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synced 2025-03-01 04:19:44 +00:00
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95 lines
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Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
The CreditCards Module
This module is consuming the Redis-list created by the Categ module.
It apply credit card regexes on paste content and warn if above a threshold.
import pprint
import time
from packages import Paste
from packages import lib_refine
from pubsublogger import publisher
import re
import sys
from Helper import Process
if __name__ == "__main__":
publisher.port = 6380
publisher.channel = "Script"
config_section = 'CreditCards'
p = Process(config_section)
publisher.info("Creditcard script subscribed to channel creditcard_categ")
creditcard_regex = "4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?"
# FIXME For retro compatibility
channel = 'creditcard_categ'
# Source: http://www.richardsramblings.com/regex/credit-card-numbers/
cards = [
r'\b4\d{3}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}\b', # 16-digit VISA, with separators
r'\b5[1-5]\d{2}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}\b', # 16 digits MasterCard
r'\b6(?:011|22(?:(?=[\ \-]?(?:2[6-9]|[3-9]))|[2-8]|9(?=[\ \-]?(?:[01]|2[0-5])))|4[4-9]\d|5\d\d)(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}\b', # Discover Card
r'\b35(?:2[89]|[3-8]\d)(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{4}\b', # Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)
r'\b3[47]\d\d(?:[\ \-]?)\d{6}(?:[\ \-]?)\d{5}\b', # American Express
r'\b(?:5[0678]\d\d|6304|6390|67\d\d)\d{8,15}\b', # Maestro
regex = re.compile('|'.join(cards))
while True:
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is not None:
filename, score = message.split()
paste = Paste.Paste(filename)
content = paste.get_p_content()
all_cards = re.findall(regex, content)
if len(all_cards) > 0:
print('All matching', all_cards)
creditcard_set = set([])
for card in all_cards:
clean_card = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', card)
clean_card = clean_card
if lib_refine.is_luhn_valid(clean_card):
print(clean_card, 'is valid')
paste.__setattr__(channel, creditcard_set)
paste.save_attribute_redis(channel, creditcard_set)
to_print = 'CreditCard;{};{};{};'.format(
paste.p_source, paste.p_date, paste.p_name)
if (len(creditcard_set) > 0):
publisher.warning('{}Checked {} valid number(s);{}'.format(
to_print, len(creditcard_set), paste.p_path))
print('{}Checked {} valid number(s);{}'.format(
to_print, len(creditcard_set), paste.p_path))
#Send to duplicate
p.populate_set_out(filename, 'Duplicate')
#send to Browse_warning_paste
msg = 'creditcard;{}'.format(filename)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'alertHandler')
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="credit-card";{}'.format(filename)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
publisher.info('{}CreditCard related;{}'.format(to_print, paste.p_path))
publisher.debug("Script creditcard is idling 1m")