2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
< ? php
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . DS . 'models.php' ;
* Short description for class .
* @ package cake . tests
* @ subpackage cake . tests . cases . libs . model
class TestBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
var $mapMethods = array ( '/test(\w+)/' => 'testMethod' , '/look for\s+(.+)/' => 'speakEnglish' );
function setup ( & $model , $config = array ()) {
parent :: setup ( $model , $config );
if ( isset ( $config [ 'mangle' ])) {
$config [ 'mangle' ] .= ' mangled' ;
$this -> settings [ $model -> alias ] = array_merge ( array ( 'beforeFind' => 'on' , 'afterFind' => 'off' ), $config );
function beforeFind ( & $model , $query ) {
$settings = $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'beforeFind' ]) || $settings [ 'beforeFind' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: beforeFind ( $model , $query );
switch ( $settings [ 'beforeFind' ]) {
case 'on' :
return false ;
break ;
case 'test' :
return null ;
break ;
case 'modify' :
$query [ 'fields' ] = array ( $model -> alias . '.id' , $model -> alias . '.name' , $model -> alias . '.mytime' );
$query [ 'recursive' ] = - 1 ;
return $query ;
break ;
function afterFind ( & $model , $results , $primary ) {
$settings = $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'afterFind' ]) || $settings [ 'afterFind' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: afterFind ( $model , $results , $primary );
switch ( $settings [ 'afterFind' ]) {
case 'on' :
return array ();
break ;
case 'test' :
return true ;
break ;
case 'test2' :
return null ;
break ;
case 'modify' :
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
return Set :: extract ( $results , " { n}. { $model -> alias } " );
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
break ;
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
function beforeSave ( & $model ) {
$settings = $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'beforeSave' ]) || $settings [ 'beforeSave' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: beforeSave ( $model );
switch ( $settings [ 'beforeSave' ]) {
case 'on' :
return false ;
break ;
case 'test' :
return null ;
break ;
case 'modify' :
$model -> data [ $model -> alias ][ 'name' ] .= ' modified before' ;
return true ;
break ;
function afterSave ( & $model , $created ) {
$settings = $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'afterSave' ]) || $settings [ 'afterSave' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: afterSave ( $model , $created );
$string = 'modified after' ;
if ( $created ) {
$string .= ' on create' ;
switch ( $settings [ 'afterSave' ]) {
case 'on' :
$model -> data [ $model -> alias ][ 'aftersave' ] = $string ;
break ;
case 'test' :
unset ( $model -> data [ $model -> alias ][ 'name' ]);
break ;
case 'test2' :
return false ;
break ;
case 'modify' :
$model -> data [ $model -> alias ][ 'name' ] .= ' ' . $string ;
break ;
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
function beforeValidate ( & $model ) {
$settings = $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'validate' ]) || $settings [ 'validate' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: beforeValidate ( $model );
switch ( $settings [ 'validate' ]) {
case 'on' :
$model -> invalidate ( 'name' );
return true ;
break ;
case 'test' :
return null ;
break ;
case 'whitelist' :
$this -> _addToWhitelist ( $model , array ( 'name' ));
return true ;
break ;
case 'stop' :
$model -> invalidate ( 'name' );
return false ;
break ;
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
function beforeDelete ( & $model , $cascade = true ) {
$settings =& $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'beforeDelete' ]) || $settings [ 'beforeDelete' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: beforeDelete ( $model , $cascade );
switch ( $settings [ 'beforeDelete' ]) {
case 'on' :
return false ;
break ;
case 'test' :
return null ;
break ;
case 'test2' :
echo 'beforeDelete success' ;
if ( $cascade ) {
echo ' (cascading) ' ;
break ;
function afterDelete ( & $model ) {
$settings =& $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'afterDelete' ]) || $settings [ 'afterDelete' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: afterDelete ( $model );
switch ( $settings [ 'afterDelete' ]) {
case 'on' :
echo 'afterDelete success' ;
break ;
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
function onError ( & $model ) {
$settings = $this -> settings [ $model -> alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $settings [ 'onError' ]) || $settings [ 'onError' ] == 'off' ) {
return parent :: onError ( $model , $cascade );
echo " onError trigger success " ;
function beforeTest ( & $model ) {
$model -> beforeTestResult [] = get_class ( $this );
return get_class ( $this );
function testMethod ( & $model , $param = true ) {
if ( $param === true ) {
return 'working' ;
function testData ( & $model ) {
if ( ! isset ( $model -> data [ 'Apple' ][ 'field' ])) {
return false ;
$model -> data [ 'Apple' ][ 'field_2' ] = true ;
return true ;
function validateField ( & $model , $field ) {
return current ( $field ) === 'Orange' ;
function speakEnglish ( & $model , $method , $query ) {
$method = preg_replace ( '/look for\s+/' , 'Item.name = \'' , $method );
$query = preg_replace ( '/^in\s+/' , 'Location.name = \'' , $query );
return $method . '\' AND ' . $query . '\'' ;
class Test2Behavior extends TestBehavior {
class Test3Behavior extends TestBehavior {
class BehaviorTest extends CakeTestCase {
var $fixtures = array ( 'core.apple' , 'core.sample' );
function testBehaviorBinding () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> attached (), array ());
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'key' => 'value' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> attached (), array ( 'Test' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( strtolower ( get_class ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test )), 'testbehavior' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], array ( 'beforeFind' => 'on' , 'afterFind' => 'off' , 'key' => 'value' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( array_keys ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings ), array ( 'Apple' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attached (), array ());
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'key2' => 'value2' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attached (), array ( 'Test' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Sample' ], array ( 'beforeFind' => 'on' , 'afterFind' => 'off' , 'key2' => 'value2' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( array_keys ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings ), array ( 'Apple' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( array_keys ( $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings ), array ( 'Sample' ));
$this -> assertNotIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Sample' ]);
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'key2' => 'value2' , 'key3' => 'value3' , 'beforeFind' => 'off' ));
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'key' => 'value' , 'key3' => 'value3' , 'beforeFind' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], array ( 'beforeFind' => 'off' , 'afterFind' => 'off' , 'key' => 'value' , 'key2' => 'value2' , 'key3' => 'value3' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Sample' ]);
$this -> assertFalse ( isset ( $Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> Test ));
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'key' => 'value' , 'key2' => 'value2' , 'key3' => 'value3' , 'beforeFind' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Child' ], $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Sample' ]);
$this -> assertFalse ( isset ( $Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> Test ));
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'key' => 'value' , 'key2' => 'value2' , 'key3' => 'value3' , 'beforeFind' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Parent' ], $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Sample' ]);
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'key' => 'value' , 'key2' => 'value' , 'key3' => 'value' , 'beforeFind' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertNotEqual ( $Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Parent' ], $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Sample' ]);
$this -> assertFalse ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'NoSuchBehavior' ));
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Plugin.Test' , array ( 'key' => 'new value' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], array ( 'beforeFind' => 'off' , 'afterFind' => 'off' , 'key' => 'new value' , 'key2' => 'value2' , 'key3' => 'value3' ));
$current = $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ];
$expected = array_merge ( $current , array ( 'mangle' => 'trigger mangled' ));
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'mangle' => 'trigger' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
$expected = array_merge ( $current , array ( 'mangle' => 'trigger mangled mangled' ));
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'mangle' => 'trigger' ));
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
$expected = array_merge ( $current , array ( 'mangle' => 'trigger mangled' ));
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> settings [ 'Apple' ], $expected );
function testBehaviorToggling () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ());
$Apple -> Behaviors -> init ( 'Apple' , array ( 'Test' => array ( 'key' => 'value' )));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ( 'Test' ));
$Apple -> Behaviors -> disable ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> attached (), array ( 'Test' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ());
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> enabled ( 'Test' ), true );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ());
$Apple -> Behaviors -> enable ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> attached ( 'Test' ), true );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ( 'Test' ));
$Apple -> Behaviors -> disable ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ());
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'enabled' => true ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ( 'Test' ));
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'enabled' => false ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ());
$Apple -> Behaviors -> detach ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> enabled (), array ());
function testBehaviorFindCallbacks () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$expected = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), null );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeFind' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeFind' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeFind' => 'modify' ));
$expected2 = array (
array ( 'Apple' => array ( 'id' => '1' , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )),
array ( 'Apple' => array ( 'id' => '2' , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )),
array ( 'Apple' => array ( 'id' => '3' , 'name' => 'green blue' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ))
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' , array ( 'conditions' => array ( 'Apple.id <' => '4' )));
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected2 );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> disable ( 'Test' );
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeFind' => 'off' , 'afterFind' => 'on' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), array ());
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterFind' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterFind' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterFind' => 'test2' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterFind' => 'modify' ));
$expected = array (
array ( 'id' => '1' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Red 1' , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58' , 'date' => '1951-01-04' , 'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '2' , 'apple_id' => '1' , 'color' => 'Bright Red 1' , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13' , 'date' => '2014-01-01' , 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '3' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'blue green' , 'name' => 'green blue' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '4' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Blue Green' , 'name' => 'Test Name' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '5' , 'apple_id' => '5' , 'color' => 'Green' , 'name' => 'Blue Green' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '6' , 'apple_id' => '4' , 'color' => 'My new appleOrange' , 'name' => 'My new apple' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '7' , 'apple_id' => '6' , 'color' => 'Some wierd color' , 'name' => 'Some odd color' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
function testBehaviorHasManyFindCallbacks () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> unbindModel ( array ( 'hasOne' => array ( 'Sample' ), 'belongsTo' => array ( 'Parent' )), false );
$expected = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$Apple -> unbindModel ( array ( 'hasMany' => array ( 'Child' )));
$wellBehaved = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterFind' => 'modify' ));
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $wellBehaved );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'modify' ));
$expected2 = array (
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 1 ),
'Child' => array (
array ( 'id' => 2 , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ))),
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 2 ),
'Child' => array (
array ( 'id' => 1 , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => 3 , 'name' => 'green blue' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => 4 , 'name' => 'Test Name' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ))),
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 3 ),
'Child' => array ())
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' , array ( 'fields' => array ( 'Apple.id' ), 'conditions' => array ( 'Apple.id' => '< 4' )));
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected2 );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> disable ( 'Test' );
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'off' , 'after' => 'on' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), array ());
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'test2' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Child -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'modify' ));
$expected = array (
array ( 'id' => '1' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Red 1' , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58' , 'date' => '1951-01-04' , 'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '2' , 'apple_id' => '1' , 'color' => 'Bright Red 1' , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13' , 'date' => '2014-01-01' , 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '3' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'blue green' , 'name' => 'green blue' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '4' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Blue Green' , 'name' => 'Test Name' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '5' , 'apple_id' => '5' , 'color' => 'Green' , 'name' => 'Blue Green' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '6' , 'apple_id' => '4' , 'color' => 'My new appleOrange' , 'name' => 'My new apple' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '7' , 'apple_id' => '6' , 'color' => 'Some wierd color' , 'name' => 'Some odd color' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
function testBehaviorHasOneFindCallbacks () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> unbindModel ( array ( 'hasMany' => array ( 'Child' ), 'belongsTo' => array ( 'Parent' )), false );
$expected = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$Apple -> unbindModel ( array ( 'hasOne' => array ( 'Sample' )));
$wellBehaved = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $wellBehaved );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'modify' ));
$expected2 = array (
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 1 ),
'Child' => array (
array ( 'id' => 2 , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ))),
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 2 ),
'Child' => array (
array ( 'id' => 1 , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => 3 , 'name' => 'green blue' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => 4 , 'name' => 'Test Name' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ))),
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 3 ),
'Child' => array ())
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' , array ( 'fields' => array ( 'Apple.id' ), 'conditions' => array ( 'Apple.id' => '< 4' )));
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected2 );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> disable ( 'Test' );
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'off' , 'after' => 'on' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), array ());
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'test2' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'modify' ));
$expected = array (
array ( 'id' => '1' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Red 1' , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58' , 'date' => '1951-01-04' , 'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '2' , 'apple_id' => '1' , 'color' => 'Bright Red 1' , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13' , 'date' => '2014-01-01' , 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '3' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'blue green' , 'name' => 'green blue' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '4' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Blue Green' , 'name' => 'Test Name' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '5' , 'apple_id' => '5' , 'color' => 'Green' , 'name' => 'Blue Green' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '6' , 'apple_id' => '4' , 'color' => 'My new appleOrange' , 'name' => 'My new apple' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '7' , 'apple_id' => '6' , 'color' => 'Some wierd color' , 'name' => 'Some odd color' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
function testBehaviorBelongsToFindCallbacks () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> unbindModel ( array ( 'hasMany' => array ( 'Child' ), 'hasOne' => array ( 'Sample' )), false );
$expected = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$Apple -> unbindModel ( array ( 'belongsTo' => array ( 'Parent' )));
$wellBehaved = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $wellBehaved );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'modify' ));
$expected2 = array (
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 1 ),
'Parent' => array ( 'id' => 2 , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )),
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 2 ),
'Parent' => array ( 'id' => 1 , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )),
array (
'Apple' => array ( 'id' => 3 ),
'Parent' => array ( 'id' => 2 , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ))
2008-05-31 12:36:38 +00:00
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' , array ( 'fields' => array ( 'Apple.id' , 'Parent.*' ), 'conditions' => array ( 'Apple.id <' => '4' )));
2008-05-30 11:40:08 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected2 );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> disable ( 'Test' );
$result = $Apple -> find ( 'all' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'before' => 'off' , 'after' => 'on' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), array ());
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'test2' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
$Apple -> Parent -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'after' => 'modify' ));
$expected = array (
array ( 'id' => '1' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Red 1' , 'name' => 'Red Apple 1' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58' , 'date' => '1951-01-04' , 'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '2' , 'apple_id' => '1' , 'color' => 'Bright Red 1' , 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple' , 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13' , 'date' => '2014-01-01' , 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '3' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'blue green' , 'name' => 'green blue' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '4' , 'apple_id' => '2' , 'color' => 'Blue Green' , 'name' => 'Test Name' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '5' , 'apple_id' => '5' , 'color' => 'Green' , 'name' => 'Blue Green' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '6' , 'apple_id' => '4' , 'color' => 'My new appleOrange' , 'name' => 'My new apple' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' ),
array ( 'id' => '7' , 'apple_id' => '6' , 'color' => 'Some wierd color' , 'name' => 'Some odd color' , 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'date' => '2006-12-25' , 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' , 'mytime' => '22:57:17' )
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> find ( 'all' ), $expected );
function testBehaviorSaveCallbacks () {
$Sample = new Sample ();
$record = array ( 'Sample' => array ( 'apple_id' => 6 , 'name' => 'sample99' ));
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeSave' => 'on' ));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), false );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeSave' => 'off' ));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $record );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeSave' => 'test' ));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $record );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeSave' => 'modify' ));
$expected = Set :: insert ( $record , 'Sample.name' , 'sample99 modified before' );
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $expected );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> disable ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $record );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeSave' => 'off' , 'afterSave' => 'on' ));
$expected = Set :: merge ( $record , array ( 'Sample' => array ( 'aftersave' => 'modified after on create' )));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $expected );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeSave' => 'modify' , 'afterSave' => 'modify' ));
$expected = Set :: merge ( $record , array ( 'Sample' => array ( 'name' => 'sample99 modified before modified after on create' )));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $expected );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeSave' => 'off' , 'afterSave' => 'test' ));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $record );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterSave' => 'test2' ));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record ), $record );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeFind' => 'off' , 'afterFind' => 'off' ));
$Sample -> recursive = - 1 ;
$record2 = $Sample -> read ( null , 1 );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterSave' => 'on' ));
$expected = Set :: merge ( $record2 , array ( 'Sample' => array ( 'aftersave' => 'modified after' )));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record2 ), $expected );
$Sample -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'afterSave' => 'modify' ));
$expected = Set :: merge ( $record2 , array ( 'Sample' => array ( 'name' => 'sample1 modified after' )));
$Sample -> create ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Sample -> save ( $record2 ), $expected );
function testBehaviorDeleteCallbacks () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeFind' => 'off' , 'beforeDelete' => 'off' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> del ( 6 ), true );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeDelete' => 'on' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> delete ( 4 ), false );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeDelete' => 'test2' ));
if ( ob_start ()) {
$results = $Apple -> del ( 4 );
$this -> assertIdentical ( trim ( ob_get_clean ()), 'beforeDelete success (cascading)' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $results , true );
if ( ob_start ()) {
$results = $Apple -> del ( 3 , false );
$this -> assertIdentical ( trim ( ob_get_clean ()), 'beforeDelete success' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $results , true );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeDelete' => 'off' , 'afterDelete' => 'on' ));
if ( ob_start ()) {
$results = $Apple -> del ( 2 , false );
$this -> assertIdentical ( trim ( ob_get_clean ()), 'afterDelete success' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $results , true );
function testBehaviorOnErrorCallback () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'beforeFind' => 'off' , 'onError' => 'on' ));
if ( ob_start ()) {
$Apple -> Behaviors -> Test -> onError ( $Apple );
$this -> assertIdentical ( trim ( ob_get_clean ()), 'onError trigger success' );
if ( ob_start ()) {
$Apple -> del ( 99 );
$this -> assertIdentical ( trim ( ob_get_clean ()), 'onError trigger success' );
function testBehaviorValidateCallback () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> validates (), true );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'validate' => 'on' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> validates (), false );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> validationErrors , array ( 'name' => true ));
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'validate' => 'stop' ));
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> validates (), false );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> validationErrors , array ( 'name' => true ));
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' , array ( 'validate' => 'whitelist' ));
$Apple -> validates ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> whitelist , array ());
$Apple -> whitelist = array ( 'unknown' );
$Apple -> validates ();
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> whitelist , array ( 'unknown' , 'name' ));
function testBehaviorValidateMethods () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$Apple -> validate [ 'color' ] = 'validateField' ;
$result = $Apple -> save ( array ( 'name' => 'Genetically Modified Apple' , 'color' => 'Orange' ));
$this -> assertEqual ( array_keys ( $result [ 'Apple' ]), array ( 'name' , 'color' , 'modified' , 'created' ));
$Apple -> create ();
$result = $Apple -> save ( array ( 'name' => 'Regular Apple' , 'color' => 'Red' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $result );
function testBehaviorMethodDispatching () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$expected = 'working' ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> testMethod (), $expected );
$this -> assertEqual ( $Apple -> Behaviors -> dispatchMethod ( $Apple , 'testMethod' ), $expected );
$result = $Apple -> Behaviors -> dispatchMethod ( $Apple , 'wtf' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , array ( 'unhandled' ));
$result = $Apple -> { 'look for the remote' }( 'in the couch' );
$expected = " Item.name = 'the remote' AND Location.name = 'the couch' " ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $result , $expected );
function testBehaviorMethodDispatchingWithData () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$Apple -> set ( 'field' , 'value' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $Apple -> testData ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $Apple -> data [ 'Apple' ][ 'field_2' ]);
function testBehaviorTrigger () {
$Apple = new Apple ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test' );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test2' );
$Apple -> Behaviors -> attach ( 'Test3' );
$Apple -> beforeTestResult = array ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> trigger ( $Apple , 'beforeTest' );
$expected = array ( 'TestBehavior' , 'Test2Behavior' , 'Test3Behavior' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> beforeTestResult , $expected );
$Apple -> beforeTestResult = array ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> trigger ( $Apple , 'beforeTest' , array (), array ( 'break' => true , 'breakOn' => 'Test2Behavior' ));
$expected = array ( 'TestBehavior' , 'Test2Behavior' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> beforeTestResult , $expected );
$Apple -> beforeTestResult = array ();
$Apple -> Behaviors -> trigger ( $Apple , 'beforeTest' , array (), array ( 'break' => true , 'breakOn' => array ( 'Test2Behavior' , 'Test3Behavior' )));
$expected = array ( 'TestBehavior' , 'Test2Behavior' );
$this -> assertIdentical ( $Apple -> beforeTestResult , $expected );
function tearDown () {
ClassRegistry :: flush ();