#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* import os import sys sys.path.append(os.environ['AIL_BIN']) ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from lib import ConfigLoader config_loader = ConfigLoader.ConfigLoader() r_obj = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Objects") r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache") config_loader = None # TODO HOW TO HANDLE SCREENSHOTS ???? # SCREENSHOT ID -> MEMBER OF ITEMS -> DATES # META SCREENSHOT -> NB DOMAINS + FIRST/LAST SEEN ??? # TAG /!\ DIFF TAG CREDENTIAL ITEM != DOMAIN:CREDENTIAL # -> IN OBJECT TYPE ????? # OR SPECIAL FIRST SEEN / LAST SEEN IN TAG LIB # DOMAIN -> subtype = domain type # TAG -> type = "TAG" # TAG -> subtype = "OBJ:"tag def load_obj_date_first_last(): # LOAD FIRST DATE dates = r_obj.hgetall(f'date:first') for str_row in dates: obj_type, subtype = str_row.split(':', 1) date = dates[str_row] _set_obj_date_first(date, obj_type, subtype=subtype) # LOAD LAST DATE dates = r_obj.hgetall(f'date:last') for str_row in dates: obj_type, subtype = str_row.split(':', 1) date = dates[str_row] _set_obj_date_last(date, obj_type, subtype=subtype) # MAKE IT WORK WITH TAGS def get_obj_date_first(obj_type, subtype='', r_int=False): first = r_cache.hget(f'date:first', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}') if not first: first = r_obj.hget(f'date:first', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}') if r_int: if not first: return 0 else: return int(first) return first def get_obj_date_last(obj_type, subtype='', r_int=False): last = r_cache.hget(f'date:last', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}') if not last: last = r_obj.hget(f'date:last', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}') if r_int: if not last: return 99999999 else: return int(last) return last # FIRST def _set_obj_date_first(date, obj_type, subtype=''): r_cache.hset(f'date:first', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}', date) def set_obj_date_first(date, obj_type, subtype=''): _set_obj_date_first(date, obj_type, subtype=subtype) r_obj.hset(f'date:first', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}', date) # LAST def _set_obj_date_last(date, obj_type, subtype=''): r_cache.hset(f'date:last', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}', date) def set_obj_date_last(date, obj_type, subtype=''): _set_obj_date_last(date, obj_type, subtype=subtype) r_obj.hset(f'date:last', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}', date) def update_obj_date(date, obj_type, subtype=''): date = int(date) first = get_obj_date_first(obj_type, subtype=subtype, r_int=True) last = get_obj_date_last(obj_type, subtype=subtype, r_int=True) if date < first: set_obj_date_first(date, obj_type, subtype=subtype) if date > last: set_obj_date_last(date, obj_type, subtype=subtype)