{ "values": [ { "value": "Advantage", "description": "The intended effect of the incident was for the attacker to obtain some advantage over the target" }, { "value": "Advantage - Economic", "description": "The intended effect of the incident was for the attacker to obtain some economic advantage over the target" }, { "value": "Advantage - Military", "description": "The intended effect of the incident was for the attacker to obtain some military advantage over the target" }, { "value": "Advantage - Political", "description": "The intended effect of the incident was for the attacker to obtain some political advantage over the target" }, { "value": "Theft", "description": "The intended effect of the incident was to perpetrate a non-specific theft" }, { "value": "Theft - Intellectual Property", "description": "The intended effect of the incident was to perpetrate a theft of intellectual property" }, { "value": "Theft - Credential Theft" }, { "value": "Theft - Identity Theft" }, { "value": "Theft - Theft of Proprietary Information" }, { "value": "Account Takeover" }, { "value": "Brand Damage" }, { "value": "Competitive Advantage" }, { "value": "Degradation of Service" }, { "value": "Denial and Deception" }, { "value": "Destruction" }, { "value": "Disruption" }, { "value": "Embarrassment" }, { "value": "Exposure" }, { "value": "Extortion" }, { "value": "Fraud" }, { "value": "Harassment" }, { "value": "ICS Control" }, { "value": "Traffic Diversion" }, { "value": "Unauthorized Access" } ], "version" : 1, "description": "The IntendedEffectVocab is the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the intended effect of a threat actor", "author": "STIX", "type": "threat-actor-intended-effect-vocabulary" }