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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
The Tracker_Term Module
# Import External packages
import os
import sys
import time
import signal
# Import Project packages
from modules.abstract_module import AbstractModule
import NotificationHelper
from packages.Item import Item
from packages import Term
from lib import Tracker
class TimeoutException(Exception):
def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutException
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
class Tracker_Term(AbstractModule):
mail_body_template = "AIL Framework,\nNew occurrence for tracked term: {}\nitem id: {}\nurl: {}{}"
Tracker_Term module for AIL framework
def __init__(self):
super(Tracker_Term, self).__init__()
self.pending_seconds = 5
self.max_execution_time = self.process.config.getint('Tracker_Term', "max_execution_time")
self.full_item_url = self.process.config.get("Notifications", "ail_domain") + "/object/item?id="
# loads tracked words
self.list_tracked_words = Term.get_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_word = time.time()
self.set_tracked_words_list = Term.get_set_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_set = time.time()
self.redis_logger.info(f"Module: {self.module_name} Launched")
def compute(self, item_id):
# refresh Tracked term
if self.last_refresh_word < Term.get_tracked_term_last_updated_by_type('word'):
self.list_tracked_words = Term.get_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_word = time.time()
self.redis_logger.debug('Tracked word refreshed')
print('Tracked word refreshed')
if self.last_refresh_set < Term.get_tracked_term_last_updated_by_type('set'):
self.set_tracked_words_list = Term.get_set_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_set = time.time()
self.redis_logger.debug('Tracked set refreshed')
print('Tracked set refreshed')
# Cast message as Item
item = Item(item_id)
item_date = item.get_date()
item_content = item.get_content()
dict_words_freq = None
dict_words_freq = Term.get_text_word_frequency(item_content)
except TimeoutException:
self.redis_logger.warning(f"{item.get_id()} processing timeout")
if dict_words_freq:
# create token statistics
#for word in dict_words_freq:
# Term.create_token_statistics(item_date, word, dict_words_freq[word])
# check solo words
for word in self.list_tracked_words:
if word in dict_words_freq:
self.new_term_found(word, 'word', item.get_id(), item_date)
# check words set
for elem in self.set_tracked_words_list:
list_words = elem[0]
nb_words_threshold = elem[1]
word_set = elem[2]
nb_uniq_word = 0
for word in list_words:
if word in dict_words_freq:
nb_uniq_word += 1
if nb_uniq_word >= nb_words_threshold:
self.new_term_found(word_set, 'set', item.get_id(), item_date)
def new_term_found(self, term, term_type, item_id, item_date):
uuid_list = Term.get_term_uuid_list(term, term_type)
self.redis_logger.info(f'new tracked term found: {term} in {item_id}')
print(f'new tracked term found: {term} in {item_id}')
for term_uuid in uuid_list:
Term.add_tracked_item(term_uuid, item_id, item_date)
tags_to_add = Term.get_term_tags(term_uuid)
for tag in tags_to_add:
msg = '{};{}'.format(tag, item_id)
self.send_message_to_queue(msg, 'Tags')
mail_to_notify = Term.get_term_mails(term_uuid)
if mail_to_notify:
mail_subject = Tracker.get_email_subject(term_uuid)
mail_body = Tracker_Term.mail_body_template.format(term, item_id, self.full_item_url, item_id)
for mail in mail_to_notify:
self.redis_logger.debug(f'Send Mail {mail_subject}')
print(f'Send Mail {mail_subject}')
NotificationHelper.sendEmailNotification(mail, mail_subject, mail_body)
if __name__ == '__main__':
module = Tracker_Term()