
662 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* ControllerTask Test Case
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright 2005-2009, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2009, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
2010-01-26 17:03:03 -05:00
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.tests.cases.console.libs.tasks
* @since CakePHP(tm) v 1.3
* @license MIT License (
App::import('Core', 'ClassRegistry');
App::import('View', 'Helper', false);
App::import('Shell', 'Shell', false);
if (!defined('DISABLE_AUTO_DISPATCH')) {
define('DISABLE_AUTO_DISPATCH', true);
if (!class_exists('ShellDispatcher')) {
$argv = false;
require CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'cake.php';
require_once CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'project.php';
require_once CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'controller.php';
require_once CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'model.php';
require_once CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'template.php';
require_once CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'test.php';
$imported = App::import('Model', 'BakeArticle');
$imported = $imported || App::import('Model', 'BakeComment');
$imported = $imported || App::import('Model', 'BakeTag');
if (!$imported) {
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
define('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED', true);
App::import('Core', 'Model');
class BakeArticle extends Model {
public $name = 'BakeArticle';
public $hasMany = array('BakeComment');
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('BakeTag');
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
* ControllerTaskTest class
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.tests.cases.console.libs.tasks
class ControllerTaskTest extends CakeTestCase {
* fixtures
* @var array
* @access public
public $fixtures = array('core.bake_article', 'core.bake_articles_bake_tag', 'core.bake_comment', 'core.bake_tag');
* startTest method
* @return void
public function startTest() {
$this->Dispatcher = $this->getMock('ShellDispatcher', array(
'getInput', 'stdout', 'stderr', '_stop', '_initEnvironment', 'clear'
$this->Task = $this->getMock('ControllerTask',
array('in', 'out', 'err', 'hr', 'createFile', '_stop', '_checkUnitTest'),
$this->Task->name = 'ControllerTask';
$this->Task->Dispatch->shellPaths = App::path('shells');
$this->Task->Template =& new TemplateTask($this->Task->Dispatch);
$this->Task->Template->params['theme'] = 'default';
$this->Task->Model = $this->getMock('ModelTask',
array('in', 'out', 'err', 'createFile', '_stop', '_checkUnitTest'),
$this->Task->Project = $this->getMock('ProjectTask',
array('in', 'out', 'err', 'createFile', '_stop', '_checkUnitTest', 'getPrefix'),
$this->Task->Test = $this->getMock('TestTask', array(), array(&$this->Dispatcher));
* endTest method
* @return void
public function endTest() {
unset($this->Task, $this->Dispatcher);
* test ListAll
* @return void
public function testListAll() {
$count = count($this->Task->listAll('test'));
if ($count != count($this->fixtures)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Additional tables detected.');
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->interactive = true;
$this->Task->expects($this->at(1))->method('out')->with('1. BakeArticles');
$this->Task->expects($this->at(2))->method('out')->with('2. BakeArticlesBakeTags');
$this->Task->expects($this->at(3))->method('out')->with('3. BakeComments');
$this->Task->expects($this->at(4))->method('out')->with('4. BakeTags');
$expected = array('BakeArticles', 'BakeArticlesBakeTags', 'BakeComments', 'BakeTags');
$result = $this->Task->listAll('test');
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$this->Task->interactive = false;
$result = $this->Task->listAll();
$expected = array('bake_articles', 'bake_articles_bake_tags', 'bake_comments', 'bake_tags');
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-05-14 23:28:27 -04:00
* Test that getName interacts with the user and returns the controller name.
* @return void
public function testGetNameValidIndex() {
$count = count($this->Task->listAll('test'));
if ($count != count($this->fixtures)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Additional tables detected.');
$this->Task->interactive = true;
$result = $this->Task->getName('test');
$expected = 'BakeComments';
2009-05-14 23:28:27 -04:00
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
$result = $this->Task->getName('test');
$expected = 'BakeArticles';
2009-05-14 23:28:27 -04:00
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
2009-05-14 23:28:27 -04:00
* test getting invalid indexes.
* @return void
function testGetNameInvalidIndex() {
$this->Task->interactive = true;
->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(50, 'q'));
2009-05-14 23:28:27 -04:00
* test helper interactions
* @return void
public function testDoHelpersNo() {
$result = $this->Task->doHelpers();
$this->assertEqual($result, array());
* test getting helper values
* @return void
function testDoHelpersTrailingSpace() {
$this->Task->expects($this->at(1))->method('in')->will($this->returnValue(' Javascript, Ajax, CustomOne '));
$result = $this->Task->doHelpers();
$expected = array('Javascript', 'Ajax', 'CustomOne');
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
* test doHelpers with extra commas
* @return void
function testDoHelpersTrailingCommas() {
$this->Task->expects($this->at(1))->method('in')->will($this->returnValue(' Javascript, Ajax, CustomOne, , '));
$result = $this->Task->doHelpers();
$expected = array('Javascript', 'Ajax', 'CustomOne');
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
* test component interactions
* @return void
public function testDoComponentsNo() {
$result = $this->Task->doComponents();
$this->assertEqual($result, array());
* test components with spaces
* @return void
function testDoComponentsTrailingSpaces() {
$this->Task->expects($this->at(1))->method('in')->will($this->returnValue(' RequestHandler, Security '));
$result = $this->Task->doComponents();
$expected = array('RequestHandler', 'Security');
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
* test components with commas
* @return void
function testDoComponentsTrailingCommas() {
$this->Task->expects($this->at(1))->method('in')->will($this->returnValue(' RequestHandler, Security, , '));
$result = $this->Task->doComponents();
$expected = array('RequestHandler', 'Security');
$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
* test Confirming controller user interaction
* @return void
2010-05-30 00:07:43 -04:00
public function testConfirmController() {
$controller = 'Posts';
$scaffold = false;
$helpers = array('Ajax', 'Time');
$components = array('Acl', 'Auth');
$uses = array('Comment', 'User');
2010-05-30 00:07:43 -04:00
$this->Task->expects($this->at(4))->method('out')->with("Controller Name:\n\t$controller");
$this->Task->expects($this->at(5))->method('out')->with("Helpers:\n\tAjax, Time");
$this->Task->expects($this->at(6))->method('out')->with("Components:\n\tAcl, Auth");
2009-05-18 22:26:16 -04:00
$this->Task->confirmController($controller, $scaffold, $helpers, $components);
2009-05-17 00:04:33 -04:00
* test the bake method
* @return void
2010-05-30 00:07:43 -04:00
public function testBake() {
2009-05-17 00:04:33 -04:00
$helpers = array('Ajax', 'Time');
$components = array('Acl', 'Auth');
2009-05-17 00:04:33 -04:00
$result = $this->Task->bake('Articles', '--actions--', $helpers, $components);
$this->assertContains('class ArticlesController extends AppController', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$components = array('Acl', 'Auth')", $result);
$this->assertContains("\$helpers = array('Ajax', 'Time')", $result);
$this->assertContains("--actions--", $result);
2009-05-17 00:04:33 -04:00
$result = $this->Task->bake('Articles', 'scaffold', $helpers, $components);
$this->assertContains("class ArticlesController extends AppController", $result);
$this->assertContains("public \$scaffold", $result);
$this->assertNotContains('helpers', $result);
$this->assertNotContains('components', $result);
$result = $this->Task->bake('Articles', '--actions--', array(), array());
$this->assertContains('class ArticlesController extends AppController', $result);
$this->assertNotContains('components', $result);
$this->assertNotContains('helpers', $result);
$this->assertContains('--actions--', $result);
2009-05-18 22:26:16 -04:00
* test bake() with a -plugin param
* @return void
2010-05-30 00:07:43 -04:00
public function testBakeWithPlugin() {
$this->Task->plugin = 'ControllerTest';
$helpers = array('Ajax', 'Time');
$components = array('Acl', 'Auth');
$uses = array('Comment', 'User');
$path = APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'controller_test' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'articles_controller.php';
2010-05-30 00:07:43 -04:00
new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnything()
2010-05-30 00:07:43 -04:00
new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/ArticlesController extends ControllerTestAppController/')
$this->Task->bake('Articles', '--actions--', array(), array(), array());
$this->Task->plugin = 'controllerTest';
$path = APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'controller_test' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'articles_controller.php';
$this->Task->bake('Articles', '--actions--', array(), array(), array());
$this->assertEqual($this->Task->Template->templateVars['plugin'], 'ControllerTest');
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
* test that bakeActions is creating the correct controller Code. (Using sessions)
* @return void
public function testBakeActionsUsingSessions() {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Testing bakeActions requires Article, Comment & Tag Model to be undefined. %s');
if ($skip) {
$result = $this->Task->bakeActions('BakeArticles', null, true);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function index() {', $result);
$this->assertContains('$this->BakeArticle->recursive = 0;', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->set('bakeArticles', \$this->paginate());", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function view($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid bake article'));", $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->set('bakeArticle', \$this->BakeArticle->read(null, \$id)", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function add()', $result);
$this->assertContains('if (!empty($this->data))', $result);
$this->assertContains('if ($this->BakeArticle->save($this->data))', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->Session->setFlash(__('The bake article has been saved'));", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function edit($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->Session->setFlash(__('The bake article could not be saved. Please, try again.'));", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function delete($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains('if ($this->BakeArticle->delete($id))', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->Session->setFlash(__('Bake article deleted'));", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$result = $this->Task->bakeActions('BakeArticles', 'admin_', true);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function admin_index() {', $result);
$this->assertContains('function admin_add()', $result);
$this->assertContains('function admin_view($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains('function admin_edit($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains('function admin_delete($id = null)', $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
* Test baking with Controller::flash() or no sessions.
* @return void
public function testBakeActionsWithNoSessions() {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Testing bakeActions requires Article, Tag, Comment Models to be undefined. %s');
if ($skip) {
$result = $this->Task->bakeActions('BakeArticles', null, false);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function index() {', $result);
$this->assertContains('$this->BakeArticle->recursive = 0;', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->set('bakeArticles', \$this->paginate());", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function view($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->flash(__('Invalid bake article'), array('action' => 'index'))", $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->set('bakeArticle', \$this->BakeArticle->read(null, \$id)", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function add()', $result);
$this->assertContains('if (!empty($this->data))', $result);
$this->assertContains('if ($this->BakeArticle->save($this->data))', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->flash(__('The bake article has been saved.'), array('action' => 'index'))", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function edit($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->BakeArticle->BakeTag->find('list')", $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->set(compact('bakeTags'))", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
$this->assertContains('function delete($id = null)', $result);
$this->assertContains('if ($this->BakeArticle->delete($id))', $result);
$this->assertContains("\$this->flash(__('Bake article deleted'), array('action' => 'index'))", $result);
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
* test baking a test
* @return void
public function testBakeTest() {
$this->Task->plugin = 'ControllerTest';
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->interactive = false;
$this->Task->Test->expects($this->once())->method('bake')->with('Controller', 'BakeArticles');
$this->assertEqual($this->Task->plugin, $this->Task->Test->plugin);
$this->assertEqual($this->Task->connection, $this->Task->Test->connection);
$this->assertEqual($this->Task->interactive, $this->Task->Test->interactive);
* test Interactive mode.
* @return void
public function testInteractive() {
$count = count($this->Task->listAll('test'));
if ($count != count($this->fixtures)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Additional tables detected.');
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
'y', // build interactive
'n', // build no scaffolds
'y', // build normal methods
'n', // build admin methods
'n', // helpers?
'n', // components?
'y', // sessions ?
'y' // looks good?
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/class BakeArticlesController/')
* test Interactive mode.
* @return void
function testInteractiveAdminMethodsNotInteractive() {
$count = count($this->Task->listAll('test'));
if ($count != count($this->fixtures)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Additional tables detected.');
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->interactive = true;
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
'y', // build interactive
'n', // build no scaffolds
'y', // build normal methods
'y', // build admin methods
'n', // helpers?
'n', // components?
'y', // sessions ?
'y' // looks good?
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/class BakeArticlesController/')
$result = $this->Task->execute();
$this->assertPattern('/admin_index/', $result);
2009-05-18 22:26:16 -04:00
* test that execute runs all when the first arg == all
* @return void
public function testExecuteIntoAll() {
2009-06-03 21:35:11 -04:00
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Execute into all could not be run as an Article, Tag or Comment model was already loaded. %s');
2009-05-18 23:46:20 -04:00
if ($skip) {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
2009-05-18 22:26:16 -04:00
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
$this->Task->args = array('all');
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/class BakeArticlesController/')
2009-05-18 22:26:16 -04:00
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
* test that `cake bake controller foos` works.
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithController() {
2009-06-03 21:35:11 -04:00
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Execute with scaffold param requires no Article, Tag or Comment model to be defined. %s');
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
if ($skip) {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
$this->Task->args = array('BakeArticles');
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/\$scaffold/')
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
* data provider for testExecuteWithControllerNameVariations
* @return void
static function nameVariations() {
return array(
array('BakeArticles'), array('BakeArticle'), array('bake_article'), array('bake_articles')
2010-06-12 17:43:12 -04:00
* test that both plural and singular forms work for controller baking.
* @dataProvider nameVariations
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithControllerNameVariations($name) {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Execute with scaffold param requires no Article, Tag or Comment model to be defined. %s');
if ($skip) {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
$this->Task->args = array($name);
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
$filename, new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/\$scaffold/')
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
* test that `cake bake controller foo scaffold` works.
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithPublicParam() {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Execute with scaffold param requires no Article, Tag or Comment model to be defined. %s');
if ($skip) {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
$this->Task->args = array('BakeArticles', 'public');
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
$expected = new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Not(new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/\$scaffold/'));
$filename, $expected
* test that `cake bake controller foos both` works.
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithControllerAndBoth() {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Execute with scaffold param requires no Article, Tag or Comment model to be defined. %s');
if ($skip) {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
$this->Task->args = array('BakeArticles', 'public', 'admin');
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
$filename, new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/admin_index/')
* test that `cake bake controller foos admin` works.
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithControllerAndAdmin() {
$skip = $this->skipIf(!defined('ARTICLE_MODEL_CREATED'),
'Execute with scaffold param requires no Article, Tag or Comment model to be defined. %s');
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
if ($skip) {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
$this->Task->path = '/my/path/';
$this->Task->args = array('BakeArticles', 'admin');
2009-05-20 00:31:59 -04:00
$filename = '/my/path/bake_articles_controller.php';
$filename, new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch('/admin_index/')
2009-05-18 22:26:16 -04:00
2009-05-17 00:04:33 -04:00