mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 09:46:25 +00:00
Add [generator] func to ignore deprecated galaxies for site creation
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 496 additions and 86 deletions
@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
import json
import operator
import os
import time
from typing import List
import validators
pathClusters = '../../clusters'
pathSite = './site/docs'
CLUSTER_PATH = "../../clusters"
SITE_PATH = "./site/docs"
GALAXY_PATH = "../../galaxies"
galaxies_fnames = []
files_to_ignore = [] # if you want to skip a specific cluster in the generation
FILES_TO_IGNORE = [] # if you want to skip a specific cluster in the generation
for f in os.listdir(pathClusters):
if '.json' in f and f not in files_to_ignore:
# Variables for statistics
public_relations_count = 0
private_relations_count = 0
private_clusters = []
public_clusters_dict = {}
relation_count_dict = {}
synonyms_count_dict = {}
empty_uuids_dict = {}
index_output = ""
index_output += """
INTRO = """
# MISP Galaxy
The MISP galaxy offers a streamlined approach for representing large entities, known as clusters, which can be linked to MISP events or attributes. Each cluster consists of one or more elements, represented as key-value pairs. MISP galaxy comes with a default knowledge base, encompassing areas like Threat Actors, Tools, Ransomware, and ATT&CK matrices. However, users have the flexibility to modify, update, replace, or share these elements according to their needs.
@ -36,7 +41,15 @@ Clusters serve as an open and freely accessible knowledge base, which can be uti
## Publicly available clusters
index_contributing = """
## Statistics
You can find some statistics about MISP galaxies [here](./statistics.md).
# Contributing
@ -46,89 +59,486 @@ We encourage collaboration and contributions to the [MISP Galaxy JSON files](htt
galaxy_output = {}
for f in galaxies_fnames:
with open(os.path.join(pathClusters, f)) as fr:
cluster = json.load(fr)
cluster_filename = f.split('.')[0]
index_output += f'- [{cluster["name"]}](./{cluster_filename}/index.md)\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] = "---\n"
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'title: {cluster["name"]}\n'
meta_description = cluster["description"].replace("\"", "-")
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'description: {meta_description}\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += "---\n"
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'# {cluster["name"]}\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'{cluster["description"]}\n'
class Galaxy:
def __init__(self, cluster_list: List[dict], authors, description, name, json_file_name):
self.cluster_list = cluster_list
self.authors = authors
self.description = description
self.name = name
self.json_file_name = json_file_name
self.clusters = self._create_clusters()
self.entry = ""
if 'authors' in cluster:
if cluster["authors"]:
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'??? info "Authors"\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' | Authors and/or Contributors|\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' |----------------------------|\n'
for author in cluster["authors"]:
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' |{author}|\n'
def _create_metadata_entry(self):
self.entry += "---\n"
self.entry += f"title: {self.name}\n"
meta_description = self.description.replace('"', "-")
self.entry += f"description: {meta_description}\n"
self.entry += "---\n"
for value in cluster["values"]:
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'## {value["value"]}\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
if 'description' in value:
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'{value["description"]}\n'
def _create_title_entry(self):
self.entry += f"# {self.name}\n"
if 'meta' in value:
if 'synonyms' in value['meta']:
if value['meta']['synonyms']: # some cluster have an empty list of synomyms
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'??? info "Synonyms"\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' "synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular {cluster["name"]}.\n\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' | Known Synonyms |\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' |---------------------|\n'
for synonym in sorted(value['meta']['synonyms']):
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' | `{synonym}` |\n'
def _create_description_entry(self):
self.entry += f"{self.description}\n"
if 'uuid' in value:
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'??? tip "Internal MISP references"\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' UUID `{value["uuid"]}` which can be used as unique global reference for `{value["value"]}` in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
def _create_authors_entry(self):
if self.authors:
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f'??? info "Authors"\n'
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f" | Authors and/or Contributors|\n"
self.entry += f" |----------------------------|\n"
for author in self.authors:
self.entry += f" |{author}|\n"
if 'meta' in value:
if 'refs' in value['meta']:
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'??? info "External references"\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
def _create_clusters(self):
clusters = []
for cluster in self.cluster_list:
value=cluster.get("value", None),
description=cluster.get("description", None),
uuid=cluster.get("uuid", None),
date=cluster.get("date", None),
related_list=cluster.get("related", None),
meta=cluster.get("meta", None),
return clusters
for ref in value["meta"]["refs"]:
if validators.url(ref): # some ref are not actual URL (TODO: check galaxy cluster sources)
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' - [{ref}]({ref}) - :material-archive: :material-arrow-right: [webarchive](https://web.archive.org/web/*/{ref})\n'
def _create_clusters_entry(self, cluster_dict):
for cluster in self.clusters:
self.entry += cluster.create_entry(cluster_dict)
def create_entry(self, cluster_dict):
return self.entry
def write_entry(self, path, cluster_dict):
galaxy_path = os.path.join(path, self.json_file_name)
if not os.path.exists(galaxy_path):
with open(os.path.join(galaxy_path, "index.md"), "w") as index:
class Cluster:
def __init__(self, description, uuid, date, value, related_list, meta, galaxie):
self.description = description
self.uuid = uuid
self.date = date
self.value = value
self.related_list = related_list
self.meta = meta
self.entry = ""
self.galaxie = galaxie
self.related_clusters = []
global public_clusters_dict
if self.galaxie:
public_clusters_dict[self.uuid] = self.galaxie
def _create_title_entry(self):
self.entry += f"## {self.value}\n"
self.entry += f"\n"
def _create_description_entry(self):
if self.description:
self.entry += f"{self.description}\n"
def _create_synonyms_entry(self):
if isinstance(self.meta, dict) and self.meta.get("synonyms"):
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f'??? info "Synonyms"\n'
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f' "synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular {self.value}.\n\n'
self.entry += f" | Known Synonyms |\n"
self.entry += f" |---------------------|\n"
global synonyms_count_dict
synonyms_count = 0
for synonym in sorted(self.meta["synonyms"]):
synonyms_count += 1
self.entry += f" | `{synonym}` |\n"
synonyms_count_dict[self.uuid] = synonyms_count
def _create_uuid_entry(self):
if self.uuid:
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f'??? tip "Internal MISP references"\n'
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f" UUID `{self.uuid}` which can be used as unique global reference for `{self.value}` in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy\n"
self.entry += f"\n"
def _create_refs_entry(self):
if isinstance(self.meta, dict) and self.meta.get("refs"):
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f'??? info "External references"\n'
self.entry += f"\n"
for ref in self.meta["refs"]:
if validators.url(ref):
self.entry += f" - [{ref}]({ref}) - :material-archive: :material-arrow-right: [webarchive](https://web.archive.org/web/*/{ref})\n"
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' - {ref}\n'
self.entry += f" - {ref}\n"
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
excluded_meta = ['synonyms', 'refs']
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'??? info "Associated metadata"\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f'\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' |Metadata key |Value|\n'
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' |---------------------|-----|\n'
for meta in sorted(value['meta']):
if meta in excluded_meta:
self.entry += f"\n"
def _create_associated_metadata_entry(self):
if isinstance(self.meta, dict):
excluded_meta = ["synonyms", "refs"]
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f'??? info "Associated metadata"\n'
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f" |Metadata key {{ .no-filter }} |Value|\n"
self.entry += f" |-----------------------------------|-----|\n"
for meta in sorted(self.meta.keys()):
if meta not in excluded_meta:
self.entry += f" | {meta} | {self.meta[meta]} |\n"
def get_related_clusters(self, cluster_dict, depth=-1, visited=None, level=1):
global public_relations_count
global private_relations_count
global private_clusters
global empty_uuids_dict
empty_uuids = 0
if visited is None:
visited = {}
related_clusters = []
if depth == 0 or not self.related_list:
return related_clusters
if self.uuid in visited and visited[self.uuid] <= level:
return related_clusters
visited[self.uuid] = level
for cluster in self.related_list:
dest_uuid = cluster["dest-uuid"]
# Cluster is private
if dest_uuid not in cluster_dict:
# Check if UUID is empty
if not dest_uuid:
empty_uuids += 1
private_relations_count += 1
if dest_uuid not in private_clusters:
value="Private Cluster",
galaxy_output[cluster_filename] += f' | `{meta}` |{value["meta"][meta]}|\n'
index_output += index_contributing
related_cluster = cluster_dict[dest_uuid]
with open(os.path.join(pathSite, 'index.md'), "w") as index:
public_relations_count += 1
related_clusters.append((self, related_cluster, level))
if (depth > 1 or depth == -1) and (
cluster["dest-uuid"] not in visited
or visited[cluster["dest-uuid"]] > level + 1
new_depth = depth - 1 if depth > 1 else -1
if cluster["dest-uuid"] in cluster_dict:
related_clusters += cluster_dict[
].get_related_clusters(cluster_dict, new_depth, visited, level + 1)
if empty_uuids > 0:
empty_uuids_dict[self.value] = empty_uuids
# Remove duplicates
to_remove = set()
cluster_dict = {}
for cluster in related_clusters:
key1 = (cluster[0], cluster[1])
key2 = (cluster[1], cluster[0])
if key1 in cluster_dict:
if cluster_dict[key1][2] > cluster[2]:
cluster_dict[key1] = cluster
elif key2 in cluster_dict:
if cluster_dict[key2][2] > cluster[2]:
cluster_dict[key2] = cluster
cluster_dict[key1] = cluster
related_clusters = [
cluster for cluster in related_clusters if cluster not in to_remove
self.related_clusters = related_clusters
return related_clusters
def _create_related_entry(self):
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f'??? info "Related clusters"\n'
self.entry += f"\n"
self.entry += f" To see the related clusters, click [here](./relations/{self.uuid}.md).\n"
def _get_related_entry(self, relations):
output = ""
output += f"## Related clusters for {self.value}\n"
output += f"\n"
output += f"| Cluster A | Cluster B | Level {{ .graph }} |\n"
output += f"|-----------|-----------|-------|\n"
for relation in relations:
placeholder = "__TMP__"
cluster_a_section = (
.replace(" - ", placeholder) # Replace " - " first
.replace(" ", "-")
.replace("/", "")
.replace(":", "")
.replace(placeholder, "-")
) # Replace the placeholder with "-"
cluster_b_section = (
.replace(" - ", placeholder) # Replace " - " first
.replace(" ", "-")
.replace("/", "")
.replace(":", "")
.replace(placeholder, "-")
) # Replace the placeholder with "-"
if cluster_b_section != "private-cluster":
output += f"| [{relation[0].value} ({relation[0].uuid})](../../{relation[0].galaxie.json_file_name}/index.md#{cluster_a_section}) | [{relation[1].value} ({relation[1].uuid})](../../{relation[1].galaxie.json_file_name}/index.md#{cluster_b_section}) | {relation[2]} |\n"
output += f"| [{relation[0].value} ({relation[0].uuid})](../../{relation[0].galaxie.json_file_name}/index.md#{cluster_a_section}) | {relation[1].value} ({relation[1].uuid}) | {relation[2]} |\n"
return output
def create_entry(self, cluster_dict):
if self.related_list:
self._write_relations(cluster_dict, SITE_PATH)
return self.entry
def _write_relations(self, cluster_dict, path):
related_clusters = self.get_related_clusters(cluster_dict)
global relation_count_dict
relation_count_dict[self.uuid] = len(related_clusters)
galaxy_path = os.path.join(path, self.galaxie.json_file_name)
if not os.path.exists(galaxy_path):
relation_path = os.path.join(galaxy_path, "relations")
if not os.path.exists(relation_path):
with open(os.path.join(relation_path, ".pages"), "w") as index:
index.write(f"hide: true\n")
with open(os.path.join(relation_path, f"{self.uuid}.md"), "w") as index:
def create_index(galaxies):
index_output = INTRO
index_output += STATISTICS
for galaxie in galaxies:
index_output += f"- [{galaxie.name}](./{galaxie.json_file_name}/index.md)\n"
index_output += CONTRIBUTING
return index_output
def get_top_x(dict, x, big_to_small=True):
sorted_dict = sorted(
dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=big_to_small
top_x = [key for key, value in sorted_dict]
top_x_values = sorted(dict.values(), reverse=big_to_small)[:x]
return top_x, top_x_values
def name_to_section(name):
placeholder = "__TMP__"
return (
.replace(" - ", placeholder) # Replace " - " first
.replace(" ", "-")
.replace("/", "")
.replace(":", "")
.replace(placeholder, "-")
) # Replace the placeholder with "-"
def create_statistics(cluster_dict):
statistic_output = ""
statistic_output += f"# MISP Galaxy statistics\n"
statistic_output += "The MISP galaxy statistics are automatically generated based on the MISP galaxy JSON files. Therefore the statistics only include detailed infomration about public clusters and relations. Some statistics about private clusters and relations is included but only as an approximation based on the information gathered from the public clusters.\n"
statistic_output += f"# Cluster statistics\n"
statistic_output += f"## Number of clusters\n"
statistic_output += f"Here you can find the total number of clusters including public and private clusters. The number of public clusters has been calculated based on the number of unique Clusters in the MISP galaxy JSON files. The number of private clusters could only be approximated based on the number of relations to non-existing clusters. Therefore the number of private clusters is not accurate and only an approximation.\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
statistic_output += f"| No. | Type | Count {{ .pie-chart }}|\n"
statistic_output += f"|----|------|-------|\n"
statistic_output += f"| 1 | Public clusters | {len(public_clusters_dict)} |\n"
statistic_output += f"| 2 | Private clusters | {len(private_clusters)} |\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
statistic_output += f"## Galaxies with the most clusters\n"
galaxy_counts = {}
for galaxy in public_clusters_dict.values():
galaxy_counts[galaxy] = galaxy_counts.get(galaxy, 0) + 1
top_galaxies, top_galaxies_values = get_top_x(galaxy_counts, 20)
statistic_output += f" | No. | Galaxy | Count {{ .log-bar-chart }}|\n"
statistic_output += f" |----|--------|-------|\n"
for i, galaxy in enumerate(top_galaxies, 1):
galaxy_section = name_to_section(galaxy.json_file_name)
statistic_output += f" | {i} | [{galaxy.name}](../{galaxy_section}) | {top_galaxies_values[i-1]} |\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
statistic_output += f"## Galaxies with the least clusters\n"
flop_galaxies, flop_galaxies_values = get_top_x(galaxy_counts, 20, False)
statistic_output += f" | No. | Galaxy | Count {{ .bar-chart }}|\n"
statistic_output += f" |----|--------|-------|\n"
for i, galaxy in enumerate(flop_galaxies, 1):
galaxy_section = name_to_section(galaxy.json_file_name)
statistic_output += f" | {i} | [{galaxy.name}](../{galaxy_section}) | {flop_galaxies_values[i-1]} |\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
statistic_output += f"# Relation statistics\n"
statistic_output += f"Here you can find the total number of relations including public and private relations. The number includes relations between public clusters and relations between public and private clusters. Therefore relatons between private clusters are not included in the statistics.\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
statistic_output += f"## Number of relations\n"
statistic_output += f"| No. | Type | Count {{ .pie-chart }}|\n"
statistic_output += f"|----|------|-------|\n"
statistic_output += f"| 1 | Public relations | {public_relations_count} |\n"
statistic_output += f"| 2 | Private relations | {private_relations_count} |\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
statistic_output += f"**Average number of relations per cluster**: {int(sum(relation_count_dict.values()) / len(relation_count_dict))}\n"
statistic_output += f"## Cluster with the most relations\n"
relation_count_dict_names = {
cluster_dict[uuid].value: count for uuid, count in relation_count_dict.items()
top_25_relation, top_25_relation_values = get_top_x(relation_count_dict_names, 20)
statistic_output += f" | No. | Cluster | Count {{ .bar-chart }}|\n"
statistic_output += f" |----|--------|-------|\n"
relation_count_dict_galaxies = {
cluster_dict[uuid].value: cluster_dict[uuid].galaxie.json_file_name
for uuid in relation_count_dict.keys()
for i, cluster in enumerate(top_25_relation, 1):
cluster_section = name_to_section(cluster)
statistic_output += f" | {i} | [{cluster}](../{relation_count_dict_galaxies[cluster]}/#{cluster_section}) | {top_25_relation_values[i-1]} |\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
statistic_output += f"# Synonyms statistics\n"
statistic_output += f"## Cluster with the most synonyms\n"
synonyms_count_dict_names = {
cluster_dict[uuid].value: count for uuid, count in synonyms_count_dict.items()
top_synonyms, top_synonyms_values = get_top_x(synonyms_count_dict_names, 20)
statistic_output += f" | No. | Cluster | Count {{ .bar-chart }}|\n"
statistic_output += f" |----|--------|-------|\n"
synonyms_count_dict_galaxies = {
cluster_dict[uuid].value: cluster_dict[uuid].galaxie.json_file_name
for uuid in synonyms_count_dict.keys()
for i, cluster in enumerate(top_synonyms, 1):
cluster_section = name_to_section(cluster)
statistic_output += f" | {i} | [{cluster}](../{synonyms_count_dict_galaxies[cluster]}/#{cluster_section}) | {top_synonyms_values[i-1]} |\n"
statistic_output += f"\n"
return statistic_output
def get_deprecated_galaxy_files():
deprecated_galaxy_files = []
for f in os.listdir(GALAXY_PATH):
with open(os.path.join(GALAXY_PATH, f)) as fr:
galaxy_json = json.load(fr)
if "namespace" in galaxy_json and galaxy_json["namespace"] == "deprecated":
return deprecated_galaxy_files
def main():
start_time = time.time()
galaxies_fnames = []
for f in os.listdir(CLUSTER_PATH):
if ".json" in f and f not in FILES_TO_IGNORE:
galaxies = []
for galaxy in galaxies_fnames:
with open(os.path.join(CLUSTER_PATH, galaxy)) as fr:
galaxie_json = json.load(fr)
cluster_dict = {}
for galaxy in galaxies:
for cluster in galaxy.clusters:
cluster_dict[cluster.uuid] = cluster
# Write files
if not os.path.exists(SITE_PATH):
for galaxy in galaxies[:7]:
galaxy.write_entry(SITE_PATH, cluster_dict)
index_output = create_index(galaxies)
statistic_output = create_statistics(cluster_dict=cluster_dict)
with open(os.path.join(SITE_PATH, "index.md"), "w") as index:
for f in galaxies_fnames:
cluster_filename = f.split('.')[0]
pathSiteCluster = os.path.join(pathSite, cluster_filename)
if not os.path.exists(pathSiteCluster):
with open(os.path.join(pathSiteCluster, 'index.md'), "w") as index:
with open(os.path.join(SITE_PATH, "statistics.md"), "w") as index:
print(f"Finished file creation in {time.time() - start_time} seconds")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Add table
Reference in a new issue