Starow 1379ef705a Initial import of AIL framework - Analysis Information Leak framework
AIL is a modular framework to analyse potential information leak from unstructured data source like pastes from Past
ebin or similar services. AIL framework is flexible and can be extended to support other functionalities to mine sen
sitive information
2014-08-06 11:43:40 +02:00

151 lines
4.1 KiB

import redis, time, sys, os, inspect
from datetime import timedelta, date, datetime
from pubsublogger import publisher
def set_listof_pid(r_serv, filename, name):
"""Create the pid list and it's pid members
:param r_serv: -- Connexion to redis.
:param filename: -- the absolute pastes path name.
:param name: -- the traditionnal argv[0] (The name of the launched script)
This function create a hashes in redis as follows and a set of pid.
| Keys | Fields | Values |
| 2045 | startime | 2014-05-09_11:44:17 |
| ... | prog | ./programme |
| ... | pid | 2045 |
| ... | paste | /home/folder/aux.gz |
| ... | kb | 54.12 |
| Keys | Members |
| pid | 2045 |
| ... | 2480 |
r_serv.sadd("pid", os.getpid())
def update_listof_pid(r_serv):
"""Remove pid from the pid list
:param r_serv: -- Connexion to redis.
Remove from the list and redis, pid which are terminated.
r_serv.srem("pid", os.getpid())
def flush_list_of_pid(r_serv):
"""Flush the datas in redis
:param r_serv: -- Connexion to redis.
Clean the redis database from the previous pid and pidlist inserted
for x in r_serv.smembers("pid"):
def format_display_listof_pid(dico, arg):
"""Formating data for shell and human
:param dico: (dict) dictionnary
:param arg: (str) Choosing argument
:returns: (str)
This function provide different displaying formats for the dictionnary's data.
if arg == 'pid':
var = "{0}".format(dico['pid'])
elif arg == 'up':
var = "{0}".format(dico['uptime'])
elif arg == 'kb':
var = "{0}".format(dico['Kb'])
elif arg == 'paste':
var = "{0}".format(dico['paste'])
elif arg == 'startime':
var = "{0}".format(dico['startime'])
elif arg == 'prg':
var = "{0}".format(dico['prog'])
var = "PID:{0},uptime:{1},kb:{2},paste:{3},prog:{4},startime:{5}".format(dico['pid'],
return var
def display_listof_pid(r_serv, arg):
"""Display the pid list from redis
This function display infos in the shell about lauched process
jobs = {}
joblist = []
for job in r_serv.smembers("pid"):
jobs = r_serv.hgetall(job)
if jobs != None:
start = datetime.strptime(r_serv.hget(job, "startime"), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
end = datetime.strptime(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
jobs['uptime'] = str(abs(start - end))
publisher.debug("display_list_of_pid Aborted due to lack of Information in Redis")
joblist = sorted(joblist, key=lambda k: k['uptime'], reverse=True)
for job in joblist:
print format_display_listof_pid(job, arg)
if arg == "remain":
print "Remaining: {0}".format(r_serv.llen("filelist"))
if arg == "processed":
print "processed: {0}".format(r_serv.llen("processed"))
except TypeError:
publisher.error("TypeError for display_listof_pid")