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import os
from json import JSONDecodeError, loads
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from redis.exceptions import DataError
from redis.utils import deprecated_function
from ._util import JsonType
from .decoders import decode_dict_keys
from .path import Path
class JSONCommands:
"""json commands."""
def arrappend(
self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path(), *args: List[JsonType]
) -> List[Union[int, None]]:
"""Append the objects ``args`` to the array under the
``path` in key ``name``.
For more information see `JSON.ARRAPPEND <https://redis.io/commands/json.arrappend>`_..
""" # noqa
pieces = [name, str(path)]
for o in args:
return self.execute_command("JSON.ARRAPPEND", *pieces)
def arrindex(
name: str,
path: str,
scalar: int,
start: Optional[int] = None,
stop: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Union[int, None]]:
Return the index of ``scalar`` in the JSON array under ``path`` at key
The search can be limited using the optional inclusive ``start``
and exclusive ``stop`` indices.
For more information see `JSON.ARRINDEX <https://redis.io/commands/json.arrindex>`_.
""" # noqa
pieces = [name, str(path), self._encode(scalar)]
if start is not None:
if stop is not None:
return self.execute_command("JSON.ARRINDEX", *pieces)
def arrinsert(
self, name: str, path: str, index: int, *args: List[JsonType]
) -> List[Union[int, None]]:
"""Insert the objects ``args`` to the array at index ``index``
under the ``path` in key ``name``.
For more information see `JSON.ARRINSERT <https://redis.io/commands/json.arrinsert>`_.
""" # noqa
pieces = [name, str(path), index]
for o in args:
return self.execute_command("JSON.ARRINSERT", *pieces)
def arrlen(
self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()
) -> List[Union[int, None]]:
"""Return the length of the array JSON value under ``path``
at key``name``.
For more information see `JSON.ARRLEN <https://redis.io/commands/json.arrlen>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.ARRLEN", name, str(path))
def arrpop(
name: str,
path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path(),
index: Optional[int] = -1,
) -> List[Union[str, None]]:
"""Pop the element at ``index`` in the array JSON value under
``path`` at key ``name``.
For more information see `JSON.ARRPOP <https://redis.io/commands/json.arrpop>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.ARRPOP", name, str(path), index)
def arrtrim(
self, name: str, path: str, start: int, stop: int
) -> List[Union[int, None]]:
"""Trim the array JSON value under ``path`` at key ``name`` to the
inclusive range given by ``start`` and ``stop``.
For more information see `JSON.ARRTRIM <https://redis.io/commands/json.arrtrim>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.ARRTRIM", name, str(path), start, stop)
def type(self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()) -> List[str]:
"""Get the type of the JSON value under ``path`` from key ``name``.
For more information see `JSON.TYPE <https://redis.io/commands/json.type>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.TYPE", name, str(path))
def resp(self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()) -> List:
"""Return the JSON value under ``path`` at key ``name``.
For more information see `JSON.RESP <https://redis.io/commands/json.resp>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.RESP", name, str(path))
def objkeys(
self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()
) -> List[Union[List[str], None]]:
"""Return the key names in the dictionary JSON value under ``path`` at
key ``name``.
For more information see `JSON.OBJKEYS <https://redis.io/commands/json.objkeys>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.OBJKEYS", name, str(path))
def objlen(
self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()
) -> List[Optional[int]]:
"""Return the length of the dictionary JSON value under ``path`` at key
For more information see `JSON.OBJLEN <https://redis.io/commands/json.objlen>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.OBJLEN", name, str(path))
def numincrby(self, name: str, path: str, number: int) -> str:
"""Increment the numeric (integer or floating point) JSON value under
``path`` at key ``name`` by the provided ``number``.
For more information see `JSON.NUMINCRBY <https://redis.io/commands/json.numincrby>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command(
"JSON.NUMINCRBY", name, str(path), self._encode(number)
@deprecated_function(version="4.0.0", reason="deprecated since redisjson 1.0.0")
def nummultby(self, name: str, path: str, number: int) -> str:
"""Multiply the numeric (integer or floating point) JSON value under
``path`` at key ``name`` with the provided ``number``.
For more information see `JSON.NUMMULTBY <https://redis.io/commands/json.nummultby>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command(
"JSON.NUMMULTBY", name, str(path), self._encode(number)
def clear(self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()) -> int:
"""Empty arrays and objects (to have zero slots/keys without deleting the
Return the count of cleared paths (ignoring non-array and non-objects
For more information see `JSON.CLEAR <https://redis.io/commands/json.clear>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.CLEAR", name, str(path))
def delete(self, key: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()) -> int:
"""Delete the JSON value stored at key ``key`` under ``path``.
For more information see `JSON.DEL <https://redis.io/commands/json.del>`_.
return self.execute_command("JSON.DEL", key, str(path))
# forget is an alias for delete
forget = delete
def get(
self, name: str, *args, no_escape: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Optional[List[JsonType]]:
Get the object stored as a JSON value at key ``name``.
``args`` is zero or more paths, and defaults to root path
```no_escape`` is a boolean flag to add no_escape option to get
non-ascii characters
For more information see `JSON.GET <https://redis.io/commands/json.get>`_.
""" # noqa
pieces = [name]
if no_escape:
if len(args) == 0:
for p in args:
# Handle case where key doesn't exist. The JSONDecoder would raise a
# TypeError exception since it can't decode None
return self.execute_command("JSON.GET", *pieces)
except TypeError:
return None
def mget(self, keys: List[str], path: str) -> List[JsonType]:
Get the objects stored as a JSON values under ``path``. ``keys``
is a list of one or more keys.
For more information see `JSON.MGET <https://redis.io/commands/json.mget>`_.
""" # noqa
pieces = []
pieces += keys
return self.execute_command("JSON.MGET", *pieces)
def set(
name: str,
path: str,
obj: JsonType,
nx: Optional[bool] = False,
xx: Optional[bool] = False,
decode_keys: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Optional[str]:
Set the JSON value at key ``name`` under the ``path`` to ``obj``.
``nx`` if set to True, set ``value`` only if it does not exist.
``xx`` if set to True, set ``value`` only if it exists.
``decode_keys`` If set to True, the keys of ``obj`` will be decoded
with utf-8.
For the purpose of using this within a pipeline, this command is also
aliased to JSON.SET.
For more information see `JSON.SET <https://redis.io/commands/json.set>`_.
if decode_keys:
obj = decode_dict_keys(obj)
pieces = [name, str(path), self._encode(obj)]
# Handle existential modifiers
if nx and xx:
raise Exception(
"nx and xx are mutually exclusive: use one, the "
"other or neither - but not both"
elif nx:
elif xx:
return self.execute_command("JSON.SET", *pieces)
def mset(self, triplets: List[Tuple[str, str, JsonType]]) -> Optional[str]:
Set the JSON value at key ``name`` under the ``path`` to ``obj``
for one or more keys.
``triplets`` is a list of one or more triplets of key, path, value.
For the purpose of using this within a pipeline, this command is also
aliased to JSON.MSET.
For more information see `JSON.MSET <https://redis.io/commands/json.mset>`_.
pieces = []
for triplet in triplets:
pieces.extend([triplet[0], str(triplet[1]), self._encode(triplet[2])])
return self.execute_command("JSON.MSET", *pieces)
def merge(
name: str,
path: str,
obj: JsonType,
decode_keys: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Optional[str]:
Merges a given JSON value into matching paths. Consequently, JSON values
at matching paths are updated, deleted, or expanded with new children
``decode_keys`` If set to True, the keys of ``obj`` will be decoded
with utf-8.
For more information see `JSON.MERGE <https://redis.io/commands/json.merge>`_.
if decode_keys:
obj = decode_dict_keys(obj)
pieces = [name, str(path), self._encode(obj)]
return self.execute_command("JSON.MERGE", *pieces)
def set_file(
name: str,
path: str,
file_name: str,
nx: Optional[bool] = False,
xx: Optional[bool] = False,
decode_keys: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Optional[str]:
Set the JSON value at key ``name`` under the ``path`` to the content
of the json file ``file_name``.
``nx`` if set to True, set ``value`` only if it does not exist.
``xx`` if set to True, set ``value`` only if it exists.
``decode_keys`` If set to True, the keys of ``obj`` will be decoded
with utf-8.
with open(file_name, "r") as fp:
file_content = loads(fp.read())
return self.set(name, path, file_content, nx=nx, xx=xx, decode_keys=decode_keys)
def set_path(
json_path: str,
root_folder: str,
nx: Optional[bool] = False,
xx: Optional[bool] = False,
decode_keys: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Dict[str, bool]:
Iterate over ``root_folder`` and set each JSON file to a value
under ``json_path`` with the file name as the key.
``nx`` if set to True, set ``value`` only if it does not exist.
``xx`` if set to True, set ``value`` only if it exists.
``decode_keys`` If set to True, the keys of ``obj`` will be decoded
with utf-8.
set_files_result = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_folder):
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
file_name = file_path.rsplit(".")[0]
set_files_result[file_path] = True
except JSONDecodeError:
set_files_result[file_path] = False
return set_files_result
def strlen(self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Union[int, None]]:
"""Return the length of the string JSON value under ``path`` at key
For more information see `JSON.STRLEN <https://redis.io/commands/json.strlen>`_.
""" # noqa
pieces = [name]
if path is not None:
return self.execute_command("JSON.STRLEN", *pieces)
def toggle(
self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()
) -> Union[bool, List[Optional[int]]]:
"""Toggle boolean value under ``path`` at key ``name``.
returning the new value.
For more information see `JSON.TOGGLE <https://redis.io/commands/json.toggle>`_.
""" # noqa
return self.execute_command("JSON.TOGGLE", name, str(path))
def strappend(
self, name: str, value: str, path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path()
) -> Union[int, List[Optional[int]]]:
"""Append to the string JSON value. If two options are specified after
the key name, the path is determined to be the first. If a single
option is passed, then the root_path (i.e Path.root_path()) is used.
For more information see `JSON.STRAPPEND <https://redis.io/commands/json.strappend>`_.
""" # noqa
pieces = [name, str(path), self._encode(value)]
return self.execute_command("JSON.STRAPPEND", *pieces)
def debug(
subcommand: str,
key: Optional[str] = None,
path: Optional[str] = Path.root_path(),
) -> Union[int, List[str]]:
"""Return the memory usage in bytes of a value under ``path`` from
key ``name``.
For more information see `JSON.DEBUG <https://redis.io/commands/json.debug>`_.
""" # noqa
valid_subcommands = ["MEMORY", "HELP"]
if subcommand not in valid_subcommands:
raise DataError("The only valid subcommands are ", str(valid_subcommands))
pieces = [subcommand]
if subcommand == "MEMORY":
if key is None:
raise DataError("No key specified")
return self.execute_command("JSON.DEBUG", *pieces)
version="4.0.0", reason="redisjson-py supported this, call get directly."
def jsonget(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get(*args, **kwargs)
version="4.0.0", reason="redisjson-py supported this, call get directly."
def jsonmget(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.mget(*args, **kwargs)
version="4.0.0", reason="redisjson-py supported this, call get directly."
def jsonset(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.set(*args, **kwargs)