#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* """ Queue helper module ============================ This module subscribe to a Publisher stream and put the received messages into a Redis-list waiting to be popped later by others scripts. ..note:: Module ZMQ_Something_Q and ZMQ_Something are closely bound, always put the same Subscriber name in both of them. """ import redis import ConfigParser import os import zmq import time import datetime import json class PubSub(object): def __init__(self): configfile = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/config.cfg') if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise Exception('Unable to find the configuration file. \ Did you set environment variables? \ Or activate the virtualenv.') self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.read(configfile) self.redis_sub = False self.zmq_sub = False self.subscriber = None self.publishers = {'Redis': [], 'ZMQ': []} def setup_subscribe(self, conn_name): if self.config.has_section(conn_name): channel = self.config.get(conn_name, 'channel') else: channel = conn_name.split('_')[1] if conn_name.startswith('Redis'): self.redis_sub = True r = redis.StrictRedis( host=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'host'), port=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'port'), db=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'db')) self.subscriber = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True) self.subscriber.psubscribe(channel) elif conn_name.startswith('ZMQ'): self.zmq_sub = True context = zmq.Context() self.subscriber = context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.subscriber.connect(self.config.get(conn_name, 'address')) self.subscriber.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, channel) def setup_publish(self, conn_name): if self.config.has_section(conn_name): channel = self.config.get(conn_name, 'channel') else: channel = conn_name.split('_')[1] if conn_name.startswith('Redis'): r = redis.StrictRedis(host=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'host'), port=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'port'), db=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'db')) self.publishers['Redis'].append((r, channel)) elif conn_name.startswith('ZMQ'): context = zmq.Context() p = context.socket(zmq.PUB) p.bind(self.config.get(conn_name, 'address')) self.publishers['ZMQ'].append((p, channel)) def publish(self, message): m = json.loads(message) channel_message = m.get('channel') for p, channel in self.publishers['Redis']: if channel_message is None or channel_message == channel: p.publish(channel, m['message']) for p, channel in self.publishers['ZMQ']: if channel_message is None or channel_message == channel: p.send('{} {}'.format(channel, m['message'])) def subscribe(self): if self.redis_sub: for msg in self.subscriber.listen(): if msg.get('data', None) is not None: yield msg['data'] elif self.zmq_sub: while True: msg = self.subscriber.recv() yield msg.split(' ', 1)[1] else: raise Exception('No subscribe function defined') class Process(object): def __init__(self, conf_section): configfile = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/config.cfg') if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise Exception('Unable to find the configuration file. \ Did you set environment variables? \ Or activate the virtualenv.') modulesfile = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/modules.cfg') self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.read(configfile) self.modules = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.modules.read(modulesfile) self.subscriber_name = conf_section self.pubsub = None if self.modules.has_section(conf_section): self.pubsub = PubSub() else: raise Exception('Your process has to listen to at least one feed.') self.r_temp = redis.StrictRedis( host=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'host'), port=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'port'), db=self.config.get('RedisPubSub', 'db')) self.moduleNum = os.getpid() def populate_set_in(self): # monoproc src = self.modules.get(self.subscriber_name, 'subscribe') self.pubsub.setup_subscribe(src) for msg in self.pubsub.subscribe(): in_set = self.subscriber_name + 'in' self.r_temp.sadd(in_set, msg) self.r_temp.hset('queues', self.subscriber_name, int(self.r_temp.scard(in_set))) def get_from_set(self): # multiproc in_set = self.subscriber_name + 'in' self.r_temp.hset('queues', self.subscriber_name, int(self.r_temp.scard(in_set))) message = self.r_temp.spop(in_set) timestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())) dir_name = os.environ['AIL_HOME']+self.config.get('Directories', 'pastes') if message is None: return None else: try: if ".gz" in message: path = message.split(".")[-2].split("/")[-1] else: path = "?" value = str(timestamp) + ", " + path self.r_temp.set("MODULE_"+self.subscriber_name + "_" + str(self.moduleNum), value) self.r_temp.sadd("MODULE_TYPE_"+self.subscriber_name, str(self.moduleNum)) return message except: path = "?" value = str(timestamp) + ", " + path self.r_temp.set("MODULE_"+self.subscriber_name + "_" + str(self.moduleNum), value) self.r_temp.sadd("MODULE_TYPE_"+self.subscriber_name, str(self.moduleNum)) return message def populate_set_out(self, msg, channel=None): # multiproc msg = {'message': msg} if channel is not None: msg.update({'channel': channel}) self.r_temp.sadd(self.subscriber_name + 'out', json.dumps(msg)) def publish(self): # monoproc if not self.modules.has_option(self.subscriber_name, 'publish'): return False dest = self.modules.get(self.subscriber_name, 'publish') # We can have multiple publisher for name in dest.split(','): self.pubsub.setup_publish(name) while True: message = self.r_temp.spop(self.subscriber_name + 'out') if message is None: time.sleep(1) continue self.pubsub.publish(message)