{% include 'nav_bar.html' %}
{% for metadata_onion in last_onions %} {% endfor %}
Domain First Seen Last Check Status
{{ metadata_onion['domain'] }} {{'{}/{}/{}'.format(metadata_onion['first_seen'][0:4], metadata_onion['first_seen'][4:6], metadata_onion['first_seen'][6:8])}} {{'{}/{}/{}'.format(metadata_onion['last_check'][0:4], metadata_onion['last_check'][4:6], metadata_onion['last_check'][6:8])}}
{{ statDomains['domains_up'] }} UP {{ statDomains['domains_down'] }} DOWN
{{ statDomains['total'] }} Crawled {{ statDomains['domains_queue'] }} Queue
Select domains by date range :

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Crawlers Status
{% for crawler in crawler_metadata %} {% endfor %}
{{crawler['crawler_info']}} {{crawler['crawling_domain']}} {{crawler['status_info']}}