import operator def get_top_x(dict, x, big_to_small=True): sorted_dict = sorted( dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=big_to_small )[:x] top_x = {key: value for key, value in sorted_dict} return top_x def name_to_section(name): placeholder = "__TMP__" return ( name.lower() .replace(" - ", placeholder) # Replace " - " first .replace(" ", "-") .replace("/", "") .replace(":", "") .replace(placeholder, "-") ) # Replace the placeholder with "-" def create_bar_chart(x_axis, y_axis, values, log=False, galaxy=False): if not log: chart = f"| No. | {x_axis} | {y_axis} {{ .bar-chart }}|\n" else: chart = f"| No. | {x_axis} | {y_axis} {{ .log-bar-chart }}|\n" chart += f"|----|--------|-------|\n" for i, (x, y) in enumerate(values.items()): if galaxy: chart += f"| {i+1} | {galaxy_transform_to_link(x)} | {y} |\n" else: chart += f"| {i+1} | {cluster_transform_to_link(x)} | {y} |\n" chart += "\n" return chart def create_pie_chart(sector, unit, values): chart = f"| No. | {sector} | {unit} {{ .pie-chart }}|\n" chart += f"|----|--------|-------|\n" for i, (x, y) in enumerate(values.items()): chart += f"| {i+1} | {x} | {y} |\n" chart += "\n" return chart def cluster_transform_to_link(cluster, uuid=False): placeholder = "__TMP__" section = ( cluster.value.lower() .replace(" - ", placeholder) # Replace " - " first .replace(" ", "-") .replace("/", "") .replace(":", "") .replace(placeholder, "-") ) galaxy_folder = cluster.galaxy.json_file_name.replace(".json", "") if uuid: return f"[{cluster.value} ({cluster.uuid})](../../{galaxy_folder}/{section})" else: return f"[{cluster.value}](../../{galaxy_folder}/{section})" def galaxy_transform_to_link(galaxy): galaxy_folder = galaxy.json_file_name.replace(".json", "") return f"[{galaxy.galaxy_name}](../../{galaxy_folder}/" def generate_relations_table(cluster): relationships = cluster.relationships markdown = f"# {cluster.value} \n\n" markdown += f"{cluster.description} \n\n" markdown += "|Cluster A | Galaxy A | Cluster B | Galaxy B | Level { .graph } |\n" markdown += "| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |\n" for from_cluster, to_cluster, level in relationships: from_galaxy = from_cluster.galaxy if to_cluster.value != "Private Cluster": to_galaxy = to_cluster.galaxy markdown += f"{cluster_transform_to_link(from_cluster, uuid=True)} | {galaxy_transform_to_link(from_galaxy)} | {cluster_transform_to_link(to_cluster, uuid=True)} | {galaxy_transform_to_link(to_galaxy)} | {level}\n" else: markdown += f"{cluster_transform_to_link(from_cluster, uuid=True)} | {galaxy_transform_to_link(from_galaxy)} | {to_cluster.value} ({to_cluster.uuid}) | Unknown | {level}\n" return markdown