#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* import ConfigParser from ConfigParser import ConfigParser as cfgP import os from collections import OrderedDict import sys import shutil #return true if the configuration is up-to-date def main(): configfile = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/config.cfg') configfileBackup = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/config.cfg') + '.backup' if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise Exception('Unable to find the configuration file. \ Did you set environment variables? \ Or activate the virtualenv.') configfileSample = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/config.cfg.sample') cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(configfile) cfgSample = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cfgSample.read(configfileSample) sections = cfgP.sections(cfg) sectionsSample = cfgP.sections(cfgSample) missingSection = [] dicoMissingSection = {} missingItem = [] dicoMissingItem = {} for sec in sectionsSample: if sec not in sections: missingSection += [sec] dicoMissingSection[sec] = cfgP.items(cfgSample, sec) else: setSample = set(cfgP.options(cfgSample, sec)) setNormal = set(cfgP.options(cfg, sec)) if setSample != setNormal: missing_items = list(setSample.difference(setNormal)) missingItem += [sec] list_items = [] for i in missing_items: list_items.append( (i, cfgSample.get(sec, i)) ) dicoMissingItem[sec] = list_items if len(missingSection) == 0 and len(missingItem) == 0: #print("Configuration up-to-date") return True print("/!\\ Configuration not complete. Missing following configuration: /!\\") print("+--------------------------------------------------------------------+") for section in missingSection: print("["+section+"]") for item in dicoMissingSection[section]: print(" - "+item[0]) for section in missingItem: print("["+section+"]") for item in dicoMissingItem[section]: print(" - "+item[0]) print("+--------------------------------------------------------------------+") resp = raw_input("Do you want to auto fix it? [y/n] ") if resp != 'y': return False else: resp2 = raw_input("Do you want to keep a backup of the old configuration file? [y/n] ") if resp2 == 'y': shutil.move(configfile, configfileBackup) #Do not keep item ordering in section. New items appened for section in missingItem: for item, value in dicoMissingItem[section]: cfg.set(section, item, value) #Keep sections ordering while updating the config file new_dico = add_items_to_correct_position(cfgSample._sections, cfg._sections, missingSection, dicoMissingSection) cfg._sections = new_dico with open(configfile, 'w') as f: cfg.write(f) return True ''' Return a new dico with the section ordered as the old configuration with the updated one added ''' def add_items_to_correct_position(sample_dico, old_dico, missingSection, dicoMissingSection): new_dico = OrderedDict() positions = {} for pos_i, sec in enumerate(sample_dico): if sec in missingSection: positions[pos_i] = sec for pos_i, sec in enumerate(old_dico): if pos_i in positions: missSection = positions[pos_i] new_dico[missSection] = sample_dico[missSection] new_dico[sec] = old_dico[sec] return new_dico if __name__ == "__main__": if main(): sys.exit() else: sys.exit(1)