125 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable file
125 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import sys
import zmq
import socketio
import eventlet
from pprint import pprint
from eventlet.green import zmq as gzmq
import exercise as exercise_model
import notification as notification_model
import config
import db
# Initialize ZeroMQ context and subscriber socket
context = gzmq.Context()
zsocket = context.socket(gzmq.SUB)
zmq_url = "tcp://localhost:50000" # Update this with your zmq publisher address
zsocket.setsockopt_string(gzmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
# Initialize Socket.IO server
sio = socketio.Server(cors_allowed_origins='*', async_mode='eventlet')
app = socketio.WSGIApp(sio)
def connect(sid, environ):
print("Client connected: ", sid)
def disconnect(sid):
print("Client disconnected: ", sid)
def get_exercises(sid):
return exercise_model.get_exercises()
def get_progress(sid):
return exercise_model.get_progress()
def get_notifications(sid):
return notification_model.get_notifications()
def mark_task_completed(sid, payload):
return exercise_model.mark_task_completed(payload['user_id'], payload['exercise_uuid'], payload['task_uuid'])
def mark_task_incomplete(sid, payload):
return exercise_model.mark_task_incomplete(payload['user_id'], payload['exercise_uuid'], payload['task_uuid'])
def any_event(event, sid, data={}):
print('>> Unhandled event', event)
def handleMessage(topic, s, message):
data = json.loads(message)
if topic == 'misp_json_audit':
user_id, email = notification_model.get_user_email_id_pair(data)
if user_id is not None:
if user_id not in db.USER_ID_TO_EMAIL_MAPPING:
db.USER_ID_TO_EMAIL_MAPPING[user_id] = email
sio.emit('new_user', email)
user_id, authkey = notification_model.get_user_authkey_id_pair(data)
if user_id is not None:
if authkey not in db.USER_ID_TO_AUTHKEY_MAPPING:
db.USER_ID_TO_AUTHKEY_MAPPING[user_id] = authkey
if notification_model.is_http_request(data):
notification = notification_model.get_notification_message(data)
if notification_model.is_accepted_notification(notification):
sio.emit('notification', notification)
user_id = notification_model.get_user_id(data)
if user_id is not None:
if exercise_model.is_accepted_query(data):
context = get_context(data)
succeeded_once = exercise_model.check_active_tasks(user_id, data, context)
if succeeded_once:
def get_context(data: dict) -> dict:
context = {}
if 'Log' in data:
if 'request_is_rest' in data['Log']:
context['request_is_rest'] = data['Log']['request_is_rest']
elif 'authkey_id' in data:
context['request_is_rest'] = True
return context
# Function to forward zmq messages to Socket.IO
def forward_zmq_to_socketio():
while True:
message = zsocket.recv_string()
topic, s, m = message.partition(" ")
handleMessage(topic, s, m)
except Exception as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
exercises_loaded = exercise_model.load_exercises()
if not exercises_loaded:
print('Could not load exercises')
# Start the forwarding in a separate thread
# Run the Socket.IO server
eventlet.wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 3000)), app)