#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* """ The PgpDump Module ====================== This module Extract ID from PGP Blocks. """ ################################## # Import External packages ################################## import os import sys import subprocess from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from uuid import uuid4 sys.path.append(os.environ['AIL_BIN']) ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from modules.abstract_module import AbstractModule from lib.objects import Pgps from lib.objects.Items import Item class PgpDump(AbstractModule): """ Cve module for AIL framework """ def __init__(self): super(PgpDump, self).__init__() # check/create pgpdump queue directory (used for huge pgp blocks) self.pgpdump_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], 'temp', 'pgpdump') if not os.path.isdir(self.pgpdump_dir): os.makedirs(self.pgpdump_dir) # Regex self.reg_user_id = r'User ID - .+' self.reg_key_id = r'Key ID - .+' self.reg_pgp_public_blocs = r'-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----[\s\S]+?-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----' self.reg_pgp_private_blocs = r'-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----[\s\S]+?-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----' self.reg_pgp_signature = r'-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----[\s\S]+?-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----' self.reg_pgp_message = r'-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----[\s\S]+?-----END PGP MESSAGE-----' self.reg_tool_version = r'\bVersion:.*\n' self.reg_block_comment = r'\bComment:.*\n' # Waiting time in seconds between to message processed self.pending_seconds = 1 # init self.item_id = None self.keys = set() self.private_keys = set() self.names = set() self.mails = set() self.symmetrically_encrypted = False # Send module state to logs self.redis_logger.info(f'Module {self.module_name} initialized') def remove_html(self, pgp_block): try: if bool(BeautifulSoup(pgp_block, "html.parser").find()): soup = BeautifulSoup(pgp_block, 'html.parser') # kill all script and style elements for script in soup(["script", "style"]): script.extract() # remove # get text text = soup.get_text() return text else: return pgp_block except TypeError: return pgp_block def sanitize_pgp_block(self, pgp_block): # Debug print(pgp_block) print() pgp_block = self.remove_html(pgp_block) # Remove Version versions = self.regex_findall(self.reg_tool_version, self.item_id, pgp_block) for version in versions: pgp_block = pgp_block.replace(version, '') # Remove Comment comments = self.regex_findall(self.reg_block_comment, self.item_id, pgp_block) for comment in comments: pgp_block = pgp_block.replace(comment, '') # Remove Empty Lines pgp_block = [s for s in pgp_block.splitlines() if (s and not s.isspace())] pgp_block[0] = pgp_block[0] + '\n' pgp_block[-1] = '\n' + pgp_block[-1] pgp_block = '\n'.join(pgp_block) # Debug print(pgp_block) print('-------------------------------------------------------------------------') return pgp_block def get_pgpdump_from_file(self, pgp_block): print('Save PGP Block in File') file_uuid = str(uuid4()) filepath = os.path.join(self.pgpdump_dir, file_uuid) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: f.write(pgp_block) process1 = subprocess.Popen(['pgpdump', filepath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process1.communicate()[0].decode() os.remove(filepath) return output def get_pgpdump_from_terminal(self, pgp_block): process1 = subprocess.Popen(['echo', '-e', pgp_block], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process2 = subprocess.Popen(['pgpdump'], stdin=process1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process1.stdout.close() output = process2.communicate()[0] try: output = output.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: self.redis_logger.error(f'Error PgpDump UnicodeDecodeError: {self.item_id}') output = '' return output def get_pgpdump(self, pgp_block): if len(pgp_block) > 131072: return self.get_pgpdump_from_file(pgp_block) else: return self.get_pgpdump_from_terminal(pgp_block) def extract_id_from_pgpdump_output(self, pgpdump_output): if 'Secret Key Packet' in pgpdump_output: private = True else: private = False users = self.regex_findall(self.reg_user_id, self.item_id, pgpdump_output) for user in users: # avoid key injection in user_id: pgpdump_output.replace(user, '', 1) user = user.replace('User ID - ', '', 1) if ' <' in user: name, mail = user.rsplit(' <', 1) mail = mail[:-1] self.names.add(name) self.mails.add(mail) else: name = user self.names.add(name) keys = self.regex_findall(self.reg_key_id, self.item_id, pgpdump_output) for key_id in keys: key_id = key_id.replace('Key ID - ', '', 1) if key_id != '0x0000000000000000': self.keys.add(key_id) if private: self.private_keys.add(key_id) else: self.symmetrically_encrypted = True print('symmetrically encrypted') def compute(self, message): item = Item(message) self.item_id = item.get_id() content = item.get_content() pgp_blocks = [] # Public Block for pgp_block in self.regex_findall(self.reg_pgp_public_blocs, self.item_id, content): # content = content.replace(pgp_block, '') pgp_block = self.sanitize_pgp_block(pgp_block) pgp_blocks.append(pgp_block) # Private Block for pgp_block in self.regex_findall(self.reg_pgp_private_blocs, self.item_id, content): # content = content.replace(pgp_block, '') pgp_block = self.sanitize_pgp_block(pgp_block) pgp_blocks.append(pgp_block) # Signature for pgp_block in self.regex_findall(self.reg_pgp_signature, self.item_id, content): # content = content.replace(pgp_block, '') pgp_block = self.sanitize_pgp_block(pgp_block) pgp_blocks.append(pgp_block) # Message for pgp_block in self.regex_findall(self.reg_pgp_message, self.item_id, content): pgp_block = self.sanitize_pgp_block(pgp_block) pgp_blocks.append(pgp_block) self.symmetrically_encrypted = False self.keys = set() self.private_keys = set() self.names = set() self.mails = set() for pgp_block in pgp_blocks: pgpdump_output = self.get_pgpdump(pgp_block) self.extract_id_from_pgpdump_output(pgpdump_output) if self.keys or self.names or self.mails: print(self.item_id) date = item.get_date() for key in self.keys: pgp = Pgps.Pgp(key, 'key') pgp.add(date, self.item_id) print(f' key: {key}') for name in self.names: pgp = Pgps.Pgp(name, 'name') pgp.add(date, self.item_id) print(f' name: {name}') for mail in self.mails: pgp = Pgps.Pgp(mail, 'mail') pgp.add(date, self.item_id) print(f' mail: {mail}') # Keys extracted from PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK for key in self.private_keys: pgp = Pgps.Pgp(key, 'key') pgp.add_tag('infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-private-key"') print(f' private key: {key}') if self.symmetrically_encrypted: msg = f'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-symmetric";{self.item_id}' self.send_message_to_queue(msg, 'Tags') if __name__ == '__main__': module = PgpDump() module.run()