import re class ProfileStats: """ ProfileStats, runtime execution statistics of operation. """ def __init__(self, records_produced, execution_time): self.records_produced = records_produced self.execution_time = execution_time class Operation: """ Operation, single operation within execution plan. """ def __init__(self, name, args=None, profile_stats=None): """ Create a new operation. Args: name: string that represents the name of the operation args: operation arguments profile_stats: profile statistics """ = name self.args = args self.profile_stats = profile_stats self.children = [] def append_child(self, child): if not isinstance(child, Operation) or self is child: raise Exception("child must be Operation") self.children.append(child) return self def child_count(self): return len(self.children) def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(o, Operation): return False return == and self.args == o.args def __str__(self) -> str: args_str = "" if self.args is None else " | " + self.args return f"{}{args_str}" class ExecutionPlan: """ ExecutionPlan, collection of operations. """ def __init__(self, plan): """ Create a new execution plan. Args: plan: array of strings that represents the collection operations the output from GRAPH.EXPLAIN """ if not isinstance(plan, list): raise Exception("plan must be an array") if isinstance(plan[0], bytes): plan = [b.decode() for b in plan] self.plan = plan self.structured_plan = self._operation_tree() def _compare_operations(self, root_a, root_b): """ Compare execution plan operation tree Return: True if operation trees are equal, False otherwise """ # compare current root if root_a != root_b: return False # make sure root have the same number of children if root_a.child_count() != root_b.child_count(): return False # recursively compare children for i in range(root_a.child_count()): if not self._compare_operations(root_a.children[i], root_b.children[i]): return False return True def __str__(self) -> str: def aggraget_str(str_children): return "\n".join( [ " " + line for str_child in str_children for line in str_child.splitlines() ] ) def combine_str(x, y): return f"{x}\n{y}" return self._operation_traverse( self.structured_plan, str, aggraget_str, combine_str ) def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: """Compares two execution plans Return: True if the two plans are equal False otherwise """ # make sure 'o' is an execution-plan if not isinstance(o, ExecutionPlan): return False # get root for both plans root_a = self.structured_plan root_b = o.structured_plan # compare execution trees return self._compare_operations(root_a, root_b) def _operation_traverse(self, op, op_f, aggregate_f, combine_f): """ Traverse operation tree recursively applying functions Args: op: operation to traverse op_f: function applied for each operation aggregate_f: aggregation function applied for all children of a single operation combine_f: combine function applied for the operation result and the children result """ # noqa # apply op_f for each operation op_res = op_f(op) if len(op.children) == 0: return op_res # no children return else: # apply _operation_traverse recursively children = [ self._operation_traverse(child, op_f, aggregate_f, combine_f) for child in op.children ] # combine the operation result with the children aggregated result return combine_f(op_res, aggregate_f(children)) def _operation_tree(self): """Build the operation tree from the string representation""" # initial state i = 0 level = 0 stack = [] current = None def _create_operation(args): profile_stats = None name = args[0].strip() args.pop(0) if len(args) > 0 and "Records produced" in args[-1]: records_produced = int("Records produced: (\\d+)", args[-1]).group(1) ) execution_time = float("Execution time: (\\d+.\\d+) ms", args[-1]).group(1) ) profile_stats = ProfileStats(records_produced, execution_time) args.pop(-1) return Operation( name, None if len(args) == 0 else args[0].strip(), profile_stats ) # iterate plan operations while i < len(self.plan): current_op = self.plan[i] op_level = current_op.count(" ") if op_level == level: # if the operation level equal to the current level # set the current operation and move next child = _create_operation(current_op.split("|")) if current: current = stack.pop() current.append_child(child) current = child i += 1 elif op_level == level + 1: # if the operation is child of the current operation # add it as child and set as current operation child = _create_operation(current_op.split("|")) current.append_child(child) stack.append(current) current = child level += 1 i += 1 elif op_level < level: # if the operation is not child of current operation # go back to it's parent operation levels_back = level - op_level + 1 for _ in range(levels_back): current = stack.pop() level -= levels_back else: raise Exception("corrupted plan") return stack[0]