bloomfilters = Blooms
dicofilters = Dicos
pastes = PASTES
hash = HASHS
crawled = crawled
screenshot = CRAWLED_SCREENSHOT/screenshot
images = IMAGES
favicons = FAVICONS

wordtrending_csv = var/www/static/csv/wordstrendingdata
wordsfile = files/wordfile

protocolstrending_csv = var/www/static/csv/protocolstrendingdata
protocolsfile = files/protocolsfile

tldstrending_csv = var/www/static/csv/tldstrendingdata
tldsfile = faup/src/data/mozilla.tlds

domainstrending_csv = var/www/static/csv/domainstrendingdata

sentiment_lexicon_file = sentiment/vader_lexicon.zip/vader_lexicon/vader_lexicon.txt

dir = /home/pystemon/pystemon/
redis_host = localhost
redis_port = 6379
redis_db = 10

##### Logs ######
# activate syslog
ail_logs_syslog = False
ail_logs_syslog_server =
# default=514
ail_logs_syslog_port =
# ['auth', 'authpriv', 'cron', 'daemon', 'ftp', 'kern', 'lpr', 'mail', 'news', 'syslog', 'user', 'uucp', 'local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7']
ail_logs_syslog_facility =
ail_logs_syslog_level =

##### Notifications ######
ail_domain = https://localhost:7000
sender = sender@example.com
sender_host = smtp.example.com
sender_port = 1337
sender_pw = None
# Only needed for SMTP over SSL if the mail server don't support TLS (used by default). use this option to validate the server certificate.
cert_required = False
# Only needed for SMTP over SSL if you want to validate your self signed certificate for SSL
ca_file =
# Only needed when the credentials for email server needs a username instead of an email address
#sender_user = sender
sender_user =

# optional for using with authenticated SMTP over SSL
# sender_pw = securepassword

##### Flask #####
#Proxying requests to the app
baseUrl = /
#Host to bind to
host =
#Flask server port
port = 7000
#Number of logs to display in the dashboard
max_dashboard_logs = 15
#Maximum number of character to display in the toolip
max_preview_char = 250
#Maximum number of character to display in the modal
max_preview_modal = 800
#Default number of header to display in trending graphs
default_display = 10
#Number of minutes displayed for the number of processed pastes.
minute_processed_paste = 10
#Maximum line length authorized to make a diff between duplicates
DiffMaxLineLength = 10000

##### Users #####
force_2fa = False
2fa_name = AIL

server_host =
server_port = 4443
local_addr = 

#### Modules ####
max_execution_time = 60

#Minimum number of match between the paste and the category file

#Minimum length that a credential must have to be considered as such
#Will be pushed as alert if the number of credentials is greater to that number
#Will be considered as false positive if less that X matches from the top password list

max_execution_time_base64 = 60
max_execution_time_binary = 60
max_execution_time_hexadecimal = 60

save_i2p = False
max_execution_time = 180

max_execution_time = 60

#Number of month to look back
maximum_month_range = 3
#The value where two pastes are considerate duplicate for ssdeep.
threshold_duplicate_ssdeep = 50
#The value where two pastes are considerate duplicate for tlsh.
threshold_duplicate_tlsh = 52
#Minimum size of the paste considered
min_paste_size = 0.3

#Threshold to deduce if a module is stuck or not, in seconds.

#Define the configuration of the mixer, possible value: 1, 2 or 3
operation_mode = 3
#Define the time that a paste will be considerate duplicate. in seconds (1day = 86400)
ttl_duplicate = 86400
default_unnamed_feed_name = unnamed_feeder

max_execution_time = 120

max_execution_time = 60

##### Redis #####
host = localhost
port = 6379
db = 0

host = localhost
port = 6380
db = 0

host = localhost
port = 6380
db = 1

host = localhost
port = 6381
db = 0

host = localhost
port = 6381
db = 2

host = localhost
port = 6381
db = 1

##### KVROCKS #####

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_dups

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_correls

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_crawlers

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_langs

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_objs

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_rels

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_tls

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_stats

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_tags

host = localhost
port = 6383
password = ail_trackers

##### - #####

cc_critical = DE

#cc = DE
#cc_tld = r'\.de$'
cc =
cc_tld =
dns =

dns =

# Indexer configuration
type = whoosh
path = indexdir
register = indexdir/all_index.txt
#size in Mb
index_max_size = 2000



# For multiple feed, add them with "," without space
# e.g.: tcp://,tcp://
# address = tcp://,tcp://crf.circl.lu:5556
address = tcp://
channel = 102
bind = tcp://

host = localhost
port = 6381
db = 0

activate_crawler = False
default_depth_limit = 1
default_har = True
default_screenshot = True
onion_proxy = onion.foundation
ail_url_to_push_onion_discovery =
ail_key_to_push_onion_discovery =

libretranslate = 

# list of comma-separated CIDR that you wish to be alerted for. e.g:
#networks =,,
networks =

# 1 Mb Max text paste size for text submission
TEXT_MAX_SIZE = 1000000
# 1 Gb Max file size for file submission
FILE_MAX_SIZE = 1000000000
# Managed file extenions for file submission, comma separated
# TODO add zip, gz and tar.gz
FILE_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = txt,sh,pdf,html,json