#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import os import requests import uuid d3fend_url = 'https://d3fend.mitre.org/ontologies/d3fend.json' d3fend_full_mappings_url = 'https://d3fend.mitre.org/api/ontology/inference/d3fend-full-mappings.json' try: with open('d3fend.json', 'r') as f: d3fend_json = json.load(f) except Exception: r = requests.get(d3fend_url) with open('d3fend.json', 'w') as f: f.write(r.text) d3fend_json = r.json() uuid_seed = '35527064-12b4-4b73-952b-6d76b9f1b1e3' tactics = {} # key = tactic, value = phases phases_ids = [] techniques_ids = [] techniques = [] def get_as_list(item): if isinstance(item, dict): return item.values() elif isinstance(item, list): result = [] for i in item: if isinstance(i, dict): result += i.values() if isinstance(i, str): result.append(i) return result elif isinstance(item, str): return [item] else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected type: {type(item)}') def is_val_in_element(val, element): result = False if isinstance(element, dict): # only one entry if val == element['@id']: return True elif isinstance(element, list): # multiple entries for e in element: if val == e['@id']: return True elif not element: pass else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected type: {type(element)}') return result def is_element_in_list(element, lst): if isinstance(element, dict): # only one entry if element['@id'] in lst: return True elif isinstance(element, list): # multiple entries for e in element: if e['@id'] in lst: return True else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected type: {type(element)}') def id_to_label(id): return data[id]['rdfs:label'] def get_parent(item): # value of subClassOf starts with d3f if 'rdfs:subClassOf' in item: # if 'd3f:enables' in item: # parent_classes = get_as_list(item['d3f:enables']) # else: parent_classes = get_as_list(item['rdfs:subClassOf']) for parent_class in parent_classes: if parent_class.startswith('d3f'): return parent_class return None def find_kill_chain_of(original_item): # find if back in the kill chain_tactics list we built before parent_classes = get_as_list(original_item['rdfs:subClassOf']) for parent_class in parent_classes: if parent_class.startswith('d3f'): parent_class_name = id_to_label(parent_class).replace(' ', '-') for tactic, phases in kill_chain_tactics.items(): if parent_class_name in phases: return f"{tactic}:{parent_class_name}" # child with one more parent in between for parent_class in parent_classes: if parent_class.startswith('d3f'): return find_kill_chain_of(data[parent_class]) # first convert as dict with key = @id data = {} for item in d3fend_json['@graph']: data[item['@id']] = item # tactic for item in d3fend_json['@graph']: if is_val_in_element('d3f:DefensiveTactic', item.get('rdfs:subClassOf')): tactics[item['rdfs:label']] = { 'order': item['d3f:display-order'], 'phases': [] } print(f"Tactic: {item['rdfs:label']}") # phases for item in d3fend_json['@graph']: if 'rdfs:subClassOf' in item: if is_val_in_element('d3f:DefensiveTechnique', item['rdfs:subClassOf']): phases_ids.append(item['@id']) parent = id_to_label(item['d3f:enables']['@id']) tactics[parent]['phases'].append(item['rdfs:label'].replace(' ', '-')) # print(f"Tactic: {parent} \tPhase: {item['rdfs:label']}") # sort the tactics based on the order tactics = dict(sorted(tactics.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['order'])) # sort the values kill_chain_tactics = {} for tactic, value in tactics.items(): kill_chain_tactics[tactic] = sorted(value['phases']) # extract all parent, child and ... techniques seen_new = True while seen_new: seen_new = False for item in d3fend_json['@graph']: if 'rdfs:subClassOf' in item: element = item['rdfs:subClassOf'] if is_element_in_list(element, phases_ids) or is_element_in_list(element, techniques_ids): if item['@id'] in techniques_ids: continue seen_new = True techniques_ids.append(item['@id']) if 'Memory Boundary Tracking' in item['rdfs:label']: print(f"Technique: {item['rdfs:label']}") kill_chain = find_kill_chain_of(item) technique = { 'value': item['rdfs:label'], 'description': item['d3f:definition'], 'uuid': str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.UUID(uuid_seed), item['d3f:d3fend-id'])), 'meta': { 'kill_chain': [kill_chain], 'refs': [f"https://d3fend.mitre.org/technique/{item['@id']}"], 'external_id': item['d3f:d3fend-id'] } } # synonyms if 'd3f:synonym' in item: technique['meta']['synonyms'] = get_as_list(item['d3f:synonym']) # TODO relations techniques.append(technique) print(f"Technique: {item['rdfs:label']} - {item['d3f:d3fend-id']}") galaxy_fname = 'mitre-d3fend.json' galaxy_type = "mitre-d3fend" galaxy_name = "MITRE D3FEND" galaxy_description = 'A knowledge graph of cybersecurity countermeasures.' galaxy_source = 'https://d3fend.mitre.org/' json_galaxy = { 'description': galaxy_description, 'icon': "map", 'kill_chain_order': kill_chain_tactics, 'name': galaxy_name, 'namespace': "mitre", 'type': galaxy_type, 'uuid': "77d1bbfa-2982-4e0a-9238-1dae4a48c5b4", 'version': 1 } json_cluster = { 'authors': ["MITRE"], 'category': 'd3fend', 'name': galaxy_name, 'description': galaxy_description, 'source': galaxy_source, 'type': galaxy_type, 'uuid': "b8bd7e45-63bf-4c44-8ab1-c81c82547380", 'values': list(techniques), 'version': 1 } # save the Galaxy and Cluster file with open(os.path.join('..', 'galaxies', galaxy_fname), 'w') as f: # do not sort_keys as it would break the kill_chain_order json.dump(json_galaxy, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) f.write('\n') # only needed for the beauty and to be compliant with jq_all_the_things with open(os.path.join('..', 'clusters', galaxy_fname), 'w') as f: json.dump(json_cluster, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) f.write('\n') # only needed for the beauty and to be compliant with jq_all_the_things print("All done, please don't forget to ./jq_all_the_things.sh, commit, and then ./validate_all.sh.")