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synced 2025-03-21 05:49:56 +00:00

AIL is a modular framework to analyse potential information leak from unstructured data source like pastes from Past ebin or similar services. AIL framework is flexible and can be extended to support other functionalities to mine sen sitive information
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g2 = new Dygraph(
// path to CSV file
"{{ url_for('static', filename='csv/wordstrendingdata.csv') }}",
rollPeriod: 1,
showRoller: true,
//drawPoints: true,
//fillGraph: true,
logscale: true,
animatedZooms: true,
labelsKMB: true,
highlightCircleSize: 3,
highlightSeriesOpts: {
strokeWidth: 3,
strokeBorderWidth: 1,
highlightCircleSize: 5,
underlayCallback: function(canvas, area, g) {
canvas.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 193, 37, 0.5)";
function highlight_period(x_start, x_end) {
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// find first saturday
while (dow != 5) {
w += 24*3600*1000;
d = new Date(w);
dow = d.getUTCDay();
// shift back 1/2 day to center highlight around the point for the day
w -= 12*3600*1000;
while (w < max_data_x) {
var start_x_highlight = w;
var end_x_highlight = w + 2*24*3600*1000;
// make sure we don't try to plot outside the graph
if (start_x_highlight < min_data_x) {
start_x_highlight = min_data_x;
if (end_x_highlight > max_data_x) {
end_x_highlight = max_data_x;
// calculate start of highlight for next Saturday
w += 7*24*3600*1000;
onclick = function(ev) {
if (g2.isSeriesLocked()) {
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g2.setSelection(g2.getSelection(), g2.getHighlightSeries(), true);
g2.updateOptions({clickCallback: onclick}, true);
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