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synced 2025-03-01 04:19:44 +00:00
386 lines
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Executable file
386 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
import os
import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from pymisp import MISPObject
# Import Project packages
from lib.ail_core import get_ail_uuid
from lib.objects.abstract_object import AbstractObject
from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader
from lib import Language
from lib.objects import UsersAccount
from lib.data_retention_engine import update_obj_date, get_obj_date_first
# TODO Set all messages ???
from flask import url_for
config_loader = ConfigLoader()
r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache")
r_object = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Objects")
# r_content = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Content")
baseurl = config_loader.get_config_str("Notifications", "ail_domain")
config_loader = None
# TODO iterate on all objects
# TODO also add support for small objects ????
# CAN Message exists without CHAT -> no convert it to object
# ID: source:chat_id:message_id ????
# /!\ handle null chat and message id -> chat = uuid and message = timestamp ???
# ID = <ChatInstance UUID>/<timestamp>/<chat ID>/<message ID> => telegram without channels
# ID = <ChatInstance UUID>/<timestamp>/<chat ID>/<Channel ID>/<message ID>
# ID = <ChatInstance UUID>/<timestamp>/<chat ID>/<Thread ID>/<message ID>
# ID = <ChatInstance UUID>/<timestamp>/<chat ID>/<Channel ID>/<Thread ID>/<message ID>
class Message(AbstractObject):
AIL Message Object. (strings)
def __init__(self, id): # TODO subtype or use source ????
super(Message, self).__init__('message', id) # message::< telegram/1692189934.380827/ChatID_MessageID >
def exists(self):
if self.subtype is None:
return r_object.exists(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}')
return r_object.exists(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.get_subtype(r_str=True)}:{self.id}')
def get_source(self):
Returns source/feeder name
l_source = self.id.split('/')[:-2]
return os.path.join(*l_source)
def get_basename(self):
return os.path.basename(self.id)
def get_chat_instance(self):
c_id = self.id.split('/')
return c_id[0]
def get_content(self, r_type='str'): # TODO ADD cache # TODO Compress content ???????
Returns content
global_id = self.get_global_id()
content = r_cache.get(f'content:{global_id}')
if not content:
content = self._get_field('content')
if content:
r_cache.set(f'content:{global_id}', content)
r_cache.expire(f'content:{global_id}', 300)
if r_type == 'str':
return content
elif r_type == 'bytes':
if content:
return content.encode()
def get_date(self):
timestamp = self.get_timestamp()
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(timestamp)).strftime('%Y%m%d')
def get_last_full_date(self):
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(self.get_timestamp()))
return timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def get_timestamp(self):
dirs = self.id.split('/')
return dirs[1]
def get_message_id(self): # TODO optimize
message_id = self.get_basename().rsplit('/', 1)[1]
# if message_id.endswith('.gz'):
# message_id = message_id[:-3]
return message_id
def get_chat_id(self): # TODO optimize -> use me to tag Chat
c_id = self.id.split('/')
return c_id[2]
def get_chat(self):
c_id = self.id.split('/')
return f'chat:{c_id[0]}:{c_id[2]}'
def get_subchannel(self):
subchannel = self.get_correlation('chat-subchannel')
if subchannel.get('chat-subchannel'):
return f'chat-subchannel:{subchannel["chat-subchannel"].pop()}'
def get_current_thread(self):
subchannel = self.get_correlation('chat-thread')
if subchannel.get('chat-thread'):
return f'chat-thread:{subchannel["chat-thread"].pop()}'
# children thread
def get_thread(self):
for child in self.get_childrens():
obj_type, obj_subtype, obj_id = child.split(':', 2)
if obj_type == 'chat-thread':
nb_messages = r_object.zcard(f'messages:{obj_type}:{obj_subtype}:{obj_id}')
return {'type': obj_type, 'subtype': obj_subtype, 'id': obj_id, 'nb': nb_messages}
# TODO get Instance ID
# TODO get channel ID
# TODO get thread ID
def _get_image_ocr(self, obj_id):
return bool(self.get_correlation('ocr').get('ocr'))
def get_images(self):
images = []
for child in self.get_childrens():
obj_type, _, obj_id = child.split(':', 2)
if obj_type == 'image':
images.append({'id': obj_id, 'ocr': self._get_image_ocr(obj_id)})
return images
def get_user_account(self, meta=False):
user_account = self.get_correlation('user-account')
if user_account.get('user-account'):
user_account = f'user-account:{user_account["user-account"].pop()}'
if meta:
_, user_account_subtype, user_account_id = user_account.split(':', 3)
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_account_id, user_account_subtype).get_meta(options={'icon', 'username', 'username_meta'})
return user_account
def get_files_names(self):
names = []
filenames = self.get_correlation('file-name').get('file-name')
if filenames:
for name in filenames:
return names
def get_reactions(self):
return r_object.hgetall(f'meta:reactions:{self.type}::{self.id}')
# TODO sanitize reactions
def add_reaction(self, reactions, nb_reaction):
r_object.hset(f'meta:reactions:{self.type}::{self.id}', reactions, nb_reaction)
# Interactions between users -> use replies
# nb views
# MENTIONS -> Messages + Chats
# # relationship -> mention - Chat -> Chat
# - Message -> Chat
# - Message -> Message ??? fetch mentioned messages
# TODO Create forward CHAT -> message
# message (is forwarded) -> message (is forwarded from) ???
# # TODO get source message timestamp
# # is forwarded
# # forwarded from -> check if relationship
# # nb forwarded -> scard relationship
# Messages -> CHATS -> NB forwarded
# CHAT -> NB forwarded by chats -> NB messages -> parse full set ????
# show users chats
# message media
# flag is deleted -> event or missing from feeder pass ???
def get_language(self):
languages = self.get_languages()
if languages:
return languages.pop()
return None
# def get_ail_2_ail_payload(self):
# payload = {'raw': self.get_gzip_content(b64=True)}
# return payload
def get_link(self, flask_context=False):
if flask_context:
url = url_for('chats_explorer.objects_message', type=self.type, id=self.id)
url = f'{baseurl}/objects/message?id={self.id}'
return url
def get_svg_icon(self):
return {'style': 'fas', 'icon': '\uf4ad', 'color': '#4dffff', 'radius': 5}
def get_misp_object(self): # TODO
obj = MISPObject('instant-message', standalone=True)
obj_date = self.get_date()
if obj_date:
obj.first_seen = obj_date
f'Export error, None seen {self.type}:{self.subtype}:{self.id}, first={obj_date}')
# obj_attrs = [obj.add_attribute('first-seen', value=obj_date),
# obj.add_attribute('raw-data', value=self.id, data=self.get_raw_content()),
# obj.add_attribute('sensor', value=get_ail_uuid())]
obj_attrs = []
for obj_attr in obj_attrs:
for tag in self.get_tags():
return obj
# def get_url(self):
# return r_object.hget(f'meta:item::{self.id}', 'url')
# options: set of optional meta fields
def get_meta(self, options=None, timestamp=None, translation_target=''):
:type options: set
:type timestamp: float
if options is None:
options = set()
meta = self.get_default_meta(tags=True)
# timestamp
if not timestamp:
timestamp = self.get_timestamp()
timestamp = float(timestamp)
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(timestamp))
meta['date'] = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
meta['hour'] = timestamp.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
meta['full_date'] = timestamp.isoformat(' ')
if 'last_full_date' in options:
meta['last_full_date'] = meta['full_date']
meta['source'] = self.get_source()
# optional meta fields
if 'content' in options:
meta['content'] = self.get_content()
if 'parent' in options:
meta['parent'] = self.get_parent()
if meta['parent'] and 'parent_meta' in options:
parent_type, _, parent_id = meta['parent'].split(':', 3)
if parent_type == 'message':
message = Message(parent_id)
meta['reply_to'] = message.get_meta(options=options, translation_target=translation_target)
if 'forwarded_from' in options:
fwd_from = self.get_first_relationship('forwarded_from', 'chat')
if fwd_from:
meta['forwarded_from'] = fwd_from['id']
if 'investigations' in options:
meta['investigations'] = self.get_investigations()
if 'link' in options:
meta['link'] = self.get_link(flask_context=True)
if 'icon' in options:
meta['icon'] = self.get_svg_icon()
if 'user-account' in options:
meta['user-account'] = self.get_user_account(meta=True)
if not meta['user-account']:
meta['user-account'] = {'id': 'UNKNOWN'}
if 'chat' in options:
meta['chat'] = self.get_chat_id()
if 'thread' in options:
thread = self.get_thread()
if thread:
meta['thread'] = thread
if 'images' in options:
meta['images'] = self.get_images()
if 'files-names' in options:
meta['files-names'] = self.get_files_names()
if 'reactions' in options:
meta['reactions'] = self.get_reactions()
if 'language' in options:
meta['language'] = self.get_language()
if 'translation' in options and translation_target:
if meta.get('language'):
source = meta['language']
source = None
meta['translation'] = self.translate(content=meta.get('content'), source=source, target=translation_target)
if 'language' in options:
meta['language'] = self.get_language()
# meta['encoding'] = None
return meta
# def translate(self, content=None): # TODO translation plugin
# # TODO get text language
# if not content:
# content = self.get_content()
# translated = argostranslate.translate.translate(content, 'ru', 'en')
# # Save translation
# return translated
## Language ##
def get_objs_container(self):
objs_containers = set()
# chat
subchannel = self.get_subchannel()
if subchannel:
thread = self.get_current_thread()
if thread:
return objs_containers
#- Language -#
def create(self, content, language=None, translation=None, tags=[]):
self._set_field('content', content)
if not language and content:
language = self.detect_language()
if translation and content:
self.set_translation(language, translation)
for tag in tags:
def delete(self):
def create_obj_id(chat_instance, chat_id, message_id, timestamp, channel_id=None, thread_id=None): # TODO CHECK COLLISIONS
timestamp = int(timestamp)
if channel_id and thread_id:
return f'{chat_instance}/{timestamp}/{chat_id}/{thread_id}/{message_id}'
elif channel_id:
return f'{chat_instance}/{timestamp}/{channel_id}/{chat_id}/{message_id}'
elif thread_id:
return f'{chat_instance}/{timestamp}/{chat_id}/{thread_id}/{message_id}'
return f'{chat_instance}/{timestamp}/{chat_id}/{message_id}'
# thread id of message
# thread id of chat
# thread id of subchannel
# TODO Check if already exists
# def create(source, chat_id, message_id, timestamp, content, tags=[]):
def create(obj_id, content, translation=None, tags=[]):
message = Message(obj_id)
# if not message.exists():
message.create(content, translation=translation, tags=tags)
return message
# TODO Encode translation
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = 'test'