
133 lines
4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import re
from typing import Union
import db
import config
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
def get_notifications() -> list[dict]:
def record_notification(notification: dict):
def get_user_id(data: dict):
if 'user_id' in data:
return int(data['user_id'])
if 'Log' in data:
data = data['Log']
if 'user_id' in data:
return int(data['user_id'])
return None
def get_user_email_id_pair(data: dict):
if 'Log' in data:
data = data['Log']
if 'email' in data and 'user_id' in data:
return (int(data['user_id']), data['email'],)
return (None, None,)
def get_user_authkey_id_pair(data: dict):
authkey_title_regex = r".*API key.*\((\w+)\)"
if 'Log' in data:
data = data['Log']
if 'user_id' in data and 'title' in data :
if data['title'].startswith('Successful authentication using API key'):
authkey_search =, data['title'], re.IGNORECASE)
authkey =
return (int(data['user_id']), authkey,)
return (None, None,)
def is_http_request(data: dict) -> bool:
if ('url' in data and
'request_method' in data and
'response_code' in data and
'user_id' in data):
return True
return False
def get_content_type(data: dict) -> Union[None, str]:
if 'request' not in data:
return None
request_content = data['request']
content_type, _ = request_content.split('\n\n')
return content_type
def clean_form_urlencoded_data(post_body_parsed: dict) -> dict:
cleaned = {}
for k, v in post_body_parsed.items():
if k.startswith('data[') and not k.startswith('data[_'):
clean_k = '.'.join([k for k in re.split(r'[\[\]]', k) if k != ''][1:])
clean_v = v[0] if type(v) is list and len(v) == 1 else v
cleaned[clean_k] = clean_v
return cleaned
def get_request_post_body(data: dict) -> dict:
if 'request' not in data:
return {}
request_content = data['request']
content_type, post_body = request_content.split('\n\n')
if content_type == 'application/json':
post_body_parsed = json.loads(post_body)
return post_body_parsed
elif content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
post_body_parsed = parse_qs(post_body)
post_body_clean = clean_form_urlencoded_data(post_body_parsed)
return post_body_clean
return {}
def is_api_request(data: dict) -> bool:
content_type = get_content_type(data)
return content_type == 'application/json'
def get_notification_message(data: dict) -> dict:
user = db.USER_ID_TO_EMAIL_MAPPING.get(int(data['user_id']), '?')
time = data['created'].split(' ')[1].split('.')[0]
url = data['url']
http_method = data.get('request_method', 'GET')
response_code = data.get('response_code', '?')
user_agent = data.get('user_agent', '?')
_, action = get_scope_action_from_url(url)
http_method = 'DELETE' if http_method == 'POST' and action == 'delete' else http_method # small override for UI
payload = get_request_post_body(data)
return {
'user': user,
'time': time,
'url': url,
'http_method': http_method,
'user_agent': user_agent,
'is_api_request': is_api_request(data),
'response_code': response_code,
'payload': payload,
def get_scope_action_from_url(url) -> str:
split = url.split('/')
return (split[1], split[2],)
def is_accepted_notification(notification) -> bool:
if notification['user_agent'] == 'misp-exercise-dashboard':
return False
scope, action = get_scope_action_from_url(notification['url'])
if scope in config.live_logs_accepted_scope:
if config.live_logs_accepted_scope == '*':
return True
elif action in config.live_logs_accepted_scope[scope]:
return True
return False