#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* import os import re import sys import magic import requests import zipfile from flask import url_for from io import BytesIO from pymisp import MISPObject sys.path.append(os.environ['AIL_BIN']) ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader from lib.objects.abstract_daterange_object import AbstractDaterangeObject, AbstractDaterangeObjects from packages import Date sys.path.append('../../configs/keys') try: from virusTotalKEYS import vt_key if vt_key != '': VT_TOKEN = vt_key VT_ENABLED = True # print('VT submission is enabled') else: VT_ENABLED = False # print('VT submission is disabled') except: VT_TOKEN = None VT_ENABLED = False # print('VT submission is disabled') config_loader = ConfigLoader() r_objects = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Objects") HASH_DIR = config_loader.get_config_str('Directories', 'hash') baseurl = config_loader.get_config_str("Notifications", "ail_domain") config_loader = None ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # TODO: COMPLETE CLASS class Decoded(AbstractDaterangeObject): """ AIL Decoded Object. (strings) """ def __init__(self, id): super(Decoded, self).__init__('decoded', id) # def get_ail_2_ail_payload(self): # payload = {'raw': self.get_gzip_content(b64=True), # 'compress': 'gzip'} # return payload # # WARNING: UNCLEAN DELETE /!\ TEST ONLY /!\ def delete(self): # # TODO: pass def get_link(self, flask_context=False): if flask_context: url = url_for('correlation.show_correlation', type="decoded", id=self.id) else: url = f'{baseurl}/correlation/show?type={self.type}&id={self.id}' return url def get_svg_icon(self, mimetype=None): if not mimetype: mimetype = self.get_mimetype() file_type = mimetype.split('/')[0] if file_type == 'application': icon = '\uf15b' elif file_type == 'audio': icon = '\uf1c7' elif file_type == 'image': icon = '\uf1c5' elif file_type == 'text': icon = '\uf15c' else: icon = '\uf249' return {'style': 'fas', 'icon': icon, 'color': '#88CCEE', 'radius': 5} ''' Return the estimated type of a given decoded item. :param sha1_string: sha1_string ''' def get_mimetype(self): return r_objects.hget(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'mime') def set_mimetype(self, mimetype): return r_objects.hset(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'mime', mimetype) def get_size(self): return r_objects.hget(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'size') def set_size(self, size): return r_objects.hset(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'size', int(size)) def get_rel_path(self, mimetype=None): if not mimetype: mimetype = self.get_mimetype() if not mimetype: self.logger.warning(f'Decoded {self.id}: Empty mimetype') return None return os.path.join(HASH_DIR, mimetype, self.id[0:2], self.id) def get_filepath(self, mimetype=None): rel_path = self.get_rel_path(mimetype=mimetype) if not rel_path: return None else: return os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], rel_path) def get_content(self, mimetype=None, r_type='str'): filepath = self.get_filepath(mimetype=mimetype) if not filepath: if r_type == 'str': return '' else: return b'' if r_type == 'str': with open(filepath, 'r') as f: content = f.read() return content elif r_type == 'bytes': with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: content = f.read() return content elif r_type == 'bytesio': with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: content = BytesIO(f.read()) return content def get_zip_content(self): # mimetype = self.get_estimated_type() zip_content = BytesIO() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_content, "w") as zf: # TODO: Fix password # zf.setpassword(b"infected") zf.writestr(self.id, self.get_content(r_type='bytesio').getvalue()) zip_content.seek(0) return zip_content def get_misp_object(self): obj_attrs = [] obj = MISPObject('file') first_seen = self.get_first_seen() last_seen = self.get_last_seen() if first_seen: obj.first_seen = first_seen if last_seen: obj.last_seen = last_seen if not first_seen or not last_seen: self.logger.warning( f'Export error, None seen {self.type}:{self.subtype}:{self.id}, first={first_seen}, last={last_seen}') obj_attrs.append(obj.add_attribute('sha1', value=self.id)) obj_attrs.append(obj.add_attribute('mimetype', value=self.get_mimetype())) obj_attrs.append(obj.add_attribute('malware-sample', value=self.id, data=self.get_content(r_type='bytes'))) for obj_attr in obj_attrs: for tag in self.get_tags(): obj_attr.add_tag(tag) return obj ############################################################################ ############################################################################ ############################################################################ def get_decoders(self): return ['base64', 'binary', 'hexadecimal'] def get_meta(self, options=set()): meta = self._get_meta(options=options) meta['id'] = self.id if 'mimetype' in options: meta['mimetype'] = self.get_mimetype() if 'icon' in options: if 'mimetype' in meta: mimetype = meta['mimetype'] else: mimetype = None meta['icon'] = self.get_svg_icon(mimetype=mimetype) if 'size' in options: meta['size'] = self.get_size() if 'tags' in options: meta['tags'] = self.get_tags() if 'vt' in options: meta['vt'] = self.get_meta_vt() return meta def get_meta_vt(self): link = r_objects.hget(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'vt_link') report = r_objects.hget(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'vt_report') if link or report: return {'link': link, 'report': report} else: return {} # TODO def guess_mimetype(self, bytes_content): # if not bytes_content: # bytes_content = self.get_content() return magic.from_buffer(bytes_content, mime=True) # avoid counting the same hash multiple time on the same item # except if different encoding def is_seen_this_day(self, date): return bool(self.get_nb_seen_by_date(Date.get_today_date_str())) def save_file(self, b_content, mimetype): # TODO TEST ME filepath = self.get_filepath(mimetype=mimetype) if os.path.isfile(filepath): # print('File already exist') return False # create dir dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(b_content) # create meta self._add_create() self.set_mimetype(mimetype) self.set_size(os.path.getsize(filepath)) return True def add(self, date, obj, algo_name, mimetype=None): self._add(date, obj) if not mimetype: mimetype = self.get_mimetype() is_new_decoded = r_objects.sadd(f'decoded:algo:{algo_name}:{date}', self.id) # filter by algo + sparkline # uniq decoded in this algo today if int(is_new_decoded): r_objects.zincrby(f'decoded:algos:{date}', 1, algo_name) # pie chart # mimetype -> decodeds is_new_decoded = r_objects.sadd(f'decoded:mime:{mimetype}:{date}', self.id) # filter by mimetype # uniq decoded in this mimetype today if int(is_new_decoded): r_objects.zincrby(f'decoded:mime:{date}', 1, mimetype) # TDO ADD OPTION TO CALC IF NOT EXISTS r_objects.sadd('decoded:mimetypes', mimetype) # algo + mimetype -> Decodeds # -> sinter with r_objects.sunion(f'decoded:algo:{algo_name}:{date}') # # TODO: ADD items # def create(self, content, date, mimetype=None): # if not mimetype: # mimetype = self.guess_mimetype(content) # self.save_file(content, mimetype) # # # update_decoded_daterange(sha1_string, date_from) # if date_from != date_to and date_to: # update_decoded_daterange(sha1_string, date_to) ####################################################################################### ####################################################################################### def is_vt_enabled(self): return VT_ENABLED def set_vt_report(self, report): r_objects.hset(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'vt_report', report) def set_meta_vt(self, link, report): r_objects.hset(f'meta:{self.type}:{self.id}', 'vt_link', link) self.set_vt_report(report) def refresh_vt_report(self): params = {'apikey': VT_TOKEN, 'resource': self.id} response = requests.get('https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/report', params=params) if response.status_code == 200: json_response = response.json() response_code = json_response['response_code'] # report exist if response_code == 1: total = json_response['total'] detection = json_response['positives'] report = f'Detection {detection}/{total}' # no report found elif response_code == 0: report = 'No report found' # file in queue elif response_code == -2: report = 'In Queue - Refresh' else: report = 'Error - Unknown VT response' self.set_vt_report(report) print(json_response) print(response_code) print(report) return report elif response.status_code == 403: return 'Virustotal key is incorrect (e.g. for public API not for virustotal intelligence), authentication failed' elif response.status_code == 204: return 'Rate Limited' def send_to_vt(self): files = {'file': (self.id, self.get_content())} response = requests.post('https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/scan', files=files, params= {'apikey': VT_TOKEN}) json_response = response.json() link = json_response['permalink'].split('analysis')[0] + 'analysis/' self.set_meta_vt(link, 'Please Refresh') ############################################################################ class Decodeds(AbstractDaterangeObjects): """ Barcodes Objects """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('decoded', Decoded) def get_name(self): return 'Decodeds' def get_icon(self): return {'fa': 'fas', 'icon': 'lock-open'} def get_link(self, flask_context=False): if flask_context: url = url_for('objects_decoded.decodeds_dashboard') else: url = f'{baseurl}/objects/decodeds' return url def sanitize_id_to_search(self, name_to_search): return name_to_search ############################################################################ def is_vt_enabled(): return VT_ENABLED def get_all_decodeds(): return r_objects.smembers(f'decoded:all') def get_algos(): return ['base64', 'binary', 'hexadecimal'] def get_all_mimetypes(): return r_objects.smembers('decoded:mimetypes') def get_nb_decodeds_by_date(date): return r_objects.zcard(f'decoded:date:{date}') def get_decodeds_by_date(date): return r_objects.zrange(f'decoded:date:{date}', 0, -1) def get_algo_decodeds_by_date(date, algo): return r_objects.smembers(f'decoded:algo:{algo}:{date}') def get_mimetype_decodeds_by_date(date, mimetype): return r_objects.smembers(f'decoded:mime:{mimetype}:{date}') def get_algo_mimetype_decodeds_by_date(date, algo, mimetype): return r_objects.sinter(f'decoded:algo:{algo}:{date}', f'decoded:mime:{mimetype}:{date}') def get_decodeds_by_daterange(date_from, date_to, algo=None, mimetype=None): decodeds = set() if not algo and not mimetype: for date in Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to): decodeds = decodeds | set(get_decodeds_by_date(date)) elif algo and not mimetype: for date in Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to): decodeds = decodeds | get_algo_decodeds_by_date(date, algo) elif mimetype and not algo: for date in Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to): decodeds = decodeds | get_mimetype_decodeds_by_date(date, mimetype) elif algo and mimetype: for date in Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to): decodeds = decodeds | get_algo_mimetype_decodeds_by_date(date, algo, mimetype) return decodeds def sanitise_algo(algo): if algo in get_algos(): return algo else: return None def sanitise_mimetype(mimetype): if mimetype: if r_objects.sismember('decoded:mimetypes', mimetype): return mimetype else: return None def sanitize_decoded_name_to_search(name_to_search): # TODO FILTER NAME return name_to_search def search_decodeds_by_name(name_to_search, r_pos=False): decodeds = {} # for subtype in subtypes: r_name = sanitize_decoded_name_to_search(name_to_search) if not name_to_search or isinstance(r_name, dict): return decodeds r_name = re.compile(r_name) for decoded_name in get_all_decodeds(): res = re.search(r_name, decoded_name) if res: decodeds[decoded_name] = {} if r_pos: decodeds[decoded_name]['hl-start'] = res.start() decodeds[decoded_name]['hl-end'] = res.end() return decodeds ############################################################################ def get_decodeds_dir(): decodeds_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], HASH_DIR) if not decodeds_dir.endswith("/"): decodeds_dir = f"{decodeds_dir}/" return decodeds_dir # Generator def get_nb_decodeds_objects(filters={}): nb = 0 if 'mimetypes' in filters: mimetypes = filters['mimetypes'] else: mimetypes = get_all_mimetypes() d_dir = get_decodeds_dir() for mimetype in mimetypes: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(d_dir, mimetype)): nb += len(files) return nb def get_all_decodeds_objects(filters={}): if 'mimetypes' in filters: # TODO sanityze mimetype mimetypes = filters['mimetypes'] else: mimetypes = get_all_mimetypes() mimetypes = sorted(mimetypes) if filters.get('start'): if filters['start']['type'] == 'decoded': _, start_id = filters['start'].split(':', 1) decoded = Decoded(start_id) # remove sources start_mimetype = decoded.get_mimetype() i = 0 while start_mimetype and len(mimetypes) > i: if mimetypes[i] == start_mimetype: mimetypes = mimetypes[i:] start_mimetype = None i += 1 else: start_id = None else: start_id = None d_dir = get_decodeds_dir() for mimetype in mimetypes: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(d_dir, mimetype)): if start_id: i = 0 while start_id and len(files) > i: if files[i] == start_id: files = files[i:] start_id = None i += 1 if i >= len(files): files = [] for file in files: yield Decoded(file) ############################################################################ def sanityze_decoder_names(decoder_name): if decoder_name not in get_algos(): return None else: return decoder_name def sanityze_mimetype(mimetype): if mimetype == 'All types': return None elif not r_objects.sismember(f'decoded:mimetypes', mimetype): return None else: return mimetype # TODO def pie_chart_mimetype_json(date_from, date_to, mimetype, decoder_name): if mimetype: all_mimetypes = [mimetype] else: all_mimetypes = get_all_mimetypes() date_range = Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to) for date in date_range: for mimet in all_mimetypes: pass # TODO def pie_chart_decoder_json(date_from, date_to, mimetype): all_algos = get_algos() date_range = Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to) if not date_range: date_range.append(Date.get_today_date_str()) nb_algos = {} for date in date_range: for algo_name in all_algos: # if not mimetype: nb = r_objects.zscore(f'decoded:algos:{date}', algo_name) # TODO mimetype necoding per day # else: # nb = r_metadata.zscore(f'{algo_name}_type:{mimetype}', date) if nb is None: nb = 0 else: nb = int(nb) nb_algos[algo_name] = nb_algos.get(algo_name, 0) + nb pie_chart = [] for algo_name in all_algos: pie_chart.append({'name': algo_name, 'value': nb_algos[algo_name]}) return pie_chart # TODO FILTER BY ALGO def pie_chart_mimetype_json(date_from, date_to, algo): date_range = Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to) if not date_range: date_range.append(Date.get_today_date_str()) mimetypes = {} if len(date_range) == 1: mimes = r_objects.zrange(f'decoded:mime:{date_range[0]}', 0, -1, withscores=True) for t_mime in mimes: mime, nb = t_mime mimetypes[mime] = int(nb) else: mimetypes = {} for date in date_range: mimes = r_objects.zrange(f'decoded:mime:{date}', 0, -1, withscores=True) for t_mime in mimes: mime, nb = t_mime mimetypes[mime] = mimetypes.get(mime, 0) + int(nb) top5_mimes = sorted(mimetypes, key=mimetypes.get, reverse=True)[:5] pie_chart = [] for mime in top5_mimes: pie_chart.append({'name': mime, 'value': mimetypes[mime]}) return pie_chart def barchart_range_json(date_from, date_to, mimetype=None): date_range = Date.substract_date(date_from, date_to) if not date_range: date_range.append(Date.get_today_date_str()) barchart = [] if mimetype: for date in date_range: range_day = {'date': f'{date[0:4]}-{date[4:6]}-{date[6:8]}'} nb_day = r_objects.scard(f'decoded:mime:{mimetype}:{date}') range_day[mimetype] = nb_day barchart.append(range_day) else: # algo by mimetype, date = mimetype if len(date_range) == 1: mimes = r_objects.zrange(f'decoded:mime:{date_range[0]}', 0, -1, withscores=True) # TODO # UNION # f'decoded:algo:{algo_name}:{date}' # f'decoded:mime:{mimetype}:{date}' for t_mime in mimes: mime, nb = t_mime range_day = {'date': mime, 'mimetype': nb} barchart.append(range_day) # mimetypes by date else: mimetypes = set() for date in date_range: range_day = {'date': f'{date[0:4]}-{date[4:6]}-{date[6:8]}'} mimes = r_objects.zrange(f'decoded:mime:{date}', 0, -1, withscores=True) for t_mime in mimes: mime, nb = t_mime mimetypes.add(mime) range_day[mime] = int(nb) barchart.append(range_day) if not mimetypes: mimetypes.add('No Data') for row in barchart: for mime in mimetypes: if mime not in row: row[mime] = 0 return barchart def graphline_json(decoded_id): decoded = Decoded(decoded_id) graphline = [] if decoded.exists(): nb_day = 30 for date in Date.get_previous_date_list(nb_day): graphline.append({'date': f'{date[0:4]}-{date[4:6]}-{date[6:8]}', 'value': decoded.get_nb_seen_by_date(date)}) return graphline def api_pie_chart_decoder_json(date_from, date_to, mimetype): mimetype = sanityze_mimetype(mimetype) date = Date.sanitise_date_range(date_from, date_to) return pie_chart_decoder_json(date['date_from'], date['date_to'], mimetype) def api_pie_chart_mimetype_json(date_from, date_to, algo): algo = sanitise_algo(algo) date = Date.sanitise_date_range(date_from, date_to) return pie_chart_mimetype_json(date['date_from'], date['date_to'], algo) def api_barchart_range_json(date_from, date_to, mimetype): date = Date.sanitise_date_range(date_from, date_to) if mimetype: mimetype = sanityze_mimetype(mimetype) return barchart_range_json(date['date_from'], date['date_to'], mimetype=mimetype) def _delete_old_json_descriptor(): decodeds = [] hash_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], HASH_DIR) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(hash_dir): for file in files: if file.endswith('.json'): decoded_path = f'{root}/{file}' os.remove(decoded_path) return decodeds # TODO def get_all_decodeds_files(): decodeds = [] hash_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], HASH_DIR) if not hash_dir.endswith("/"): hash_dir = f"{hash_dir}/" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(hash_dir): for file in files: # decoded_path = f'{root}{file}' decodeds.append(file) return decodeds if __name__ == '__main__': # name_to_search = '4d36' # print(search_decodeds_by_name(name_to_search)) # filters = {'mimetypes': ['text/html']} filters = {'start': ':1a005f82a4ae0940205c8fd81fd14838845696be'} # filters = {} gen = get_all_decodeds_objects(filters=filters) for f in gen: print(f)