#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* import time from packages import Paste from pubsublogger import publisher from Helper import Process import re if __name__ == "__main__": publisher.port = 6380 publisher.channel = "Script" config_section = "Credential" p = Process(config_section) publisher.info("Find credentials") critical = 8 regex_web = "((?:https?:\/\/)[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)" regex_cred = "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}:[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+" while True: message = p.get_from_set() if message is None: publisher.debug("Script Credential is Idling 10s") print('Sleeping') time.sleep(10) continue filepath, count = message.split() if count < 5: # Less than 5 matches from the top password list, false positive. continue paste = Paste.Paste(filepath) content = paste.get_p_content() creds = set(re.findall(regex_cred, content)) if len(creds) == 0: continue sites = set(re.findall(regex_web, content)) message = 'Checked {} credentials found.'.format(len(creds)) if sites: message += ' Related websites: {}'.format(', '.join(sites)) to_print = 'Credential;{};{};{};{}'.format(paste.p_source, paste.p_date, paste.p_name, message) print('\n '.join(creds)) if len(creds) > critical: print("========> Found more than 10 credentials in this file : {}".format(filepath)) publisher.warning(to_print) #Send to duplicate p.populate_set_out(filepath) if sites: print("=======> Probably on : {}".format(', '.join(sites))) else: publisher.info(to_print)