index => $validator) {
if (!is_array($validator)) {
$validator = array('rule' => $validator);
$default = array('allowEmpty' => null, 'required' => null, 'rule' => 'blank', 'last' => false, 'on' => null);
$validator = array_merge($default, $validator);
if (isset($validator['message'])) {
$message = $validator['message'];
} else {
$message = __('This field cannot be left blank', true);
if (empty($validator['on']) || ($validator['on'] == 'create' && !$exists) || ($validator['on'] == 'update' && $exists)) {
if ((!isset($data[$fieldName]) && $validator['required'] === true) || (isset($data[$fieldName]) && (empty($data[$fieldName]) && !is_numeric($data[$fieldName])) && $validator['allowEmpty'] === false)) {
$this->invalidate($fieldName, $message);
if ($validator['last']) {
} elseif (array_key_exists($fieldName, $data)) {
if (empty($data[$fieldName]) && $data[$fieldName] != '0' && $validator['allowEmpty'] === true) {
if (is_array($validator['rule'])) {
$rule = $validator['rule'][0];
$ruleParams = array_merge(array($data[$fieldName]), array_values($validator['rule']));
} else {
$rule = $validator['rule'];
$ruleParams = array($data[$fieldName]);
$valid = true;
$msg = null;
if (method_exists($this, $rule) || isset($this->__behaviorMethods[$rule]) || isset($this->__behaviorMethods[strtolower($rule)])) {
$ruleParams[] = array_diff_key($validator, $default);
$ruleParams[0] = array($fieldName => $ruleParams[0]);
$valid = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $rule), $ruleParams);
} elseif (method_exists($Validation, $rule)) {
$valid = call_user_func_array(array(&$Validation, $rule), $ruleParams);
} elseif (!is_array($validator['rule'])) {
$valid = preg_match($rule, $data[$fieldName]);
if (!$valid) {
if (!isset($validator['message'])) {
if (is_string($index)) {
$validator['message'] = $index;
} else {
$validator['message'] = ife(is_numeric($index) && count($ruleSet) > 1, ($index + 1), $message);
$this->invalidate($fieldName, $validator['message']);
if ($validator['last']) {
return $this->validationErrors;
* Sets a field as invalid, optionally setting the name of validation
* rule (in case of multiple validation for field) that was broken
* @param string $field The name of the field to invalidate
* @param string $value Name of validation rule that was not met
* @access public
function invalidate($field, $value = null) {
if (!is_array($this->validationErrors)) {
$this->validationErrors = array();
if (empty($value)) {
$value = true;
$this->validationErrors[$field] = $value;
* Returns true if given field name is a foreign key in this Model.
* @param string $field Returns true if the input string ends in "_id"
* @return boolean True if the field is a foreign key listed in the belongsTo array.
* @access public
function isForeignKey($field) {
$foreignKeys = array();
if (!empty($this->belongsTo)) {
foreach ($this->belongsTo as $assoc => $data) {
$foreignKeys[] = $data['foreignKey'];
return in_array($field, $foreignKeys);
* Gets the display field for this model
* @return string The name of the display field for this Model (i.e. 'name', 'title').
* @access public
function getDisplayField() {
return $this->displayField;
* @deprecated
function generateList($conditions = null, $order = null, $limit = null, $keyPath = null, $valuePath = null, $groupPath = null) {
trigger_error(__('(Model::generateList) Deprecated, use Model::find("list") or Model::find("all") and Set::combine()', true), E_USER_WARNING);
if ($keyPath == null && $valuePath == null && $groupPath == null && $this->hasField($this->displayField)) {
$fields = array($this->primaryKey, $this->displayField);
} else {
$fields = null;
$recursive = $this->recursive;
if ($groupPath == null && $recursive >= 1) {
$this->recursive = -1;
} elseif ($groupPath && $recursive >= 1) {
$this->recursive = 0;
$result = $this->findAll($conditions, $fields, $order, $limit);
$this->recursive = $recursive;
if (!$result) {
return false;
if ($keyPath == null) {
$keyPath = "{n}.{$this->alias}.{$this->primaryKey}";
if ($valuePath == null) {
$valuePath = "{n}.{$this->alias}.{$this->displayField}";
return Set::combine($result, $keyPath, $valuePath, $groupPath);
* Escapes the field name and prepends the model name. Escaping will be done according to the current database driver's rules.
* @param string $field Field to escape (e.g: id)
* @param string $alias Alias for the model (e.g: Post)
* @return string The name of the escaped field for this Model (i.e. id becomes `Post`.`id`).
* @access public
function escapeField($field = null, $alias = null) {
if (empty($alias)) {
$alias = $this->alias;
if (empty($field)) {
$field = $this->primaryKey;
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
if (strpos($field, $db->name($alias)) === 0) {
return $field;
return $db->name($alias) . '.' . $db->name($field);
* Returns the current record's ID
* @param integer $list Index on which the composed ID is located
* @return mixed The ID of the current record, false if no ID
* @access public
function getID($list = 0) {
if (empty($this->id) || (is_array($this->id) && isset($this->id[0]) && empty($this->id[0]))) {
return false;
if (!is_array($this->id)) {
return $this->id;
if (empty($this->id)) {
return false;
if (isset($this->id[$list]) && !empty($this->id[$list])) {
return $this->id[$list];
} elseif (isset($this->id[$list])) {
return false;
foreach ($this->id as $id) {
return $id;
return false;
function normalizeFindParams($type, $data, $altType = null, $r = array(), $_this = null) {
if ($_this == null) {
$_this = $this;
$root = true;
foreach ((array)$data as $name => $children) {
if (is_numeric($name)) {
$name = $children;
$children = array();
if (strpos($name, '.') !== false) {
$chain = explode('.', $name);
$name = array_shift($chain);
$children = array(join('.', $chain) => $children);
if (!empty($children)) {
if ($_this->name == $name) {
$r = array_merge($r, $this->normalizeFindParams($type, $children, $altType, $r, $_this));
} else {
if (!$_this->getAssociated($name)) {
$r[$altType][$name] = $children;
} else {
$r[$name] = $this->normalizeFindParams($type, $children, $altType, @$r[$name], $_this->{$name});;
} else {
if ($_this->getAssociated($name)) {
$r[$name] = array($type => null);
} else {
if ($altType != null) {
$r[$type][] = $name;
} else {
$r[$type] = $name;
if (isset($root)) {
return array($this->name => $r);
return $r;
* Returns the ID of the last record this Model inserted
* @return mixed Last inserted ID
* @access public
function getLastInsertID() {
return $this->getInsertID();
* Returns the ID of the last record this Model inserted
* @return mixed Last inserted ID
* @access public
function getInsertID() {
return $this->__insertID;
* Sets the ID of the last record this Model inserted
* @param mixed Last inserted ID
* @access public
function setInsertID($id) {
$this->__insertID = $id;
* Returns the number of rows returned from the last query
* @return int Number of rows
* @access public
function getNumRows() {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
return $db->lastNumRows();
* Returns the number of rows affected by the last query
* @return int Number of rows
* @access public
function getAffectedRows() {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
return $db->lastAffected();
* Sets the DataSource to which this model is bound
* @param string $dataSource The name of the DataSource, as defined in Connections.php
* @return boolean True on success
* @access public
function setDataSource($dataSource = null) {
if ($dataSource != null) {
$this->useDbConfig = $dataSource;
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
if (!empty($db->config['prefix']) && $this->tablePrefix === null) {
$this->tablePrefix = $db->config['prefix'];
if (empty($db) || $db == null || !is_object($db)) {
return $this->cakeError('missingConnection', array(array('className' => $this->alias)));
* Gets the DataSource to which this model is bound.
* Not safe for use with some versions of PHP4, because this class is overloaded.
* @return object A DataSource object
* @access public
function &getDataSource() {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
return $db;
* Gets all the models with which this model is associated
* @param string $type Only result associations of this type
* @return array Associations
* @access public
function getAssociated($type = null) {
if ($type == null) {
$associated = array();
foreach ($this->__associations as $assoc) {
if (!empty($this->{$assoc})) {
$models = array_keys($this->{$assoc});
foreach ($models as $m) {
$associated[$m] = $assoc;
return $associated;
} elseif (in_array($type, $this->__associations)) {
if (empty($this->{$type})) {
return array();
return array_keys($this->{$type});
} else {
$assoc = array_merge($this->hasOne, $this->hasMany, $this->belongsTo, $this->hasAndBelongsToMany);
if (array_key_exists($type, $assoc)) {
foreach ($this->__associations as $a) {
if (isset($this->{$a}[$type])) {
$assoc[$type]['association'] = $a;
return $assoc[$type];
return null;
* Gets the name and fields to be used by a join model. This allows specifying join fields in the association definition.
* @param object $model The model to be joined
* @param mixed $with The 'with' key of the model association
* @param array $keys Any join keys which must be merged with the keys queried
* @return array
function joinModel($assoc, $keys = array()) {
if (is_string($assoc)) {
return array($assoc, array_keys($this->{$assoc}->schema()));
} elseif (is_array($assoc)) {
$with = key($assoc);
return array($with, array_unique(array_merge($assoc[$with], $keys)));
} else {
trigger_error(sprintf(__('Invalid join model settings in %s', true), $model->alias), E_USER_WARNING);
* Before find callback
* @param array $queryData Data used to execute this query, i.e. conditions, order, etc.
* @return mixed true if the operation should continue, false if it should abort; or, modified $queryData to continue with new $queryData
* @access public
function beforeFind($queryData) {
return true;
* After find callback. Can be used to modify any results returned by find and findAll.
* @param mixed $results The results of the find operation
* @param boolean $primary Whether this model is being queried directly (vs. being queried as an association)
* @return mixed Result of the find operation
* @access public
function afterFind($results, $primary = false) {
return $results;
* Before save callback
* @return boolean True if the operation should continue, false if it should abort
* @access public
function beforeSave() {
return true;
* After save callback
* @param boolean $created True if this save created a new record
* @access public
function afterSave($created) {
* Before delete callback
* @param boolean $cascade If true records that depend on this record will also be deleted
* @return boolean True if the operation should continue, false if it should abort
* @access public
function beforeDelete($cascade = true) {
return true;
* After delete callback
* @access public
function afterDelete() {
* Before validate callback
* @return boolean True if validate operation should continue, false to abort
* @access public
function beforeValidate() {
return true;
* DataSource error callback
* @access public
function onError() {
* Private method. Clears cache for this model
* @param string $type If null this deletes cached views if Cache.check is true
* Will be used to allow deleting query cache also
* @return boolean true on delete
* @access protected
* @todo
function _clearCache($type = null) {
if ($type === null) {
if (Configure::read('Cache.check') === true) {
$assoc[] = strtolower(Inflector::pluralize($this->alias));
foreach ($this->__associations as $key => $association) {
foreach ($this->$association as $key => $className) {
$check = strtolower(Inflector::pluralize($className['className']));
if (!in_array($check, $assoc)) {
$assoc[] = strtolower(Inflector::pluralize($className['className']));
return true;
} else {
//Will use for query cache deleting
* Called when serializing a model
* @return array Set of object variable names this model has
* @access private
function __sleep() {
$return = array_keys(get_object_vars($this));
return $return;
* Called when unserializing a model
* @access private
function __wakeup() {
Merging changes to trunk: Revision: [1761] Removing old db_acl.sql Revision: [1759] Removed unneeded calls to uses(). Changed basics.php listClasses() no longer using folder class. Starting corrections in DboPostgres class. Adding missing DboPostgres::query(). Added missing doc blocks to AjaxHelper. Fixed undefined keys in FormHelper::generateFields() Reformatted FormHelper::generateFields() adding open and close brackets where needed Revision: [1758] Fixed typo Revision: [1757] Fixed errors found when using PHP 4. Fixed a scaffold error Revision: [1756] Merging changes to model_php4.php Revision: [1755] Fixed scaffolding for the changes made to the model. Fixed Model::isForeignKey(), replaced array_key_exists with in_array, other function was failing Revision: [1754] Committing changes from bundt model to beta. DataSources will not be in the beta release Revision: [1751] Cleaning up a little more in the code. Removing loading of log.php unless it is really needed. Refactored dispatcher to speed up the stripslashes code if it is called Revision: [1748] removing all references to error_messages and deleting the file Revision: [1747] updated more error messages Revision: [1746] removing all error message defines Revision: [1745] added _() method from 1.0 to basics.php only used to return string right now Revision: [1744] Adding fix for ticket #220 Revision: [1743] More work on ErrorHandler class Revision: [1742] Renaming error view for missing database connection Revision: [1741] More work on ErrorHandler class Revision: [1740] More work on error class Revision: [1739] Replacing all $_SERVER variable check with env() in basics.php Revision: [1738] Adding env() to basic Revision: [1737] Updated session to use env() Revision: [1736] Removing ternary operators from Dispatcher Revision: [1735] Per nates request I am rolling back ACL to [1373] Revision: [1734] Removed the IP in the session class this was not very reliable. Added a time setting that generates current time adding the Security::inactiveMins() to the session Removed code that was added to basics.php to replace gethostbyaddr(). Added CAKE_SESSION_STRING define to core.php which is used in the by the Session class to generate a hashed key. Revision: [1733] Moving errors messages to ErrorHandler class. Updating errors view for use with new class. Updating Scaffold to use new class. Updated Dispatcher to use new class. Removing methods from Object class Revision: [1732] Adding ErrorHandler class Revision: [1731] Adding fix for Ticket #223 git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2006-01-12 02:10:47 +00:00