mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 02:28:23 +00:00
135 lines
5 KiB
135 lines
5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
Flask functions and routes for the trending modules page
import redis
import json
import flask
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request, Blueprint, make_response
import difflib
import Paste
# ============ VARIABLES ============
import Flask_config
app = Flask_config.app
cfg = Flask_config.cfg
r_serv_pasteName = Flask_config.r_serv_pasteName
max_preview_char = Flask_config.max_preview_char
max_preview_modal = Flask_config.max_preview_modal
tlsh_to_percent = Flask_config.tlsh_to_percent
DiffMaxLineLength = Flask_config.DiffMaxLineLength
showsavedpastes = Blueprint('showsavedpastes', __name__, template_folder='templates')
# ============ FUNCTIONS ============
def showpaste(content_range):
requested_path = request.args.get('paste', '')
paste = Paste.Paste(requested_path)
p_date = str(paste._get_p_date())
p_date = p_date[6:]+'/'+p_date[4:6]+'/'+p_date[0:4]
p_source = paste.p_source
p_encoding = paste._get_p_encoding()
p_language = paste._get_p_language()
p_size = paste.p_size
p_mime = paste.p_mime
p_lineinfo = paste.get_lines_info()
p_content = paste.get_p_content().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
p_duplicate_full_list = json.loads(paste._get_p_duplicate())
p_duplicate_list = []
p_simil_list = []
p_date_list = []
p_hashtype_list = []
for dup_list in p_duplicate_full_list:
if dup_list[0] == "tlsh":
dup_list[2] = int(((tlsh_to_percent - float(dup_list[2])) / tlsh_to_percent)*100)
dup_list[2] = int(dup_list[2])
p_duplicate_full_list.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[2], y[2]), reverse=True)
# Combine multiple duplicate paste name and format for display
new_dup_list = []
dup_list_removed = []
for dup_list_index in range(0, len(p_duplicate_full_list)):
if dup_list_index in dup_list_removed:
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(p_duplicate_full_list) if x[1] == p_duplicate_full_list[dup_list_index][1]]
hash_types = []
comp_vals = []
for i in indices:
hash_types = str(hash_types).replace("[","").replace("]","") if len(hash_types)==1 else str(hash_types)
comp_vals = str(comp_vals).replace("[","").replace("]","") if len(comp_vals)==1 else str(comp_vals)
if len(p_duplicate_full_list[dup_list_index]) > 3:
date_paste = str(int(p_duplicate_full_list[dup_list_index][3]))
date_paste = date_paste[0:4]+"-"+date_paste[4:6]+"-"+date_paste[6:8]
except ValueError:
date_paste = str(p_duplicate_full_list[dup_list_index][3])
date_paste = "No date available"
new_dup_list.append([hash_types.replace("'", ""), p_duplicate_full_list[dup_list_index][1], comp_vals, date_paste])
# Create the list to pass to the webpage
for dup_list in new_dup_list:
hash_type, path, simil_percent, date_paste = dup_list
if content_range != 0:
p_content = p_content[0:content_range]
return render_template("show_saved_paste.html", date=p_date, source=p_source, encoding=p_encoding, language=p_language, size=p_size, mime=p_mime, lineinfo=p_lineinfo, content=p_content, initsize=len(p_content), duplicate_list = p_duplicate_list, simil_list = p_simil_list, hashtype_list = p_hashtype_list, date_list=p_date_list)
# ============ ROUTES ============
@showsavedpastes.route("/showsavedpaste/") #completely shows the paste in a new tab
def showsavedpaste():
return showpaste(0)
def showpreviewpaste():
num = request.args.get('num', '')
return "|num|"+num+"|num|"+showpaste(max_preview_modal)
def getmoredata():
requested_path = request.args.get('paste', '')
paste = Paste.Paste(requested_path)
p_content = paste.get_p_content().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
to_return = p_content[max_preview_modal-1:]
return to_return
def showDiff():
s1 = request.args.get('s1', '')
s2 = request.args.get('s2', '')
p1 = Paste.Paste(s1)
p2 = Paste.Paste(s2)
maxLengthLine1 = p1.get_lines_info()[1]
maxLengthLine2 = p2.get_lines_info()[1]
if maxLengthLine1 > DiffMaxLineLength or maxLengthLine2 > DiffMaxLineLength:
return "Can't make the difference as the lines are too long."
htmlD = difflib.HtmlDiff()
lines1 = p1.get_p_content().decode('utf8', 'ignore').splitlines()
lines2 = p2.get_p_content().decode('utf8', 'ignore').splitlines()
the_html = htmlD.make_file(lines1, lines2)
return the_html
# ========= REGISTRATION =========