#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import json import argparse thisDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) clusters = [] pathClusters = os.path.join(thisDir, '../clusters') for f in os.listdir(pathClusters): if '.json' in f: clusters.append(f) clusters.sort() argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate documentation from MISP galaxy clusters', epilog='Available galaxy clusters are {0}'.format(clusters)) argParser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='Verbose mode') args = argParser.parse_args() def header(adoc=False): if adoc is False: return False doc = adoc doc = doc + ":toc: right\n" doc = doc + ":toclevels: 1\n" doc = doc + ":toc-title: MISP Galaxy Cluster\n" doc = doc + ":icons: font\n" doc = doc + ":sectanchors:\n" doc = doc + ":sectlinks:\n" doc = doc + ":images-cdn: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/MISP/2.4/INSTALL/logos/\n" doc = doc + "\n= MISP Galaxy Clusters\n\n" doc = doc + "Generated from https://github.com/MISP/misp-galaxy.\n\n" doc = doc + "\nimage::{images-cdn}misp-logo.png[MISP logo]\n" doc = "{}{}".format(doc, "\nMISP galaxy is a simple method to express a large object called cluster that can be attached to MISP events or attributes. A cluster can be composed of one or more elements. Elements are expressed as key-values. There are default vocabularies available in MISP galaxy but those can be overwritten, replaced or updated as you wish. Existing clusters and vocabularies can be used as-is or as a template. MISP distribution can be applied to each cluster to permit a limited or broader distribution scheme.\n") doc = doc + "\n\n" return doc def asciidoc(content=False, adoc=None, t='title',title=''): adoc = adoc + "\n" output = "" if t == 'title': output = '== ' + content elif t == 'info': output = "\n{}.\n\n{} {} {}{}.json[*this location*] {}.\n".format(content, 'NOTE: ', title, 'is a cluster galaxy available in JSON format at https://github.com/MISP/misp-galaxy/blob/master/clusters/',title.lower(),' The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in https://www.github.com/MISP/MISP[MISP].') elif t == 'author': output = '\nauthors:: {}\n'.format(' - '.join(content)) elif t == 'value': output = '=== ' + content elif t == 'description': output = '\n{}\n'.format(content) elif t == 'meta': if 'synonyms' in content: for s in content['synonyms']: output = "{}\n* {}\n".format(output,s) output = '{} is also known as:\n{}\n'.format(title,output) if 'refs' in content: output = '{}{}'.format(output,'\n.Table References\n|===\n|Links\n') for r in content['refs']: output = '{}|{}[{}]\n'.format(output, r, r) output = '{}{}'.format(output,'|===\n') adoc = adoc + output return adoc adoc = "" print (header(adoc=adoc)) for cluster in clusters: fullPathClusters = os.path.join(pathClusters, cluster) with open(fullPathClusters) as fp: c = json.load(fp) title = c['name'] adoc = asciidoc(content=title, adoc=adoc, t='title') adoc = asciidoc(content=c['description'], adoc=adoc, t='info', title=title) if 'authors' in c: adoc = asciidoc(content=c['authors'], adoc=adoc, t='author', title=title) for v in c['values']: adoc = asciidoc(content=v['value'], adoc=adoc, t='value', title=title) if 'description' in v: adoc = asciidoc(content=v['description'], adoc=adoc, t='description') if 'meta' in v: adoc = asciidoc(content=v['meta'], adoc=adoc, t='meta', title=v['value']) print (adoc)