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195 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
The ZMQ_Feed_Q Module
This module is consuming the Redis-list created by the ZMQ_Feed_Q Module.
This module take all the feeds provided in the config.
Depending on the configuration, this module will process the feed as follow:
operation_mode 1: "Avoid any duplicate from any sources"
- The module maintain a list of content for each paste
- If the content is new, process it
- Else, do not process it but keep track for statistics on duplicate
operation_mode 2: "Keep duplicate coming from different sources"
- The module maintain a list of name given to the paste by the feeder
- If the name has not yet been seen, process it
- Elseif, the saved content associated with the paste is not the same, process it
- Else, do not process it but keep track for statistics on duplicate
Note that the hash of the content is defined as the sha1(gzip64encoded).
Every data coming from a named feed can be sent to a pre-processing module before going to the global module.
The mapping can be done via the variable feed_queue_mapping
*Need running Redis instances.
*Need the ZMQ_Feed_Q Module running to be able to work properly.
import base64
import hashlib
import os
import time
from pubsublogger import publisher
import redis
import ConfigParser
from Helper import Process
refresh_time = 30
feed_queue_mapping = { "feeder2": "preProcess1" } # Map a feeder name to a pre-processing module
if __name__ == '__main__':
publisher.port = 6380
publisher.channel = 'Script'
config_section = 'Mixer'
p = Process(config_section)
configfile = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/config.cfg')
if not os.path.exists(configfile):
raise Exception('Unable to find the configuration file. \
Did you set environment variables? \
Or activate the virtualenv.')
cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
server = redis.StrictRedis(
host=cfg.get("Redis_Mixer_Cache", "host"),
port=cfg.getint("Redis_Mixer_Cache", "port"),
db=cfg.getint("Redis_Mixer_Cache", "db"))
publisher.info("Feed Script started to receive & publish.")
operation_mode = cfg.getint("Module_Mixer", "operation_mode")
ttl_key = cfg.getint("Module_Mixer", "ttl_duplicate")
processed_paste = 0
processed_paste_per_feeder = {}
duplicated_paste_per_feeder = {}
time_1 = time.time()
while True:
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is not None:
splitted = message.split()
if len(splitted) == 2:
complete_paste, gzip64encoded = splitted
feeder_name, paste_name = complete_paste.split('>')
feeder_name.replace(" ","")
except ValueError as e:
feeder_name = "unnamed_feeder"
paste_name = complete_paste
# Processed paste
processed_paste += 1
processed_paste_per_feeder[feeder_name] += 1
except KeyError as e:
# new feeder
processed_paste_per_feeder[feeder_name] = 1
duplicated_paste_per_feeder[feeder_name] = 0
relay_message = "{0} {1}".format(paste_name, gzip64encoded)
digest = hashlib.sha1(gzip64encoded).hexdigest()
# Avoid any duplicate coming from any sources
if operation_mode == 1:
if server.exists(digest): # Content already exists
duplicated_paste_per_feeder[feeder_name] += 1
else: # New content
# populate Global OR populate another set based on the feeder_name
if feeder_name in feed_queue_mapping:
p.populate_set_out(relay_message, feed_queue_mapping[feeder_name])
p.populate_set_out(relay_message, 'Mixer')
server.sadd(digest, feeder_name)
server.expire(digest, ttl_key)
# Keep duplicate coming from different sources
# Filter to avoid duplicate
content = server.get('HASH_'+paste_name)
if content is None:
# New content
# Store in redis for filtering
server.set('HASH_'+paste_name, digest)
server.sadd(paste_name, feeder_name)
server.expire(paste_name, ttl_key)
server.expire('HASH_'+paste_name, ttl_key)
# populate Global OR populate another set based on the feeder_name
if feeder_name in feed_queue_mapping:
p.populate_set_out(relay_message, feed_queue_mapping[feeder_name])
p.populate_set_out(relay_message, 'Mixer')
if digest != content:
# Same paste name but different content
duplicated_paste_per_feeder[feeder_name] += 1
server.sadd(paste_name, feeder_name)
server.expire(paste_name, ttl_key)
# populate Global OR populate another set based on the feeder_name
if feeder_name in feed_queue_mapping:
p.populate_set_out(relay_message, feed_queue_mapping[feeder_name])
p.populate_set_out(relay_message, 'Mixer')
# Already processed
# Keep track of processed pastes
duplicated_paste_per_feeder[feeder_name] += 1
# TODO Store the name of the empty paste inside a Redis-list.
print "Empty Paste: not processed"
publisher.debug("Empty Paste: {0} not processed".format(message))
print "Empty Queues: Waiting..."
if int(time.time() - time_1) > refresh_time:
print processed_paste_per_feeder
to_print = 'Mixer; ; ; ;mixer_all All_feeders Processed {0} paste(s) in {1}sec'.format(processed_paste, refresh_time)
print to_print
processed_paste = 0
for feeder, count in processed_paste_per_feeder.iteritems():
to_print = 'Mixer; ; ; ;mixer_{0} {0} Processed {1} paste(s) in {2}sec'.format(feeder, count, refresh_time)
print to_print
processed_paste_per_feeder[feeder] = 0
for feeder, count in duplicated_paste_per_feeder.iteritems():
to_print = 'Mixer; ; ; ;mixer_{0} {0} Duplicated {1} paste(s) in {2}sec'.format(feeder, count, refresh_time)
print to_print
duplicated_paste_per_feeder[feeder] = 0
time_1 = time.time()