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from typing import List, Optional, Union
class Query:
Query is used to build complex queries that have more parameters than just
the query string. The query string is set in the constructor, and other
options have setter functions.
The setter functions return the query object, so they can be chained,
i.e. `Query("foo").verbatim().filter(...)` etc.
def __init__(self, query_string: str) -> None:
Create a new query object.
The query string is set in the constructor, and other options have
setter functions.
self._query_string: str = query_string
self._offset: int = 0
self._num: int = 10
self._no_content: bool = False
self._no_stopwords: bool = False
self._fields: Optional[List[str]] = None
self._verbatim: bool = False
self._with_payloads: bool = False
self._with_scores: bool = False
self._scorer: Optional[str] = None
self._filters: List = list()
self._ids: Optional[List[str]] = None
self._slop: int = -1
self._timeout: Optional[float] = None
self._in_order: bool = False
self._sortby: Optional[SortbyField] = None
self._return_fields: List = []
self._return_fields_decode_as: dict = {}
self._summarize_fields: List = []
self._highlight_fields: List = []
self._language: Optional[str] = None
self._expander: Optional[str] = None
self._dialect: Optional[int] = None
def query_string(self) -> str:
"""Return the query string of this query only."""
return self._query_string
def limit_ids(self, *ids) -> "Query":
"""Limit the results to a specific set of pre-known document
ids of any length."""
self._ids = ids
return self
def return_fields(self, *fields) -> "Query":
"""Add fields to return fields."""
for field in fields:
return self
def return_field(
field: str,
as_field: Optional[str] = None,
decode_field: Optional[bool] = True,
encoding: Optional[str] = "utf8",
) -> "Query":
Add a field to the list of fields to return.
- **field**: The field to include in query results
- **as_field**: The alias for the field
- **decode_field**: Whether to decode the field from bytes to string
- **encoding**: The encoding to use when decoding the field
self._return_fields_decode_as[field] = encoding if decode_field else None
if as_field is not None:
self._return_fields += ("AS", as_field)
return self
def _mk_field_list(self, fields: List[str]) -> List:
if not fields:
return []
return [fields] if isinstance(fields, str) else list(fields)
def summarize(
fields: Optional[List] = None,
context_len: Optional[int] = None,
num_frags: Optional[int] = None,
sep: Optional[str] = None,
) -> "Query":
Return an abridged format of the field, containing only the segments of
the field which contain the matching term(s).
If `fields` is specified, then only the mentioned fields are
summarized; otherwise all results are summarized.
Server side defaults are used for each option (except `fields`)
if not specified
- **fields** List of fields to summarize. All fields are summarized
if not specified
- **context_len** Amount of context to include with each fragment
- **num_frags** Number of fragments per document
- **sep** Separator string to separate fragments
args = ["SUMMARIZE"]
fields = self._mk_field_list(fields)
if fields:
args += ["FIELDS", str(len(fields))] + fields
if context_len is not None:
args += ["LEN", str(context_len)]
if num_frags is not None:
args += ["FRAGS", str(num_frags)]
if sep is not None:
args += ["SEPARATOR", sep]
self._summarize_fields = args
return self
def highlight(
self, fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> None:
Apply specified markup to matched term(s) within the returned field(s).
- **fields** If specified then only those mentioned fields are
highlighted, otherwise all fields are highlighted
- **tags** A list of two strings to surround the match.
args = ["HIGHLIGHT"]
fields = self._mk_field_list(fields)
if fields:
args += ["FIELDS", str(len(fields))] + fields
if tags:
args += ["TAGS"] + list(tags)
self._highlight_fields = args
return self
def language(self, language: str) -> "Query":
Analyze the query as being in the specified language.
:param language: The language (e.g. `chinese` or `english`)
self._language = language
return self
def slop(self, slop: int) -> "Query":
"""Allow a maximum of N intervening non matched terms between
phrase terms (0 means exact phrase).
self._slop = slop
return self
def timeout(self, timeout: float) -> "Query":
"""overrides the timeout parameter of the module"""
self._timeout = timeout
return self
def in_order(self) -> "Query":
Match only documents where the query terms appear in
the same order in the document.
i.e. for the query "hello world", we do not match "world hello"
self._in_order = True
return self
def scorer(self, scorer: str) -> "Query":
Use a different scoring function to evaluate document relevance.
Default is `TFIDF`.
:param scorer: The scoring function to use
(e.g. `TFIDF.DOCNORM` or `BM25`)
self._scorer = scorer
return self
def get_args(self) -> List[str]:
"""Format the redis arguments for this query and return them."""
args = [self._query_string]
args += self._get_args_tags()
args += self._summarize_fields + self._highlight_fields
args += ["LIMIT", self._offset, self._num]
return args
def _get_args_tags(self) -> List[str]:
args = []
if self._no_content:
if self._fields:
args += self._fields
if self._verbatim:
if self._no_stopwords:
if self._filters:
for flt in self._filters:
if not isinstance(flt, Filter):
raise AttributeError("Did not receive a Filter object.")
args += flt.args
if self._with_payloads:
if self._scorer:
args += ["SCORER", self._scorer]
if self._with_scores:
if self._ids:
args += self._ids
if self._slop >= 0:
args += ["SLOP", self._slop]
if self._timeout is not None:
args += ["TIMEOUT", self._timeout]
if self._in_order:
if self._return_fields:
args += self._return_fields
if self._sortby:
if not isinstance(self._sortby, SortbyField):
raise AttributeError("Did not receive a SortByField.")
args += self._sortby.args
if self._language:
args += ["LANGUAGE", self._language]
if self._expander:
args += ["EXPANDER", self._expander]
if self._dialect:
args += ["DIALECT", self._dialect]
return args
def paging(self, offset: int, num: int) -> "Query":
Set the paging for the query (defaults to 0..10).
- **offset**: Paging offset for the results. Defaults to 0
- **num**: How many results do we want
self._offset = offset
self._num = num
return self
def verbatim(self) -> "Query":
"""Set the query to be verbatim, i.e. use no query expansion
or stemming.
self._verbatim = True
return self
def no_content(self) -> "Query":
"""Set the query to only return ids and not the document content."""
self._no_content = True
return self
def no_stopwords(self) -> "Query":
Prevent the query from being filtered for stopwords.
Only useful in very big queries that you are certain contain
no stopwords.
self._no_stopwords = True
return self
def with_payloads(self) -> "Query":
"""Ask the engine to return document payloads."""
self._with_payloads = True
return self
def with_scores(self) -> "Query":
"""Ask the engine to return document search scores."""
self._with_scores = True
return self
def limit_fields(self, *fields: List[str]) -> "Query":
Limit the search to specific TEXT fields only.
- **fields**: A list of strings, case sensitive field names
from the defined schema.
self._fields = fields
return self
def add_filter(self, flt: "Filter") -> "Query":
Add a numeric or geo filter to the query.
**Currently only one of each filter is supported by the engine**
- **flt**: A NumericFilter or GeoFilter object, used on a
corresponding field
return self
def sort_by(self, field: str, asc: bool = True) -> "Query":
Add a sortby field to the query.
- **field** - the name of the field to sort by
- **asc** - when `True`, sorting will be done in asceding order
self._sortby = SortbyField(field, asc)
return self
def expander(self, expander: str) -> "Query":
Add a expander field to the query.
- **expander** - the name of the expander
self._expander = expander
return self
def dialect(self, dialect: int) -> "Query":
Add a dialect field to the query.
- **dialect** - dialect version to execute the query under
self._dialect = dialect
return self
class Filter:
def __init__(self, keyword: str, field: str, *args: List[str]) -> None:
self.args = [keyword, field] + list(args)
class NumericFilter(Filter):
INF = "+inf"
NEG_INF = "-inf"
def __init__(
field: str,
minval: Union[int, str],
maxval: Union[int, str],
minExclusive: bool = False,
maxExclusive: bool = False,
) -> None:
args = [
minval if not minExclusive else f"({minval}",
maxval if not maxExclusive else f"({maxval}",
Filter.__init__(self, "FILTER", field, *args)
class GeoFilter(Filter):
METERS = "m"
FEET = "ft"
MILES = "mi"
def __init__(
self, field: str, lon: float, lat: float, radius: float, unit: str = KILOMETERS
) -> None:
Filter.__init__(self, "GEOFILTER", field, lon, lat, radius, unit)
class SortbyField:
def __init__(self, field: str, asc=True) -> None:
self.args = [field, "ASC" if asc else "DESC"]