Sami Mokaddem 9d0d0b4303 update: Moved filtering operation (thresholds, number of matching in the
categ file) in the configuration file. It permits to better control the
flow of pastes.
Also set default mixer duplicate filtering to 3 (Do not filter)
2017-12-11 17:28:34 +01:00

161 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
The Credential Module
This module is consuming the Redis-list created by the Categ module.
It apply credential regexes on paste content and warn if above a threshold.
It also split the username and store it into redis for searching purposes.
Redis organization:
uniqNumForUsername: unique number attached to unique username
uniqNumForPath: unique number attached to unique path
-> uniqNum are used to avoid string duplication
AllCredentials: hashed set where keys are username and value are their uniq number
AllCredentialsRev: the opposite of AllCredentials, uniqNum -> username
AllPath: hashed set where keys are path and value are their uniq number
AllPathRev: the opposite of AllPath, uniqNum -> path
CredToPathMapping_uniqNumForUsername -> (set) -> uniqNumForPath
import time
import sys
from packages import Paste
from pubsublogger import publisher
from Helper import Process
import re
import redis
from pyfaup.faup import Faup
#split username with spec. char or with upper case, distinguish start with upper
REGEX_CRED = "[a-z]+|[A-Z]{3,}|[A-Z]{1,2}[a-z]+|[0-9]+"
REDIS_KEY_NUM_USERNAME = 'uniqNumForUsername'
REDIS_KEY_NUM_PATH = 'uniqNumForUsername'
REDIS_KEY_ALL_CRED_SET = 'AllCredentials'
REDIS_KEY_ALL_CRED_SET_REV = 'AllCredentialsRev'
if __name__ == "__main__":
publisher.port = 6380 = "Script"
config_section = "Credential"
p = Process(config_section)"Find credentials")
minimumLengthThreshold = p.config.getint("Credential", "minimumLengthThreshold")
faup = Faup()
server_cred = redis.StrictRedis(
host=p.config.get("Redis_Level_DB_TermCred", "host"),
port=p.config.get("Redis_Level_DB_TermCred", "port"),
db=p.config.get("Redis_Level_DB_TermCred", "db"))
criticalNumberToAlert = p.config.getint("Credential", "criticalNumberToAlert")
minTopPassList = p.config.getint("Credential", "minTopPassList")
regex_web = "((?:https?:\/\/)[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)"
regex_cred = "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}:[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+"
regex_site_for_stats = "@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}:"
while True:
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is None:
publisher.debug("Script Credential is Idling 10s")
print('sleeping 10s')
filepath, count = message.split()
if count < minTopPassList:
# Less than 5 matches from the top password list, false positive.
print("false positive:", count)
paste = Paste.Paste(filepath)
content = paste.get_p_content()
creds = set(re.findall(regex_cred, content))
if len(creds) == 0:
sites= re.findall(regex_web, content) #Use to count occurences
sites_set = set(re.findall(regex_web, content))
message = 'Checked {} credentials found.'.format(len(creds))
if sites_set:
message += ' Related websites: {}'.format(', '.join(sites_set))
to_print = 'Credential;{};{};{};{};{}'.format(paste.p_source, paste.p_date, paste.p_name, message, paste.p_path)
print('\n '.join(creds))
#num of creds above tresh, publish an alert
if len(creds) > criticalNumberToAlert:
print("========> Found more than 10 credentials in this file : {}".format(filepath))
#Send to duplicate
p.populate_set_out(filepath, 'Duplicate')
#Send to alertHandler
p.populate_set_out('credential;{}'.format(filepath), 'alertHandler')
#Put in form, count occurences, then send to moduleStats
creds_sites = {}
site_occurence = re.findall(regex_site_for_stats, content)
for site in site_occurence:
site_domain = site[1:-1]
if site_domain in creds_sites.keys():
creds_sites[site_domain] += 1
creds_sites[site_domain] = 1
for url in sites:
domain = faup.get()['domain']
if domain in creds_sites.keys():
creds_sites[domain] += 1
creds_sites[domain] = 1
for site, num in creds_sites.iteritems(): # Send for each different site to moduleStats
print 'credential;{};{};{}'.format(num, site, paste.p_date)
p.populate_set_out('credential;{};{};{}'.format(num, site, paste.p_date), 'ModuleStats')
if sites_set:
print("=======> Probably on : {}".format(', '.join(sites_set)))
print('found {} credentials'.format(len(creds)))
#for searching credential in termFreq
for cred in creds:
cred = cred.split('@')[0] #Split to ignore mail address
#unique number attached to unique path
uniq_num_path = server_cred.incr(REDIS_KEY_NUM_PATH)
server_cred.hmset(REDIS_KEY_ALL_PATH_SET, {filepath: uniq_num_path})
server_cred.hmset(REDIS_KEY_ALL_PATH_SET_REV, {uniq_num_path: filepath})
#unique number attached to unique username
uniq_num_cred = server_cred.hget(REDIS_KEY_ALL_CRED_SET, cred)
if uniq_num_cred is None: #cred do not exist, create new entries
uniq_num_cred = server_cred.incr(REDIS_KEY_NUM_USERNAME)
server_cred.hmset(REDIS_KEY_ALL_CRED_SET, {cred: uniq_num_cred})
server_cred.hmset(REDIS_KEY_ALL_CRED_SET_REV, {uniq_num_cred: cred})
#Add the mapping between the credential and the path
server_cred.sadd(REDIS_KEY_MAP_CRED_TO_PATH+'_'+str(uniq_num_cred), uniq_num_path)
#Split credentials on capital letters, numbers, dots and so on
#Add the split to redis, each split point towards its initial credential unique number
splitedCred = re.findall(REGEX_CRED, cred)
for partCred in splitedCred:
if len(partCred) > minimumLengthThreshold:
server_cred.sadd(partCred, uniq_num_cred)