- [clusters/threat-actor.json](clusters/threat-actor.json) - Adversary groups - Known or estimated adversary groups targeting organizations and employees. Adversary groups are regularly confused with their initial operation or campaign. MISP
- [clusters/tool.json](clusters/tool.json) - tool is an enumeration of tools used by adversaries. The list includes malware but also common software regularly used by the adversaries. MISP
- [vocabularies/common/certainty-level.json](vocabularies/common/certainty-level.json) - Certainty level of an associated element or cluster.
## Threat Actor
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/intended-effect-vocabulary.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/intended-effect.json) - The IntendedEffectVocab is the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the intended effect of a threat actor. STIX 1.2.1
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/motivation-vocabulary.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/motivation.json) - The MotivationVocab is the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the motivation of a threat actor. STIX 1.2.1
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/planning-and-operational-support-vocabulary.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/planning-and-operational-support.json) - The PlanningAndOperationalSupportVocab is the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the planning and operational support functions available to a threat actor.
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/sophistication.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/sophistication.json) - The ThreatActorSophisticationVocab enumeration is used to define the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the subjective level of sophistication of a threat actor.
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/type.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/type.json) - The ThreatActorTypeVocab enumeration is used to define the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the subjective type of a threat actor.
Starting from [MISP 2.4.56](http://www.misp-project.org/2016/12/07/MISP.2.4.56.released.html), galaxy is integrated within the MISP threat sharing platform and users can directly benefit from the available clusters to attach them to the MISP event.