import redis, gzip import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * from textblob import TextBlob from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer from lib_redis_insert import clean, listdirectory from lib_jobs import * from pubsublogger import publisher import calendar as cal from datetime import date, timedelta from dateutil.rrule import rrule, DAILY from packages import * def redis_words_ranking(pipe, r_serv, nb, minlength, maxlength): """Looping function :param pipe: -- Redis pipe. :param nb: -- (int) Number of pastes proceeded by function :param minlength: -- (int) passed to the next function :param maxlength: -- (int) passed to the next function """ try: for n in xrange(0,nb): path = r_serv.lpop("filelist") if path != None: set_listof_pid(r_serv, path, sys.argv[0]) redis_zincr_words(pipe, path, minlength, maxlength) update_listof_pid(r_serv) r_serv.lpush("processed",path) publisher.debug(path) else: publisher.debug("Empty list") break except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as e: flush_list_of_pid(r_serv) publisher.debug("Pid list flushed") def redis_zincr_words(pipe, filename, minlength, maxlength): """Create news sorted set in redis. :param minlength: -- (int) Minimum words length inserted :param maxlength: -- (int) Maximum words length inserted :param filename: -- The absolute path to the file.gz to process. Representation of the set in redis: +------------+------------+-----------+ | Keys | Members | Scores | +============+============+===========+ | 20131001 | word1 | 142 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | ... | word2 | 120 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | 20131002 | ... | ... | +------------+------------+-----------+ This function store all words between minlength and maxlength in redis. Redis will count as well how much time each word will appear by day: The cardinality. """ tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer('[\&\~\:\;\,\.\(\)\{\}\|\[\]\\\\/\-/\=\'\"\%\$\?\@\+\#\_\^\<\>\!\*\n\r\t\s]+', gaps = True, discard_empty = True) with, 'rb') as F: blob = TextBlob(clean(, tokenizer = tokenizer) for word in blob.tokens: if (len(word) >= minlength) and (len(word) <= maxlength): pipe.zincrby(filename[-22:-12].replace('/',''), word, 1) if (len(word) >= maxlength):"word bigger than {0} detected at {1}".format(maxlength, filename)) pipe.execute() def classify_token_paste(r_serv, listname, choicedatastruct, nb, r_set): """Tokenizing on word category :param r_serv: -- Redis database connexion :param listname: -- (str) path to the file containing the list of path of category files :param choicedatastruct: -- (bool) Changing the index of datastructure :param nb: -- (int) Number of pastes proceeded by function Redis data structures cas be choose as follow: +---------------+------------+-----------+ | Keys | Members | Scores | +===============+============+===========+ | mails_categ | filename | 25000 | +---------------+------------+-----------+ | ... | filename2 | 2400 | +---------------+------------+-----------+ | web_categ | ... | ... | +---------------+------------+-----------+ Or +--------------+-------------+-----------+ | Keys | Members | Scores | +==============+=============+===========+ | filename | mails_categ | 100000 | +--------------+-------------+-----------+ | ... | web_categ | 24050 | +--------------+-------------+-----------+ | filename2 | ... | ... | +--------------+-------------+-----------+ This function tokenise on all special characters like: @^\|[{#~}]!:;$^= And insert data in redis if the token match the keywords in a list previously created. These lists of keywords can be list of everything you want but it's better to create "category" of keywords. """ try: for n in xrange(0,nb): filename = r_serv.lpop(r_set) if filename != None: tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer('[\&\~\:\;\,\.\(\)\{\}\|\[\]\\\\/\-/\=\'\"\%\$\?\@\+\#\_\^\<\>\!\*\n\r\t\s]+', gaps = True, discard_empty = True) set_listof_pid(r_serv, filename, sys.argv[0]) with open(listname, 'rb') as L: # for each "categ" listed in the file for num, fname in enumerate(L): # contain keywords by categ tmp_list = [] #for each keywords with open(fname[:-1], 'rb') as LS: for num, kword in enumerate(LS): tmp_list.append(kword[:-1]) # for each paste with, 'rb') as F: blob = TextBlob(clean(, tokenizer = tokenizer) # for each paste token for word in blob.tokens.lower(): if word in tmp_list: # choosing between two data structures. if choicedatastruct: r_serv.zincrby(filename, fname.split('/')[-1][:-1], 1) else: r_serv.zincrby(fname.split('/')[-1][:-1], filename, 1) update_listof_pid(r_serv) else: publisher.debug("Empty list") break except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as e: flush_list_of_pid(r_serv) publisher.debug("Pid list flushed") def dectect_longlines(r_serv, r_key, store = False, maxlength = 500): """Store longlines's linenumbers in redis :param r_serv: -- The redis connexion database :param r_key: -- (str) The key name in redis :param store: -- (bool) Store the line numbers or not. :param maxlength: -- The limit between "short lines" and "long lines" This function connect to a redis list of filename (pastes filename); Open the paste and check inside if there is some line with their length >= to maxlength. If yes, the paste is "tagged" as containing a longlines in another redis structures, and the linenumber (of the long lines) can be stored in addition if the argument store is at True. """ try: while True: #r_key_list (categ) filename = r_serv.lpop(r_key) if filename != None: set_listof_pid(r_serv, filename, sys.argv[0]) # for each pastes with, 'rb') as F: var = True for num, line in enumerate(F): if len(line) >= maxlength: #publisher.debug("Longline:{0}".format(line)) if var: r_serv.rpush("longlines", filename) var = False if store: r_serv.sadd(filename, num) else: publisher.debug("Line numbers of longlines not stored") update_listof_pid(r_serv) else: publisher.debug("Empty list") return False break except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as e: flush_list_of_pid(r_serv) publisher.debug("Pid list flushed") # NOT USED RIGHT NOW # def recovering_longlines(r_serv): """Get longlines with linenumbers """ try: for n in xrange(0,nb): filename = r_serv.lpop("longlines") if filename != None: # For each values in redis (longline's line number) for numline in r_serv.smembers(filename): with,'rb') as F: for num, line in enumerate(F): #When corresponding. if int(num) == int(numline): pass # TREATMENT else: publisher.debug("Empty list") break except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as e: flush_list_of_pid(r_serv) publisher.debug("Pid list flushed") def remove_longline_from_categ(r_serv, r_key, delete, store, maxlength): """Remove from a set, file with long lines. :param r_serv: -- The redis connexion database :param r_key: -- (str) The key name in redis :param store: -- (bool) Store the line numbers or not. :param delete: -- (bool) If true, delete the used key from redis. :param maxlength: -- The limit between "short lines" and "long lines" """"Number of file before:{0}".format(r_serv.zcard(r_key))) #Create a list of file to proceed (1) for filename in r_serv.zrange(r_key, 0, -1): r_serv.rpush(r_key+"_list", filename) #detecting longlines in pastes dectect_longlines(r_serv, r_key+"_list", store, maxlength) #remove false positive members while True: fp_filename = r_serv.lpop("longlines") if fp_filename == None: break else: # if wanted, delete in addition the set with linenumbers (created with store) if delete: r_serv.zrem(r_key, fp_filename) r_serv.delete(fp_filename) else: #remove the file with longline from the r_key zset. r_serv.zrem(r_key, fp_filename)"Longline file removed from {0}, {1} Files remaining".format(r_key, r_serv.zcard(r_key))) def detect_longline_from_list(r_serv, nb): try: for n in xrange(0,nb): if not dectect_longlines(r_serv, "filelist", True): break except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as e: flush_list_of_pid(r_serv) publisher.debug("Pid list flushed") def create_dirfile(r_serv, directory, overwrite): """Create a file of path. :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database :param directory: -- The folder where to launch the listing of the .gz files This function create a list in redis with inside the absolute path of all the pastes needed to be proceeded by function using parallel (like redis_words_ranking) """ if overwrite: r_serv.delete("filelist") for x in listdirectory(directory): r_serv.rpush("filelist",x)"The list was overwritten") else: if r_serv.llen("filelist") == 0: for x in listdirectory(directory): r_serv.rpush("filelist",x)"New list created") else: for x in listdirectory(directory): r_serv.rpush("filelist",x)"The list was updated with new elements") def redis_interbargraph_set(r_serv, year, month, overwrite): """Create a Redis sorted set. :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database :param year: -- (integer) The year to process :param month: -- (integer) The month to process :param overwrite: -- (bool) trigger the overwrite mode This function create inside redis the intersection of all days in a month two by two. Example: For a month of 31days it will create 30 sorted set between day and day+1 until the last day. The overwrite mode delete the intersets and re-create them. """ a = date(year, month, 01) b = date(year, month, cal.monthrange(year, month)[1]) if overwrite: r_serv.delete("InterSet") for dt in rrule(DAILY, dtstart = a, until = b - timedelta(1)): dayafter = dt+timedelta(1) r_serv.delete(str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))+str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) r_serv.zinterstore( str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))+str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d")), {str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")):1, str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d")):-1}) r_serv.zadd( "InterSet", 1, str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))+str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) else: for dt in rrule(DAILY, dtstart = a, until = b - timedelta(1)): dayafter = dt+timedelta(1) if r_serv.zcard(str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))+str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) == 0: r_serv.zinterstore( str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))+str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d")), {str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")):1, str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d")):-1}) r_serv.zadd( "InterSet", 1, str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))+str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d")))"%Y%m%d"))+str(dayafter.strftime("%Y%m%d"))+" Intersection Created") else: publisher.warning("Data already exist, operation aborted.") def word_bar_graph(r_serv, year, month, filename): """Create an histogram. :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database :param year: -- (integer) The year to process :param month: -- (integer) The month to process :param filename: -- The absolute path where to save the figure.png This function use matplotlib to create an histogram. The redis database need obviously to be populated first with functions: redis_words_ranking and redis_interbargraph_set. """ lw = [] adate = [] inter = [0] rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 10 a = date(year, month, 01) b = date(year, month, cal.monthrange(year,month)[1]) for dt in rrule(DAILY, dtstart = a, until = b): lw.append(r_serv.zcard(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) adate.append(dt.strftime("%d")) for x in r_serv.zrange("InterSet", 0, 31): inter.append(r_serv.zcard(x)) n_groups = len(lw) card_words = tuple(lw) card_interword = tuple(inter) index = np.arange(n_groups) bar_width = 0.5 opacity = 0.6 words =, card_words, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='g', label='Words/day') lwords = - 0.5, card_interword, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='r', label='Intersection') plt.plot(tuple(inter), 'b--') plt.xlabel(str(year)+'/'+str(month)+' Days') plt.ylabel('Words') plt.title('Words Cardinality & Intersection Histogram') plt.xticks(index + bar_width/2 , tuple(adate)) plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename+".png", dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='b', orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format="png", transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1, frameon=True)".png"+" saved!") def create_data_words_curve(r_serv, r_serv2, year, month, filename): """Create a Redis hashes. :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database (read) :param r_serv2: -- connexion to redis database (write) :param year: -- (integer) The year to process :param month: -- (integer) The month to process :param filename: -- the path to the file which contain a list of words. The hashes of redis is created as follow: +------------+------------+-----------+ | Keys | Field | Values | +============+============+===========+ | word1 | 20131001 | 150 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | ... | 20131002 | 145 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | word2 | ... | ... | +------------+------------+-----------+ The filename need to be a list of words separated by a carriage return with an empty line at the end. This function create datas which is used by the function create_curve_with_word_file which create a csv file. """ stop = stopwords.words('english') a = date(year, month, 01) b = date(year, month, cal.monthrange(year,month)[1]) with open(filename, 'rb') as F: for line in F: for dt in rrule(DAILY, dtstart = a, until = b): if r_serv.zscore(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"), line[:-1]) is not None: #tester si ca existe deja "en option" et ajouter un WARNING log r_serv2.hmset(line[:-1], {str(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")):r_serv.zscore(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"), line[:-1])}) else: pass def create_curve_with_word_file(r_serv, csvfilename, feederfilename, year, month): """Create a csv file used with dygraph. :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database :param csvfilename: -- the path to the .csv file created :param feederfilename: -- the path to the file which contain a list of words. :param year: -- (integer) The year to process :param month: -- (integer) The month to process This function create a .csv file using datas in redis. It's checking if the words contained in feederfilename and their respectives values by days exists. If these values are missing (Word not present during a day) it's will automatically put a 0 to keep the timeline of the curve correct. """ a = date(year, month, 01) b = date(year, month, cal.monthrange(year,month)[1]) days = {} words = [] with open(feederfilename, 'rb') as F: for word in F: # words of the files words.append(word[:-1]) # list of words (sorted as in the file) for dt in rrule(DAILY, dtstart = a, until = b): # for each days mot = [] mot1 = [] mot2 = [] days[dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")] = '' for word in sorted(words): # from the 1srt day to the last of the list if r_serv.hexists(word, dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")): # if the word have a value for the day mot1.append(str(word)) mot2.append(r_serv.hget(word, dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) mot = zip(mot1, mot2) days[dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")] = mot else: mot1.append(str(word)) mot2.append(0) mot = zip(mot1, mot2) days[dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")] = mot with open(csvfilename+".csv", 'wb') as F: F.write("Date," + ",".join(sorted(words)) + '\n') for x, s in days.items(): val = [] for y in s: val.append(y[1]) F.write(x + ',' + str(val) + '\n') with open(csvfilename+".csv", 'rb') as F: h = h = h.replace("[","") h = h.replace("]","") h = h.replace('\'',"") with open(csvfilename+".csv", 'wb') as F: F.write(h)