2024-03-01 16:30:49 +01:00

168 lines
8.2 KiB

from modules.galaxy import Galaxy
from modules.cluster import Cluster
from collections import defaultdict, deque
class Universe:
def __init__(self):
self.galaxies = {} # Maps galaxy_name to Galaxy objects
def add_galaxy(self, galaxy_name, json_file_name, authors, description):
if galaxy_name not in self.galaxies:
self.galaxies[galaxy_name] = Galaxy(galaxy_name=galaxy_name, json_file_name=json_file_name, authors=authors, description=description)
def add_cluster(self, galaxy_name, uuid, description, value, meta):
if galaxy_name in self.galaxies:
self.galaxies[galaxy_name].add_cluster(uuid=uuid, description=description, value=value, meta=meta)
def define_relationship(self, cluster_a_id, cluster_b_id):
cluster_a = None
cluster_b = None
# Search for Cluster A and Cluster B in all galaxies
for galaxy in self.galaxies.values():
if cluster_a_id in galaxy.clusters:
cluster_a = galaxy.clusters[cluster_a_id]
if cluster_b_id in galaxy.clusters:
cluster_b = galaxy.clusters[cluster_b_id]
if cluster_a and cluster_b: # Both clusters found
# If both clusters are found, define the relationship
if cluster_a and cluster_b:
# If Cluster B is not found, create a private cluster relationship for Cluster A
if cluster_a:
private_cluster = Cluster(uuid=cluster_b_id, galaxy=None)
print("Cluster A not found in any galaxy")
# def get_relationships_with_levels(self, galaxy, cluster):
# start_galaxy = self.galaxies[galaxy]
# start_cluster = start_galaxy.clusters[cluster]
# def bfs_with_inbound_outbound(start_cluster):
# visited = set() # To keep track of visited clusters
# linked = set() # To keep track of linked clusters
# queue = deque([(start_cluster, 0, 'outbound')]) # Include direction of relationship
# relationships = []
# while queue:
# current_cluster, level, direction = queue.popleft()
# if (current_cluster, direction) not in visited: # Check visited with direction
# visited.add((current_cluster, direction))
# # Process outbound relationships
# if direction == 'outbound':
# for to_cluster in current_cluster.outbound_relationships:
# if (to_cluster, 'outbound') not in visited:
# # relationships.append((current_cluster, to_cluster, level + 1, 'outbound'))
# queue.append((to_cluster, level + 1, 'outbound'))
# relationships.append((current_cluster, to_cluster, level + 1, 'outbound'))
# # Process inbound relationships
# for from_cluster in current_cluster.inbound_relationships:
# if (from_cluster, 'inbound') not in visited:
# relationships.append((from_cluster, current_cluster, level + 1, 'inbound'))
# queue.append((from_cluster, level + 1, 'inbound'))
# return relationships
# return bfs_with_inbound_outbound(start_cluster)
# def get_relationships_with_levels(self, galaxy, cluster):
# start_galaxy = self.galaxies[galaxy]
# start_cluster = start_galaxy.clusters[cluster]
# def bfs_with_inbound_outbound(start_cluster):
# visited = set() # To keep track of visited clusters
# relationships = defaultdict(lambda: (float('inf'), '')) # Store lowest level for each link
# queue = deque([(start_cluster, 0, 'outbound')]) # Include direction of relationship
# while queue:
# print(f"Queue: {[c.uuid for c, l, d in queue]}")
# current_cluster, level, direction = queue.popleft()
# if (current_cluster, direction) not in visited: # Check visited with direction
# visited.add((current_cluster, direction))
# if current_cluster.uuid == "a5a067c9-c4d7-4f33-8e6f-01b903f89908":
# print(f"Current cluster: {current_cluster.uuid}, Level: {level}, Direction: {direction}")
# print(f"outbound relationships: {[x.uuid for x in current_cluster.outbound_relationships]}")
# # Process outbound relationships
# if direction == 'outbound':
# for to_cluster in current_cluster.outbound_relationships:
# if (to_cluster, 'outbound') not in visited:
# queue.append((to_cluster, level + 1, 'outbound'))
# link = frozenset([current_cluster, to_cluster])
# if relationships[link][0] > level + 1:
# relationships[link] = (level + 1, 'outbound')
# # Process inbound relationships
# for from_cluster in current_cluster.inbound_relationships:
# if (from_cluster, 'inbound') not in visited:
# queue.append((from_cluster, level + 1, 'inbound'))
# link = frozenset([from_cluster, current_cluster])
# if relationships[link][0] > level + 1:
# relationships[link] = (level + 1, 'inbound')
# # Convert defaultdict to list of tuples for compatibility with your existing structure
# processed_relationships = []
# for link, (lvl, dir) in relationships.items():
# clusters = list(link)
# if dir == 'outbound':
# processed_relationships.append((clusters[0], clusters[1], lvl, dir))
# else:
# processed_relationships.append((clusters[1], clusters[0], lvl, dir))
# return processed_relationships
# return bfs_with_inbound_outbound(start_cluster)
def get_relationships_with_levels(self, start_cluster):
def bfs_with_undirected_relationships(start_cluster):
visited = set() # Tracks whether a cluster has been visited
relationships = defaultdict(lambda: float('inf')) # Tracks the lowest level for each cluster pair
queue = deque([(start_cluster, 0)]) # Queue of (cluster, level)
while queue:
current_cluster, level = queue.popleft()
if current_cluster not in visited:
# Process all relationships regardless of direction
neighbors = current_cluster.outbound_relationships.union(current_cluster.inbound_relationships)
for neighbor in neighbors:
link = frozenset([current_cluster, neighbor])
if level + 1 < relationships[link]:
relationships[link] = level + 1
if neighbor not in visited:
queue.append((neighbor, level + 1))
# Convert the defaultdict to a list of tuples, ignoring direction
processed_relationships = []
for link, lvl in relationships.items():
# Extract clusters from the frozenset; direction is irrelevant
clusters = list(link)
# Arbitrarily choose the first cluster as 'source' for consistency
processed_relationships.append((clusters[0], clusters[1], lvl))
processed_relationships.append((clusters[0], Cluster(uuid=0, galaxy=None), lvl))
return processed_relationships
return bfs_with_undirected_relationships(start_cluster)