mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 01:06:22 +00:00
Add [display relations] table with filters
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 115 additions and 82 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -250,28 +250,21 @@ class Cluster():
return related_clusters
# def _create_related_entry(self, cluster_dict):
# if self.related_list and cluster_dict:
# related_clusters = self.get_related_clusters(cluster_dict)
# self.entry += f'\n'
# self.entry += f'??? info "Related clusters"\n'
# self.entry += f'\n'
# self.entry += f' ```mermaid\n'
# self.entry += f' graph TD\n'
# global relation_count_dict
# relation_count = 0
# for relation in related_clusters:
# relation_count += 1
# self.entry += f' {relation[0].uuid}[{relation[0].value}] --- {relation[1].uuid}[{relation[1].value}]\n'
# self.entry += f' ```\n'
# relation_count_dict[self.value] = relation_count
def _create_related_entry(self):
self.entry += f'\n'
self.entry += f'??? info "Related clusters"\n'
self.entry += f'\n'
# self.entry += f'To see the related clusters, click [here](./{self.galaxie}/{self.uuid}.md).\n'
self.entry += f'To see the related clusters, click [here](./relations/{self.uuid}.md).\n'
def _get_related_entry(self, relations):
output = ""
output += f'## Related clusters for {self.value}\n'
output += f'\n'
output += f' | Cluster A | Cluster B |\n'
output += f' |-----------|-----------|\n'
for relation in relations:
output += f' | {relation[0].value} ({relation[0].uuid}) | {relation[1].value} ({relation[1].uuid}) |\n'
return output
def create_entry(self, cluster_dict):
@ -281,8 +274,8 @@ class Cluster():
# self._create_related_entry(cluster_dict)
if self.related_list:
self._write_relations(cluster_dict, SITE_PATH)
return self.entry
@ -293,7 +286,12 @@ class Cluster():
galaxy_path = os.path.join(path, self.galaxie)
if not os.path.exists(galaxy_path):
with open(os.path.join(galaxy_path, f'{self.uuid}.md'), "w") as index:
relation_path = os.path.join(galaxy_path, 'relations')
if not os.path.exists(relation_path):
with open(os.path.join(relation_path, ".pages"), "w") as index:
index.write(f'hide: true\n')
with open(os.path.join(relation_path, f'{self.uuid}.md'), "w") as index:
def create_index(galaxies):
@ -328,35 +326,41 @@ def create_xy_chart(title, width, height, x_axis, y_axis, bar):
output += f'\n'
return output
def create_pie_chart(title, cakepieces):
output = ""
output += f'```mermaid\n'
output += f'pie showData\n'
output += f' title {title}\n'
for cakepiece in cakepieces:
output += f' "{cakepiece[0]}" : {cakepiece[1]}\n'
output += f'```\n'
output += f'\n'
return output
def get_top_x(dict, x, big_to_small=True):
sorted_dict = sorted(dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=big_to_small)[:x]
top_x = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", key) for key, value in sorted_dict]
top_x = ", ".join(top_x)
top_x_values = sorted(dict.values(), reverse=big_to_small)[:x]
return top_x, top_x_values
def create_statistics():
statistic_output = ""
statistic_output += f'# Cluster statistics\n'
statistic_output += f'## Number of clusters\n'
statistic_output += f'```mermaid\n'
statistic_output += f"pie showData\n"
statistic_output += f' title Number of clusters\n'
statistic_output += f' "Public clusters" : {len(public_clusters_dict)}\n'
statistic_output += f' "Private clusters" : {len(private_clusters)}\n'
statistic_output += f'```\n'
statistic_output += f'\n'
statistic_output += create_pie_chart("Number of clusters", [("Public clusters", len(public_clusters_dict)), ("Private clusters", len(private_clusters))])
statistic_output += f'## Galaxies with the most clusters\n'
galaxy_counts = {}
for galaxy in public_clusters_dict.values():
galaxy_counts[galaxy] = galaxy_counts.get(galaxy, 0) + 1
sorted_galaxies = sorted(galaxy_counts, key=galaxy_counts.get, reverse=True)[:15]
top_15_galaxies = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", galaxy) for galaxy in sorted_galaxies]
top_15_galaxies = ", ".join(top_15_galaxies)
top_15_galaxies_values = sorted(galaxy_counts.values(), reverse=True)[:15]
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Galaxies with the most clusters", 1800, 500, top_15_galaxies, "Number of clusters", top_15_galaxies_values)
top_galaxies, top_galaxies_values = get_top_x(galaxy_counts, 25)
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Galaxies with the most clusters", 2500, 500, top_galaxies, "Number of clusters", top_galaxies_values)
statistic_output += f'## Galaxies with the least clusters\n'
sorted_galaxies = sorted(galaxy_counts, key=galaxy_counts.get)[:15]
top_15_galaxies = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", galaxy) for galaxy in sorted_galaxies]
top_15_galaxies = ", ".join(top_15_galaxies)
top_15_galaxies_values = sorted(galaxy_counts.values())[:15]
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Galaxies with the least clusters", 1800, 500, top_15_galaxies, "Number of clusters", top_15_galaxies_values)
flop_galaxies, flop_galaxies_values = get_top_x(galaxy_counts, 25, False)
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Galaxies with the least clusters", 2500, 500, flop_galaxies, "Number of clusters", flop_galaxies_values)
galaxy_number = 0
for galaxy in public_clusters_dict.values():
@ -365,44 +369,26 @@ def create_statistics():
statistic_output += f'# Relation statistics\n'
statistic_output += f'## Number of relations\n'
statistic_output += f'```mermaid\n'
statistic_output += f"pie showData\n"
statistic_output += f' title Number of relations\n'
statistic_output += f' "Public relations" : {public_relations_count}\n'
statistic_output += f' "Private relations" : {private_relations_count}\n'
statistic_output += f'```\n'
statistic_output += f'\n'
statistic_output += create_pie_chart("Number of relations", [("Public relations", public_relations_count), ("Private relations", private_relations_count)])
statistic_output += f'**Average number of relations per cluster**: {sum(relation_count_dict.values()) / len(relation_count_dict)}\n'
statistic_output += f'## Cluster with the most relations\n'
sorted_relation = sorted(relation_count_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:15]
top_15_relation = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", key) for key, value in sorted_relation]
top_15_relation = ", ".join(top_15_relation)
top_15_relation_values = sorted(relation_count_dict.values(), reverse=True)[:15]
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the most relations", 2000, 500, top_15_relation, "Number of relations", top_15_relation_values)
top_25_relation, top_25_relation_values = get_top_x(relation_count_dict, 25)
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the most relations", 2500, 500, top_25_relation, "Number of relations", top_25_relation_values)
statistic_output += f'## Cluster with the least relations\n'
sorted_relation = sorted(relation_count_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[:15]
top_15_relation = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", key) for key, value in sorted_relation]
top_15_relation = ", ".join(top_15_relation)
top_15_relation_values = sorted(relation_count_dict.values())[:15]
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the least relations", 2000, 500, top_15_relation, "Number of relations", top_15_relation_values)
top_25_relation, top_25_relation_values = get_top_x(relation_count_dict, 25, False)
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the least relations", 2500, 500, top_25_relation, "Number of relations", top_25_relation_values)
statistic_output += f'# Synonyms statistics\n'
statistic_output += f'## Cluster with the most synonyms\n'
sorted_synonyms = sorted(synonyms_count_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:15]
top_15_synonyms = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", key) for key, value in sorted_synonyms]
top_15_synonyms = ", ".join(top_15_synonyms)
top_15_synonyms_values = sorted(synonyms_count_dict.values(), reverse=True)[:15]
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the most synonyms", 1800, 500, top_15_synonyms, "Number of synonyms", top_15_synonyms_values)
top_25_synonyms, top_25_synonyms_values = get_top_x(synonyms_count_dict, 25)
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the most synonyms", 2500, 500, top_25_synonyms, "Number of synonyms", top_25_synonyms_values)
statistic_output += f'## Cluster with the least synonyms\n'
sorted_synonyms = sorted(synonyms_count_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[:15]
top_15_synonyms = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", key) for key, value in sorted_synonyms]
top_15_synonyms = ", ".join(top_15_synonyms)
top_15_synonyms_values = sorted(synonyms_count_dict.values())[:15]
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the least synonyms", 1800, 500, top_15_synonyms, "Number of synonyms", top_15_synonyms_values)
top_25_synonyms, top_25_synonyms_values = get_top_x(synonyms_count_dict, 25, False)
statistic_output += create_xy_chart("Cluster with the least synonyms", 2500, 500, top_25_synonyms, "Number of synonyms", top_25_synonyms_values)
statistic_output += f'# Empty UUIDs statistics\n'
statistic_output += f'**Number of empty UUIDs**: {sum(empty_uuids_dict.values())}\n'
@ -427,9 +413,6 @@ def create_statistics():
print(f"Number of empty UUIDs: {sum(empty_uuids_dict.values())}")
print(f"Empty UUIDs per cluster: {empty_uuids_dict}")
print(sorted(relation_count_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:30])
lol = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", key) for key, value in sorted_relation]
print(", ".join(lol))
return statistic_output
@ -438,9 +421,7 @@ def main():
for f in os.listdir(CLUSTER_PATH):
if '.json' in f and f not in FILES_TO_IGNORE:
galaxy_output = {}
galaxies = []
for galaxy in galaxies_fnames:
@ -459,9 +440,15 @@ def main():
for galaxy in galaxies:
galaxy.write_entry(SITE_PATH, cluster_dict)
# count = 3
# for galaxy in galaxies:
# galaxy.write_entry(SITE_PATH, cluster_dict)
# count -= 1
# if count == 0:
# break
index_output = create_index(galaxies)
# galaxy_output = create_galaxies(galaxies, cluster_dict)
statistic_output = create_statistics()
with open(os.path.join(SITE_PATH, 'index.md'), "w") as index:
@ -470,18 +457,6 @@ def main():
with open(os.path.join(SITE_PATH, 'statistics.md'), "w") as index:
# for f in galaxies_fnames:
# cluster_filename = f.split('.')[0]
# pathSiteCluster = os.path.join(SITE_PATH, cluster_filename)
# if not os.path.exists(pathSiteCluster):
# os.mkdir(pathSiteCluster)
# with open(os.path.join(pathSiteCluster, 'index.md'), "w") as index:
# index.write(galaxy_output[cluster_filename])
# for cluster in cluster_dict.values():
# print(cluster.uuid)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ theme:
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# Palette toggle for automatic mode
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@ -61,8 +65,13 @@ extra:
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#- git-committers:
# branch: main
Add table
Reference in a new issue